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Burning Glory

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Everything posted by Burning Glory

  1. Hoosier aka cowboy has a point here, I see where he is coming from. He's just trying to keep the numbers from dwindling any further. I know back in the day TPF/TPC raided, and trust me we did our share of it. However we always had a raiding rule. Unaligned was ok. We never raided an alliance over x amount of people I think like 10 or so people, or in the top 2 or 3 pages. When we did raid, we asked That our members only hit with 2 ground attacks and then offer peace. There for the nation was not rocked and at most put into anarchy. Of course there was always the few who decided to attack back, which did end up costing more than it gained in raiding but of course that nation ended up being destroyed through the war. Now with the addition of XP I think it is crucial that nations raid, and raid with ground, air, and navy. I do feel that one round or 2 at the most is sufficient to collect XP then peace out. This leaving that nation to rebuild, and less likely to just give up. The other side is that it does help noobs both in an alliance and with out learn the abc's of waring. I don't think Hoosier expects no raiding, just raiding in moderation and I for one wouldn't want to be apart of an alliance that forbid it. Lol, Adude is still around? Ha I'm going to have to stop over and say hi I lol'd BG
  2. I'm just saying this is the way it appears, especially after the comments were made about last round and it being a little To coincidental. I think you misread what I said, I was speaking specifically to that person/nation leader and I was also referring to " back in the day". No alliance as a whole could be held responcible for the comments, believes, or opinions of any one nation.....don't care who u are ;) I don't think you know what your talking about, you and the other 2 gloating, rodomontading avengers are the ones acting like You own the show, like your $&!@ don't stink!! The more you talk the more I think I'm dealing with a immature pretentious adolescent teenager, and being as I have one I know there is no point in trying to get you to understand a specific point and that the world doesn't revolve around you. Not once did I say I had plan to recruit more nations to help next round, in fact my plan is much more grand then that ;) However you have said one thing in your babbling that makes sense, only being as I have been out for so long.....I do need to take at least a round maybe two to catch up and get back into the swing of things. But don't pat yourself on the back just yet, I actually came to that conclusion a few days ago when I joined IRC and couldn't remember anything about it, and after searching for several nations in TE that appearently don't play anymore. Hopefully I can change that. With all that said if KJ said you guys were great last round, hats off to ya.....far as this round, as I said I'm not impressed. Just because you hit RE on day 16, means nothing. As you stated they were already at war, and I'm sure you again had at least one more days of tax collection before you hit them. Not to mention everyone knows RE has been and probably still full of noobs. I could state a few other benefits you had going against them but I already know in your eyes it wouldn't make a difference. So the conclusion and reality is by attacking them, all it did was help you build by stealing land and tech. Yeah that's something you should be proud of and I'm sure you did your share of gloating back then as well. Far as hitting us, and the others well I've already stated my opinion on that as well. Lastly with the war ending soon there really isn't much more to say, I've made my point....as noted, you know best, your the greatest, and you can't be wrong so it really wouldn't make any sense to continue. I leave it at that GL to Hellas and OP on rebuilding the rounds not over yet!
