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Burning Glory

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Everything posted by Burning Glory

  1. What i meant was your nations matched ours pretty close man for man, where as we have more numbers you have more nations above 500 or 600 infra. And of course we wouldn't have attacked if you guys didn't fight well for that matter i chose to attack tonight vs tomorrow even though i had pms from peeps saying this weekend was not good, just so it wasn't a complete blitz....You know the wub and all Well i posted clean fight, but we have some sanctions going on, so you know....i guess its all fun in the end. Also i have seen a bunch of nations hitting others in war, I will not tolorate that. If you hit either of our AA's during this war and one of my members has an open slot it will be to attack the raider. I will also ask our allies to patrol the war screens for violators. Also GOOD LUCK GUY!!
  2. TPF has decided to play with our friends in 4077th. We promise to fight a clean fight and hold hands after words but our itch for war couldn't be cured by simple raids anymore. Besides the make up wub is so much better after a good fight After searching for an alliance to help fill out war slots, we noticed that they were very close to our NS and nuke count. I guess it also helped us decide that they would be perfect to war with as they helped attack our allies in HT. And we here at TPF hold our allies close to our hearts, and take it very serious if they are attacked.... We would have dow'd sooner but this has proven to be a bad weekend for TPF nations and well they party just aint a party with out friends Even though only about 20 of our nations are able to make it tonight we thought it woud still be fun and keep the blitz minimal for 4077th. BG. EDIT* Also sorry for the late DOW as my IP went down just before the war and i had no time to post it.
  3. This seemed to be a great war guys, Congrats to an end. o/ TL
  4. I think english is a second language for some of them.... Also Congrats to war guys!! o/ BOS
  5. ^^^^^This would work!!^^^^^ Also if anyone thinks about this, EVEN if AA's say they don't have treaties....they do! Try and attack BW with out CDT and 4077th joining in...All say they have no treaties but they do, its just not a formal treaty. Also TPF, TF, and another AA i won't mention could have no treaty (even though we do now), but if any one of us is attacked we all would join in. There are others, like RD and ADULT or who ever.....Its just what is, but limiting the AA's numbers would help. BG.
  6. I believe that the LE nation that sent this pm was just meaning that as long as MHA is still around, not as long as Sethly is still in MHA. More less just a quick response to a rhetorical question....one answered with out thinking of how that sounded before it was sent... BG. Edit* Also congrats to war guys!
  7. It was a classic DOW, loved it!! Also TL is just about half the size of GDA, and pretty close in NS....should be a good war BG.
  9. You had me all the way to here, CARE TO EXPLAIN? Guess I'm getting what your saying....Just in case say it in plain English, I don't understand rodent talk and we wouldn't want a miscommunication here BG.
  10. Well i have tried both in pm's and on this very topic to get this peaced out with no help from any of the UW clan! All i get is TPF bad TPF started this, TPF this TPF that...Yet as i said from the start I have and my GOV has tried to get peace many times. UW expects us to take a hit and keep taking hits till we just keep sending peace offers and they feel its good to take it. I have explained time after time TPF raided with a few nations that started this, but as soon as i got the crappy pm's from PK, i acted!! But since he didn't send out pm's, more UW nations kept joining even thought after several attempts were made to get PK to order a stop on the defense to keep more from joining with an excuse that the attacking UW nation doidn't know peace was sent even though that nation that was raided wasn't even in the picture anymore. My asking for peace several time in this topic and PK's refusal to work with me is only proof that he doesn't want peace. I'm tired of this post and the attempts at peace...pm's have been sent as i said before, if any UW member wants peace just offer it! The ones who do not can war all they want! Wrong answer! WE raided one time and only one time. At the time we did raid, it was 2 or 3 nations, they offered peace several times and it ran from there as stated all through this topic. This did happen as i had to send a warning PM to that nation, see the difference...I sent a pm to warn him...not just attack! Also UW has raided several of our allies and only got a pm/warning to peace out...never have they been attacked for a raid. YET, where was the love returned when our nations raided them? Anyway....its where its at regaurdless of my attempts at peace, so if anyone else wants to talk sense into PK good luck! Other than this don't blame TPF for not bending over as told to do because we raided them when many of them raid and others raid them as well. BG.
