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Burning Glory

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Everything posted by Burning Glory

  1. Congrats to both our friends at PU and RE! An honorable end to an honorable war BG.
  2. Very good, and a very honorable war by both. Especially Folger, you held tight, kept it fun and honorable, and maintained order in the #1 ranking AA in TE...Job well done!! Congrats to both! BG.
  3. I don't know what the Heck is going on with this Fail of a topic, and quite frankly i don't have the time to sit and read every post made in it. What I will say is that ER came to me the first day of Echo and asked for a protectorate with TPF, which i granted. I don't know how SDF agreed to merge with Echo, a 10 man alliance (which usually its always the smaller of the AA's who merge into the other) but apparently it did happen...at least to some degree or another. Both people are saying different things, both people have valid points but one thing can never be disagreed with! That is just because one person is not happy with the decisions of the leader of that particular AA, it doesn't give them the right to coup them or attack them. There is no fair way to put it through a vote as there are far more SDF members that would be loyal to ES, if for no other reason than Andrew. So, I propose that ES leave and go back to SDF and any member of the old SDF that agrees with him also go back to SDF. This is truly the only fair way to handle this situation, and in my opinion it is ER's alliance and this has never been disputed. As far as ES goes, I don't like his leadership skills, nor do i think he has what it takes to lead an alliance. He seems to be a ok guy in general, maybe a little childish at times but over all an ok guy. I personally know ER, and know of his ability to lead a fairly large AA...He is a good leader and and honorable person. With all that said, orders have been given to the TPF 3rd battalion to hit any SDF member attacking an ECHO member. And Randy, i would think twice before you pick sides as it would be a grave mistake on Blacks part to defend ES....of course this is TE so meh BG.
  4. Walford, you and i have had talks in the past as well as others in your AA that i have become to like and respect very much. But this is something that i will have to disagree with you about. I have always thought that saying your unaligned yet organizing as an alliance, makes you an alliance. Just because its listed as NONE doesn't mean that your not an AA. Its like saying it looks like fish, smells like fish, taste like fish...But its a chicken. See my point? You have all the structures of an AA such as policies, rankings, fourms, defense, embassies ect...There for just because you have NONE listed in your alliance affiliation, it doesn't mean your unaligned. You just can't have all the enmities of an AA, yet claim to be independent. Even if it were the case your are a pack/group with members, and regardless of your belief's you are open to attacks, this is why there is no peace preference in the Edit page....Its a war game. As for attacking the None, I've also said that this is TE, a WAR game. And while i agree that the attack was unprovoked and a curb stomp based on your actually active/participating members, You can't play a war game and expect not to be attacked regardless of your AA name or lack there of. It is a War game. BG.
  5. I think this is a good idea, we had something like this a few rounds ago. Thanks! BG.
  6. Well I guess if you believe that then there is no convincing you otherwise And as far as acknowledging a plot against RE, I didn't do that....Nor do i see how you can construed what i did say, or interpret it that way I simply said that Dog was the only one that said anything about a plot, didn't say TPF was plotting lol, far as i can tell, maybe 2 or 3....But there may be other back stabbers, who knows BG.
  7. This is true, i've seen it before BG.
  8. That wouldn't be SDF, however Echo on the other hand is a protectorate of which ER is the leader of and a good friend. I will be dealing with this as the day goes on and talking with Caustic about peacing out Echo. BG.
  9. What makes you think that it was Thai? For the record, that was only one convo of a few that people in other AA's that tried to get me to see through your BS. Far as i have ever known, there has really only been one that has said anything about a plot against RE (if you want to call it that) and thats Dog...But then again he is much like me, A WAR MONGER to the core Can't fault a guy for that can ya BG.
  10. Well i'm also saying some bad things about you, and i'm sure i won't be the last...you think you can just fight everyone that thinks your wrong or disagrees with you or members in your AA, you would be fighting all of TE at some point in time or another. Also its easy to pick on a guy that is way less in NS than you and getting over 2 nukes fired on him, try picking on someone your own size. BG.
  11. Well yeah...thats the point of peace, you don't think there was members of TPF that took a hit but still followed orders as requested. Your honor is lacking, your judgment is faulted, and your crimes will not go unpunished How do you figure that? 150 infra, planes, land and tech equall far more than the cost of a nuke that was done durning the time of WAR, When your nukes were fired after TPF gave White Peace...What i considered the honorable thing to do and you could have lost a lot more than that. No worries I backed him, you can deal with me as well...I'm calling you unhonorable, and every other member of FB that hit my members after the peace was given because they wanted to throw a temper tantrum fit!!! Problem is, the WAR never got up to 120 mph...maybe 40 or 50 mph but no where close to being able to stop nukes that take 24 hrs to fire off in the first place. Notice how not one single TPF nation fired a nuke at FB...could not have been to hard to stop it if we could do it This man speaks the truth...Very wise, you sir are in the top league. BG.
