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Burning Glory

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Everything posted by Burning Glory

  1. lol, i just stopped buy for some coffie and cookies GL guys! BG.
  2. lol, I'm just honored one of your top came to visit me...Wait no, this is an outrage, I can't believe you did this to me! K I'm done pretending, where's my Grammy No worries CP, I see 3 or 4 nations not in the 3RD Battalion 3/1 squad that just couldn't hold back...Guess you guys Wub me BG.
  3. Awesome guys! Except RnR are TPF allies just like you...hope that gets fixed soon BG.
  4. LOL, guess you didn't pick up on the fact that i was being sarcastic In reality it was a squad of RE that hit you, and they were just a bit bigger than you in members, however your NS should have been enough to make up the difference. For the record, and even though you may have been doing ok the rest of your AA lost, and i was opposed to this kind of tactics by RE...Just thought you should know And i still stand by my original statement that your band wagoners, only worse cause your cowards as well...pretty much every AA in TE attack up, as in a higher NS or member count AA while you and your AA on the other hand have only attacked down with either lower members and or lower NS. This time you not only went down on lower NS, you also attacked an AA already at war. So please while your bragging about your ability to not be anarchied by 2 or 5 RE nation, remember the rest of TE see's you as I do, COWARDS and Bandwagoners! BG.
  5. cool, GL and may the force be with you...As in force him out of NONE BG.
  6. OMG, this is EPIC, how did i miss this earlier? BG.
  7. Sure i can, i just did Plus no matter what the majority of TE thinks, even though i think they would side with me When you attack an AA already at war, with out a treaty....Its a band wagon. ie. 1 vs 1 you jump in = BW If 2 AA's attack one aa and one of the AA's of the 2 are far strong and would win even with out the other AA joining in on the attack, its a curp stomp. nah, sorry! and its only 9 hundredth Yeah but didn't they hit you with like only 8 nation lol! BG.
  8. WOW are you serious Priapism was planning on hitting WAPA? After looking over Priapism past wars this round, it appears that they are attacking or planning on attacking the weak AA's of TE. TF was well below them on NS and had just started recovering from a WAR, then to plan on hitting WAPA who would have buckled under attacks from the top 10 nations, only to turn around and hit GDA. Well I never...... BG.
  9. True that! She even told me on IRC that she had plans to peace this out before Priapism hit. Now this has turned into a bit of a mess, no worries though I'm dilagently working to get this resolved in a timely manner BG.
  10. Thanks BK, much appreciated! lmao, well at least you know it...But i think the polls are in and its a tie between you and ES,lol! JK, um...well, no really BG.
  11. lol, he's a busy man So much so he doesn't even ply TE anymore, so i'm told anyway BG.
  12. No if wapa and you both would have jumped GDA, that would have been a curb stomp Since GDA attacked WAPA and there was a war going on already, just like in your Defination...You jumped in regaurdless of who was assured a win, in CN thats a BW Now thats cool if you guys have a MAP, or something but GDA was just reminding WAPA what comes around goes around...As in if you attack an AA in a round the chances are high that they will be returning the favor later on in the round So i guess this isn't getting peaced? Your figures are lacking a bit there buddy. For one your not taking into account that between Priapism and WAPA there are 34 nukes to GDA's 10 plus Priapism avg NS is 5,043 and WAPA's is 1,694 to GDA's 2,972...Truely you see that GDA is the way under dog here. Also Priapism has 15 nations over 4 k NS and of those 15 nations 11 are over 5k and 9 of those are over 6k and 5 are over 7 k NS. GDA has 6 nations over 4 k NS and of those 4 are over 5k and of those 1 is over 7 k NS. Clearly you see the writing on the walls here, with out including WAPA's top nations Priapism alone has the war in the bucket So anything else you want to add BG.
  13. This is not good as GDA is already at war with WAPA...kinda seems like a bandwagon, i hope this gets peaced out ASAP! BG.
  14. GL to our friends LE, this should be a great war...Have fun guys! BG.
  15. LOL, I see you crawled out from under you stone to post a nice comment about TPF B) We wub you to sethly BG.
  16. lol, i've never been frustrated playing this game...well at least not in many rounds And i don't look at it like arguing as i don't argue, its more like explaining my side of the differences of opinion BG.
  17. LOL, oh boy...ES if they are inactive then WTF are you even worried about it for? That makes it even easier for you. All you have to do is pm the 2 or 3 active ones and take yourself TFO of Echo and start new. You could get a protectorate from Black and whom ever else likes you...PROBLEM SOLVED Need help picking your name? How about Alliance Destroyers or RIP BG.
  18. I have tried to explain this to you before, it is not the same thing...Tibs steeped down as leader of RE, he made Folger leader of RE in an OWF post. Once that happened it was no longer his AA, at least until Folger stepped down and gave it back to him. Also, for the record it was Folger who has been in the AA from almost the start and it was he whom recruited the most for RE as far as i know. So he has vested interest in RE, You have nothing vested in Echo, and no claim to its name I can be there, but the terms are already set and unless ER says different I can not bend or be swayed in any way. BG.