  11. Cool VIDEO! Wish we could be joing you as it appears that a TE wide war is slow to start, however TPF is involved in a war of our own.... Shouldn't last long as others in the UW AA are also not wanting this war, but even if we can't seem to get it peaced out, there is only 6 or 7 days left of it anyway and then we will be picking out targets our self....We will stay away from our treaty bloc BG.
  12. I don't see it happening, to many AA's scared of losing there infra...Bad thing is this would be a fair fight and no surprise attacks as the one doing the blitz has the advantage. Besides TPF is in the middle of having our ankles chewed off by UW..They have our slots locked so ATM we are unable to war effectivley in any war, well as we have it already. Thats what we are doing here GT, we are setting up a fair fight.... 1 side vs the other side. Would UN be interested in joining? BG.
  13. NO...have of MHA wasn't even really attacked, plus the war went on for like 3 or 4 days, hardly enough time to really harvest tech BG.
  14. I think you missed the topic It was made up...We know how much you US!!!
  15. Yes i understand that, and agree..this is why i wait till a given timeline to attack/defend. Also i was getting pm' s from nations who attacked an already peace out war. But also put the fact that, had a pm went out to let them know it has been handled not to attack as i did to my guys, then no other nations would have attacked and we wouldn't be here now. Our one guy peaced out with his raid target yet was attacked by a UW nationthe raided peaced out but the defender attacked again, then another UW nation joined in. Thats 2 nations that shouldn't have dow'd and one that more less just attacked to raid as both slots were defensive slots filled by UW...This is why others jumped in to help out a nation that ended up getting more than a defense. Yet again above all when i was notified i asked PK to tell his guys to send peace and mine would except it. Anyway, we sent out pm's..those who want peace please offer it...those who don't then just have fun BG.
  16. lol, no thats not at all the same thing....I raided you guys and only me, three of you attacked my for 2 days, then i had friends help me out But look at us now
  17. He didn't make it as he didn't care to have peace...he wanted war and he wanted it so bad that he ran to all of our allies to ask that they attack TPF. I have already said UW was raided and with in their right to defend, by that nature they have a legitimate complaint...not my point here. My point here is what i stated here; "We have no problem with that, you are well with in your right to defend! Just don't defend then have the defending nation offer peace only to have 2 other nations dow or ask for peace yet keep attacking saying its justified until you get your tech and land back. They first set of attacks are the defense, the second set is a raid/war call...." And still cry that we won't give peace, yet make no attempt to get it, only escalate it and cry here for public support...did i mention during our pm's of asking him to help peace this out he was sending pm's to all of our allies asking them to attack us including RD as well as others that are not my allies but sent me a copy of the pm anyway for the heads up. BG.
  18. First off PK, as i said before I didn't want to war with you and since you were not willing to help your nations and me get peace this was a must! We never blamed You for the war but said you were the reason it is still going on and you are as i have said several times before on here. You should have no dispute as you complained we wouldn't give you peace, even though i asked several times on this topic and the fact we had to take matters into our own hands to end a war you obviously want, but cry wolf to make us look bad...my opinion you went wrong when you brought this public in the first place. Yet not one time have i ever downed you or your character, nor your position as leader of your AA. If you don't want peace then keep waring with us but your nations that do will get peace.... We have no problem with that, you are well with in your right to defend! Just don't defend then have the defending nation offer peace only to have 2 other nations dow or ask for peace yet keep attacking saying its justified until you get your tech and land back. They first set of attacks are the defense, the second set is a raid/war call.... BG.
  19. I would very much like to end this, I have nothing to gain buy waring with members of my same team color. I have asked several times to help me stop this, yet you still seem bent on just proving TPF wrong in the attacks. As i said when i checked after your pm, you had 30 members and you were not in the top 25 AA's. Even if you were and it WAS true, you have handled this problem entirely wrong and you have not sent out orders to stand down. I have 3 or 4 pms from your members that you didn't send anything but asked them to attack, not stand down. Even on this very topic i have posted that i want peace and offered it to you, you have not one time excepted it, only made rude comments. I will also say that you are correct and 2 or 3 TPF nations raided you guys...it happens! I was not aware of this until i read the 3 crappy pm's you sent me when i logged on. Plus there were other wars that are deleted from the 3 days of wars you have listed where UW nations DOW'd TPF. Not saying that thats wrong, just that it happened and you deny it. All the facts still point to I and other GOV have tried to get peace several times and with no help from you... WE have decided to take you up on your DOW but i still hope for the best possible solution to this confusing and insane war. I'm having PM's sent to UW nations we are at war with to let us know if they want peace, if they do then they will be peaced out immediately. My apologies to UW members as i should of thought of this sooner, and just took matters into my own hands to end this useless dispute. Also thanks to all our friends for your support! BG.
