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Everything posted by BringMeTheHorizon

  1. I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.
  2. Take care of the sense and the sounds will take care of themselves
  3. Spiritofjustice turns up nothing on a search of CN, nor does Thyroid. So, you should update your info on here so people can find your nation, unless i'm just not using the search function correctly.
  4. If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there.
  5. Well that was the silliest tea party I ever went to! I am never going back there again!
  6. The the world has absolutely no sense, who's stopping us from inventing one?
  7. Well, I never heard it before, but it sounds uncommon nonsense
  8. TBRaiders is right. Just because it's an "issue" now, doesn't mean it hasn't be an "issue" for several years. The game mechanics are exactly that, game mechanics, and when used as Hime does, or as a raider does, you can grow fast, or if a raid decides to fight back and nuke for 6 days, you really don't grow that much, but I digress. Everyone complaining now about super nations is just being silly, especially when there were super nations all the time,even back when I started in 08. Just the NS has gone higher and higher since then. So let's not pretend that it's all of a sudden a problem that these nations are grouped together in an alliance that can protect each other so much more efficiently than by being alone. If I rerolled today the only way for me to catch hime, or anyone in the top 20 is to import cash/tech every ten days, and, AND, raid with 6 successful GAs a day, so I can get more tech, money, and land to boost my NS. That is the only way now-a-days to even remotely out spend, and out import enough NS than the big nations. It always has been, since the game has seen a "top tier" aspect, or people wanting to get bigger, but started years later.
  9. First round, too high, I have you rated as third round at best.
  10. I meet this Russian Kid recently, and who knew, he likes to drink! So we get along swimingly, and last night we drank through two bottles of whiskey, and a 24 beers, and played poker. While I ate left over white castle, which is ten times better than having white castles as soon as it comes out, it's not as greasy, so guess who is going to just wait till the next night to eat it all the time! I was also teaching him how to say slang words in English, and he was teaching me how to say !@#$ in Russian. We made great strides in Russian/American relations, so much he even invited me to Russia, because in his own words, i'm the coolest American he's meet in months of being here. So my night was p. dope last night. It was just a nice relaxing fun night. I feel lately a lot of people I know are getting uptight about work, family, relationships, and life in general. They're starting to not enjoy life, for even the small nuances of meeting a new person, and just chilling, and getting to know them. Everyone says your mid-20's are supposed to be fun, and the start of your life, but no one says it's also one of the most awkward transition into being an adult after college, and a lot of people are crushing under the pressure to conform to what their family want of them, in the form of being an adult, and trying to start a family, finding a career, and paying bills on time. but I digress... What has been your best night the last week, or two weeks. Did you sit down from the lumbers of work, and read a book? Have a nice conversation with a new person? Any epiphanies.
  11. Meek Mill is currently killing it I feel
  12. I wasn't really asking for the top five albums that should be the top five albums. I was trying to ask, more of, what are your top five albums. Which ones did you like the most, or which ones do you think should be top five. Because like I told Loki, there are a !@#$ ton of artist who weren't/aren't mainstream who deserve to be top five. Like Jedi would be my top ten if they were bigger, and had more of a reach.
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