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Eurasian Union Announcement

Voodoo Nova

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"We do not have any experts for hire for the nation that is the direct successor of Nordheim. The day a Finn walks willing into Nordic land without the intent to free it is the day fat people grow methane jet packs out of their bowels and FLY."

The Celery

This just in, a fat person just grew a methane jet pack out of their bowel and flew it around their house.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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The Celery

This just in, a fat person just grew a methane jet pack out of their bowel and flew it around their house.

"We suggest he becomes your nation's next leader, he will be able to spew !@#$%^&* faster than your current one." -Editor of popular Finnish magazine, The Global Investigator.

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"We suggest he becomes your nation's next leader, he will be able to spew !@#$%^&* faster than your current one." -Editor of popular Finnish magazine, The Global Investigator.

"Ah, our fine competitor in the Finnish tabloid/satire market. Not doing much investigating nowadays, are ya?" - Celery Reporter.

OOC: :P Lets take this silliness to PM's.

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"Unless you believe that the HRE's invasion of Germany was just, you should have nothing to complain about. We were treaty bound to either support or abstain from participation in the RSSN's invasion of Lubeck, rather than aid their invasion; we declared neutrality. We are not so obligated to the HRE. This is a chance for us to halt unnecessary aggression against a stable and longstanding nation in Europe, one we can embark on without violating our own charter. Moreover as others have pointed out we issued a warning to the HRE at their reformation that we would not tolerate further aggression against other European Nations. They assured us that they would not, and now they have violated that assurance. That being said you shouldn't be surprised by our actions." - EU Spokesperson

"Oh right we forgot, RSSN is a member of EU and therefore they are allowed to wage war with whoever they want whereas any other nation cannot because they aren't tied to the EU? Is that what you are saying? Stop trying to lawyer your way out of these "moral responsibilities" Hypocrisy at its highest. Do something about the RSSN war and then talk."

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"We do not have any experts for hire for the nation that is the direct successor of Nordheim. The day a Finn walks willing into Nordic land without the intent to free it is the day fat people grow methane jet packs out of their bowels and FLY."

"A clever mean of execution, we will write those down in case that one day you may feel like "Freeing" Nordheim"

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All those condemning the Eurasian Union should look at the treaty for not being against the RSSN. There is no obiligation upon the members to go against aggressive behaviors of its members. However, since the treaty is a MDP, it essentially means that it will have to act if one of its members are directly or indirectly attacked, as in the case of Rheinmark.

Therefore, under the treaty, the Eurasian Union has the duty to come to the aid of Rheinmark, and Deutschland by extension.

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All those condemning the Eurasian Union should look at the treaty for not being against the RSSN. There is no obiligation upon the members to go against aggressive behaviors of its members. However, since the treaty is a MDP, it essentially means that it will have to act if one of its members are directly or indirectly attacked, as in the case of Rheinmark.

Therefore, under the treaty, the Eurasian Union has the duty to come to the aid of Rheinmark, and Deutschland by extension.

That is a fair train of thought, however the Rheinmark has acted on its own accord, independent of the EU, as we have an MDP with Deutschland. We have marched to protect our kinsmen, even if it leads to our doom.

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"Oh right we forgot, RSSN is a member of EU and therefore they are allowed to wage war with whoever they want whereas any other nation cannot because they aren't tied to the EU? Is that what you are saying? Stop trying to lawyer your way out of these "moral responsibilities" Hypocrisy at its highest. Do something about the RSSN war and then talk."

"No; the RSSN was a member of the EU and therefore we were not allowed to stop them from waring non-signatories. That being said, regardless of what concern you have for diplomatic agreements, the text of the treaty restricted intervention on the behalf of Lubeck. Whether that text was moral or immoral at this point is irrelevant, it was agreed to by all parties involved and therefore to violate it would not only be a circumvention of our own laws but also a demonstration that we cannot be taken at our word. To us a treaty is a binding form of international law, one which shouldn't be violated over something as trivial as a land dispute. Had we violated our own charter to "do the right thing", it would have been little more than moral opportunism, and ultimately it would have called into question whether or not future allies could trust us. If those in New England cannot understand that then it should be of great concern to your respective allies.

