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Polaris was never "in".



Posting in the only manner Grub taught me...the enumerated list!

1. The Emperor is the final word for the New Polar Order, he was in #stratego and he didn't agree to jack.

2. We never said "NpO is in" or replied to the list posted in the channel in which someone presumed we were "in". If someone wanted to assume we were "in" the hypothetical war because we would defend our ally then I guess that's a reasonable assumption to make, but that doesn't mean we agreed or subscribed to any particular plan or that we would be taking orders from or following the lead of any other alliance, especially not an unconnected band-wagoner or forum troll.

3. We made it clear we would not be a part of any "fairy tale" as the logs below which may or may not already be public show:

[13:58] <Grumpdogg[NpO]> i really can't see Polar being a part of this ridiculous scheme

[13:59] <Schattenmann> Well then I guess you have to tell ODN to butt out of the good one :P

[13:59] <Poyples> I also can't see any concocted scheme working too well, I would rather wait for an inevitable GOONS mistake than get caught forcing one

[13:59] <Schattenmann> I think the fake AA is pie in the sky

[14:00] <Grumpdogg[NpO]> we're worried about the legit CB not being enough to sway people and you're seriosuly trying to create some fairy tale?

[14:00] <TCK> agreed

[14:00] <Grumpdogg[NpO]> get a grip

[14:00] <Grumpdogg[NpO]> go aid Methrage

[14:00] <Poyples> Dopp tried that one, doesn't work apparently :P

Note: The "legit CB" I was referring to there was a GOONS member conducting the fourth raid in recent times against a legitimate UPN member who had more than 100 days on the United Purple Nations AA. It had nothing to do with the UOKMB drama. At the time, $1,000,001 in aid had been sent to the UPN member from GOONS without the consent of UPN government which we believed had been sent in order to trick the UPN member into accepting a peace offer. Now in my opinion it was an affront to an alliance's sovereignty to bypass their leadership and disrespectful to raid and send reps so low as to retain profitability in the raid. Furthermore it was my feeling that there are only so many mistakes you should tolerate before you defend your membership against raids as is your right. Evidently ODN thought differently and negotiated higher reps for UPN from GOONS for this incident and it is resolved. Diplomacy won and everyone is happy.

Now you can debate the strength of that as a legitimate cause for war (it was only my personal opinion at the time that 'enough is enough'), but the point of this post is that we never supported the "honeypot" scheme or other concocted plots morons like HerooTime55 were spamming in #stratego that day. Neither did STA (their name was bandied about as possible protectors...lol).

Thanks for reading, I will endeavor to answer any sensible questions.



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Thanks for clearing it up. Those weren't public before and it is good of you to clear up misconceptions. Otherwise, imaginations run wild when people have seen you post "Whoever nukes GOONS is inherently in the right," and such along with appearing to be very gung-ho in the logs.

Do you maintain your position upon finding out that the nation in question was on a ghost list before and had requested the 1 million himself and by the member who had mistakenly attacked rather than it being a GOONS-endorsed action?

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Hey yeah, I'm gonna have to cut you off at the "lying about the 1m" part. The target was on an old list we had been given of ghosts, somehow our member found the 6 month old list and picked the target. Now the whole bit about the 1m, the raided nation requested the 1m, and our guy sent it, there was no government activity on our part endorsing this action. When we were confronted about this by UPN, we pledged to pay a fair amount based on the damages. UPN never bothered to follow up.

Also this is besides the point, but as our nation was a 6 day old scrub he couldn't possibly have done more than 1m in damages.

So stop telling people we lied, we didn't.

Oh, also we actually gave ODN a steep discount, as we saw much honor in what they did, we didn't charge them more as you claim.

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Oh, also we actually gave ODN a steep discount, as we saw much honor in what they did, we didn't charge them more as you claim.

"higher reps for UPN from goons" referring to the 100 day nation I believe, not the uokmb thing.

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Can invicta bring anyone in for us?

Yes. If we were in.

We really, really weren't in. I have a lot more #stratego logs than you've seen.

[20:57:14] <Grumpdogg[NpO]> Recognition of Hostilites is the way to go

[20:57:20] <Grumpdogg[NpO]> (defensive)

[23:08:41] <Grumpdogg[NpO]> "GOONS attacked a member of ours for the 3rd (4th?) time in recent times, we defend our members. FULL STOP."

As for us.

[20:59:34] <Thrash[invicta]> can someone invite Jorost in here?

Here's what our glorious leader said, ALL OF IT.

[22:02:40] <Jorost> I usually have underlings that do this kind of thing.

[22:02:45] <Jorost> Here's one now.

[22:02:47] <Jorost> :)

(talking about chanserv)

Atlashill was pro-war; he pretty much agreed with Grumpdogg. Now, there might be some confusion about him, as way back before Jorost he actually was the leader of Invicta. Nowadays though he's the same as me, a Vice Minister in Finance. Thrash is our Minister of Foreign Affairs.

[21:49:53] <Thrash[invicta]> well, all of us haven't committed to anything yet, so.