  19. LOL, Ladies and gentelmen...You finially have the truth and what i have known all along Carefully read ES's post in this quote above, it says it all B) SDF was in trouble, ES ran to ER for help...ER wasn't helping SDF/ES as he though he should be, and rather than leave, he though it best to just take over the AA and its name. After all ES decided ER wasn't the right man for the job, so since he decided, so shall it be! OR SO HE THOUGHT BG.
  20. ES, what you are missing here is the fact that the members of Echo are not members of Echo, they are SDF. There for the AA doesn't belong to the members of ECHO as there are only 3 true Echo members....The rest are SDF whom you invited over. And because of such, that does not make it the members decision to pick there ruler as the one with the most people will always win. Think about it If it is truly what you say, that the members want you, then it should be easy enough to tell them to follow you back to SDF. Everyone wins!! You are the leader of an AA, that was given to you...And ER keeps his AA that he started. And as far as who likes you, not all of RE likes you...Nor all of Black as members of both AA's have contacted me and told me so and agreed with what i propose. Its the majority of TE that i was referring to when i made that statement, not that I mean anything by it other than its your decisions like this one that has led to this. I can broker a deal for you as far as Echo goes, it is the deal i have already said, its simple, fair and the only one acceptable to me and ER. I really hope you consider it for the sake of Andrew and your SDF members. BG.
  21. WHAT I HAVE IS, ES saying he was and is couping ER's alliance, after that statement and what he has said to my Gov in IRC private channels is proof enough for me to defend ER. He has been saying it all along and posted it in his Bio....He also went door to door asking for help and asking for all of Echo members to turn on ER and kick him out of his own AA. It was then that orders were issued to defend/help ER keep his AA even if it was just the name. ES has been given options to peacefully solve this in a rational manner, yet he persist with the BS....its as simple as GTFO! With that said, If you still believe WE started it, Fine! But WE will not bend on the matter and we will WAR if need be, believe that But i got one for you, how about me and 100 TPF nation merge with Black, then I get PO'd that you are not doing as i say or acting like i feel you should as a leader or are as active as i feel you should be, then pm everyone and tell them i'm the new leader of Black, That i'm couping you and tell them that if they refuse to follow me they will get rolled. Would you still think its fair? BG.
  22. Thanks Doch, and i suport ES and whom ever follows him to move to Black...Of course it may eventually bring you trouble, but your call. LMAO! One things for sure it will fail By being warned that WE support ER with his alliance, yet still continueing to presue these utter etempts at yet another failed move, HE STARTED this. Of course look at it how you will, but be warned this is not something TPF will back down on as ER has been a friend and ally of TPF for many rounds. BG.
  23. ES you have been given a peaceful solution, leave Echo...And since there are so many SDF nations loyal to you this should have been the easiest and smartest decision you could have made, if nothing else to save face. You are strongly disliked by the childish BS you do in TE, this is your won doing just as keeping with your plans to COUP ER and this is the reason you were attacked. You were warned that we would defend ER and his alliance and yet you still rolled with your plans to coup the ER in his alliance. To me that is just arrogant on your part to think that you can over throw the leader of an AA regardless of what reasons you have. You can still end this peacefully, simply leave Echo and take whom ever want to follow you back to SDF, this is not unreasonable. Have you ever been in WAR, if so then you very well know that in war its very likely that you would face at least 3 nation if not more. That doesn't make it a curb stomp....especially when we are not targeting the entire AA, just the ones who wish destruction of ECHO. For the record and in case you were unaware, ES and his followers were warned we would defend ER and given a peaceful solution to end the whole ball of he said she said BS. Simply go back to SDF Also the 3rd battalion consist of around 50 nations or less, just under the size of SDF MHA would never have stooped so low as to what you did and tried to take over an AA that didn't belong to them, and i most certainly would have done the exact same thing with MHA as i did with you. Doubt me just ask Thai or Wolf yourself, I try very hard to maintain an honorable alliance and be as fair as i can giving respect to ever one even if I dislike them. Thats not to say that i have not made mistakes, I'm only human, just that i strive for better and learn from my mistakes....Something you seem to fail at doing. I've already answered you above, but let me also say that you know only what ES has told you and to commit or back him based on what you think you know is plain ludicrous. Also TPF doesn't care if we win or lose...WE WAR, thats what we do. If someone can teach us a better way, or expose a weakness to our military GREAT, it makes us all the better as we are not afraid to lose a WAR or infra huggers. One thing is certain, no matter who the AA is we war against, it will be fun, honorable and win or lose that AA will know we were there They thing between Tibs and Folger is different, it was not a coup. Tibs had steeped down and made folger leader of RE, even made an OWF post about it. Fact still remains, you have brought down every AA you have been in, and you didn't join TPF you ghosted us and were warned to leave. Your attacks on AZTEC a TPF ally, did nothing but got you destroyed yet again by a idiotic move on your part. Now i ask you once again to leave ECHO and end this peacefully, not that i think you will except, just making sure you know you have an exit to the BS you have caused. BG.
  24. Eh, he didn't do anything to back us or advance us...he is just good at propaganda BG.
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