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Burning Glory

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Everything posted by Burning Glory

  1. Welcome back OB, GL with round 9 BG.
  2. Congrats to the new positions guys! GL with RL Thai, i've been there. BG.
  3. Good luck guys, and remember its just a game BG.
  4. Jack speaks the truth, and they are and always will be and have their own goals and direction for every round. I have only talked with him maybe 2 or 3 times this entire round and really had no clue what he was up to. I thought they may be trying for the flag myself, but the smell of battle and sound of the bombers was what they really wanted, and just like every member of TPF craves for, so do they. I would like to congratulate PS for their building abilities this round and for the record to all those who say they sat like FAT CATS and built their nations under our protection, this is and was a rareity.....They are usually the first AA to hit the declare button and with that said they are an alliance treatied to TPF and under that treaty have protection, just like anyone who has treaties. BG.
  5. lol, no this is our 4th war and at that we keep getting the flea's bitting at our ankles every chance they get. A true TPF'er all the way and proud of 'em BG.
  6. Yes through the rounds TPF has had a few, but not many conflicting treaties...But so has the AA's with just a few treaties. Far as our AI treaty, AI and TPF were friends way back past the Wolf Pack alliance and by means of RE's treaty with them. So as per our treaty with RE we were not able to hit AI but as i said i tried to bring the conflict to a slow stop. TPF always honors its treaties, and never knowingly attacks other treaty partners allies, and when a conflict develops we deal with it as honorable as possible. BG.
  7. Agreed, also PS have been TPF allies and friends for many rounds. I wish them both good luck and congrats to the winner. BG.
  8. You know nothing, and yeah i believe you on the "i've been around since round 2" TPF hides no treaties, you got the wrong AA there. I have had treaties that a select few know about, but that was very seldom. TPF has war'd many times against AA's larger than us, we win because we are good at war. people ask for treaties from TPF because they know we honor them and because they know we know how to war. For the record, just because you got beat down by SOS and then by GDA doen't mean I agreed with them, in fact I tried to get things changed. BG.
  9. Funny that you mention this, I never said sign treaties, i said asked for a MDP and i just happen to have a few saved copies saved of such request...you know just in case of dispute shall I post my old friend Fish TPF sat out because of what was stated above, nothing more nothing less. I'm sure you can ask around to many of our allies like OB, RE, GDA, and others, we honor them all. If you remember correctly, that was part of the reason TPF hit LE several rounds ago for TRG True old friend, it wasn't really a problem in the past as allies of allies stuck together, but it seems that the new era of TE has become a bit more chaotic and less loyalty. So different times call for different measures. BG.
  10. While war is never really easy against friends, there will be no hard feelings on our part. YW for the support, thats what treaties are for BG.
  11. As most all of you know I've had to be inactive for the better part of this round, nearly all of it. Because of this some things in TPF have happened and been a bit hectic for Gov. TPF has many friends and because of this to many treaties....This is causing problems with trying to do the right thing when it comes to WAR, Defense or in general picking sides. OP is a good alliance, Jim is a good friend and was a great TPF nation/member. For that matter several of OP Gov and members were TPF and or TPF allies. In the last few weeks of the last round Jim came to me and said he was starting an AA this round, didn't know the name he would call it yet but asked to be TPF allies, to which I said yes. Jim has always been loyal to TPF and me as well as others in OP so this was a no brainer on my part. Start of this round a friend from LE came to me and asked for a MDP, which I also said yes. LE has always been honorable and in my opinion among the most honorable in TE as well as both WAR'd with TPF and on the same side as TPF, not to mention the friends I have made there through the rounds. Also a no brainer to be treatied to them. My thoughts and I'm sure LE's thoughts were to take on OP after we both saw that they were not only #1 but also numbering in the 300's close to 400 even. HOWEVER, at this time I didn't know that OP was Jims new AA as he didn't come to me in the start of the round and let me know till after my agreement with LE. So when OP attacked LE weeks later, TPF had to sit that war out to be fair and keep honor. The problem is that OP didn't know of the agreed treaty with LE and LE as well as I didn't know OP was Jims AA there for a treaty partner. Now several weeks later, 2 things have happened. first being I was told that OP has no treaties (via their charter) which really puzzled me. and second they have attacked an AA known to have a treaty with TPF, which is RE. I'm not sure whats going on here with this, and i did not give order to defend RE against OP, but I know that the Gov of TPF who did issue the orders to defend RE were put into a bad predicament of what to do. Well based on the knowledge that OP had no official treaties and or didn't recognize one with TPF, yet knew that TPF had one with RE and attacked anyway and it would make us look bad if we didn't honor our treaty with RE. I didn't want to see this happen, and OP is the last AA I would ever want to fight as there are so many ex TPF there as well as friends. However TPF and RE have been allies for several rounds and even though TPF has never really enacted our treaty with them, we owe them the honor of a defense by means of our treaty. With that said a few other allies have went to war with each other which we have had to sit out and remain neutral, like the AI-SOS against PU and others. So as of day one of next round..... TPF CANCELS ALL ITS TREATIES EXCEPT OB, CTA, and GDA. If any current allies would like a treaty for next round, please pm me before or the first few days of the round. TPF will keep treaties to a minimum next round, so please let me know as soon as you know if you want to keep it/renew it. For the record, this is the end of round and because of this TPF will keep the war with OP, we also invite the rest of TE to pick a side, i see OB and AZTEC already have...Nothing personal to any AA, have fun and remember its just a game! BG.
