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Burning Glory

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Everything posted by Burning Glory

  1. GL to our friends TF, RE and SWAT!! BG.
  2. The Phoenix Federation formally asks Lafayette Escadrille to go to prom with us at The Big Nuclear Débutante Ball. There shall be punch and pie, heavy on the punch. We shall look deeply and meaningfully into each others' eyes, then we'll dance the night away under the night stars and the burnings of nuclear fires. After a fun filled night we can go back to our place and well who knows what might happen.....Just in case we brought protect BYOB. GL LE, its an honor to war with you!! For the record, We have planned this war for three days and will peace out then, win or lose Also this is just a fun war nothing personal as TPF and LE are good friends! We just felt that of all the AA's LE would give us the toughest fight as they out gunned us in every way plus a far higher average NS. GL to all! BG.
  3. I knew he wouldn't last, but to run to another AA is just pathetic.....i'm surprised WAPA even took him in :/ But its all for the best, welcome back guys!! BG.
  4. LOL, man that rumor is spreading fast This is something to think about....... 2 great friends, CONGRATS!!
  5. I have always thought that 7 days was to long for a war in a 3 month round, now that the rounds are only 2 months its far to long It appears that the general consensus is 4 days max on a war And i believe no one in TE would complain about this Can the powers that be PLEASE reduce the war time/days BG. *edit Just wanted to say thanks in advance to the Admins that make it happen!!
  6. You took the words right out of my mouth, only your saying them a bit nicer than i would have! I thought this war was BS when i finally found out what the heck was going on, Lets just say my thoughts haven't changed. TPF Forever BG.
  7. WOW TRG and LE are at war? JK,lol! I guess the main thing here is to remember its just a game, try to have fun with it and do the best you can. TRG is full of great peeps, I have yet to see one that is not honorable and the fourm kicking thing sometimes happens in war time. For the record, LE are also full of great guys and some i know from other AA's the past few rounds. They just keep the game competitive, and war for fun....really its nothing personal as far as i can see. I consider both AA's friends, and its great to see both have fun with this....just remember there is always next round, but for now make the best of it Cheers to both AA's, and best of luck!
  8. GL OB!! As a protectorate WE will be watching your back for raiders BG.
  9. Well this is the second time they have done this...PR is looking real bad for OON. )):
  10. Deal with it.......JK, lol! So is this a coup or did you really win Elb? Either way I'll deal with it
  11. Yep, this is true....at the very latest the following update. I lol'd Actually right now we be the best time to hit you guys as you are not expecting it, and a bit off coordination wise. I would send word for all to beef up asap BG.
  12. I haven't noticed, far as i can see is you guys are taunting France and making enemies faster than you can offer peace. Your recent post show no such attempt, so again i implore you to change your course of direction for once you get the bad rap like UN, its very hard to shake it. NP! BG.
  13. Well i have to disagree with this...First the fact that several of these fourm post have in up wards of 900 or more views, with the most recent having 300 or 400 views tells you that there are more than 14 people active on these TE fourms. I know several TPF nations alone that read these daily but do not reply to any, but the ratio of views to replies gives a clearer picture that at least 50 plus people read these fourms. Anyway i believe that the DOW is posted for several reasons not just to let the AA attacked know why or what not. for one, when you post it gives all the AA's notice that you are at war and should be off limits to raiding. Also it gives you an ideal of how the public views the war. But more importantly it give us really active fourm members something to talk about BG.
  14. I have a strong dislike for OON because they ran to NVO and used that AA as a shield to toss out threats of attack to France. Since i know a few France members i cleared this up, but NVO wasn't amused with these tactics. Let me make one thing clear here, Of all the AA's in the med to small range I consider NVO to be one of the best. They are also very close friends of mine and an act of war against them is the same as an act of war against TPF...We will defend! With that said i have no problem with a one up war of equal size and fairness challenging them to a duel, as long as they are in agreeing. Some AA's just come here to learn how to grow properly and what not, this may be their deal and i feel its not our choice how to run or what to do with that AA's choices or plans. Also OON, this is a warning to you...RE are TPF allies this round and it would be in your best interest to try and go a different route with your AA. What I'm saying is you have already made enemies this round you may want to go through peace talks and try to start on a better note from this point on. I do not know whats going on between you guys only that this is not the proper way to deal with it, and trust me UN are nice guys but even they must realize this is not the way to deal with things. I wish both sides the best of luck. BG.
  15. How do you know he has made negative comments about TF...Do you have screen shots? Otherwise this is just a bit to coincidental for me BG.
  16. lol, this is funny...So it looks like UN and OON are buddies now, go figure! BG.
  17. WOW...This is a bit early for third base on the first date, lol! Congrats guys! and GL to both of you BG.
  18. Thanks Elb, i'll do what i can to help, lol! BG.
  19. I lol'd!! Well i would like to say good luck in your endeavors! I did wonder just how good of an AA you would be if there were no leader to give direction.
  20. Yeah i get so busy with RL anymore i forget the fourms exsist, not to mention it takes all the time i have left to run an AA, then this crazy war in SE starts. Trust me it's all i can do to keep up. El be nice, of all the peeps in TE Neo is one of the best and definately the last to catch crap for treaties or protectorites. Since there existance they were pretty much with TPF most of that round, and last round they really only had TPF as a treaty partner. And its good to see you back on the foums again BG.
  21. I lol'd !! oh and i didn't know UN was waring with France.... Also OY, your one of my good friends in TE, didn't know you left AZTEC in SE, would like to hear more about that. You are welcome to join TPF if you havent decided yet, it would be a honor to have you!! BG.
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