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That means nothing if they used illegitimate tactics (like getting rid of resignation topics and PZI and rolling anyone they don't like) to get there.

Actually there really is no such thing as an illegitimate tactic. Granted you may not like some of the things they do, and Lord knows I disagree with a lot of their policies, but you can't really say their tactics are illegitimate. I mean, they could say the same thing about your tactics. I'm just saying.

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Actually there really is no such thing as an illegitimate tactic. Granted you may not like some of the things they do, and Lord knows I disagree with a lot of their policies, but you can't really say their tactics are illegitimate. I mean, they could say the same thing about your tactics. I'm just saying.

Exactly. It's how they choose to run it. And it's worked for them.

You don't have to agree or disagree. But there's no crying in baseball. -_-

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Hm, lost my quotes: In response to, "So JoshuaR is mistaken?" :

I don't know the procedure now, so my statements ARE likely inaccurate today. I know when I was a member over Two years ago (a very long time!), I never had access to the resignation posts that were "polite." Of course, I was nothing more than a grunt, asking Squintus (my big brother) questions such as whether I should buy tech and how much. (Oh how the advice has changed since then, hehe.) So, if the normal resignation posts now go to a public area, they didn't then. I've always assumed that ALL the resignation posts get moved to the lock-box where they may be accessed later. I know I had nothing but good things to say about the NPO when I left, so I assume that wherever my post went, others go too.

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For real? I mean, I understand y'all are upset with this. But isn't it up to NPO on how they wish to run their alliance? They are the strongest alliance in CN, obviously they're doing something right. Maybe instead of complaining we should be taking notes.

Disclaimer: This in no way implies you aren't entitled to crictize the manners in which NPO operates. I'm all for freedom of speech. But sitting here bawing about it, will never accomplish anything...

It's absolutely their call as to how they run their alliance. I'm simply making sure no one thinks that it's just the blatantly offensive resignations that get moved as Dilber claimed.

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Imhotep never ruled anything and you were never in Vox. ;)

OOC: While I'd usually agree with you, Imhotep has mentioned IC that he is pretty much an incarnation of Moldavi with references like "I did" and how he led. Unless he makes it clear that he doesn't want to be remembered as Ivan, then I'm seeing him as Ivan, since he's referenced himself as Ivan. Now, da Silva has never referenced himself as anybody else, so I keep that line with him (at least, I do).

IC: I'm surprised. Usually some idiot comes along on these pages and posts how irrelevant we are, despite a 30 page thread.

Edited by MegaAros
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Who cares what they do with resignation threads.

If someone posted a resignation thread on the MK forums that bashed us, it would likely be locked and/or moved to our recycle bin as well, unless it was just amusingly stupid.

Are you kidding? We're MK. It'd be ****-posted to hell and back.

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Actually, that would be flaming, not trolling. It is far ruder and less productive than trolling, in that it typically relies on crude words and baseless accusations, typically revolving around one's parentage and sexual orientation. Trolling, on the other hand, can lead to valuable discourse on a number of highly amusing and interesting topics. For examples of a good trolling, I would refer you to the OP, or to go a bit further back later writings as authored by figures such as the Scholar. The latter may be a touch too subtle, though, since at first they went unnoticed for what they really were.

Oh please, Archon, enough with your petty explanations. You "bore" him, don't you know? ;)

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"Trolling" is now bringing factual errors in the OP to light,....wow fascinating.

Whenever those factual errors have little relevance to the main point of the post it is. If I just went through and complained about every grammatical mistake in the post I would be addressing "facts" but it would still be trolling.

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Mussolandia will be remembered for the good he did, and not the evil he became.

Whilst this statement is epic and I find it worthy of praise, since it does wonders for my ego, you can at least be content that I could have become much more "evil" in your eyes (and still could become) than I actually am.

I disagree. It is everyone's right to disagree with the way another alliance treats its members.

The Order does well to quash internal dissent. An alliance of its nature could not survive were everyone to be afforded the right to an opinion. I do have to say that moving and locking threads is but an extreme recourse that is never taken lightly. Control is much more subtle within the Order. Threads are seldom locked and moved.

