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Burning Glory

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Everything posted by Burning Glory

  1. I honestly don't know that how many do like you as much as they are just loyal to SDF...Andrew's SDF. However I will say that while it is not anyone position to dictate whom the leader should be, it is certainly with in their right to give an opinion as to who would be the better leader. With that said, I'll also say that shall they chose to follow a leader with out moral and honorable goals and or actions then if they do get attacked for your incompetence, its on your head as well as theirs. If you truly wanted best for SDF members you would realize your actions has generated much heat and thus placed SDF under scrutiny and threat of attack and step down. BG
  2. Lets just say that i have been asked if i backed/protected you, to which my reply was no. And now that this is public, there just might be a few more AA's wanting to bite at your Tech. BG.
  3. You are the only one to do the actions you have done then to post on OWF like your bragging about it...classy! Even worse, you really see no fault in what you have done or the fact that you are strongly disliked by most if not all of TE....If you think differently, do a poll on that BG.
  4. A good friend once wrote this; I completely agree! GL my friend, GL! BG.
  5. I don't know why, but i'm going to post this anyways... WAR of course, however with any game honor or even ethics should stir your actions. BG.
  6. I have to disagree! I happen to like SDF as a hole and Andrew in piticular...consider them good friends but i would rather see them disband/join other AA's then be lead down the road to shame over ES's BS in TE. SDF is headed for war, and at this point several AA's have claim to them for his actions. I would personally like to see any SDF member wanting to make a stance come to TPF till SDF can rebuild under new leadership whom ever that may be.....h0rdes for one! BG.
  7. Actually i think that was 2 rounds ago but no it wasn't us, it was some other cool cats ES i think you have actually out done yourself or anyone in TE history, you are now looked at as the most childish and idiotic person playing CN. You have only yourself to blame and i can't say that i feel different than anyone else. You not only used the Good Name of TPF for your dishonorable acts, you attacked friends of TPF for many rounds- AZTEC. At that you hit 3 defenseless nations at well under the infra you had and just out of a war. I don't think you will ever have any peace in TE, regardless of the AA you choose for rounds to come and i for one feel no pity for you after this stunt. I think the best course would be to post a public apology to redeem yourself. BG.
  8. I find this topic Despicable! What kind of AA makes a single nation post defeat on the OWF. I don't condone an entire AA posting defeat on OWF, but one nation just to get peace so he can delete.... Where is your honor AoD, very despicable indeed )): BG.
  9. This is great to hear, now they are protected by 2 AA's See this whole misunderstanding of raid, war, fighting, arguing, just needed a girls touch! WAIT...um, errr, i mean after i got it peaced out that is BG.
  10. LOL! Agreed! i thought it was closed long ago, let me help it... NO MORE TPF MEMBERS POST IN THIS ATROCITY OF A TOPIC BG.
  11. As Arch is an old friend from around the 2nd or 3rd round, i have offered my asistance to help get this peaced out ASAP. Thanks to the help and cooperation of Black and AI Gov, peace has been established. Thank you! BG.
  12. Founder? whom are you talking about....The only founder of TPF TE is me. Round one we had like 10 members or so, round 2 we had somewhere around 30 and i was the leader then. Round 3 i picked up around 100 members, still leader. Round four, around 130 members, still the leader...here we are today and still the only founder of TPF TE is me Wiz you took the words out of my mouth, and i agree 100%. I do not hate KD but this OWF posting about TPF private matters has made me loose much respect for him. Let me make one thing clear here, Gabs pm'd me about the situation with the fourms and his comment was not KD tried to destroy the fourms, it WAS I think KD tried to delete the fourms. He explained what happened and said he was looking into it. With that said add the fact that he said he was quitting TPF and maybe even TE, plus if anyone knows KD...He is a hot head. This is a perfect logical assumption and admittedly i would have thought or assumed the same thing, as would anyone. I'm glad that it seems not to be true as no matter what disagreeing or what ever the reason, that would have been considered the lowest form of dishonor and bad character. Also, KD is unaligned and free to attack, no apologies warranted...Have fun! Done deal, all is good, problem solved, nothing to see here, move along BG.
