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Burning Glory

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Everything posted by Burning Glory

  1. You guys better watch out.....Your starting to make Thai look bad!! PSST Remember, this is not about judgment power grabbing, or tring to run planet steve. Oh WTH, there is no one left to stand up to you.....Do what you will!!
  2. But wars can still be honorable
  3. hmmm, who has the spies Not my doing, and this is the first I've heard about it. LI, I like great....I don't think you should be involved in this war at all, but none the less i had nothing to do with any sanctions from this war. Sethy, although i know not who this nation is or what is going on, I still wouldn't believe anything you say! Besides this is not your AA and I'm pretty sure if they want it told they would do it. Just a little FYI for your you BG.
  4. Thanks!! You guys were very honorable opponents, turns out even better friends!!
  5. LOL, the rumors are true...you guys are being brain washed. WTF are you reading BOY! TPF has done nothing but help a lot of AA's in this game. We have never played dirty, and if you call mouthy defending your self, then you should just sit down and STFU as there is no need for you to reply any further. AGREED!! And the post we make always seem to be in responce to ones they make You know it!! I posted twice that any of them who had a problem with TPF we would go at it heads up, one to one in an honorable fight. Everyone of them were to scared to take me up on the offer......Guess 535 nations to 150 ish seemed more like there kinda odds. But wait, TPF were some tough SB's so they called in other AA's for help. I just LOL about how they suck that bad
  6. Thanks Neo! As always you are a great friend.... It doesn't surprise me to see that a few of the Fellowship disagree with me, yet joining TPF allowed them to grow comfortably, and raid many nations in different AA's. Even a few that were off limits. The Fellowship are good guys and great friends of TPF, and just like this round we will have their backs next round. I tried my best to protect my members and my friends, I always have and i always will. My friendship can never be questioned, and i doubt anyone would disagree. I always do whats in the best interest of my AA and its members, and i have thrown my nation in wars many times to protect anyone i call a friend, no matter the odds, or the outcome. I don't claim to be right, or that my opinion matters more than anyone else's. I simply believe in doing whats right. I don't try to tell other peeps how to run their Alliance, or crucify them for doing something wrong. And I'm not one to just sit back and let anyone talk smack about me, my AA, or my friends. I give back what i get in return..... BG.
  7. I'll say 2 things, first; Thai was not the leader of MHA at the beginning of the round and he was nothing at all last round. MHA and TPF's treaty was by word of mouth last round, and also this round. We fought to protect them in both rounds via this word of mouth treaty. He took it upon him self to declare it not there, yet didn't mind while we were fighting for them. He did the same thing to us as they did to MI, PERIOD!! Second; Good luck with your nation and your new AA!! DD, you and galagar are really close, the only thing closer to him but in the same vicinity as you is his jock strap. Get off his @#%&!!
  8. Ut oh!! looks like CDT will be on the chopping bloc next, they also stood up to MHA! Wait what am i saying.....They have no other AA's to help dog pile them, and everyone knows they can't handle the offset in odds. MY MISTAKE!! You guys are safe Besides we got your back!! well part of it anyways,lol!
  9. Now just a second ago you said there was no organization and you had to post on your own boards, now you say i imposed bad polotics on you,lol!! Your contradicting yourself, and besides i had no polotics...just one simple rule, " don't raid our treaty partners". But yeah, that's pretty much bad for business no matter what AA your in. As far as the treaties, well since TPF was in second place and the #1 treaty holder has no problem's with as many as they have, then i would have to say that this was just a cowards way out of the war.....don't be scared, and don't go away mad, just go away!! BG, LEADER OF TPF.
  10. Do you even know what your saying, or do you just post ramblings from previous threads.....oh wait, i know your making propaganda. Trying to be like Thai, thats cool roll with it!! Yeah TPF has been stomped many times this round, MI to!! I know how to play smarter, to bad my morals are higher than yours, or I'd bandwagon too!! LMAO!!! DR my new hero!!
