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Burning Glory

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Everything posted by Burning Glory

  1. I had a few Queries on who our Gov is, and who our treaty partners are this round. This should sum it up for any inquiring minds BG.
  2. Well here is what i found out; TS hit UJA, (both are friends of TPF). PU hit TS in defense of UJA (PU are old allies of TPF) LC hits PU in defense of TS ( LC is a TPF protectorate) Hisk and another nation hit a few LC nations, Marcus being one of them. Marcuse pms me and I try to get in contact with Hisk via IRC, he's not on the 30 or 40 min I was waiting. I informed Marcus that PU was friends and old allies and he should peace out. Got back on IRC looked for Hisk, not on the 15 or 20 min i waited. Got my MoFA to talk to PU gov, UJA, and Marcus to get this whole thing peaced out and I also sent Hisk a PM explaining to him I was being put in a bad spot and wasn't happy about it, to peace out marcus and I would get marcus to peace all this out. I was told by my MoFA that it was all handled and peace was acheived. My bad spot is I don't agree with TS hitting UJA, but i'm not treatied to either of them and have no bearing on their decisions. But PU even though not TPF allies this round are good friends and i'd have to help them if asked, (getting on with the bad spot) hits TS causing the treaty with LC to be activated, Now PU and a protectorate of TPF are waring...Not exceptable by me and the main reason i canceled most of my treaties last round. Then Hish and another MHA nation hit Marcus and crew to help PU....Bad because I don't want to hit Hisk for helping out TPF friends, PU. Yet a protectorate of TPF was hit by him for activating the treaty with LC allies. I'm glad this all got peaced, fairly quick. BG.
  3. A clown suit,lol! Its not really rich, but it sure does confuse the enemy BG.
  4. Problem here is Marcus and his alliance is protected by TPF, I'm still lokking into this but as far as I know TPF was not contacted about marcus attacking PU because they hit TS for attacking UJA. I'm still working on the outcome/resolve of the situation. If anyone has something to add, please pm me. BG.
  5. Good move Qazzian....As always TPF backs OB on this. BG.
  6. lol, not sure Who DF was bringing but you can bet TPF and allies were getting dressed for the party Well congrats, this darn bow tie was to tight around my neck anyway BG.
  7. lol this is Epic! I gues your always wanting most what you can't have BG.
  8. Yeah i remember when i first started i was unalligned for about a month till i was raided, then i joined TPF. Things have just got worse since then, guess its the cost of Tech and growth of so many large nations. True that! BG.
  9. I lol'd! Really what happened, happens...But it could have been that he just wanted to re-roll, this is of course possible even if not likely. You just never really know what happens once you move on to other raids, the irony is TE is about WAR/raiding and if people can't understand that the chances of surviving in that atmosphere with out maintaining that mentality and or joining an alliance of some kind, then they are probably better off quitting TE, albeit an unaligned nation in SE isn't any better off. BG.
  10. LOL, AS did I! Well that plus centripetal and centrifugal being used in the same paragraph You are correct...While it has stir'd the "RISE" in some TPF, others are laughing as well. Take me for instance Fact is Trouble was asked early this round (as I was told) about any conflict or grudges being carried over from last round, to which the reply was NO. For that reason I gave the OK for many TPF members to open trades with trouble as they were offered to the members of TPF and its allies. Just like last round TPF does not wish for conflict from a fellow white team alliance, but as always WE will defend any acts of aggression. With that said, we are not opposed to any propaganda, factious statements, or other post to satirize TPF. Especially when the Aurthur is stultified, using superficial comments that are lacking facts just to be pretentious and embrace his arrogance, when he is clearly pseudo-intellectual and lacking tact. See WE like to give RISE as well BG.
