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Everything posted by BringMeTheHorizon

  1. A place where you get three meals a day, a gym, a place to earn income for when you get out, and get an education? Yea. Hell on earth. If I ever become destitute, and homeless, i'll be robbing a place to get sent to jail.
  2. Yes you were, don't lie. Go ask Yuurei all three were, and are protected by TE. Or refer to [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/120592-of-peace/?p=3228583]this[/url], that's only with the UA raid. There are also the ones from TRE, and ICoN, this is the only one I can actually point to. But yea, so all those alliances were protected by TE when we raided them. You're still protecting them, and they can do so much better than TE. Because you edited. A raid is 2 GA's then peace. So yea, the non-UA one was 2 GAs then peace. The Danny one was only offered peace on the last day available on the war after the last 2 GAs. After six days of nuking. They kicked her out, and wouldn't defend her. TE wasn't going to defend her. You even caved to my "demands" . The exclamation mark is TE's horrible defense, and deterrent of raids on their protectorates, no doubt.
  3. I think you're missing the point where we didn't ask anyone for help, also those four nations were still in war during our rogue situation.
  4. I've tried to watch it, couldn't get past the first two episodes didn't like it. You may like code geass. The only anime i've ever liked in my entire life.
  5. Loki, you're more than welcome to rejoin me at RIOT. You were a great addition when I was in Solis. Don't let these nay-sayers get to you.
  6. You had your chance to coup me, but I'm back!
  7. I didn't know 100 tech made RIOT basically a DBDC protectorate. Man, this is cool beans.
  8. US you offered to help, I said if you'd like, sure. You came to me. We did not go to any of our allies to help. Your next point that we got raped, I didn't fight back, because I knew it would make him angrier, it did to the point where he attacked other members because of my actions. So yes any nation that drops over 100k that has enough wonders to have played over two years alone (having all the military wonders) with over 2 billion as a war chest, and attacks me who was 15k (?) then rebuilds enough infra to attack people with maybe a fourth of his wonders? Yes, anyone with those disadvantages would get raped. Even you in our position. You should also know what my war chest was before he attacked me, as I lost over 6k infra being nuked by Kaskus and SRA, was ZIed, and was at 300ns. You spied me and tried destroying my money, it costed more than you destroyed. So yes, I got raped, because I neither had the money, and had 1/10 his wonders. But don't act like anyone else with comparable wonders, even with 10 times more of my war chest would have not gotten raped.
  9. I might even throw out il Conformista. Dragonshy- It has cats in it? Donkey Kong - I have a first edition of treasure island
  10. Sir Admiral Bob was old school, and he was on his way out. Now that Carson kid was a young go getter, much respect for him.
  11. Rey, you are the little engine that could.
  12. What is your favorite book? Mine personally is 'Don Quixtote'. Do you identify the book with anything special? The way you want to act, a certain period of your life? etcetc.
  13. Damn, RIOT is ranked 121 = / One day we'll be in the spoiler tags for the race
  14. I only use their deodorant, anyone who uses sprays just has too much smell to them. I was walking around the farmers market this morning, and I saw this guy, and a girl he was with. I walked by, and the over powering of smell of spray made me involuntarily cough, and I heard the girl s!@#$%* a little. Just don't an over powering smell too much, or it's just the opposite, and makes it smell like you used that much to mask not taking a shower.
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