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Why we haven't 'surrendered'

Lord Hitchcock


Simple word isn't it? Just say 'uncle' and it can be all over...

Well, there's a reason and it isn't about pride its more about the deep personal feelings we have towards kashmir.

During the m inc TSO war Jack layton actually ghosted into m inc- any m inc member past or present can account that our aa announcements can be fairly vulgar and in kind Jack was happy to join in on them.

So anyway, flash forward to the "kashmir declares on their former Protecterate- for us being 'terrible' micros".

And guess what, it was still IC and we rolled with it. However in the course of the war Layton decided to report messages he "found offensive" which is absolute Bs because after the stuff he posted in our own aa announcements there wasn't anything we could send to "offend" Jack- but he reported it and from admins standpoint there was valid reason to ban our members and they did. We lost two awesome, active members- roochi- who had a really well built, wonder heavy nation and then we lost zombinator who was fun to BS with.

To make matters worse, Jack then messages our members bragging about their deletions and that's when our IC role turned into an OOC F):& you role.

And that's why we won't budge an inch for those pieces of $:&/. Margrave can report all he wants- it's really all he's got left to do sense we've made it our responsibility to kick the !@#$ out of him and layton.

So when they are asking for us to 'to surrender' our response will always be "F/&@ off"


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When people are sending death threats and sexually explicit messages to their enemies reporting is appropriate.

And that's the grey area- per I believe the 'death threat' you are referring to was an "I'm going to burn your house down" surely that was an IC comment at his nation.

Per 'sexually explicit- I guess that depends on the audience- and per your own track record and logs with sigrun- I can't really see anything messaged that would direly "offend" you.

And I'm not saying the messages were good- in fact I even admitted that admin took the course of action that they should have.

What I'm saying is that the audience it was sent to- layton specifically- the person who has written more !:&/) stuff in our in game announcements played the "use admin as a weapon" card.

Nothing we could've have sent that weasel would have been near as offensive as the stuff we talked about in our announcements and he partaken in.

Really we regarded layton as "one of the guys" and he turned into a player who is an 'offended victim'

So they were deleted- nothing we could do and when he messages our members boasting about their deletion- that's when we drew the line from IC to OOC and our despise towards kashmir

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Per 'sexually explicit- I guess that depends on the audience- and per your own track record and logs with sigrun- I can't really see anything messaged that would direly "offend" you.

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And that's the grey area- per I believe the 'death threat' you are referring to was an "I'm going to burn your house down" surely that was an IC comment at his nation.

Per 'sexually explicit- I guess that depends on the audience- and per your own track record and logs with sigrun- I can't really see anything messaged that would direly "offend" you.

And I'm not saying the messages were good- in fact I even admitted that admin took the course of action that they should have.

What I'm saying is that the audience it was sent to- layton specifically- the person who has written more !:&/) stuff in our in game announcements played the "use admin as a weapon" card.

Nothing we could've have sent that weasel would have been near as offensive as the stuff we talked about in our announcements and he partaken in.

Really we regarded layton as "one of the guys" and he turned into a player who is an 'offended victim'

So they were deleted- nothing we could do and when he messages our members boasting about their deletion- that's when we drew the line from IC to OOC and our despise towards kashmir

Wait, according to meths other nation brother it was me that reported every player on your side. Now it's Jack? Please make up your mind.

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Who remembers back when blogs weren't about moderation issues?

Get with the times Auctor, either you're on the bus or under it.

I expect a moderation related comic shortly :D

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I here by surrender to the forces arrayed against us. Simple, sweet, and not heartfelt at all. You lost in all but saying it. Even if the war stopped tomorrow, you lost. Nothing is at stake here, not even pride. Stubbornness. I applaud you for being stubborn, but being stubborn while surrender, and then working to beat your enemies at a different time is different then being stubborn, and not being able to do anything about it.

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Well this is one of dozens of good reasons not to.

BMT - you are wrong. Just cause you don't understand war doesnt mean we dont.

Various wars have various methods of going about it. Simply because he doesn't meet what you believe to be acceptable criteria for this one does not mean he is incapable of understanding war in general. That said, this is just your side throwing a tantrum about wording at this point, and being unable to accept reality.

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Various wars have various methods of going about it. Simply because he doesn't meet what you believe to be acceptable criteria for this one does not mean he is incapable of understanding war in general. That said, this is just your side throwing a tantrum about wording at this point, and being unable to accept reality.

The material constants of war, the underlying algorithms by which it works, are set by admin himself and while they have changed it is relatively rare. Various *people* (not wars) have 'various methods of going about it' for sure, but some are objectively superior; it's war, not an art contest.