In ancient times, it was my job (along with several of my comrades), usually in the aftermath of Great Wars, to curb dissent and end discord. I have learned that the more threads you lock, the more people resign and the ripple effect is far worse than letting a few people talk.

The most powerful means of control within the New Pacific Order is peer pressure. Sometimes officers will incite this pressure, but it comes mostly in a spontaneous manner. The Body Republic is usually more extreme, more conservative than the leadership. It is a means members have to prove themselves worthy to leadership.

I have never stated that I would not utilize certain avenues to reach a desired end en masse. The forced move against an opposing alliance by the collective body over a perceived indecency is different than the individual crying over someone picking on them in IRC, in my opinion.

I was referring to the other war that started over similar issues. But I was mistaken. The credit for starting that war should go to Electron Sponge and not to you.

In any case, Moldavi always took care of Moldavi and that was about it. The fools who followed, some with more conviction than others, are to blame.

OOC: This thread is wonderful and should be kept for posterity. It has a bit of everything that once made this game great.

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Whenever those factual errors have little relevance to the main point of the post it is. If I just went through and complained about every grammatical mistake in the post I would be addressing "facts" but it would still be trolling.

I am sorry, there is no other way for me to tell you this but; this is the most stupidest post I have read in a while.

The factual errors revealed have very much to do with the main article (usually authors of pieces put upfront their critical news) of the propaganda piece, as they depict basic claims made in the article as blatantly wrong-- they put the basic conditions (who? and where?--- not an implant having NPO membership in Tech Corps BUT implant being a simple applicant in Open market-----> changes the story of the article dramatically doesn't it?) in which the character of the first article acted in a completely different light, thus proving to be extremely relevant to the OP.

Now, this proves to be relevant further due to what it can imply to the outside set of eyes.

You see, this puts the objective reader in a unfortunate dilemma, which is;

If the author of the piece made blatantly wrong, made up claims in his first head article, can I thrust what is said later on fully? If he lied/made up/appear to be wrongly this, how much did he lied/made up/appear to be wrongly in the rest?

Now, seeing this debacle I can understand that you wish to downplay this actually claiming that pointing out FACTUAL ERRORS in the OP is irrelevant and trolling, but it really isn't. Anybody making that claim only make themselves look like complete fools. Its quite relevant, has nothing to do with trolling and represents an important critical observation based on factual reality which is something that belongs in the open discourse of our medium.

And yes, grammatically correcting an OP is irrelevant to the content, though correcting the content with factual reality can hardly be seen as irrelevant. As such your comparison is one of the stupidest things I read in a while,......nothing personal.

I hope that clears that.

Edited by Branimir
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Actually, my general point was that there is no "right" to dissent. You can say whatever you want, but you are responsible for the consequences.

surely a great defender of civilization such as yourself would realize that the responsibility lies with those in power to ensure that the consequences fit the action and that they do not abuse the power that they hold.

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surely a great defender of civilization such as yourself would realize that the responsibility lies with those in power to ensure that the consequences fit the action and that they do not abuse the power that they hold.

Nope. It is your's. If you have no ability to control yourself and lack basic personal responsibility, well that's a !@#$%* ain't it?

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Certainly, and it's my right to fire my bullet at you in return.
Actually, my general point was that there is no "right" to dissent. You can say whatever you want, but you are responsible for the consequences.
Nope. It is your's. If you have no ability to control yourself and lack basic personal responsibility, well that's a !@#$%* ain't it?

I've come to the conclusion that you actually have no clue what you're talking about, and instead just write some random nonsense that you think sounds edgy.

It's not edgy. It's flaming.

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Nope. It is your's. If you have no ability to control yourself and lack basic personal responsibility, well that's a !@#$%* ain't it?

so those who hold power are free to distribute punishment as they wish with no concern of the proportion to the discretion? What a lovely civilization you defend.

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I've come to the conclusion that you actually have no clue what you're talking about, and instead just write some random nonsense that you think sounds edgy.

Good sir Hizzy, when one's philosophy is developed with a predetermined conclusion and all subsequent information crammed in to fit one's biases, one cannot help but spew random nonsense.

Far too often do young empty minds charge at windmills, but you sir are witness to a rarity: one that defends windmills.

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