  3. No need to explain last round, as stated I wasn't here and to be honest don't really care. What happened last round stays in that round, this is a new round. I've been here 9 days now and despite your Rambling of how great the avengers are and your many achievements and victories in war, I'm simply not impressed! Actions speak louder than words and you attacking all of us after the fact regardless of your BS excuses is a d$@! Move. You speak of what OP did last round (if it's true) being a d$@! Move, well you've just did the same thing. It appears that this attack on TPC, OP, and Hellas is more less a retaliation from last round, throwing in Hellas to make it look good. To make matters worse you and a few of your members come in here gloating and talking crap about all the rest of TE. I find it despicable!! I disagree, while there are noobs playing and probably getting pummeled, they are learning something and I think are eager to come back and put that to use in the next round. I believe the depleting numbers are the more novice and experienced players tired of all the BS that tends to go on here. Here is an example; I started playing TE in round 1, through the rounds and up till I stopped playing the numbers in TE kept growing round after round.....if my memory serves me correctly there were sometimes as many as 7,8,9 pages of alliances and the number of members in some of those alliances were as high as 120+ with an average of 40-50. I knew many of them as we played round after round and most were experienced players, so where are they all now? I look around TE and only see a fraction of what once was here playing. Far as you tring to police TE, I'll give you a little bit of props there as TPC has been there done that! Trust me it won't work out. Eventually it falls back in your face. And I'll put it to you like it was once put to me, "Who the hell do you think you are and who the hell left you to decide what does and does not happen or what's fair in TE" . Just a little FYI. What I'm doing here is far from crying, I'm simply stating the obvious and as I've said before any other person coming in here giving their 2 cents worth is just doing the same, you need to learn the difference! Trust me, I will be here next round and I'm going to do Everything I can to shake things up. Yeah he is definitely coming across that way, as well as several other Avenger members in this post, Except Kitty, she's got the right attitude :p Yeah it's been a while, not sure where the rest of the guys are but I hope they come back to playing! message me here or in game :)
  4. Yeah I know for a fact some of the nations in avengers do know how to war, I remember them from way back up till I left TE. You got half of it right, "multiple attackers on less defenders" and yes alliances that don't cordinate or aren't ready do loose. I think what your missing is that an alliance such as Avengers by your own words "know how to fight" should have stayed out Of this war. They already had a huge advantage by waiting for one more days collection and hitting alliances already at war. Not to mention various other advantages. This is the reason TE has dwindled in numbers and keeps loosing people. Anyway this is a short round so we'll all make the best of it.....
  5. Unfortunately not, can't speak for last round as I wasn't here and haven't been here for a few years so I guess I'll just have to take your word on who war'd the most and whom came out on top. However if your waring in last round is mirrored to what you've done so far this round it's no wonder you war'd the most and came out on top. I bet any alliance playing the game could be great if they escaped war till half round while they built up to the top nations yet watching all the other AA's killing pixels then waited till alliances went to war then a day later jumped in on that said war. Yeah I'm not impressed, so forgive me if I don't sit here looking in aw at the mighty avengers who conquered TE. So I'll just put your words back to you, with this statment.....true no one has hit you this round and yes anyone could have but the fact is they didn't, however that didn't stop you from attacking any earlier either, and it definitely doesn't give you any clout when you do attack, that you jump on another alliance's back while they are already waring. You speak as if people coming in here stating facts and not being happy about the fact that the largest group of the best built nations playing TE just jumped them from behind is dishonorable, NOT true! The fact is they are only stating the truth, but when you have 2 or 3 nations coming here thinking their $@!# don't stink and how they are the best, that is what gives dishonor. DB was in war mode and his statment speaks to that, nothing dishonorable just the facts and if I know DB he's shooting you straight, check your infra levels ;) I will say this, I'm here now and trust me if I have anything to do with it, things will be a little different in rounds to come. Then we can talk judgment, and I guarantee you it won't be because we attacked the back of alliances already at war! BG
  6. I honestly think your talking out your @$$, don't let the fact that this round has let u build unsscaved from war Blow up your big head. While I and most of TE nations think this war on the part of Avengers was a BS move, We have accepted it and as DB said, the war is not over. Now with that said your gloating is unbecoming of an honorable alliance, that in its self is disrespectful to the AA's your waring with let alone several of the nations in avengers that I know are honorable nations wouldn't condone it.....back in the day this would have earned you A beat down at the start of the next round and continued attacks through out.
  7. Looks like a pretty even war, this is the kind of war where team work, preparation, and WC really pay off....Should be interesting. GL guys!
  8. Listen, all I'm saying is this.....once nations in a AA attack someone it's usually one attacker hitting 2 targets leaving the third attack open (some nations use all 3 war slots) So when another AA attacks in a war already in process then that war jumps from 2 wars slots to 4 war slots on the attacking nation so you have that going in your favor. The next thing to look at is while the other nations are waring you have one more day of collections before you jump in again already waring. And in this said war, several nations have been put into anarchy thus their ability to attack your AA nations is now null. Yes agreed, had you attacked the AA's in your DoW prior to their wars then yes those AA's would have been understandable targets. Not after the fact for reasons I just stated. I'm just saying.... At the moment it is what it is, so as KJ said lets just have fun. I lol'd!! Get'em DB!