  20. Oh boy...Your like a thorn in my side! You had 30 members when UW was raided, that is all! How would you like to see the screen shots of wars that are now no longer there? If you would have just told your guys to peace out and also waited a few hrs for peeps to log back on you would have had peace, but instead i get pm's from your members saying that you didn't send orders to peace out...Go figure! And here is the pm i sent you; To: panic king From: Burning Glory Date: 3/27/2009 2:20:17 PM Subject: RE: BG.. WTF? Message: I didn't authorize any attacks on UW. Our rules state no raiding any AA over 30 members, I'm not sure how many you have as i haven't looked. The threat of sanctions was not cool, especially since we hold the majority of white seats and could easily bump you out not to mention over turn your sanctions and sanction your peeps as well. If you even have enough votes to do this... Now with all the BS out of the way, you know me well enough to just let me know whats up and I'll take care of it. My guys always send peace after a raid, so if none was taken and instead returned fire, then thats what lead to this on going. Let me ask you this; When you raid someone and then send peace, if they attack back you just go ahead and peace out or do you return the attack back? So tell your guys to send peace and I'll tell my guys to except it...let them know, no last hit then offer peace or it won't be excepted. And please come to me sooner and nicer next time. BG. See, it says over thirty members and when i checked you had 30 All i see in this thread is me trying to give you peace and you keep crying about the injustice you guy received yet not one time have you stepped up and said, OK lets do this and get peace...just WAR, WAR, WAR! This is fine, not wanted...but fine. BTW, how do you feel about joining this big war we have planned? BG.
  21. And here it is! Someone who admits we offered peace and was attack again to try and recover lost tech and land. As i said no way to get peace if peace is wanted.... Its just a shame that this could have been settled with a simple pm from 2 leaders saying enough, I did my part. UW just keeps wanting to get that extra hit in
  22. I'm not going to debate this about our raiding policy, you are clearly with in it and here is just another fine example of how you have sent pm's to me and your threats.... My nations peace out as i gave the orders, and the fact that you and others that have peace is proof of that, my point about you guys getting peace and then just re-attacking is on your war screens, as with others as well. If you had wanted peace then you would had let the peace out, not keep it going by having others DOW them. To anyone who thinks TPF is in the wrong, your not apart of the pm's and wars from UW have been deleted. I can also show you pms from UW members that the reason they keep attacking instead of peacing out is they just want to get back more tech and land. This is not the way to end a problem.... Thanks Tracer! BG.
  23. PK I will only say this, You have been contacted by not only me but also other GOV trying to get this resolved. I have copies of pm's of you being an ASSHAT toward me and my nations, and me still replying with a polite response, only for you to again reply in an uncalled for manner. If you want peace stop ordering your peeps to attack after i have just sent out orders to peace out. Meaning i send an order to send peace to your nations, then after thats done and they are waiting for that to happen, one of your nations attack us. and they are just going to sit there and let that happen after just sending peace, NO! they will fight back, just as your saying you are doing. This is a 2 way street, you can't order that we give you peace, yet not tell your guys to send it. The fighting would never stop. Before you say thats not what happened look at the fact you were peaced out yet turned around and attacked more TPF nations and so has other nations in your AA. So i guess this is a war, a DOW from you.... I really think you didn't want peace, but instead wanted to war :/ Here is just one of the pm's sent to ask for your help to peace this out; Message: Good day, sir. I'm not sure if you're the leader of UW or not, but I'm coming to you for some assistance. There have been a lot of wars between UW and TPF lately, some started by UW, some started by TPF. I am willing to order all TPF nations to peace out with the UW nations they are attacking if I can get the same respect returned to TPF. If you aren't who I need to come to with this issue, can you either forward it to the person who needs to see it or tell me who to contact? I thank you very much for your time, and good luck in the senate race. I won't bother posting your reply...as the point here is we are trying to peace with you, you just don't want it! BG.
  24. UPDATED! I knew LE were in Via our talks, but i wanted them to spek for them selves, now where is the others 1. TPF 2. MHA 3. LE 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. MAN! where are all the AA's who claim TE is boring!! It's going to happen one way or the other so lets just get it out in the open and make it fun for everyone.
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