  11. Yeah I feel the love But seriously, punishment? We didn't deserve punishment, what happened happend months ago and as i said planned while we were at war. TPF didn't OWE ATHENS any talks while what we did was planned in war time, you don't go to the enemy and ask if its ok or talk about your plans before you do it. Besides that ATHENS acted on words that they didn't know was true or not, so yes they owed us that much...and as it turns out only part of it is true! TPF honored our treaty in the KARMA war, We were offerd peace at/towards the end of the war but with BS terms, but i guess you would have taken them just to end the fighting with your AA while your allies were still be rolled? Well we didn't and we never will, so no we couldn't of ended it at anytime...you just have no clue what actually went on. And yes we are being attacked by 5 or 6 AA's; RAGNAROK, \m/, Athens, GOD, may be the main ones but we have all of the others trying to pick us clean UPN, IFOK, NNK, TOoJ, AI. Not as if just ATHENS and RAGNARK wouldn't be enough, but they made sure we had no chance by bringing in the others. Let me guess it ok though because its not your AA, or your friends? Thats right the EVIL TPF deserves punishment. For the record, in the karma war, TPF did have athens nations attacking us. IT MAY HAVE NOT BEEN A FULL ATTACK, but they piled on us just like all the others. So yeah, you keep your opinion your intilted to it. I don't agree with it, nor would i if it was a different AA but i'll respect it....however when the time comes that you have to wear our shoes I hope you remember how good it felt to throw stones from accross the street One more thing, the very thing you think TPF deserves punishment for, ATHENS plan was just posted on OWF by OBM and they were not even at war with them, nor did they have a treaty in any way. They simply tried to coup the leader and split up the AA just so they could reap the tech from them. I know you can find a way to justify that or twist it around, spin it what ever and thats cool, I expect nothing less from the ATHENS followers. BG. EDIT* Kellroy You guys have my highest respect, it matters not how some people of CN see you, only who matters
  12. UM, yeah i don't think it was supose to be a blitz.....But in comparison to yours, i'd say it was about even Welcome to the frey BAPS, may your nukes find every target with the first launch! BG.
  13. Speaking on my own accord, I really don't know whats going on but The whole WAR is BS.....I mean really, to attack an alliance that was at best 1/3 rd of What they were pre-karma with 500 plus nations spanning over 5 or 6 AA's because of SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED MONTHS AGO while TPF was at war against Athens and 6 or 7 other AA's. To boot, they hit with out any talks from TPF GOV to prove any of this BS was true, or even why. Not saying this is true but For heavens sake, when you are at war- being beat down by many AA's with no peace or end to the war in sight....YOU MUST DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO! I don't think any less would of happened from any alliance in CN under those conditions. Regardless of whats going on, I understand TPF allies predicument....Its almost as bad as being attacked by 5 or 6 AA's yourself. And the last thing you want to do is be the only one jumping in to feed the sharks. I've been in TPF since day one of me playing CN, this was since late spring, early summer of 07. I've stayed in TPF because I've found them to be an honorable, respectful and committed alliance. The people are very friendly and helpful, but thats not to say that we don't have a bad apple or 2 or that I agree with all of the decisions made by TPF GOV. What I do know is that any actions done by TPF gov is keeping the best interest of TPF members at the top of priorities with our allies as a close second. Also you can't please everyone, people are going to be judgmental, hypocritical, and biased based on what best suits their interest and it doesn't matter how kind or how polite you are, they are going to dislike you or hate you and find a reason to justify those feelings with out regard to them being in that position or what they would do or how they would act. I will say this, THIS IS CN things change, Shiat happens, and nothing is ever the same for very long...One day you just might find yourself in the very shoes you condemn. BG.
  14. Happy New Year to all of TE, may this year be better than the last year BG.
  15. I lol'd!! Go TPF!! o/ TPF !! OH, um....wait wrong thread Congrats guys! BG.
  16. I saw the NAP and came as soon as i could! Then i saw it was a MDP and all was good Congrats to both! BG.
  17. Congrats guys! Good luck with the round. BG.
  18. Welcome back guys and GL! o/ TPF o/ CTA BG.
  19. There comes a time when the Phoenix must spread his wings, a Time when he must explore and leave the nest. Sadly it is that time for one of my best frinds in CN and many of my favorite peeps and close friends. With that said, The Cobra's are made up of people close to the heart of TPF...AN ATTACK on them is an attack on TPF. Congrats to the Cobra's of TE BG.
  20. Both are great alliances and both are good friends, Congrats to both! CP you read my mind BG.
  21. Go TPF!!! You guys rock, and in my opinion are the best!! WEll of course i'm partial, their like FAMILY BG.
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