  9. So your answer to boredom is to attack alliances already at war.....Couldn't find any other AA's or combination there of to attack. Lol TE never changes!
  10. Its been a pleasure and an honor to call PS friends and fight beside them on several occasions. I wish all the members of PS luck in the future rounds and what ever alliance they call home untill PS's return should be honored to have them. If I know jack and the fine gents of PS (WC as well) PS won't be gone for to long! BG.
  11. [quote name='JonBoy16' timestamp='1307502732' post='2726571'] Am I the only one who immaturely laughed when I read this? [/quote] Thats about the trues thing you ever said JB, but you know me and the rest of TPC love ya [quote name='paul711' timestamp='1307505755' post='2726627'] TBH I puked but heh [/quote] Your being a bit of a drama queen now, bet you like to ride on the back of a motor cycle to
  12. [quote name='paul711' timestamp='1307510724' post='2726723'] I guess it won't matter now BG declared on me so all TPC targets are fair game. [/quote] Yeah, guess you thought I'd let you run off with the mouth in our DOW thread , hit our nations less than a week out of war while our top tier were already at war (and eaten nukes) all while you have 3k higher avg NS, and over 3 weeks of WC saving since your last war......and you your self- DOWN declared even hitting nations as much as 6 DAYS INACTIVE! I'll give you a good fight though! [quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1307511554' post='2726743'] Swest was not engaged when the target assignments were issued (note the time of his attacks). And note that 2 is not "tripled". Finally, note how your honorable limited engagement with Rohirrim grows by the minute. [/quote] oh, so you just made the target list 5 or 10 min before you attacked us? HMMM, says in your DOW that "[size="5"]We were planning on hitting TPC, but things got a Little complicated with their hit on Rohirrim." [/size] SO it would seem you had the target list made out well before and you could have changed it, or you lied about that ^^^^^, or your lying now.....maybe both! I don't think you would have ever hit us had we not have been at war with Rohirrm. Never the less you hit one of ours already at war which went against your DOW, I'm defending! BRING IT! [quote name='TBRaiders' timestamp='1307512048' post='2726753'] I saw Swest had a couple offensive wars when I read the target list and would have said something, but I thought we were just avoiding nations in anarchy. Regardless, he had a few K NS on me and the TC guy had like 7K ns on me, and it's TE, and I don't care, blah blah, wish we were fighting somebody else but it is what it is. Hope everyone has fun. [/quote] No worries, who could hold the fact that you followed orders against you! BG.
  13. [quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1306730880' post='2720440'] !@#$%* move by both AA's. Not surprised. TPC has gone downhill so much. [/quote] Really? I think TPC is as good as ever.....See we at TPC don't feel the need to crush any alliance, when one ask for peace we grant it, what ever their reason to request peace!! Always was that way, always will be. I like to think any alliance playing TE would do the same and I'm quite sure PS would be as honorable BG.
  14. Thanks guys! its an honor to war friends!! BG.
  15. [quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1306648862' post='2719857'] Making a mental note to hide in TPC next time. [/quote] I LOL'D!! You guys need to cut McShamus a break, He did as was asked and attacked a target, and truth is we both took off around 200 infra from that target. I don't care if he is flag running or not, or what AA he came from....he did more than a lot of ghosting or flag running nations would have and thats all I care about. Heck, I hope he wins the flag! I know he's sitting on some serious cash cause he's been sitting at 3999 infra for a bit, and I collect almost 3 mil per collect (pre-war). Anyway, Thanks to Synergy for joining the fun and help even out the numbers o/ Synergy BG.
