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The Godhead Entente

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The Godhead Entente


This treaty stands as testament to the emerging friendship between an immovable fortress and an irresistible force: the fearsome Warmasters of the Spartan city-state, keepers of the Southern Pantheon, known across earth and sea as a force unmatched in the mortal world, and the enigmatic Demiurges of Asgaard, the masters of the Northern Pantheon, uncontested rulers of the infinite lands beyond the Material. With this oath, the Gods of the North and the Voices of the Southern Deities do hereby enter into a pact of such strength that no Child of Earth nor Beast of the Heavens might ever hope to shake its foundations.

Article I - Sovereignty

It is agreed that both Sparta and Asgaard shall retain full sovereignty while the treaty is in effect. Actions pursued by either party against entities not enumerated in this document shall be considered completely independent. Neither party shall have the right to implicate the other in any matters without the approval of all parties involved.

Article II - Non-Aggression

No signatory nation or subordinate may initiate, instigate, assist, or otherwise condone hostile action against a member of any other signatory group. If this policy is violated and the act is discovered, the aggressor will be ordered to withdraw from the battlefield within 24 hours of the notification. The attacker will furnish the offended party with reparations determined by the leadership of both alliances. Defending nations are to limit retaliation to match the number and type of attacks received.

If the aggressor fails to comply within the specified time frame without presenting evidence to validate his disobedience, he will be summarily ejected from Godhead and banished from the lands of the Entente. The rootless nation shall receive a firsthand performance of the Entente's anti-rogue policy as a prize for his defiance.

Article III - Civility

All signatories, and by extension their subordinates, do hereby pledge to uphold a policy of respect, honor, and integrity on all communication channels, public or private.

Article IV - Financial Assistance

Should a third party initiate violence against a signatory, the defending alliance may request financial assistance. Distribution of funds in such a situation shall not be mandatory, but it will be strongly encouraged. The terms of this article can be invoked by top-level leadership in either alliance. Permissible requests for financial assistance will be judged on a case-by-case basis. If it is revealed that such assistance would constitute a violation of any other document of import, funding will not be provided until the situation is resolved. Defending nations are to limit retaliation to match the number and type of attacks received.

Article V - Espionage

Both signed alliances agree that under no circumstances shall either signatory alliance engage in espionage against the other. Further, should a signatory receive information that points towards a possible leak in another signatory's security, this information must be shared and discussed immediately.

Article VI - Intelligence

Neither signatory alliance shall willfully withhold information from the other signatory alliance that constitutes a direct threat to the security or well-being of any other member alliance. Both signatories shall strive to keep communication channels open and accessible as much as possible to allow for fast, accurate information regarding developing issues on the horizon.

Article VII - Optional Defense

In the event that a third party initiates large-scale warfare against an alliance here undersigned, it is the right of the defender to request military assistance from the other signatories. Granting that help is by no means required, but is heavily encouraged. For clarification, this absolutely does not apply to any offensive military action on the part of a signatory, nor to any declaration chain which may result.

Article VIII - Termination

Termination of this pact requires 72 hours notice, first notice is to arrive via private channels. Any intentional violations of the articles herein will be considered breach of contract and will void the agreement, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing on a neutral channel of communication by the leadership of both signatories.

Signed for Asgaard,

~ Lonewolfe2015, Tyr of Asgaard

~ Gambona, Loki of Asgaard

~ Mustakrakish II, Magni of Asgaard

Signed for Sparta,

King: Tulak Hord

King: Wilhelm the Demented

Archephor: Andrewbw


Lykoi (Defense): Solace19k

Mastropeia (Econ): Darklink7748

Mesoa (Internal Affairs): El Coggins

Philoxenia (Foreign Affairs): Seth Muscarella

Elders of Philoxenia

Arch-protector: NecromancerV4L

Arch-Diplomat: Matthew Conrad

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