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Burning Glory

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Everything posted by Burning Glory

  1. As stated above TPF will be here next round......I'll still be here as well We won't carry over treaties, but we will be renewing some of them!! GL to everybody in the next round!!
  2. You guys were great and it was fun! GL to you guys in the next round, hopefully we find ourselves on the same side
  3. LOL, yeah i couldn't get anyone else to declare on me but the 2 nations with nukes. I had the leaders of MHA and GDA that i attacked Don't worry though, they ate nukes as well
  4. Agreed!! Its very hard to bite your tung when you are telling the truth, yet the lies keep flowing. Besides if there is one person in CN that says they have not voiced their opinion or side, rather right or wrong, on OWF.......I'll tell them they are lying. You simply can't be faulted for telling the truth or losing control every now and then over the truth. As always, you guys are a class act no matter what anyone says!!
  5. I lol'd !!!! AGREED!! AND AGREED!! I don't think you understood what he was trying to say....He meant that the truth is being spun to fit the other side, as if they were the ones telling the truth (no pun intended lol) The fact that Duncan had a bad day and posted an apology doesn't mean Zenith didn't tell the truth. I also hope this is used by ONE as a learning experience and grows from it. One last thing, everyone makes mistakes but it what you learn from those mistakes that prevents them from happing again. And i would guess that it depends on who's side you on as to who's right and who's wrong.
  6. Just what i was thinking..... HUH? where did you get that ideal out of what he said? Seems there are some post that would indicate this treaty is like a move on a chess board, like there is an ulterior motive behind this. One might even say a conspiracy theory Truth is we just love a good investment and where better to invest then beach front property with great friends PS i don't wear condoms it ruins the sensation
  7. LOL, So does this mean you will take me up on my offer? This round i made it to #3 in top rank, I was 9th in line to get nukes, my top infra was 879 (twice, and close a third time) After being quad atttacked by 3 nations twice. I held the highest Tech lvls of 417 this round untill the curbstomp war, and was the only nation with lvl 8 AF untill my 2 nukes i ate in this war. Also last round i was #1 from about mid round till just 2 days before. My top infra at that point was just over 1,100 and my tech level was over 650. My NS was at over 13k with 45 lvl 9 planes around 700 tanks and over 18k soldiers, and i was sitting on a half mil in war chest and 3 days uncollected taxes. This is not a brag, just a little FYI post, but i will say that no one this round has topped my NS or Tech lvl
  8. Says the guy who floated through 3/4 of the round growing in an AA protected by the top 6 AA's in the game. So i say next round why don't you join an AA with only 20 or 30 members and lets see how good you really are This round was a 5 out of 10, I enjoy war and would war with anyone who wanted to but curb stomps are nothing but an excuse to mass raid or destroy an AA that couldn't be beat by any one AA in the bloc. I really feel there should be diplomacy in TE as its a civil way to deal with things, and the excuse that its TE its a war game doesn't mean it can't be handled correctly. Besides the same could be said for SE as its a war game as well. I'm not implying that we shouldn't war, just that this is also a place to learn diplomacy as much as waring.
  9. I guess you can't read, and your flaming is not welcome. You see everyone else is being cool and having fun, but i guess once an asshat always an asshat. This isn't a popularity contest by conventional terms....... I was just thinking about something someone said to me mid round and i was just wondering who was the most popular either liked or disliked. I have also got alto of pm's thinking me for my help this round, so i just really wanted to know how peeps felt about other AA's. Notorious speaks for its self, and it appears that MI has won hands down,lol!! 1. most popular; ME, I say this not to be #1 or to be most liked as I am who i am and you either like me or you don't. But I say this because no matter who you are or what AA your in on TE, most people know me or have heard of me. I'm not really sure that this is a good thing, it is just what I have noticed. 2. Most helpfull; This is a bit more tricky, Several AA's have honored their treaties with us against MHA/ JR and this was very appreciated. But i would have to say that the most help came from individual people, and i have needed my share of help this round. So rather than name them I'll just say, Thank You to everyone who helped me this round!! 3. Most Notorious; Well this seems to be something only that particular AA is honored by and thats MI! I'm honored to call them friends and treaty partners. Thanks to everyone who replied to this post and kept it clean and fun!
  10. LOL, You could be attacking MHA if you really want to have some fun
  11. Also please feel free to ask me any question that you want.....Please no flaming, or personal attacks in this topic and keep things fair. PS. I tried to leave this poll fill in the blank but it wouldn't let me so the choices are really just generic.
  12. LOL, well I know MHA must of thought that!!! <---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JOKE, or is it!! LOL
  13. Yeah...UM you forgot TPF Thats ok, i know you mean well
  14. I think the objective was for them to take down KING OF THE MOUNTAIN, not war with GDA. GDA just got involved to help take the heat from MHA which actually worked as there would be far more MHA nations in anarchy then there is now. now if you guys would all stay out this would actually be a fun and fair fight, but i understand MHA not wanting to fight their own battles, they never have been good at it!
  15. So then you can neither confirm nor deny, LOL!!
  16. TPF = Phoenix GDA = the cure the cure = for my itch for my itch = war war = GDA =/= TPF/ odds = GDA*loss GDA *loss = JR JR = MHA MHA= curbstomp curbstomp = needs help needs help = odds odds = can't war ^^^^^^^^^^^FOR FUN^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  17. AGREED!! Thanks for keeping it real James
  18. LOL, thats because they can't fight!! For the numbers involved TPF killed them the first 2 days and TPF had to take on 90% of all JR's top nations since most of MI and TUF had mid to low NS nations....But NVO helped us with a slight offset Then CE had to join. But everyone knows it was a curb stomp and no AA could survive 8 days of war against those odds. You guys are doing great!! Who says your done besides I told all of you, TPF mainly attacked MHA!!
  19. I agree with Jenko as far as the signing of the treaties goes. I also feel that most people in this game sign treaties because of their friendship to that particular AA. And while there are some AA's that just sign treaties to avoid conflict or stay unscathed for the better part of the round only to come out to wards the end and form a collation, treaties do help and are meant to be a good thing. I understand why peeps dropped their treaties when they did and went to war, but its apparent that most or some peeps don't understand. All i can say is next round treaties will probably be handled differently and signed cautiously. As far as next round it is humanly impossible for all people to forget the wrong that was done in this round, i wish it wasn't so....But it is the case. I will not hold any grudges for this round but i will handle things differently next round. The AA of NVO is a fine honorable alliance, i am proud to have them as allies and honored to call them friends. Thank you NVO for your support, friendship and keeping your treaty agreement!! For the record TPF and I have always like Viridia and NEO since our friendship in round 2, we would never war with either of you, especially since you have merged to become a better alliance and remained true friends!! O/ NVO
  20. LOL!! There is only one think that rises from the ashes.......The Phoenix THANKS!! I'll be down loading it as soon as i get time
  21. lol, As one of my newer friends in this round let me first say that it has been an honor to war with you and to call you a friend!! Second you also have my respect and I'm glad you joining friends next round, TF will be gaining a great friend and Nobel worrier. Thank You!! BG.
  22. Congrats to both sides for peace!!! LOL, that could be good or that could be bad. I guess it depends on what side they choose Time will tell
  23. Really? Then why did you jump in on the war with TPF? You had a NAP with us. and and MAoDP with GDA...Thats 2. Also didn't you join JR?
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