  16. [quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1305091923' post='2710003'] Good Luck Y'all!! Have Fun. Looks like the [b]G[/b]low [b]R[/b]angers will light the fire. 83 Glow Sticks to 22. [/quote] Yeah, its actually more like 94 nukes to 13, and since we have a few ghost/flag runners its probably more like 94 to 6 nukes. [quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1305114962' post='2710080'] Nice updeclare, GR has 4 times the nukes, half as many nations, similar ANS, probably twice the warchest. Interested in seeing how it ends up. [/quote] Looks like quite a few peeps have noticed.....OVER 4 times the nukes, under half as many nations, at the very least triple the WC, but yeah very close the the same AVG NS Usually TE alliances have a certain honor, as there is a general unspoken rule and I can't remember the last time anyone violated it.....Do not hit AA's already at war/don't hit AA's less than 2 weeks out of a war. To add, far as I can remember, I don't really recall any alliance hitting another with less than 20% of the nuke count either...heck for that matter, I don't recall anyone hitting another alliance with less than 50%!! Seems funny that there are at least 2 or so alliances in the top 12 that have not war'd yet as of this round, I can think of one right off the bat. Not to throw you guys under the bus PS, as you know your good friends, but IF GR really wanted a fight, and far more fair than attacking an AA just barely over a week out of war, they would have hit PS, RIGHT? Close to the same nukes, close to same member count, just a higher AVG NS is all! They wanted a fight though, right? Just say'n is all BG.
  17. [quote name='Ferrie' timestamp='1295995907' post='2601131'] You guys missed me. Dont let it happen again. Salute! TPC! Lets have some fun. [/quote] lol, yeah seems that CN had some problems last night as I and several other TPC peeps tried the update blitz only to find that CN went down.....Really screwed up the blitz and the peeps who only get on at update for the blitz and most of us couldn't even hit till after the update. At any rate, this should be a fun 3 days and hopefully CMEA will get the point and peace out our little friends GL all! BG.
  18. [quote name='paul711' timestamp='1294723052' post='2571772'] Don't feed his ego anymore. First person to reply gets his AA PZIed. [/quote] [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1294782439' post='2572269'] [i]I'm glad I inspire you But paul711, why are you so mad? Try to understand That I do want you as a fan I just don't want you to do some crazy !@#$ I seen this one !@#$ on the news A couple weeks ago that made me sick[/i] In all seriousness, paul you're blowing things way out of proportion, and I'm not only referring to your post, but to these I thought we agreed on our IRC convo we aren't. enemies, we just aren't friends. But if you want it to be that way, so be it. PS: What happens to the AA of the Second person to reply? Confusion. [/quote] Whats up with you two? I mean this has gone from a game to a serious grudge for some reason. Just don't seem right to be like this, kinda seems like it would take the fun out of the game :/ I know confusion is young...young enough to make mistakes and mabe run off with the mouth a bit. Heck i'll even admit he has pushed my buttons before, especially when he was plotting against TPC on one of the rounds I took off (think he even war'd us) I didn't hold this against him. I honestly think he's pretty cool, his age shows at times but we all have our days....I'm not even imune to that. Paul, from what i've heard from you, you seem like a fair guy. You also seem quite a bit older than Confusion ( I may be wrong) and that should warrant some understanding, at the very least some over looking Just saying you would probably have more fun if you didn't take him so serious. At any rate Confusion is still a friend of mine, live and let live I always say GL with the war to all involved, have fun! BG.