  13. I lol'd, I think he can handle himself LMAO!! He is testing what happens when you go rouge
  14. Wow, inactivity on the fourms and look what i miss! Sorry to see you go Tibs, as a good friend and great leader, you will be missed Congrats to the new Gov of RE, our friendship will always be strong. On the contrary, WOLF was formed out of protection and mutual defense...mostly due to our littler AA members at that. BG.
  15. Agreed, this is like beating a dead horse. Its over, let it die.... With that said, I would hope you understand that PU was the last to enter the war, thus giving it the best odds, also I think it was an over kill on their part. Meaning it was another curb stomp. UJA had more than enough members to take care of its self as all the other nations combined put you on equal grounds.....PU made this war a complete curb stomp. One of which i'm getting very tired of, and i thought every one else was as well. IF AA's can't handle loosing a war, get out of TE and go back to SE. Those who join a war that far out weigh the odds makeing it a curb stomp are not an honorable AA. For the record, had i know about this WAR sooner and before it got peaced, TPF would have helped even up the odds again. I don't care what AA it is, treaties or not, friends or not, I will not sit by and let any AA get curbstomped....TPF will join the war to even the odds of the beat down. A war is a war, that does not mean there should be no honor. 3 to 1 odds is greatly pushing a curb stomp, 4 to 1 is a curb stomp and a beat down. BG
  16. Still looking for at least 20 nations.....I'm in, who else? BG.
  17. You must be lost, or you plain don't understand the words you are quoting. I'll try to simplafy for you. If a member of WOLF attacked an AA heads up, one AA against another AA, it was only that AA and no other AA in WOLF that jumped in. So in a 1 vs 1 AA war, rather it was a WOLF AA blitzing or the other AA, WOLF did not get involved. However if a WOLF AA blitz'd another AA and an Ally of that AA jumped in makeing it a 2 vs 1 war, then one of the members of WOLF would of jumped in. OR if 2 AA's would have jumped one of our members, then another one of us would have joined in. WE kept it fair, and as anyone knows me, i always go the diplo route if at all possible. So now that its layed out in a better detail, maybe you can understand it better. If not then i don't know what else to do or say....But you did lose me in you own post as it made no real sense to me. But then again maybe i'm lost BG.
  18. Ok, so i have received a bunch of pm's by different people like treaty partners, friends, my GOV, and JR members. This got me to thinking about TPF, WOLF, and for that matter all of TE. Let me start with Part 1, WOLF. For several rounds, even up wards of 5 all together, TPF has had allies that have been beside us. Some of which were AZTEC, WAPA, TF, RF, A51, OB and some of the most recent were RE, GDA, RoWN. While there are more not listed, I consider them all to be friends and great AA's. Now enter our Allies, the AA's listed above. Each of them have their own allies and friends. All of us stayed in some sort of contact, either indirectly or directly with each other. Now enter Gabryal, one of my GOV members. Gab comes up with the ideal to make all allies a part of an actual team, under one banner. Reasons of better communication, better organization, and mutual defense. Gabs contacts all of our allies and and informs them of his ideal and asks who wants in. WOLF is formally created. Wolf who existed for 4 + rounds now has a name and is made public. Part 2, WOLF is. WOLF was never made or brought to existence to rule, run, or dominate TE. I nor any of the leaders of the AA's in WOLF would agree to such a thing. Wolf or pre Wolf has never jumped any AA, coordinated or other wise attacked any AA together, WE don't believe in curb stomps. All of our wars have been one vs one, heads up. Some of us have won in those battles, like TPF vs FARK last round, and some of us have lost in those battles, like TF vs LE. But we never attacked together. To add, we never defended together in a fair fight. This is undisputed. Wolf is basically defense against an unfair war or curb stomp, like when NOIR plotted against RE and TPF last round and tried to get a coalition together against us. or if our members attacked an AA in a war, and got jumped by an ally of that AA. Wolf was not conceived to run TE, just keep things even and fair...more of fun and or challenge. That is all. Part 3,WOLF's end. While i was prepared to fight all round long for what i believe was a good