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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1300428440' post='2668819']
So why the difference between NPO and Legion?
We attacked NPO, Legion attacked us. It is our policy to get reparations from all parties that attack us, reparations based on ability to pay, not damage done.

Edited by Sardonic
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[quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1300422011' post='2668738']This thread has become a travesty. Please make it stop.[/quote]

Exactly what did your side expect by announcing this tripe?

Worse is this isn't the first time in recent memory and similar attempts have garnered the same result.

Perhaps next time your leaders get the urge to announce stuff like this you might want to point out the likely result.

Your leaders just want to fight so bad? Simple, let them tear down their nations to the size of those already fighting.

No, don't like that? Then it is not the fight they want. It must be the subjugation of our alliances they want instead.

So what kind of stupid logic other than your own makes us think it is a good idea to do what your leaders want?

I said in week one to buckle up for a long boring haul. The responses came from two areas. It wouldn't take that long or your side was willing to wait us out as long as it takes.

Less than two months into this both positions have proved to be utter fail. It has lasted this long and you guys are impatient.

So let me try to get it through your heads this time. We may roll tomorrow or we may roll in July. Halloween sounds nice too. Our timing. Our choice. Maybe this time you will accept this as a possibility now that your initial beliefs have proved faulty.

Maybe now you will also accept what happens when you announce garbage like this. You'll be reading circular arguments 50 pages later.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300428620' post='2668821']
We attacked NPO, Legion attacked us. It is our policy to get reparations from all parties that attack us, reparations based on ability to pay, not damage done.
The 400 million from a 20 man alliance betrays your words.

Also, I expect the 64Digits reps to be reduced to 0 by wars end, because that's what I intend for us to be able to pay.

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[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1300428345' post='2668818']
NPO/Leigon hid.

Everyone else fought.

You guys make it sound like most of our alliance hid.

Can you guys not grasp that the majority of our alliance HAS fought in this war? Or are you still stuck on that % of nations who have not (a % similar to the % of MK'rs in PM)

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300429152' post='2668828']
The 400 million from a 20 man alliance betrays your words.

Also, I expect the 64Digits reps to be reduced to 0 by wars end, because that's what I intend for us to be able to pay.
Look, I'm not going to go into it again, but asking some sort of play from CoJ is not an unreasonable demand, so I have no sympathy if they choose the 400m.

and no, your rep amount will never strictly speaking be 0, if you get destroyed enough, you'll be in forced tech deals for quite some time.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300429152' post='2668828']
Also, I expect the 64Digits reps to be reduced to 0 by wars end, because that's what I intend for us to be able to pay.

I have to say that it is somewhat bizarre to [i]intend[/i] for your alliance to be completely crippled. :huh:

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300428010' post='2668812']
What did you expect from demanding such ridiculous numbers?
Besides Legion, about half of those are pretty close to what we've asked for and gotten for [i][b]individual people[/b][/i] in the past. That's a pretty good deal for a whole alliance to get free for less than what we've gotten for Methrage on more than one occasion (two of which were paid by [i][b]single people[/b][/i]).

Legion's number I won't argue much over other than to say the numbers are quite deserving of an alliance that declares war to not fight.

Besides which, money is pretty easy to pay off. It's tech that's the real issue when it comes to reps due to the time, effort, and slot usage required to move tech around and recover from lost tech. If we offered Legion 2b or 30,000 tech which do you think they'd rather pay?

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[quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1300429106' post='2668827']
Exactly what did your side expect by announcing this tripe?

Worse is this isn't the first time in recent memory and similar attempts have garnered the same result.

Perhaps next time your leaders get the urge to announce stuff like this you might want to point out the likely result.

Your leaders just want to fight so bad? Simple, let them tear down their nations to the size of those already fighting.

No, don't like that? Then it is not the fight they want. It must be the subjugation of our alliances they want instead.

So what kind of stupid logic other than your own makes us think it is a good idea to do what your leaders want?

I said in week one to buckle up for a long boring haul. The responses came from two areas. It wouldn't take that long or your side was willing to wait us out as long as it takes.

Less than two months into this both positions have proved to be utter fail. It has lasted this long and you guys are impatient.

So let me try to get it through your heads this time. We may roll tomorrow or we may roll in July. Halloween sounds nice too. Our timing. Our choice. Maybe this time you will accept this as a possibility now that your initial beliefs have proved faulty.

Maybe now you will also accept what happens when you announce garbage like this. You'll be reading circular arguments 50 pages later.
I can make it seem like I have a lot to say in a post

If I double space it and make it look like a long wall of test saying absolutely nothing

If your side was going to fight it would have already

But it seems they are content to watch their lower tiers burn while saving their precious upper tier

If only there was some way offered to them to get out of this war.

No wait there was. and so far they refuse. thinking it angers us or something

It doesn't we are content to let their nations rot in PM while we clean up down here.

And I belive the train wreck side of the thread is NPO's side grasping at straws and jumping as shadows.

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[quote name='Feuersturm' timestamp='1300429172' post='2668829']
You guys make it sound like most of our alliance hid.

Can you guys not grasp that the majority of our alliance HAS fought in this war? Or are you still stuck on that % of nations who have not (a % similar to the % of MK'rs in PM)
You have to forgive them. When they came up with this garbage they didn't expect the public community to smack that smug grin right off their face. Hanging on to these falsehoods is all the poor saps have left.