  11. lol, you must not of got it.... I lol'd!! He is just 15, a noob, and a bit confused...besides he backed TPF, bless his little heart! lol, i hear MHA has a few And i love the new avitar!!
  12. Well since you think your so great, let me remind you that the whole reason you merged was because you were getting rolled by OJ and friends.... It was TPF that had your back and it was i and other TPF nations who declared on them that got you out of your beat down in the first place. With that said GTFO!!!
  13. I'm pretty sure that was a racest comment, i'd watch your step if i were you! Also thai didn't take the hardest hits, he wasn't even nuked! And at that you obviously haven't read his post.... He did cry about it!! There is no whining or moaning in my post, and there has never been any lies either. You want to talk about Fail, the fact that your brain washed by a leader that turned on his friends all because he was afraid to lose the #1 spot and i stood up to him for his back stabbing me and my Alliance. That fail....EPIC. Its real easy to sit on the side with 800 + nations and sling your arrogant words about target around, but the real honor and skill is our side. I just wonder how well you guys would handle it if the roles were reversed. Yeah I lol to, but not for the same reasons you did.....You will have to find out later why lol, go get'em BR!! Take a look boys thats a real man there!!
  14. Well it appears you are getting your own BS fed to you as you just admitted in your own post that you were pumbled for no reason, you obviously haven't been ready the fourms and the reason we were dogpiled in the first place. Your intilted to your own opinion, but you being in my AA dosen't make you being right about your post. I have told jon to send out 2 messages, you must of been one of the 12 that couldn't read, when the other 138 had no problems. I have nothing but respect for most of the people in this game, and you can ask anyone this. But i will tell you the same as i tell anyone.....I'll defend myself the way i see fit, and that is exactly what i'm doing when i post in these fourms. You can call it political BS or what ever you want, I don't need your approval, and i'm not asking for it. If your not happy in TPF or like the way i run it, then do as your told and switch your AA like they want. Don't make up an excuse to run, while at the same time saying this is about war. This is not TPF's war this was Judgments war, i didn't come on the fourms with threats and i wasn't the one backstabbing my friends. And since Thai likes to keep the lies up let me just post this; To: Klingon Worf From: Aragorn Date: 2/8/2009 8:02:36 AM Subject: Peace Terms Message: I have been authorized to offer your nation peace so long as you switch your alliance affiliation to Judgment POW. Failure to do so will result in the continuation of the war. These terms are non-negotiable. So what was that you were lying about again thai? NVM!!! You will just lie or back step your way out of it again!!
  15. AGREED!! Always..... o/ Our friends and allies!!
  16. Thai this isn't propaganda, your peeps have sent out pm's to my guys base on your order. Don't try to twist your BS around or deny it! Just because your afraid to post it publicly doesn't mean you didn't give the orders. I didn't send anyone after you, I beat you down by myself...if not post all of the others battle reports. Also if anyone attacked you it was by their own will, and dislike for you disloyalty and back stabbing! they were not my top peeps at that....Good try! way to make yourself seem like a victim of your own war! You guys have lost, and your pathetic ramblings of how this is honor for you and your weak bloc is just more proof of your inability to take on TPF by your self.....You boy are a sissified leader. Let me make this clear for you; TPF did raid, but MHA raided as much or more and so did every AA in your bloc. TPF never raided your members, and any of TPF members that raided any AA in your bloc were new to my AA and didn't know we had treaties with them. Also TPF and our allies were raided many many times by your bloc members. This is yet another twist to your story of why you back stabbed us in the first place, one of which you never implied in your past ramblings, and back stepping. Maybe you thought people would forget about those post, well i don't think they have. Just admit you failed to beat us.... I don't think you have any worries there....And most of TE knows JR sucks!! I would however recant your statement as they tend to all gang up on AA's they see as a threat. But if they do, TPF will be there to get your back the best we can.