We don't like GOONS. This isn't a secret. Largely it's because of their support of the Safari. But that doesn't mean we're going to want to launch a global war based on one low-level tech raid.

Which brings me to another question... what the hell were UPN thinking handing GOONS a target list for their own AA? They're not like TOP (who hired us a long time ago to do ghostbusting on nations too small for them to hit). They have nations within range of their ghosts... don't they?

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I don't understand why there is/was a need for this to be posted. Polaris may not exactly be the most-liked alliance around, but I don't think you're going to see any other alliances taking casual potshots at them because they might have been thinking bad thoughts about stuff. It's been pretty clearly stated by several members of the Box Bloc that you guys will probably be viewed with suspicion, but beyond that exactly diddly is going to get done.

On that note, I'd recommend all of Polaris start acting suspiciously. Very suspiciously.

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GOONS didn't "trick" anyone, as the UPN nation was the one who agreed to the negotiated amount.

And the "raid" was, as stated earlier, a result of a newbie getting his hands of a list of ghosts (a list, however outdated, that UPN originally gave us themselves).

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GOONS didn't "trick" anyone, as the UPN nation was the one who agreed to the negotiated amount.

And the "raid" was, as stated earlier, a result of a newbie getting his hands of a list of ghosts (a list, however outdated, that UPN originally gave us themselves).

The accepted process for dealing with these things is to negotiate with the alliance's government, not the individual that will be receiving reps. When I was in Polar we certainly would not have considered that a legitimate deal, and I imagine UPN has similar policies.

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The accepted process for dealing with these things is to negotiate with the alliance's government, not the individual that will be receiving reps. When I was in Polar we certainly would not have considered that a legitimate deal, and I imagine UPN has similar policies.

The nation in question proposed the 1 million and the nation who did the raiding sent it. The latter was still a novice player, so acting like it was this huge affront is blowing it out of proportion.

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I don't understand why there is/was a need for this to be posted. Polaris may not exactly be the most-liked alliance around, but I don't think you're going to see any other alliances taking casual potshots at them because they might have been thinking bad thoughts about stuff. It's been pretty clearly stated by several members of the Box Bloc that you guys will probably be viewed with suspicion, but beyond that exactly diddly is going to get done.

On that note, I'd recommend all of Polaris start acting suspiciously. Very suspiciously.

There is a need to at least attempt to clear up misconceptions. Having people level accusations when circumstantial evidence exists and doing nothing to combat them lends them credibility.

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The nation in question proposed the 1 million and the nation who did the raiding sent it. The latter was still a novice player, so acting like it was this huge affront is blowing it out of proportion.

Right, and I agree that it was blown out of proportion. I'm simply saying that while GOONS didn't "trick" anyone, they also didn't (initially) solve the problem through the appropriate channels either.

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Right, and I agree that it was blown out of proportion. I'm simply saying that while GOONS didn't "trick" anyone, they also didn't (initially) solve the problem through the appropriate channels either.

Yes we did, when they came to us about it, after the 1m had been sent, we offered a fair compromise. We are faultless, with the exception of the ignorant nations involved who sent and accepted the 1m without consulting either's gov.

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Polaris was 'in' about as much as Nordreich was. In our case, any decision regarding war requires the Kaiser's assent and the Althing's (our Parliament's) vote.

I haven't been Kaiser for more than a year, and I have never served in the Althing.

But hey....let's not let facts get in the way of a good story.

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I wasn't spamming it, I suggested it once, everyone agreed it was a bad idea, and then we moved on. I never brought it up again, at least I don't recall doing so, unless others had brought it back to the surface before me. Regardless, it was just an idea I was tossing out there, and we did all agree it would be stupid. You could always say that instead of "Yeah, they totally were gonna declare for no reason, but we were never in!"

Or just throw everyone else under the bus in a panic to distance yourself from those logs, you wouldn't be the first.

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And yeah, we were there because of CoJ. I'm not going to claim, however, that we weren't in if they were, or that I wouldn't be more than willing to declare aggressively alongside them. Because we would have, happily.

Actually, I lie. I wasn't even there for CoJ. I was there for the idea that we could get a war started. My lack of concern for things like a "traditional CB" (Which IMO is a ridiculous concept and I think it's sad that we have to appease cowardly fence sitting alliances with such nonsense) should be evident in the fact of my poor suggestions to manufacture one.

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But hey....let's not let facts get in the way of a good story.

Precisely the reason I have not addressed the dummy AA issue on the OWF; I have no interest in "debating" anyone about my own intentions.

Since it has come up, I will simply say this, and I won't argue the point because while people will try, there is no argument to be had:

HoT55 and I were talking one night, he mentioned a fake AA, I said oh look, Farkistan left SF. There was no plan. Just as I said in the logs in the blog, it was pie in the sky. It got brought up in the heat of the moment in #stratego, everyone said " <_< terrible" because it's not a realworld plan, and it got dropped as fast as it was brought up. It was never close to being a plan. People that take that part of the logs seriously are taking it more seriously than the people that were in the room, but that's the point of taking logs out of context, innit?

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