  12. First off, it is no secrete that there are members of TPF and even GOV dis like Tibs for his previous actions and decisions, in previous rounds...for that matter in many other AA's as well!! However I'm the leader of TPF and I make the finial call on what TPF actually does, and if I feel it is dishonorable or imoral IT WILL NOT HAPPEN! I guess that why YOU tibs, thought you could go around me to Gabs and Wiz, thinking that maybe you could convince them...You would have been mistaken Incase anyone doubts me or TPF's honor to its allies and friends; <XXXXXXX> that those 3 don't like RE and hate them even more now <XXXXXXX> though they would never question you <BurningGlory[TPF]> well, the thing is this, you know me well enough that i don't betray friends <XXXXXXX> yep <BurningGlory[TPF]> and even if they don't like RE, they are friends <BurningGlory[TPF]> and i could never turn my back on them <XXXXXXX> the reason why i disagree with you about RE is this (my opinion only) they have been and are using you Now this convo was between me and a friend from another AA a day or 2 before we hit FB....So you see Tibs, It was never a plot of TPF to betray RE, NEVER WOULD OF HAPPENED!! I think Clash has said pretty much everything else i was going to say in his post a page or 2 back. But let me just some it up here as well....Never question TPF's honor, for there probably is no other AA willing go as far as TPF and dump all infra for its allies, been there done that I lol'd at how true this is. AGREED!!! Nough said...And from a man who knows all to well Well said Elb! BG.
  13. Guess you didn't realize just how much a like you are, you guys are practically best friends BG.
  14. I lol'd Rest assure though ES, I don't think anyone was worried about SDF Far as Black negotiating peace for SDF, I would think you owe them a TY! Meh...GL destroying SDF BG.
  15. The plan while maybe a good one, down side is he tried to use/betrayed his most loyal friends. He did not think through the process enough...This is a war game, as such AA's war. You can't go a whole round at the #1 position and think that war is not inevitable no matter if you tie up the top 4 AA's or not, there are 6 other top AA's and 30 AA's below that who could ban together. Not to mention he underestimate his foe's and over estimated his abilty to be sluth...We knew he was plotting, just didn't know the whole plan. At any case, you should never betray your friends and I'm sure me dropping my treaty with RE helped motivate the perfect time to attack RE by the other AA's plotted against. Far as the whole AA being attacked for what Tibs did, This is TE and they are in the #1 spot...MHA are in the #2 spot, this war WAS inevitable. BG.
  16. I guess when you decided TPF's loyalty was worth discarding, you left your back side open...Now you have no one to defend you, and honestly I think you will be hard pressed for future allies as well. While i think RE is over all a good AA, and its sad that the AA as a whole has to be punished for Tibs's mistake...RE is the #1 AA, TPF has been betrayed, this is TE. Folger, you are a good guy and i wish you the best of luck with RE. BG.
  17. lol, you didn't think far enough ahead and you underestimate TPF....You have never seen nor will you ever see TPF battle enough to destroy any AA, its just not my thing. Even if there would have been a drop in average NS between all three AA's, it would not have been enough to keep RE from falling from an attack of all three AA's. Not to mention your not thinking of the rest of the AA's...UJA, LE, GDA ect. Also TPF and MHA had a knowledge of your plot before this came out...you not as tricky as you think And one more thing...TPF and MHA while not allies, keep in fairly good contact with each other BG.
  18. Agreed, and any nation not excepting peace is subject to further attacks with our Defense team and current war squads. BG.
  19. Agreed! And for the record any nation standing with Tibs will also battle TPF. There is a point you don't cross, regaurdless of anything else...never bite the hands that fight with you. Never betray your friends! BG.
  20. TPF welcomes RnR to our family!! Official notice RnR is now a protectorate of TPF with a MDP....Well actually thay have been for a few days, but i'm just now getting around to posting it Well you know with the party we had planed in all, i was just really busy Welcome guys! BG.
  21. While it was a short lived fun WAR, WE are giving White peace to FB. With the current state of affairs, I do not feel it appropriate to continue attacking FB. WE at TPF wish them the best! BG.
  22. congrats guys! RnR is a protectorate of TPF and a good alliance! BG.
  23. First off, TPF is never out of the loop...We have constant ears on the ground. Second, I could never be couped....I created TPF, have to many loyal nations, and I don't run TPF as a dictatorship. Almost all plans are voted on by GOV and i even send out PM's to get a feel from my members on their opinions about future plans and changes in TPF. Also as of this minute and effective immediately, TPF cancels our treaty with RE...We are willing to discuss things to see where RE is headed but as of now we can no longer be treatied to RE. BG.
  24. My opinion is that no matter what people say, most all AA's have treaties. Some people call them friendships, others call them treaties. As far as i know, Frostbite is the only AA with no treaties...this is as i said, as far as i know. All the other AA's or at least the major AA's have either treaties or friends. Even if there are no written treaties, you attack friends, their friends will jump in...for those AA's of course there is no reason to have treaties, they serve the same purpose. So those AA's that say they have none, the real truth comes when you get attacked...who comes to your rescue/aid? whom ever it is, if one comes to your rescue, that AA is the AA you don't have the so called treaty with. TPF has treaties and I see no shame in having them. I have always been fair with our treaties and never jumped into a fair fight.....even with AA's that i hold treaties with. I don't believe in curb stomps and will not allow TPF to be a part of one, as there is no skill or honor in a beat down. I enjoy playing TE, and i feel everyone is entitled to their own opinion and allowed to play the game as they see fit. Some people play to be the best/strongest NS nation in order to win the Flag or to try their hand at treaties and diplomacy. Others play to war and blow crap up (me for instance) while still others play to try different things out, or to learn how to do things like WAR. I guess the main point to TE is the same as any game, just have fun and enjoy the game. BG.
  25. Agreed! Give'em hell and take them all down with you, raiders who go to far deserve a taste of their own medicine. BG.
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