That being said, you are essentially saying you wish for us to also do nothing about the invasion of Germany, which under your logic that ought to be equally as unjust. We have told you why we failed to intervene in the RSSN affair, that had its own rational and as demonstrated was a different circumstance from this one. Furthermore it is now in the past, we are dealing with the present state of affairs which is the aggression of the HRE. If you would have praised us for intervening in the RSSN/Lubeck case then you should also do so now." - EU Spokesperson

Edited by iamthey
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"We would praise you if you were consistent. There are actions you can take against a treaty partner that don't violate the treaty charter."

"Correct. Such as not supplying them with military or financial aid, and asking them to declare peace through private channels. The EU has not in any way assisted in the war against Lübeck."

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"Correct. Such as not supplying them with military or financial aid, and asking them to declare peace through private channels. The EU has not in any way assisted in the war against Lübeck."

"You could also kick them out if they prove a destabilizing force. As they have proven to be."

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That is a fair train of thought, however the Rheinmark has acted on its own accord, independent of the EU, as we have an MDP with Deutschland. We have marched to protect our kinsmen, even if it leads to our doom.

"An honorable action indeed, however, it may be worthy for the EU to note that Rhinemark themselves have stated that they declared war on the HRE in defense of Deutschland as per a before secret treaty. Regardless of what many of you in the EU are saying, this is the exact same situation as that between the RSSN and Lubeck. We think it could benefit the EU to listen to their own membership, if not working to be more consistent in your actions supporting and condemning the aggressive wars of Europe."

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"We would praise you if you were consistent. There are actions you can take against a treaty partner that don't violate the treaty charter."

*Private to Promised Land*

"To address your earlier point, there is no established system of removal within the treaty itself. Presumably the only way to alter a treaty is by unanimous consent to the alternations, as the RSSN would obviously have not consented to a measure to create a removal process that would remove them, booting the RSSN would have been impossible under any circumstance. The only other option would have been for every one else to leave the agreement; a move that obviously would have been ridiculous for such a small circumstance and even then the agreement would have remained in effect for at least a month (OOC: 2 days is 30 under the 1 year = 1 day time scale). The only remaining option would have been to tell them to stop, and simply to not assist them in their efforts, both of which we engaged in." - EU Spokesperson

Edited by iamthey
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*Private to Promised Land*

"To address your earlier point, there is no established system of removal within the treaty itself. Presumably the only way to alter a treaty is by unanimous consent to the alternations, as the RSSN would obviously have not consented to a measure to create a removal process that would remove them, booting the RSSN would have been impossible under any circumstance. The only other option would have been for every one else to leave the agreement; a move that obviously would have been ridiculous for such a small circumstance and even then the agreement would have remained in effect for at least a month (OOC: 2 days is 30 under the 1 year = 1 day time scale). The only remaining option would have been to tell them to stop, and simply to not assist them in their efforts, both of which we engaged in." - EU Spokesperson

***Private response***

You should work on eliminating that oversight to prevent these sort of situations in the future.

***End Message***

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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"An honorable action indeed, however, it may be worthy for the EU to note that Rhinemark themselves have stated that they declared war on the HRE in defense of Deutschland as per a before secret treaty. Regardless of what many of you in the EU are saying, this is the exact same situation as that between the RSSN and Lubeck. We think it could benefit the EU to listen to their own membership, if not working to be more consistent in your actions supporting and condemning the aggressive wars of Europe."

How is it the same situation as the war between RSSN and Lubeck? HRE declared war upon Deutschland which was NOT part of the conflict, thereby being an aggressor.

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"The Empire will need some time to hink about the proposal of the EU."


"And here they come, these self-appointed peacekeepers of Europe. Ha! Were it not for Rebel Army, they would be powerless to stop us. Hiding behind Lavo Shalam, that's what they're doing!

Without him...But he's WITH them. Coming to deny us our revenge against the Martencists, to deny us unification of Germany and to deny us purging the world from the Martencist scum..! Without Rebel Army, I wouldn't care the least bit about the EU..."

The man slammed his fist onto his desk, looking quite angry indeed. Shortly after he did so, another man came into the room, approaching the desk. "Your Highness?"

The Highness raised his head. He looked older, and felt nothing but hate for the EU. He would quite possibly make the wrong decisions at the wrong time.

"Ah, Leclerc. What is it?"