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this is the most ironic thing you will hear in months but NPO need to just FAN it.

The longer doomhouse keep stomping you for no reason the easyer it will be for you guys to muster more swing alliances in the next war against them. And yes there will be a "next war" against them.

Do yourself a favor and let them dig their own grave, ;)

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[quote name='Feuersturm' timestamp='1300429172' post='2668829']
You guys make it sound like most of our alliance hid.

Can you guys not grasp that the majority of our alliance HAS fought in this war? Or are you still stuck on that % of nations who have not (a % similar to the % of MK'rs in PM)
no, we're using the fact that 75% of your NS is in PM vs our current 18% (most of which has been in war recently). Most of your NS in PM has stayed there throughout the war.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300418067' post='2668675']
Only because I've overloaded on troops. Everything is going according to plan, my invasion of the Minus World is going to catch MK off guard.

You never answered my question boy. Who are you?
[/quote]He's an active member of GOONS and chats with me pretty much every day. Seeing as I'm now the GOONS #2, and his activity may somehow indirectly effect my thoughts on policy, Kyaris is more relevant then you ever will be.

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[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1300429425' post='2668833']
I can make it seem like I have a lot to say in a post

If I double space it and make it look like a long wall of test saying absolutely nothing

If your side was going to fight it would have already

But it seems they are content to watch their lower tiers burn while saving their precious upper tier

If only there was some way offered to them to get out of this war.

No wait there was. and so far they refuse. thinking it angers us or something

It doesn't we are content to let their nations rot in PM while we clean up down here.

And I belive the train wreck side of the thread is NPO's side grasping at straws and jumping as shadows.

Yes, you seem to have us all figured out. Kind of like how well you figured the first 2 months would go, right?

And yes, here you are at page 60 and have managed to accomplish nothing for your efforts other than more words. Keep on digging, buddy, and you might get to 100 with nothing to show for it.

And yes, I like double spacing. I'm glad you like it too.

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[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1300429332' post='2668831']
I have to say that it is somewhat bizarre to [i]intend[/i] for your alliance to be completely crippled. :huh:
We are an alliance of proud warriors, and we will gladly give it all to hurt our enemies. We have honor above all else. I know it's a foreign concept to many.

At the start of this war, I used a Klingon phrase, [i]Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam[/i]. This translates, roughly, as "Today is a good day to die." And you should all know by now, my word is something you can take to the bank, always.

Likewise, I'm not going to pay a cent to anyone in Doomhouse, let alone anyone in GOONS. I've made my stance and I never go back on my word.

For the record, if GOONS gets these huge sums, they're just going to start forwarding tech to Umb at twice the rate they used to send it. That should be obvious. They won't demand tech because there's no sense in being a middle-man just to forward it to Umb.

Umb might hide behind a lie of "We're not demanding reps" but they are in full support of GOONS actions because they know they will be getting paid by proxy.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300429980' post='2668844']
We are an alliance of proud warriors, and we will gladly give it all to hurt our enemies. We have honor above all else. I know it's a foreign concept to many.

If honor's what put you in bill lock unsupported by allies with a negative citizen count, you can keep it.

I hope you keep up that "We're not paying a dime! Honor! Rawr!" nonsense when you're the only one still fighting us.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300428620' post='2668821']
We attacked NPO, Legion attacked us. It is our policy to get reparations from all parties that attack us, reparations based on ability to pay, not damage done.

Then that isnt reparations, that is extortion. Plain and simple.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1300429499' post='2668837']
no, we're using the fact that 75% of your NS is in PM vs our current 18% (most of which has been in war recently). Most of your NS in PM has stayed there throughout the war.

Again, that is our business not yours. Who fights the war and who doesn't in the NPO is up to our leadership to decide, not our enemies. We didn't hand our banks over for a bashing in karma, and I very much doubt we're going to hand our upper tier over now. Get used to it.

If you lot playing kick the can with my nation for the next 6 months/year/two years/forever, protects our big nations, then kick away. I don't care and I'm one of those 'small nations burning'. We get it that you want our entire alliance smashed, and having all that strength protected in peace is driving you nuts, tough. We didn't start this mess, your side did. We've done nothing to deserve utter devastation except in the deluded minds of your leaders.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300430142' post='2668846']
If honor's what put you in bill lock unsupported by allies with a negative citizen count, you can keep it.

I hope you keep up that "We're not paying a dime! Honor! Rawr!" nonsense when you're the only one still fighting us.
[/quote]Funny that getting another 3m from TPF in order to continue remaining out of bill lock as I have thus far, classifies as being "unsupported by allies."

Look, I know they got their hands full. But it took all of 5 seconds after my asking to get that aid.

Good effort, but you can't break us, especially with commentary as weak as that.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300430298' post='2668848']
If someone decides to attack you, asking for reps is extortion? What?

You tell me? You are the ones who hit NPO with absolutely no CB what so ever.

Good try though.

Also, we came in on a mutual defence agreement. Im not sure how you would do things over there in lolhouse, but when my ally gets attacked in such a cowardly manner, I defend him.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300430298' post='2668848']
If someone decides to attack you, asking for reps is extortion? What?
But you aren't asking for reps. Reps are a figure designed to repair the damage you suffered. Sardonic has admitted you are charging based on ability to pay, not damage caused. Therefore, it is by definition extortion and not reps.

I really don't care, either way the numbers are just outrageous, but I believe that's what he was getting at.

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