"That said, this is just your side throwing a tantrum about wording at this point, and being unable to accept reality."

You've got that reversed. And it's a presumption but it seems the only explanation for your words are that you, too, either fundamentally misunderstand war itself or else you are horribly misinformed as to the actual situation in the field.

To give you an historical analogy, it's January 1969, and you are telling Ho Chih Minh that he is an idiot for continuing to fight; he's lost, his only rational move is surrender.

History will chuckle.

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History will not remember this war, only LN and MI will. Additionally, your side has lost. You're hiding at the sub 10k NS range occasionally doing damage and then promoting about how badass you guys are because you're out damaging them. Meanwhile, rebuild will be next to impossible. You guys have lost. The only reason you can claim you've "won" is because now they can't touch your nations. That's not winning. And if you really want to fight an eternal war with them, when you can't even hit the majority of their nations, you're just going to be laughed off like the joke you are.

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Actually ghost- you're wrong in that statement. We haven't lost because there is nothing to lose, re growth is easy and Alliance growth is fast because we have an active core of members.

It's impossible to lose on this planet unless you leave this planet, 'rage quit', or if you give a verbal announcement conceding to your enemy.

Neither of which we will do.

And yes, we have wonder heavy fighters in the lower teirs beating on Non wonder nations- what did they think we were going to do? Pack up and go home once our members got into the super low teirs? No- we will fight their lower teir tech supplies and keep the aid flowing one way.

They can't win this war- nothing their side does will ever shut methrage, sigrun, or I up on the owf (we've been more quiet due to white chocolates request)- this community is just as much ours as it is yours.

Winning and losing is a matter of reality to the fighters- our side is winning because it's impossible for us to lose.

Eventually white peace will occur- it doesn't even even have to be called that- we can call it something new "black armistice"- not because of the war itself but because we don't want to talk or deal with the other side as much as they don't want to deal with us.

If we cared about what the community thought than we'd be in alliances that puts that on the priority list. We live how we want to live- And per our lives here, (and back on topic) we aren't out to ban players- there is no need, or fun in that, and it's why we don't want to deal with Kashmir and also why we aren't giving into their stupid ass surrender demands- and never will

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You make demands when you have a strong negotiating position. You have a strong negotiating position when you have something to offer that is valuable to the other side. Earlier in the war they might have had that, but now they have squandered it completely. There is nothing they have to offer that we need very badly. The days of blowing through a ton of money and losing a ton of ns every day are over, for us. Instead we log in every day and laugh at these idiots that keep slamming their faces into our knees, and grab some tech and money from them.

We chose our strategy, the only one that could possibly win for us from the start, and we executed it well. They failed completely to prevent, or even, I believe, to grasp it. As a result, the current situation. Every day at war costs them many times more than it does us. They haven't won anything but ashes. And we can keep pounding them however long it takes for them to grasp that fact.

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I here by surrender to the forces arrayed against us. Simple, sweet, and not heartfelt at all. You lost in all but saying it. Even if the war stopped tomorrow, you lost. Nothing is at stake here, not even pride. Stubbornness. I applaud you for being stubborn, but being stubborn while surrender, and then working to beat your enemies at a different time is different then being stubborn, and not being able to do anything about it.

I miss you.

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For the of love of Raptor Christ, please don't ever surrender. Your vociferous bragging in the midst of your pleading with Doom not to get involved is the most entertaining thing I've seen all year.

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For the of love of Raptor Christ, please don't ever surrender. Your vociferous bragging in the midst of your pleading with Doom not to get involved is the most entertaining thing I've seen all year.

Shouldn't you be busy dodging wars? You've mention doom 4 times in the last two days- as if you are begging for them to arrive and fight your war- you've tried admin- really you have no other option

And no worries punk- there won't be any surrender, hell will freeze over before that happens

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Shouldn't you be busy dodging wars? You've mention doom 4 times in the last two days- as if you are begging for them to arrive and fight your war- you've tried admin- really you have no other option And no worries punk- there won't be any surrender, hell will freeze over before that happens

LOL! "no worries punk." as if we give a rat's ass how badly you want to $%&@ over your own allies before you finally give up. We don't! If anything, the free XP you're giving our smaller nations is invaluable.. makes us an even more dangerous military alliance than we already were.

But holy !@#$, Margrave, he sure told you! #punk #hellwillfreezeover #LHisgettingwhoopedbyfruitninja #lol #umad #198ns #ded

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Yep- I may be a little green sharpie marker dot- but I still have the flare.

Tickets to the gun show may be purchased at any local monsters inc venue.

Per guns- I've named my left bicep 'freedom' and the right bicep 'liberty'.

Time to un-leash a healthy scoop of democracy on some pipers

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