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Burning Glory

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Everything posted by Burning Glory

  1. AGREED!! I and TPF support the new GOV of UN. It wasn't all that long ago when EE deserted them and left them. I think a merger would be up to the members of the AA not the leader/s. If anything a vote would have to take place. If some of the current gov would like to join RE then it is only the choice of their nation, not dictate to anyone else who to join. I say if the current members of UN wish to stay, then they have my support to do so. I don't feel its fair to force anyone to join an AA they don't want to, and judging from pm's by some of the current leaders and new leaders they really don't want to. Besides its as easy as editing your nation's AA....And few have done so as far as i can see. Also agreed, I think the public of TE agrees that forcing someone to join an AA is bad business.
  2. WELCOME GUYS!! GL this round.
  3. Well let me set you straight on a few things....He was in UW not UN, also he wasn't ghosting he was a UW member. I think He decided to join TPF because UW is small in numbers this round. I looked at the war screens, and i'm aware of what transpired, however it is up to TFD to handle the raid not LPE, unless LPE has a Treaty with them which is not posted on the fourms or in any of the nations bio's from either alliance. So this would otherewise be a raid on TPF and not exceptable by me. I'm aware of TFD and the leader of them as we worked together last round, and we would have delt with them on the issue, not LPE. The nation was also pm'd to stop the attacks and offer peace but i was never replied back. Things have transgressed from there, and he still refuses to answer any mail or stop the attacks. Great to hear KRV! I thought this was the case as the actions we not of your nature. GL! BG.
  4. you guys are off to a good start. Congrats!! Also this is a win Alliance....Rand is in the house!
  5. Well i decided to collect and get mine...didn't want TPF to be the only kids on the block with out the the coolest toys BG.
  6. look at the very top war that was cut off, it appears that LPE attacked one of the defending nations of le...this is bad. Also one of LPE nations attacked a TPF nation and listed it as a defense of another AA, but my pm's implied that it was a raid. This round isn't looking to good for LPE if they continue this. BG.
  7. An honorable surrender! Congrats SWAT!!
  8. lol, your in there you just got cut off BG.
  9. This is really great news, since i have both
  10. I love Great! good is good but Great is great :lol: GL guys!!
  11. Best of luck to my old friends of RD! who's leading this round?
  12. lol, well my opinion started out liking wolverines, then went to dislike for the JR war, but the last week of round 3 renewed my faith! GL guys in round 4, also congrats on the new leadership position CB!!
  13. Well i thought it went down like this; A few Swat nations started raiding UN and UN DOW'd them, then started attacking and SWAT attacked back. I'm not sure if this is the case but what i gathered from UN's DOW and war screens.
  14. lol, O-Dog I loved this post!! GL to you guys, and you know where to find me pops BG.
  15. Great to have you guys back for round 4! Congrats on a very strong finish last round, and congrats on the leadership position...Its a hard work and very time consuming, also don't worry about making mistakes we all do! GL to you guys!! BG.
  16. Wow i would have thought TPF would have more treaty blocs than this.
  17. I was thumbing through super cool AA's to join and then i saw this one, count me in
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