  19. [quote name='Ferrie' timestamp='1294868553' post='2573419'] Great hearing from you again, BG. I see your still whining over stuff that doesn't involve you. This will be my last post on this topic, so hopefully we can all move on after this... LE was attacked by 3 Alliances with the sole purpose of a curb-stomp, in an attempt to make it so LE wouldn't be a factor, or a threat to G-6, and their quest for global domination. Yes. they declared on 3 others alliances, as well.... Those 3 alliances were already deeply at war. As a result, LE war fighting 75% of the front, and the remaining 3 alliances had very limited wars against them.... Were we butthurt? Maybe a little. Do we hold a grudge? No, however. We wouldnt give you that satisfaction even if we did. We did nothing but finish out the wars that were declared against us. Our allies wanted us to give RE, and DR peace, so we did. We weren't gonna give peace to a group of aggressors that obviously have something(grudge?) against LE(sound familiar?), just so they can rebuild, and regroup with a new plan to take over the world. Sucks that some dont like it, but truthfully, we dont care. This is who LE was. This is who LE is. This is who LE will always be. We stand up for what we believe in. Either way, it is what it is. We were attacked by someone with the full intention of warring for 7 days. We give them 7 days of war, and all we get are "Those LE guys are monsters!". We are NOT monsters. We're the same fighters you've been fighting for the last 12 rounds. We fight for honor, integrity, and the pursuit of CN happiness. We'll continue to do the same things that have made LE into what it is today. What exactly do you fight for? ---------------------------------------------------------- I'd also like to take this time to thanks our allies for their help. Much appreciated, and Salute to all who fought. [/quote] Yeah, i'm still here, of course not as much as I'd like to be Um, no...not whinning more of a statement of the obvious and facts, an agreeance of several post by several peeps . However your free to call it what you want LE may have been attacked by 3 aa's but it was not an all out attack by the three, mostly just G-6. OK I get that, WAR WAS BROUGHT TO YOUR DOOR and you stepped up as anyone would, jolly good show sir! The part that you as round 15 leader lacked honor in was, G-6 was hit by 3 other AA's on top of the ones they had dow'd...thus this was a curbstomp of G-6 and the LE I know wouldn't have let that fly. Maybe I missjudged you guys, at least thats what your saying. Remember you guys were not the only aa hit TFK were also hit and both of your aa's were fresh WC while G-6 was 3 maybe 4 days out of a war with tw. So you honestly still don't see wrong in that ? Anyway, I'm sure you'll still see your right in all this and thats cool, it always easier when your the winning alliance of the beat down then it is if your the one getting beat on after you've been beat down. BG. PS I thought LE doesn't believe in allys or treaties? just say is all
  20. [quote name='Mike Oldfield' timestamp='1294699837' post='2571399'] abit contradictory wouldn't you say? not to mention LE gave no reason why they're continuing the war. LE is clearly doing it out of revenge, oh and LE does peace out defensive wars, RE and TPC got peace didn't they? LE should've either peaced or issued a seperate DoW with clearly stated reasons like every other alliance that declares war in TE does. the way this is wired LE can fight g-6 indefinitely. this is an undeclared war, they don't even have to offer g-6 peace. they can pound g-6 to ZI and hold them there. [/quote] As the saying goes Mike, this is TE and thus no real reason is needed for war or a continue of such. I agree with your arguement at least for the most part...LE and TFK should have peaced out. As I stated in my previous post this is not the LE I know. Its no secrete LE and TPF/TPC have war'd many times but most of our wars were a set number of days by both sides (whom ever did the blitz). However TPC and LE has granted peace to each other in the other occasions. TPC gives peace freely with no requirements of any kind, If the AA we are waring with ask we give it no questions. I feel TE is meant for fun, FUN is not killing down the attacking or defensive alliance we are at war with. Fun is a war that both parties compete and most of the time there is a winner and a looser with a few times both AA's getting beat up fairly well. But the main point is that each live to fight another day. It is the wars that people are nasty, over killing, and ruthless i.e. beating a dead horse (which is what LE and TFK has done here) That causes grudges and makes long term enemies. Question is how do you think either alliance attacking G-6 would deal with this if it were reversed. How would LE or TFK feel if they were in beat down ally? My bet is, no matter how they would act, I'm sure they wouldn't like it. I'm very surprised that anyone who could honestly say they wouldn't like it or appreciate it could agree with whats going on. Then again this is TE and sooner or later those same people (everyone not opposed to a beat down) just might be sporting that same black eye. Salute o/ G-6 BG.
