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Burning Glory

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Everything posted by Burning Glory

  1. No, we don't really....Its one in the same, the top 25 nations all have more than 30 members. Also! We didn't raid RD as they are friends its not allowed and they have more than 30 members....one nation raided with out looking, mistakes happen and he was reprimanded for it. And! PC are also friends, who actually hit us first...under a miscommunication which is not your concern! They same goes for RE, as we are defending allies against them. Care to talk about UW's raids...you have hit our allies and been asked to peace....we have not raided very many, most come from defense BG.
  2. Well i see 1 MHA nation and 1 TRG nation raiding you...hardly enough to ask for allies to help you, especially since you have 2 defense nations on each raider! I think this post is a bit premature, and I'll even go as far to say that an AA is not responsible for a raid or 2 from its members. Not saying i agree with it but your bound to have a few clueless members here and there raiding...A simple pm to the respective leaders would have sufficed BG.
  3. well, lets get a list of AA's on board for this war....I would like to get things going and a date picked out. 1. TPF 2. MHA 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I know there are others per a convo with them but i'll let them speak for their self here. If this doesn't get going then 2 things will happen...one TE will get boring, and two wars will happen anyway BG. Edit* Also, as i thought this would be a friendly war i said no nukes, however if you would like to use nukes then more power to you
  4. Hmmm, this is interesting.....I had no ideal TPF=Fail LOL! I saw that in his bio shortly after he put it there, doesn't bother me but I wish Wolverines luck. DR no hard feelings, I actually think Brian was pretty cool BG.
  5. I also have to disagree. The whole curb stomp thing is in play with this ideal along with many other problems... For one no matter what many people just are not active on the fourms as they have other things with RL or SE to deal with. Also AA's that raid heavily would most always be at the top of the list. AA's that could get more members to vote would always be safer than others. And AA's with more friends would not have that friend get attacked. Example; If i saw TF on the bloc for getting stomped for raids, I wouldn't sit back and let it happen WIN or LOSE. I know others feel the same way... If i had more time i could go into other things but as of now RL calls, i will say that if a big war doesn't happen then we will have to just war individual or teams again. BG.
  6. Since the last big war was peaced out, and actually on the day it was peaced out I had talks with Thai about the next big war. We came up with a 2 sided war, one side vs the other in a friendly no nuke war for 4 or 5 days. Doesn't matter which side you pick as friends will be fighting friends, and some not so friendly fighting as well The point is a non curb stomp war with equal sides, and as i said NO NUKES! Anyone who is interested please post here....You have nothing to lose and nothing to fear The date will be agreed upon once all has decided. BG.
  7. lol, we are already treatied to them via the initiative bloc, they just wanted to make it formal and i agreed...
  8. Well then you must be left out in the cold...Before the war started MHA raided HT, The HT nation hit back and one HT nation and one TPF nation attacked the raiding MHA nation in defense. Then several other MHA nations attack each of the defending nations. At this point i got involved Thai and I Q'd on IRC, days later the war broke out There are other times as well, as i have pm's from AA's telling me the situation and asking for help.... BG.
  9. A trearty of friendship and protection, what else could anyone ask for o/ TPF o/ BOS
  10. Not that i need to reply to this, but.....MHA has no room to talk about having others joining in, RIGHT? KD, He isn't pissed and doidn't even know about the battles as i said he wasn't home And no one joined as SOLIDER DUMP, i was just saying thats probably what happened as he is 150 less infra than him and wouldn't be smart to raid:P BG.
  11. Your point is? I'm pretty sure you bragging that a guy who is at best active for about 15 to 20 min a day, and sometimes every other day is not the best way to get peace. He had deployed light and attacked on cautious attacks as to not do much damage to you as its a TR! Also the other nations that hit you are well under your infra lvl and had already attacked for the day, you were just a solider dump....Even i loose most of those Also brag to your friends...keep useless threads off OWF, please. BG.
  12. If ever anyone has taken the words right out of my mouth....... I sincerely hope you don't speak for VE...... I Happen to like VE, I see nothing wrong with canceling treaties that may adversely effect one's character or if they feel is a one way street. I'm not saying that i agree that this is the case, just that i can see where its coming from. I have my own opinions as to what may have provoked this and it appears that others have opinions as well, Some feel this is the start of the next great war and if not are hoping they can push it in that direction. I'm not all that active anymore in SE fourms, or at least as much as i should be but From where I'm standing it looks like the vultures are hovering VE trying to pull or persuade them to jump sides with the glorious praises and what not....Now this may not be the case as VE might have already jumped sides or just that they are reading things wrong and felt its time to move on. Either way I implore VE to think things through in a rational manner before they make a decision, the last think i want to see are friends on the other side of the fence GL VE!!!
  13. How does moving to blue help you with trade circles? You have enough White to create as many circles as you want.... BG.
  14. LOL, didn't seem to bother JR last round...Whats the problem now? OH..um..I understand your on the other side
  15. WOOT!! Good to see This, CONGRATS to both of my friends and their AA's BG.
  16. This gives me an ideal!!! WHO WANTS TO MERGE WITH TPF?????????????? We are now taking applications BG.
  17. Actually They were brought up in the initial talks about the initiative forming, since Neo dosen't have IRC, i could only rely on pm'ing him about the situation. With out his consent i didn't want to make him an official member. Once i heard back from him he was given a target just like everyone else was. TF is part of the initiative! With that said, even if they were not they do have an MADP and by default are part of the initiative. TF is TPF just as TPF is TF, many of their members were TPF last round and although they are their own entity and an alliance from an AA in SE, they are still our brother in arms and TPF holds our relationship in very high regard. Simply put you cannot grab someones left arm without their right arm hitting you...We will defend them with just as much fierceness as we would our very own. BG.
  18. Thats cool...I just wasn't going to leave any of them in the cold. Besides i think they will be following shortly, i just have been unable to catch any of them on IRC. But i'm working on it BG.
  19. hmmm, never head of this till now. Whom are CUM's allies? BG.
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