  12. WOW! go inactive for a bit and come back to find that the Crap has hit the fan all over TE. Folger, you are a good friend, I hope you get over this and you are in my prayers.....I've been in your shoes and it is scary to say the least. My whole family caught the H1N1 virus and if it doesn't kill you it sure makes you feel like its going to. GL My friend! I can't tell you how glad i am to see that this whole Tibs/ folger- TPF thing was something different than portrayed....although you two could of let me in on it Welcome back Tibs! BG.
  13. lol, I have already got a Grandma's Hash Browns recipe...sounds good! Also i don't think we war'd last round...but even though we make good fighting openets, we also make good allies I lol'd! No worries though, we have all been there BG.
  14. man what won't you guys cry about Guess since its not one of you, its just not cool how it it any different than the over use of pic you guys use since i know it bothers you greatly, here you go WUB you to BG
  15. While Trouble was amazed at how fast they gain Sanctions, the regulars of TE see this all the time. Its easy to recruit from 3 or 4 AA's in SE, soliciting from hundreds of allied nations or friends and make sanction status. The hard part is stay there The real pat on the back goes to those of TE AA's who recruit from TE alone or majority of, and make sanctions. Thats like taking steroids and wining a football/baseball game, them claiming how great you are. Not that theres anything wrong with recruiting from SE, its just over zealous and egotistical to claim how great you are, when you basically cheated to get there. Then to find That through the excessive recruiting in SE was to sanction TPF players. Once you found you were lacking in the member count to do this, you guys start sending out pms to all white nation that are not TPF to vote for Trouble as senate, also mostly a failed attempt to sanction us. So then JE folds in their WAR with you and your peace arrangement was that they mock them selves on OWF and vote for Trouble as senate, again hopping to get sanctions on TPF. Then TPF decides to beat you at your own game, and give back to you what you give out and you CRY! Post on OWF, how you have won something because your own tactics have been used against you. Trouble you found what your looking for, TROUBLE! Now take your medicine like big boys, stop your crying on OWF and to all the other AA's, and MAN TFU! If you would like peace, all you have to do is post a poem on OWF of your defeat, and vote TPF for senate BG.
  16. lol, yep it was Oh by the way, there's the door! You now have a way out of WHITE, i suggest you take it. BG.
  17. Well now that you see the nature of what Trouble is, you can see that this war is not Pointless. Trouble has come to TE to cause problems for everyone, TPF was just the first to smack them down for their disrespect of our fellow TE players as well as our self. You can not reason with, extract rational behavor or respect from These people. The only thing they understand is disapline.....And thats what they are getting. BG.
  18. Whats worse is they are not even taking that big of a hit, nor are they even fighting that many nations. Tibs this is the first time I completely agree with you in a long time, good post! Ed, let me fist say that if you think Trouble handed you your butt, you are in for a big surprise if you don't pull your TAIL out from between your legs and man up! Because IF JE votes TROUBLE for team senate...TPF and Allies will open up on JE all out RAIDS and WAR. Not that we would need to, but you never turn your back on friends/allies just because a few of you are loosing a few battles. TE notices this and THEY will tear you appart for it, and you will have no one to back you. BG.
  19. AGREED! Also I was wondering when \m/ was going to be represented over here BG.
  20. Congrats \M/ and JE! Any alliance with Boogie in it has to be great BG.
  21. I lol'd Skippy I like your avatar, its different BG.
  22. Yeah, check the stats...They are loosing this war and we definately need no help or want it However as i said I am glad JE is attacking them, they jumped the gun and attacked the leader of JE and just like in SE they get whats coming to them for it! Who am I to tell them no its our war, and I sure as HECK have no intensions of peacing Trouble out just because they screwed up and hit a leader of another AA. Honor or not, TPF owns this war and at least half of Trouble is TPF-SE or EX-TPF-SE. Answered this above B) BG.
  23. YEAH, you guys are the aggressors! You attacked a leader of an AA All of you know that thats a no no, as it will get you rolled....You think that because this is TE its different? See you guys have come over here disrespecting what all of us regular TE players have built and or set up, trust me this will not be tolerated by any of us. BG.
  24. Tibs, coming from a man who has his own glass house you should not be throwing stones in the nebhorhood...Leave JE alone Also We both know Trouble is getting their butts handed to them, even though they deny it, BUT we are NOT 4 times their size. We are only twice their size, and at that only around 50 of our nations are attacking them Heh, I wouldn't try it if I were you BG
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