  21. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1294615689' post='2570324'] i am all for moving on though. tW is growing very boring with their repetitive party line toting. leaders of alliances that it had to take a crapload more NS, nations, and alliances had to be used in order to achieve said beat down. then comes the whole "G-6/DR/RE are ruining TE and are ebil and whiners and bawwwwwwww" bs that came from your side throughout this whole war. then it ends with despite G-6 having taking a huge hit, LE/TFK want to continue the war but only on G-6 instead of G-6/DR/RE. but hey, let the curbstomp continue. and no, that is not whining. that is providing facts. i am still having a blast and i am still fighting back, despite loosing all my ground wars, not having any aircraft and being bombed to smithereens, i am still fighting back. it is obvious that anything is allowed when it happens to G-6, but if G-6 does it, it is ruining TE. let the hypocrisy that is your side of the war continue. [/quote] Though I've snipped out most of your post, I have to say I agree with everything you said. I have said pretty much the same thing as you in other post about Clash and a few other postings from members of tw. My opinion of G-6 is that you guys are an honorable group of fighters and undoubtedly a huge contender for one of TE best AA's ever. I've seen your ranks, I know many a fighters in your alliance....they consist of some of TE best fighters, skilled players and builders. Get back on your horse G-6, ride this out and know it took many to bring down the force that is G-6, and know that [u]NONE[/u] of them could have done it straight up. I salute G-6 and will fight beside you any day! To LE; You guys are loosing it, this is your honor? this is what you have become? An alliance that came against 2 fresh alliances with WC and no wars deserves this? At that they split their forces to attack several other aa's and then several other aa's that were fresh WC and no wars attack them and you refuse to peace them out? Really, are you that scared of what they will become to beat them down like this? This is not the LE I know nor the LE I've give credit to in the past. To all the leaders that agreed to peace; For what its worth, I respect your decision to bail and peace on a war that turned stupid ugly. Regardless of your side and you stance on whats right and wrong with the war, all of you made an honorable choice that most certainly kept TE from having/being turned into the worst round ever. Congrats on peace to all of you. Salute! To KingJames; Congrats on pulling this off, I know it was not easy and took a lot of hard work and hours to achieve what seemed like the impossible on your part. Salute!!! Now everyone rebuild, enjoy a round of beer on me and lets get ready to rumble...there's much more war'n left in this round BG.
  22. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1294224356' post='2564272'] To those of you crying 'curbstomp'. LE apart from being one of the most elite fighting alliances, haven't been involved in a war this round. And no, that's not why we attacked them. You see, if G-6 Declared on LE alone, LE would've turned the wave. Why? Because they have been preparing for a defensive war since the truce ended. And unlike G-6, they don't have replenished warchests. Member Count wise, we do have the advantage...but that's not all there is in war. I know LE will give us a good fight and in the end, we'll have fun. Anyways, as always, I don't care what any of ya'll think. So continue arguing... Confusion. [/quote] Agreed.....LE is ONE of the best and they have seen worse odds. Plus as stated, they have had all round to build and stock up on WC while G-6 just got out of war a few days ago. Right on Confusion! Besides LE is probably glad they have the honor of fighting from the other side of the war as its been awhile since they have been hit.....Last I remember was a few rounds ago when TPC hit them on day 6, good fight that one there was, then again TPC and LE always make it a fun time for all [quote name='lookoot' timestamp='1294237263' post='2564365'] ah everythings clear now ,it looks like G6,RE,TPC and DR have joined forces this round ,the rest of us have to be at there disposal for whenever they feel like a curbstomp or playing out some of there weasel moves i feel a lot better now knowing the rules this round ! the lunatics really are trying to take over the asylum [/quote] What? TPC never attacked anyone, we were the ones DoW'd on. THP, DF, and who ever else it was. The majority of the wars declared on the blitz and the day after were on TPC, 158 wars between us, and only like 28 against GDA and the other alliance they said they were hitting. We didn't complain, we didn't cry.....WE WAR. I'm not saying that it was THP's plan or DF plan to mostly roll on TPC, maybe we were the bigger threat and thus needed more attantion. At any rate, YEAH, G-6, TPC, GDA, RE, DR are all friends, this doesn't mean as you put it,"The rest of ushave to be at there dispoasal for whenever they feel like a curbstomp". Far as I see it, THERE IS NO SUCH THING GOING ON! RE is fighting DF, THP, LE, and a few other rouge nations G-6 is waring LE, TFK, (G-6 is fresh out of battle days ago) TPC is waring DF, THP, TA GDA is fighting THP, DF DR is waring LE, THP ***Conclusion*** RE, G-6, TPC, GDA, DR total nations 227 VS LE, THP,DF,TFK total nations 173 thats a total difference of 54 nations.....take into effect that G-6 is fresh out of war, TPC was blitzed on by three AA's, LE and TFK has had all round to build WC I'd say its pretty evenly matched. However I'm willing to hear the other points from the other side. BG.
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