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Burning Glory

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Everything posted by Burning Glory

  1. LOL, well it appears that things just heated up a bit! Also 1 bil...thats EPIC. BG.
  2. Man there is just so much i want to say in here, but all i will say is.....This is a game, remember? I think based on the facts, rather GOV or not, he had a leadership position.... There was some kind of plot against LE and FARK, both of whom TPF are fairly close with. I wasn't going to just let our friends get hit by the FAB 3 and sit on the side lines. Where as i had no hand in hitting MHA, GDA, or SWAT i still agree that if you plot you reap what you sew. And RE and GDA wouldn't just sit by either and let FARK stand up for them selves against MHA, we saw enough of that last round to not take precocious steps and neutralize them. not to mention the logs already state a coalition against them. I think this will be a fun war and you guys should just enjoy the ride...... BG.
  3. TPF Brothers from last round, Brothers in this round......WE fight together! ALL FOR ONE!! BG.
  4. LOL, I was thinking the same thing.... RE sanctions are bad for business, especially under those circumstances )): It is clear he was under another color and in another AA.....
  5. LOL, well some AA's just have it that way Besides you know who your friends are LMAO! Well somebody's got to protect them.....besides its only like 4 or 5 little guys BG.
  6. Belief is in the eye of the beholder, just because someone says something that is correct doesn't mean anyone will believe them just as someone who says something incorrect could easily be believed. When denying any truths or lies there is alway the facts. And facts always speak for its self. I think for my self and I see no wrong..... BG.
  7. Congrats guy! HAPPY B DAY!! Also you may have been out before the movie, but it sure didn't hurt promoting you guys
  8. BAMA! What are you doing, you didn't get kicked out of the cool school did'ya? Really these guys are tring to build, let them be..... If your looking for an AA to coup, i hear TDAA is looking for a leader and a crew lol! Or you could always fight Elb for Shadow Empire BG.
  9. LMAO!! And the claims begin, wheres Elb and CG when you need them BG.
  10. LOL, I'm sure there will be other AA's to claim, i hear there is a Shadow Empire up for grabs, lmao!! HAH! No I'm not staking my claim, but they asked for help last week before the drama....I just think they deserve a shot Thanks everyone for the support, I'm sure UN appreciates it as well
  11. So far we have only posted 2 treaties...you guys still have us beat BG.
  12. Our family from SE is extended now to TE. Many Loss guys were in TPF last round, they have earned the right to be called friends and Allies! BG.
  13. LMAO! Well they have the lower half, we will take the top half BG.
  14. A fine AA, and also a protectorate of TPF...raiders beware, they bite back!
  15. TPF/ I have decided to take the noobs under our wings and teach them the ways of TE and running an Alliance. They have made mistakes in the past, but who hasn't....still they deserve a chance to play this game and have fun as any of us do. They are now under TPF's protection as well as our allies. I ask that all AA's give them a break and let them build peacefully Thanks! BG.
  16. Horms! I vote you join Hellas...Not that we don't WUB you at TPF, just that they are a great AA to join...and also friends of TPF BG.
  17. This is what i was talking about....I found it odd that UN would merge with RE in the middle of talks about a treaty. And we had a scheduled meeting Monday about it, on irc. Naon, CG was just trying to look at for you guys as he really though you had abandoned them like EE did. What ever is going on its clear that this was not the true intentions of UN, a possible a power grab by RE? I'm not sure, but its clear UN stands.... BG.
  18. GL to all of you, and Tengri is a good guy as well.
  19. GT, i have to agree with this....It would not be smart to force you to stay as you could give any restricted info away to other AA's For pure spite, and to get back at CG. Just dosen't make sense to me is what i'm saying BG.
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