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The Eurasian Union


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Prussia, the Kingdom of Drakoria, the Federal Republic of Groenlandia, the Republic of Dalmatia, the Commonwealth, the Varangian Empire, Rebel Army, and the Dominion,

Reaffirming our desire to live in peace with all peoples and to strengthen the bonds of friendship between our respective nations,

Desiring to rid and forever bury in the minds of all potential aggressors the false illusion that these parties stand alone, and

Resolving to strengthen our efforts for collective defense for the preservation of peace and security throughout the world,

Do agree as follows:

Article I

The above-named nations shall obligate themselves to desist from any act of violence, aggressive action, or attack on each other, either individually or jointly with other powers.

Article II

The nations will consult together separately and jointly, through self-improvement and intra-national aid, the parties shall maintain and develop appropriate means to deter and repel armed attacks and shall take all reasonable and proper actions to implement this Treaty and further its purposes.

Article III

Each Party recognizes that an armed attack upon any member of the bloc be it by nation, or a union of nations shall be construed as an attack upon all members of the Bloc. Unless the victim nation dismisses aid from the Bloc, all Parties shall respond to the attack as if they were also attacked. No Party shall consider such a conflict complete until the nation that was attacked and the majority of the Bloc are satisfied. The initial nation attacked in such a conflict, in consultation with the other Parties, shall define the terms under which Parties may accept surrender from opposing nations. Even if not brought in as combatants, Parties shall offer all due aid, financial and military, to victims and warring Parties.

Article IV

This treaty is firm and perpetual. Its bonds of union may only be broken 48 hours after a public announcement from a legitimate representative of the Party seeking to withdraw.

Article V

This Treaty shall be ratified by Prussia, the Kingdom of Drakoria, the Federal Republic of Groenlandia, the Republic of Dalmatia, the Commonwealth, the Varangian Empire, Rebel Army, and the Dominion in accordance with their respective processes and shall enter into force when announcements of ratification have been delivered to the other Parties.


Signed for Prussia,

Bundeskanzler Albert Tanzband Hohenzollern

Signed for the Kingdom of Drakoria,

HRH King James Drake

Signed for the Federal Republic of Groenlandia,

Forseti Ty Eyvindsson

Forsætisráðherra Ãsólfur Ãrmannsson

Official Approval from the Senatus

Signed for the Republic of Greater Dalmatia,

Prime Minister Lothar Lanz

Signed for the Varangian Empire,

Frederick Mikkelsen Vænnsyn

Signed for Rebel Army,

Lavo Shalam, Prime Minister

Mohamed Hazzan, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Signed for the Bundesrepublik Rheinmark;

Markskanzler Otto Volker

Reichsmarschall Hendrik Wareheim

Signed for the Citadel,

Ryn Atrevier: RynAtreviersig.png

Triumvir of the Aristocracy

Prince of the Citadel

Ethan Kaiser: EthanKaiserSig.png

Triumvir of the Professional Guilds

Guild Speaker of the Citadel

James Crown: JamescrownSig.png

Triumvir of the Technician Syndicates

Supreme Syndicate Director of the Citadel

Edited by Lavo_2
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/me launches a nuke at Drakoria and Rebel Army

OH SNAP! :awesome:


"We congratulate the formation of the European Union, and these involved. Here's to Pax Europa!"

"I believe you mean Eurasian Union, good sir."

OOC: /me rolls New England :ph34r::awesome:

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/me launches a nuke at Drakoria and Rebel Army

OH SNAP! :awesome:


"We congratulate the formation of the European Union, and these involved. Here's to Pax Europa!"

Thank you for those statements. We do hope Europe will be peaceful at last.

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OOC: Well, this explains why you didn't want an MDP with me.


"I watch this union carefully...recent events in Europe make it seem like the Nords are attempting a comeback, and evidence points to this new union as being their tool of revenge against those who fought against them." PM Gustafsson.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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We are proud to be a member of this group as well, and to be among friends once more.

OOC: I think I gave you the giant sig by accident i'll fix it when I get on my computer with the working mouse >_> (randomly stopped working, I am controlling everything with the keyboard).

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OOC: Well, this explains why you didn't want an MDP with me.


"I watch this union carefully...recent events in Europe make it seem like the Nords are attempting a comeback, and evidence points to this new union as being their tool of revenge against those who fought against them." PM Gustafsson.

"How are the Nords making a comeback through the EU? Only two of the signatories, Prussia and the Commonwealth, are ex-Nordlandic states. The Varangian Empire is often erroneously labeled as a former Nordlandic state/Nords due to their strong Norse heritage."

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"How are the Nords making a comeback through the EU? Only two of the signatories, Prussia and the Commonwealth, are ex-Nordlandic states. The Varangian Empire is often erroneously labeled as a former Nordlandic state/Nords due to their strong Norse heritage."

"In all technicalities, the Commonwealth isn't even an ex-Nordlandic state."

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"How are the Nords making a comeback through the EU? Only two of the signatories, Prussia and the Commonwealth, are ex-Nordlandic states. The Varangian Empire is often erroneously labeled as a former Nordlandic state/Nords due to their strong Norse heritage."

"Everyone knows ex-Nordic goverment members are in the Polish government. One would have to be BLIND to not see what is happening."

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"Everyone knows ex-Nordic goverment members are in the Polish government. One would have to be BLIND to not see what is happening."

There are ex-Nordic government officials? In Europe? Today? oh my! Well, thank you for the logical response. After all, the Greater Nordic Reich wasn't the hegemonic power in Europe for sometime. After all their influence didn't dominate society...after all most men in the political profession didn't work for the Nordic government..after all...oh..I'm sure you catch my drift. - Michael Saviri

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"Everyone knows ex-Nordic goverment members are in the Polish government. One would have to be BLIND to not see what is happening."

"I never denied that. If you heard my statement correctly, I said that the Commonwealth of Poland and Czechoslovakia are former Nords. And also, it is the Czechoslovakians with the ex-Nords, not Poland."

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"I never denied that. If you heard my statement correctly, I said that the Commonwealth of Poland and Czechoslovakia are former Nords. And also, it is the Czechoslovakians with the ex-Nords, not Poland."

"And yet you trust them to be your ally? I can't see why Uberstein retreated to the Middle East during the war, it's hardly anti-Nord." Prime Minister Gustafsson.

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"And yet you trust them to be your ally? I can't see why Uberstein retreated to the Middle East during the war, it's hardly anti-Nord." Prime Minister Gustafsson.

"None of us supports the policies the Nords used. That is why the Czechs are former Nords. If RA believes them to have passed the "Nordlandic" stage, so do we. If there is one man who's judgment I trust, it is Lavo Shalam."

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"None of us supports the policies the Nords used. That is why the Czechs are former Nords. If RA believes them to have passed the "Nordlandic" stage, so do we. If there is one man who's judgment I trust, it is Lavo Shalam."

"This basically sums up our perspective. That and the Commonwealth is not just one nation, but two. It's Polish counterpart is not exactly keen on a return the old expansionist ways of Nordland."

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"This basically sums up our perspective. That and the Commonwealth is not just one nation, but two. It's Polish counterpart is not exactly keen on a return the old expansionist ways of Nordland."

Then I think we all have a responsibility to keep it that way. Another Nordland--well I dont even want to think what would happen.

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