"Forgive me, your Highness, but...With the EU intervening, the international community may not look as favourably upon us."

"Heh. You want to get rid of me?"

"Not per se. Just a change of government. The Empire stays, but with different people at the top."

"You, I presume?"

"Oh, not me. I'm a scientist. Too busy in my laboratory."

"The other one, then. What was his name again, I forgot..."

"Lynneth Sarkara, your Highness."

"Ah, The 90-year old. You're going to resurrect the ideals of your pretty Canada?"

"Possibly. Rational Communism is a successful ideology by itself."

"Well, not many such nations there anymore."

"Because they used it wrongly."

"Whatever. So I turn into a representative of the state, Empire keeps its name but effectively turns into a dictatorship where people can vote theleader out of office whenever they want? Or what?"

"Approximately that, yes."

"Heh. Fine. It's not like he can do any worse than I. I'm going to announce that decree to the Parliament in a while."

"Thank you, your Highness."

Lynneth left the room.

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"The EU is at it again, issue evacuation alerts and bring all High Government members to the above secret bunkers. Speed up the rearming of all missiles with the new warheads and prepare all forces for war."

When the order was given all departments worked extremely efficient, the Paratroopers were in a short timeframe ready to attack Ecuador and both Air as Missile Support was being prepared for the Holy Romans, the Fleet in Europe would be noticed moving ahead preparing for a blockade of the German coast.


As stated we will stand by the HRE in their time of need. Should the EU declare after 72 hours they will face the Phoenix.
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Dranagg must ask the question.

Peace. Security. Prosperity. The three values that the Eurasian Union was built upon.

Yet the RSSN started a war, and only neutrality was given by the EU. How can you say the EU is about Peace, Security, and Prosperity when one of your members invaded another nation?

As to the current state of the wars in Europe, this appears to be a minor affair. The local populations were probably getting worried that a bomb hadn't gone off recently.

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Where’s the peace, security, or prosperity for Lübeck?

If the European Union really struggled to maintain and keep the peace in Europe, why wasn't something done about Revolutionary Socialist Syndicate of the Netherlands’ aggression against Lübeck?

There was already a one nation that already unraveled the very peace the Eurasian Union your established, and the EU couldn’t even dispense a mild condemnation.

Should nuclear weapons be used, those who choose to use them are ultimately responsible.

I’m sorry, but nearly the entirety of this Eurasian Union Announcement is fallacy.

The Eurasian Union have proved themselves complete hypocrites.

As Proncinta’s right in accordance with the current Procinctia-Tahoe agreement as established at the Anchorage Talks Procinctia’s entire Airspace and Exclusive Economic Zone is restricted to all European Union access until further notice.


From the office of Liska Atka, acting Generalissimo of Procinctia

We hope the Holy Roman Empire makes the right decision - Michael Visari
By right decision I hope you mean completely ignoring absolutely anything a Visari has to say. Edited by Generalissimo
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Where’s the peace, security, or prosperity for Lübeck?

If the European Union really struggled to maintain and keep the peace in Europe, why wasn't something done about Revolutionary Socialist Syndicate of the Netherlands’ aggression against Lübeck?

There was already a one nation that already unraveled the very peace the Eurasian Union your established, and the EU couldn’t even dispense a mild condemnation.

Should nuclear weapons be used, those who choose to use them are ultimately responsible.

I’m sorry, but nearly the entirety of this Eurasian Union Announcement is fallacy.

The Eurasian Union have proved themselves complete hypocrites.

As Proncinta’s right in accordance with the current Procinctia-Tahoe agreement as established at the Anchorage Talks Procinctia’s entire Airspace and Exclusive Economic Zone is restricted to all European Union access until further notice.


From the office of Liska Atka, acting Generalissimo of Procinctia

By right decision I hope you mean completely ignoring absolutely anything a Visari has to say.

"This has already been responded to numerous times, and has yet to be responded to on a substantive level. Address the responses or cease to make the same baseless attacks.

Automated Response: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...p=1991883" - EU Spokesperson

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Public statement from Vauleo-Buryatia:

"Today, with this announcement, the Eurasian Union has revealed its true nature, beyond any doubt. This decision will undoubtedly have a resounding impact as many other nations begin to see the EU for what it really is"-3rd Deputy President of Vauleo-Buryatia.

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