and honorable thing, I did not invent WOLF. It was Gab's who with out my knowledge decided to disband his baby. He did this not because WOLF was loosing (honestly don't even know if we were) but because he felt as if it was his fault. As if he brought all of this on the other AA's, and he felt really bad for it...even considered resigning as TPF GOV. So since he created it, he felt compelled to end it and began to send out pms to do so. That is honor...That is Gabs. TPF I have always tried to run my AA with honor, and integrity. I try to be fair and wear the shoe's of my opponents as well as treat everyone with respect. This is just my character, and my AA will always represent my character, and all of my GOV members represent my character. I believe TPF is one of the best AA's in TE, and our GOV is second to none in my opinion. Our members are dedicated and loyal, even more"honorable"! If TPF WARs with you, and we win...there will be no public post that we defeated you, there will be no POW BS, and there will be no ongoing war. We will not be the start in an exchange of hate mail, or heated arguments We simply WAR, and win or lose it ends white peace style, and no longer than 7 days. Conclusion. While WOLF wanted action, and encouraged AA's to fight against us, we also wanted a challenge not another curb stomp. We wanted TE to heat up, but to do it fairly....This is no propaganda, this is fact and backed by all wars last round or previous wars in previous rounds. And even though our PACK rolled over, our WARS and previous rounds did not. I also think that for the attack on wolf to work, you guys picked the best time as none of us would ever hit another AA before the first week was up, and most of us would probably never hit an AA under day 14. I even sent a pm to Wolf-leader of MHA telling him this 2 or 3 days before the war started. I know TPF had our pants down as most of us had slots full from raids, and the ones who didn't most of them were on DEFCON 5 with minimal troops trying to build our nations, as per our though that never has a war happened before day 7. Finially...As per a compliment by 2 LE nations about my WARing ability, i thought of an idea. WAR!!! Who is the best fighter in TE. So in the excitement that is TE, i want to see who is the best WAR MONGER in round 7. I propose this.....All nations that want to sign up, please post here with your nation link. Rules....Build your nations to the best of your ability until 10/1/09, the 6 nations with the highest NS win part one and move to part 2. PART 2....the 6 nations WAR with each other and the nation standing with the highest NS after 7 days wins a $20.00 SE donation by me So if your in sign up here. Clause, there must be at least 20 nations sign up. So if you think you can war or think your the best in TE round 7, put your bragging ability to the test BG.
  19. lol, well i guess you could say the same about mine.
  20. I lol'd!! PM me, i'll take care of it Thanks guys for a fun fight, much appreciated! I do have a major post that i think All TE'ers will want to read as its about WAR and also about some other things. Would have done it yesterday but RL issues came into effect, i might have time later tonight....if not soon. Thanks BG.
  21. Congrats guys! I will be posting later today after work about WOLF and some other offers of WAR....keep watching, you'll want to hear this. BG.
  22. Man, I have the worst luck..... I log on to find my nation had been sent 2 pm's that really sucked. The messages stated that i had lost 2 trades, oh boy! I'm like great right in the middle of war and one guy deletes his nation and the other just drops me, and with no warning! Isn't bad enough that i have the worst trades ever, but to actually not trade with nations that have offered trades do to the fact that i didn't think they would be reliable trade partners, now look LOL!! Now to the reason I made this topic, Who else is having trade problems? Also when is the WAR going to pick up?? BG.
  23. Congrats guys, as always...very honorable Hype BG.
  24. lol, you must be a noob...ask anyone, go a head. We have never recruited from SE, EVER! Ask any other AA from this game, for that matter from SE as well. WE don't mix the 2 games, period! Anyway, we feel honored that you guys had to call in as many as you could to do this, thank you! BG.
  25. lol, hope you packed a lunch cause we ain't going anywhere! I do find it funny that you guys had to mix SE and TE together and recruit from SE.....guess we might do the same GL guys! o/ WOLF BG.
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