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Burning Glory

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Everything posted by Burning Glory

  1. LOL, they haven't been on yet but i will send a pm to let them know and back up with a Q when they do get on *edit, they know BG.
  2. LOL, don't fool yourself....Those 140 members are still 1,200 strong. Also the PG was good, we need morez!! BG.
  3. I BG promise to hold dear our treaty and honor our beloved friendship, plus kill anyone who threaten TRG's sovereignty No really! BG.
  4. I BG promise to hold dear our treaty and honor our beloved friendship, plus kill anyone who threaten TRG's sovereignty No really! BG.
  5. LMAO! How's it feel to be on the other side of a curb stomp...Relly just like you guys said last round, its all fun. So just have fun..... BG.
  6. I think this war was a fun and interesting war, TPF supports this WHITE PEACE agreement, and we ask that all of our allies also peace out by 11:59 3/16/09 Thank You!!! BG.
  7. He did as i suggested, via our talks...you learn a lot from someone when you actually take the time to listen them. Thanks Arcane!! I've said this before and i will say it again, UN is a young and noob AA. They have much to learn and I'm doing my best to teach them under the current situation. I will also say they are an easy target so anyone that would attack them will easily win, this is not disputed. So any honorable AA even close to them in NS would just leave them alone. Also AGAIN UN is under TPF and Allies protection, so an act of aggression against them is the same as against us. Instead of condemning them for something every one of us once were, try to give a little advice to them, a helpful hit so to speak with out also being rude or impolite. Thank You! BG.
  8. lol, 2;1 is not a curb stomp, i would gladly welcome those odds against a few nations attacking me, last round we had 5 to 1...Now thats a curb stomp Really though, i'm glad to fight with you guys, its fun and i have yet to get a bad pm from anyone. However the UN thing is getting old
  9. Way wrong, and way off topic = Epic fail!! BR please add PS to that as well, thank you!
  10. lol, well i am a slow typer:) Really what i think the logs were saying is that SWAT was going to attack 4077th to draw out FARK. Really though if you look at it like this, its MHA, GDA, RE, SWAT....If anyone attacked one of you guys you all would jump in, no question about that its been said. So its no wonder if you attack 4077th, LE, BW, FARK, TPF, TF, CE, your going to fight us all. This was truely a preemptive strike, rather based on old info or not. And you have to admit that it was a well organized and perfectly executed attack.....Just saying is all. BG.
  11. You guys leave UW alone, they have a hard enough time backing each other, there's no way they could back a whole alliance JK PK!!! You know i wub ya!!
  12. Sethy, I think we more than proved our honor last round and for peeps that don't want things from last round brought into this round all of you are sure doing a fine job at it! Let go one step further, They were brought in for any AA that might counter attack us and what better way to get involved then this now, they were not bandwagoning....
  13. LOL, Yeah my pecking fingers can only move so fast
  14. LOL, yeah its my turn to coup UN...Not. lol, here we go with the conspiracy theory's and propaganda... They came to me before SWAT attacked, i turned them down because of last round BS. Swat attacked they came back to me and asked to help peace them which i did. After the peace, about 4 or 5 days later we talked on IRC and i gave them a chance....I know a lot of you don't like them but honestly a few peeps that can't stop running the mouth shouldn't mean the whole AA is bad. I quite like NM, the REAL leader lol! And if any of you beside Thai gave him a chance, you would to. Our treaty was signed and posted days before i found out about the plot and logs. At which time we formed the bloc. With that said Damian55, STFU....If you have not checked your mail do so! I don't want you posting on the fourms anymore and neither does NM!! I don't think you mean harm but really, you are not respectful nor polite when posting and that is required when you represent your AA or your Allies. To Thai....I had no part in anything posted in these fourms and From what i see its not made up, rumors, or false information. From what i read everything is true but there was a change of plans. Its not our fault that you guys plotted and got caught even if plans were changed. I can promise you our attacks have nothing to do with last round, As if i had any grudge or revenge against you and MHA I would have been the one to attack you, with fark. What happened last round happened. I can say that i wasn't happy about it but i would be lying if i said this is revenge. What you have to do is look at the big picture here....An AA was plotted against and they have friends that wanted to keep that from happening. We also know that if its one of you its all of you going to war. We took the appropriate measures to neutralize the situation based on the information give to us, and if it seems like us holding grudges from last round its just a coincidence because last round there was plotting that also caused a big war...that is all! I will also say this bloc was formed for a reason, we will not take anymore curb stomps from the fab 3. I hope we can all have fun with this war and maybe form some teams after wards and just go at it.....the team with the best stats on the last day wins. Can i get a second on this????????
  15. Yes you are, Welcome to the fight I lol'd !! LOL, kinda reminds me of last round...Only different in a cool way
  16. All I'll say is this...UN is protected by TPF, we will laydown to protect them.
  17. Well now, see there in lies the problem..... Last round you guys held the biggest bloc Judgment and JR....Last round you guys controlled the round because of this said bloc....Last round no one in this said bloc fought a 1 vs 1 war. Since you are all affiliated from last round, and as shown in the logs you are affiliated this round plus this bloc is known for all jumping in together via a curb stomp. All precausions were taken to ensure this didn't happen this round. I'm sure 4077th would have taken the fight in a 1 vs 1 if called out, but the logs indicate this was not the intended plan, more of that MHA wanted to take out FARK as SWAT wanted to take out 4077th, with all the others jumping in as they were under the impression that neither had allies. And possibly even a hit on LE, as I'm sure all possible scenarios were thought out. I like swat, and I'll say this in public...I have no problems with any of you and feel that i have friends there, but i can't sit by and watch you guys join the FAB 3 to hit our friends as TPF suffered from the same fate last round. I would like to think that no one is bringing last round actions into this round, however we are all human and it appears that this might be the case. I sincerely hope that after this is all over with we can move on in the next round, as I and TPF have put the episode from last round to rest. Every AA that was hit knows they would have done the same thing, but all wars start with a plot and grows from there.... Please keep in mind this is just a game and have fun, what ever happens in the next few weeks to come, its an honor to fight beside our friends and against them as well. BG.
  18. LOL, yeah where ever EE is, he should stay...and if the throne is there well its gone as well. We will just have to make a new one Also this is just day one, wonder how much NS you do have to lose to drop in rankings? We'll just have to find out,lol Serious note: I agree the starts/scoring system needs to change. Meaning we want our throne BG.
  19. Oh...hmmm.....thats odd, i thought we already had LOL!
  20. Great job BR!! I think your before anarchies might be off a bit.
  21. lol, yeah but its going to be hard giving up that throne......heh? BG.
  22. LOL! Of course not, you know we you...We just don't trust you Also i know its early, i 've already been told all of you guys plan on rebuilding, and let me say GL to you! BG.
  23. LMAO!! You think! Appears there's a new kid in town..... BG.
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