  17. They don't need military stratigy or tatics...They have TPF We already know the answer to that Horms.... They suck being on the side they are on, they would really suck against our odds,lol! Well said Elb, you took the words right out of my mouth!! But you forgot to mention your AA's average NS was around half the opposition's
  18. lol, What are you tring to say? Just spit it out already Also who the hell is this Slayer99, I've done a search on TE and nothing comes up????
  19. So then you contradict your self, they are either Allies or not! Also there is no excuse as to why he was attacked, that would never of happened if he were on out team!! But this is the way you guys play, cut throating is just second nature to you and what ever reason you find or give for that doesn't make it justifiable, at least not on my moral compus....But then again judgment's moral's are below average so i can understand you reasoning.
  20. LOL, if it weren't for the fact that i find you lacking in IQ points, or that your own intelligence is in question I'd find that interesting, but sadly its just amusing! The playing field I'm on you can't touch, besides i already have a archnemesis....well actually 2 but it requires that to equal my abilities. Take a look, they are both sitting in ZI state, lol! To those of you who find that statement arrogant; PO! I could care less about you thoughts, or how you feel i should handle a flamer or defend myself!! BG.
  21. Dave, listen son....i can't possibably make it any easier for you then what i've stated. If i had flash cards i'd use them for you Also, are we gloating about 2/3 in anarchy? Really! That in comparison to our odds and the number of nations we fought over 5000 NS is pure weakness on your guys side...And did i mentions MHA was our main focus, let me do it again! TPF went against MHA, GDA, and RE for 2 days by our selves...While still battling NAAW, you need to refigure your odds again. Then after we war'd with them Wolverines joined in and then CE decided to join, again I say you need to refigure your odds again Our allies joind days later, but then you guys couldn't handle the offset of odds so you had other AA's join. Fact remains, this is a curbstomp and you know it!! Did the back stabber come out to try and twist things around again.....Awww poor boy! Consider the odds, you lose!! But you keep gloating from your 0 infra nation :jihad:
  22. Thanks Sethy! I tried very hard to reach your level!! Are we still BFF
  23. During the course of this war, I saw bravery, honor, integrity, good fighting skills, and true friendship!!! TO BAD IT WASN'T FROM YOUR SIDE!! )): To ALL TPF nations and our Allies, You guys have fought a great fight, you were relentless in you honor and integrity, your bravery is second to none! You fought against great odds in a war that could not be won by numbers or strength! You have shown all of TE that you are indeed the best of the best!! To that I salute you, and i am grateful to call each and every one of you my friends!! THANK YOU!! To judgment, While there are many good nations in your alliances, the leaders have shown disloyalty, dishonor, and bad JUDGMENT!! Your attacks on on us show that you are nothing but bullies, tyrants, and lacking in all that stands for nobility and honor. Still.....I know when its time to admit defeat! With that said, Your defeated!!! I'm going allow you to surrender B) Your surrender terms are as follows; 1. MHA Post an apology in the fourms for your corrupt use of power, and attacks on TPF and friends. 2. Apologize to my friends for making them change their AA to get peace )): (Isn't that the same as disbandment) This is the only way out of war with us....PERIOD! FOR We will never give up, as this war has just begun; lol, you didn't think i was going to surrender did you? I watched a movie yesterday called "300" it reminded me of this war, and why we must not give up! BG.
  24. Thats why they gave the invatation,lol! TPF ins't attacking RE, what few if even that many that have attacked you guys are in defense of you attacking us! Had TPF attacked RE, half your nations would be in anarchy! Like BR said...you attacked peeps that are weaker than you anyway, and have not be active. But i'm sure you do remember my attacks, and the day you dropped 200 + infra Seriously, gloating about finding 2 open slots, and attacking weaker, noactive nations when clearly even the rest of your clan left them go for those very reasons is not cool! LOL, Doesn't that make you allies...You know fighting on the same team. So your either saying that you need a loop hole incase you want to attack them in the future, or your saying that they bandwagooned the war....Which is it or maybe both
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