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CN Generations and Eras

Ryan Greenberg


What CN Generation Are You?  

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I was watching the 7 ages of Rock documentary earlier today, when they were talking about how Alternative Rock/Grunge represented a good majority of Generation X. This got me to think of a thread a few months ago that discussed generations in CN. Because of this, I took my post in the thread, and put some of the key events of each generation to show you why I think each CN generation stopped where it did, and put it up on this blog. Please share your opinions on your thoughts of CN generations if you want to. :)

Beginning of the game-Great War I: The Greatest Generation: The Greatest Generation is byfar the most important out of all other CN generations. They created the alliances that would shape the future for years, created ideas that have influenced today's CN, and have had many of the most influential leaders come out of their generation. Though weak in numbers today, The Greatest Generation continues to have the most recognizable and influential leaders and players. The Greatest Generations also saw Great War I, which would cause the rift between LUE/NAAC/GATO and NPO/NpO. Great War I and it's aftermath would create the political landscape that would create the Nation Boom Generation, thus ending the Greatest Generation.

Post Great War I-Great War III: The Nation Boomers: The Nation Boomer era saw an influx of new nations and alliances come into the game that would evolve the game into a new level. This era saw the creation of the first true alliance blocs. The League, featuring much of the victors of the First Great War, and the Initiative, centering around both the NPO and NpO would square off in Great War II that saw a quick Initiative victory. The remenants of the League were eventually destroyed as Aegis in Great War III. The Nation Boomers, like the Greatest Generation, have many recognizable nations and leaders. The Nation Boom era saw the official end of the original LUE/GATO/NAAC vs. NPO/NpO feud, thus ending The Nation Boom generation.

Post Great War III- Unjust War: The Unjust Generation: Entering an era with no real enemy, after the destruction of the League/Aegis, the Unjust Generation saw the first Hegemony in the Initiative. The Initiative, like the future Continuum, saw the isolation of alliances like Viridian Entente and FAN, which led to their destruction in curbstomp wars. It also saw the first rifts between NPO and NpO during the Moldavi Rebellion. Eventually, the Initiative would split into the Unjust Path and NpO/BLEU. The Unjust War would see the disbandments of Unjust Path alliances like \m/ and Gen[m]ay, and the eventual destruction of GOONS, thus ending the Unjust Generation.

Post Unjust War-War of the Coalition: Generation Pacifica/Pax Pacifica: Generation Pacifica or Pax Pacifica saw nations born into the era see a world unlike any past Generation. The formation of One Vision and the Continuum, saw the birth of the New Pacific Orders 1+ year of hegemony and dominance. Much worse then the shorter Initiative hegemony, the first wave of Generation Pacifica saw the isolation and defeat of alliances such as NADC, GPA, Wolfpack, GATO, NoV, Golden Sabres, BDC, and FAN. The second war on FAN would not see an end in Pax Pacifica. Each alliance that would fall to the NPO hegemony, featuring Continuum, One Vision, BLEU, Super Friends, and the Citadel, would receive harsh terms including viceroyality. Many alliances formed during the Nation Boom and Unjust Generation would disband. The second wave of Generation Pacifica would see the cracks in the Hegemony begin to open, though not noticed at the time. The NPO was beginning to isolate their strongest and most loyal ally in the NpO. The rift between Emperor Moo of NPO and Emperor Electron Sponge of NpO would lead to the end of the NPO-NpO bond. The War of the Coalition/noCB War would see a controversial CB used to destroy NpO/BLEU and MK/CnG in battle. It would become the largest curbstomp ever seen. The creation of the revolutionary alliance Vox Populi would see the revolution against Pacifica begin, thus ending Pax Pacifica and Generation Pacifica.

Post War of the Coalition-Karma War: Generation Vox: Generation Vox would be the final months of the NPO hegemony. Anti-Pacifican newsletters like the Tattler and This Week in Pacifica would see Voxian spies recking havoc on the NPO and it's core allies, by posting key info on the Hegemony's rifts and future plans. This would create a large, by slow anti-Pacifican coalition to form. As the Continuum became smaller one by one, public opinion started to turn against the NPO. By April, the Citadel, CnG, and the Super Friends were all apart of the anti-NPO coalition, or better known as Karma. With war beginning, the shear massive force of Karma, and bad PR moves saw NPO's ally go down one by one. Eventually, the NPO and TPF would be the last remaining alliances in the Karma War. Karma had achieved victory against the Hegemony, thus ending Vox Populi's purpose and Generation Vox.

Post Karma War-BiPolar War: Generation Karma: Generation Karma saw the Cyberverse have a new sence of freedom and hope. The Pacifican hegemony had ended, and an optimistic future was predicted by many. The months after Karma saw many crisis such as the Athens-Ni! War and the Pacifican-Polaris spy crisis. Though war looked possible, each crisis ended in peace. Still, the alliances who fought for NPO's hegemony in the Karma War, were looking to overthrow Karma in another war. Pro-NPO alliances who fought with Karma, such as TOP, allied itself with the ex-Hegemony. Many moral issues, especially tech raiding, began to also become an issue. Finally in December 2009, a number of alliances attacked TPF for spying during Karma. The upcoming days of so called "trench warfare" and the peace the ended hopes of global war led warhawks calling it WWE: Worst War Ever. Luckily for the warhawks, the continuous moral and tech raiding crisis would lead the New Polar Order in attacking \m/ more a tech raid that would start the oddest war yet(especially for a Polar nation). The NpO-\m/ War looked to be the global war everyone waited for, but it ended it peace just like WWE. Fortunately for warhawks, TOP and IRON would pre-emptively attack CnG. This stage of the war would see NpO fight a number of alliances on both sides, causing the name of the war to be called the BiPolar War. Eventually, the TOP/IRON/ex-Hegemony side would lose, thus ending Generation Karma.

Post BiPolar War-Present: The Uncertain Generation: Unlike the aftermath of the Karma War, the aftermath of the BiPolar War saw a sence of uncertainty in the game. The ex-Hegemony, alliances who fought with NPO in the Karma War, was defeated both by war and politically by the so-called Super Grievences (CnG and SF) in the BiPolar War. The overwhelming odds of a war against Super Grievences is leading to the slow, but inevetable destruction of the ex-Hegemony. The Uncertain Generation has also seen a rise in tech raiding by alliances like the reformed \m/ and GOONS. Many in the Super Grievences camp has supported the tech raiding, leading some to believe the SG is the newest hegemony, but with no core bloc stringing CnG and SF together, many believe they will eventually pick up ex-Hegemony alliances each and split.


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I joined in the twilight days of the Great War, but I'll just put myself down as Nation Boomer since it would seem dishonest to say I was part of the first generation of CN players.

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Unlike the aftermath of the Karma War, the aftermath of the BiPolar War saw a sence of uncertainty


Joined just before the Unjust War, I guess that makes me part of the Pacifican generation.

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Eventually, the NPO would be the last remaining alliance in the Karma War.

No they weren't.

I don't quite get the 'Uncertain Generation'. I would've gone with the 'Moralistic Generation' what with all the arguments for and against raiding.

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No they weren't.

I don't quite get the 'Uncertain Generation'. I would've gone with the 'Moralistic Generation' what with all the arguments for and against raiding.

Forgot to put TPF in there. Will edit. I mainly put Uncertain as the title because I it seems too quick to call it something. For all we know, some event could drastically change the political landscape of this game. I do see your point of calling it the Moralistic Generation though.

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Nation Boomer. 11/23/06.

I joined early enough to have seniority over most of the active players but not early enough to avoid being called a noob because I wasn't here for GWI.

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