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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='Lord of the Dance' timestamp='1300388702' post='2667980']
*grabs crotch* I am fairly sure you managed to lose half your nation strength between 27/2 and 10/3 before fleeing back into peace mode again. If we extrapolate that awesomeness at war... half life of 10 days.... carry the 2 ..... take away the number you first thought of.... its not that long before you will be very small indeed.

NS isn't the end all be all measure of war performance. You have to compare that to the damage inflicted. I'm quite confident I obtained a very hefty return.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300425649' post='2668775']
There's a difference between "crappy" and "impossible", what we are asking of NPO and their allies is not difficult to the degree that it becomes as if we were asking for eternal war
After your entrance to this war, only an insane man would trust you enough to buy "peace" for so steep a price.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300389902' post='2668003']
How many more Methrages do we need anyway?

Let's review after we reviewed your review: You're talking to someone with a 5k NS nation. Regardless of how many advantages you have and how much you brag about how you "beat" him, one round of aid is all it's going to take to fix his nation. You nuking and grinding his nation to ash is going to be utterly pointless, considering our side has a significant financial backing. Those we're fighting do not.

Thank you for illustrating for him how little of an impact he will have on me and that his posturing is a bunch of garbage. Keep in mind, my responses were to his threats. You have effectively made my point for me.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300425964' post='2668782']
After your entrance to this war, only an insane man would trust you enough to buy "peace" for so steep a price.
Are you saying you would? :awesome:

And is the blood of their top tier that steep? All we want is a fight. nothing more nothing less.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300425964' post='2668782']
After your entrance to this war, only an insane man would trust you enough to buy "peace" for so steep a price.
I'm not sure why you're putting it in scare quotes, when has GOONS ever gone back on a peace agreement?

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1300391602' post='2668042']
The Saint Patrick's Day Massacre (of rhetoric)

This post won the thread. Why is it continuing? lol.

Review of last 10 pages indicates completely cyclical discussion. Decided not to re-enter. Have fun guys.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300426093' post='2668787']
I'm not sure why you're putting it in scare quotes, when has GOONS ever gone back on a peace agreement?
This whole war is going back on the peace agreement from Karma. So, uhhh, I'll have to go with, this war.

Sure, you'll grant the alliances peace for like, maybe 6 months while you busily extract, what was it, how many billions from this coalition did you want again? But once the aid flow stops, you'll jump right back on NPO again, muttering the same "Oh well they didn't learn their lesson!" bull!@#$.

Nobody buys it. You broke the conventions, now you have to live with nobody trusting you to not break them again. This is precisely why we have such conventions in the first place. It's not for your enemy's benefit, it's for your own.

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[quote name='ironchef' timestamp='1300421963' post='2668736']
Then use the word [b]I[/b] and not [b]we[/b]

I can use we when I'm translating the original post in this thread for you, even though I'm not a GOONS representative. Go back and read it if you don't believe me.

[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300426378' post='2668792']
This whole war is going back on the peace agreement from Karma. So, uhhh, I'll have to go with, this war.

Sure, you'll grant the alliances peace for like, maybe 6 months while you busily extract, what was it, how many billions from this coalition did you want again? But once the aid flow stops, you'll jump right back on NPO again, muttering the same "Oh well they didn't learn their lesson!" bull!@#$.

Nobody buys it. You broke the conventions, now you have to live with nobody trusting you to not break them again. This is precisely why we have such conventions in the first place. It's not for your enemy's benefit, it's for your own.

What are you even talking about? Billions from what coalition? We've demanded what, 300 million in reps so far, total, from like 3 surrendered alliances? We're not in this for the reps. We don't even want reps from NPO. You just sound desperate and insane now. You're just so desperate to sound relevant on the world stage that you're just making things up now.

Edited by Kyaris
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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300426378' post='2668792']
This whole war is going back on the peace agreement from Karma. So, uhhh, I'll have to go with, this war.

Sure, you'll grant the alliances peace for like, maybe 6 months while you busily extract, what was it, how many billions from this coalition did you want again? But once the aid flow stops, you'll jump right back on NPO again, muttering the same "Oh well they didn't learn their lesson!" bull!@#$.

Nobody buys it. You broke the conventions, now you have to live with nobody trusting you to not break them again. This is precisely why we have such conventions in the first place. It's not for your enemy's benefit, it's for your own.

So when we grant peace we grant eternal peace? Then any disagreements we have with alliances we have peaced with in the past must be dealt with slaps and angry words? I don't get it. Peace is granted for the current conflict and not all conflicts ever to arise with the alliance involved in the conflict.

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[quote name='mmansfield68' timestamp='1300422876' post='2668747']
That just sounded bitter.

From the looks of things, NPO isn't done fighting. Their attackers, on the other hand, appear to be growing weary.

Just an observation, mind you.

You have been around these forums for almost as long as I have. Have you ever known Ardus to bluff or grow weary of war? I haven’t. I truly haven’t. Do you think that FAN is bluffing? Given the history, I do not. I can pretty much guarantee you that the offer from Ardus is about as as good as NPO is going to get. You must agree that it is far better than the ulimatum Ardus gave to /b/ a few years back. I would suggest to NPO to accept the offer before Ardus retracts it and offers something not quite so lenient.

As you say: Just an observation, mind you.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300426378' post='2668792']
This whole war is going back on the peace agreement from Karma. So, uhhh, I'll have to go with, this war.

Sure, you'll grant the alliances peace for like, maybe 6 months while you busily extract, what was it, how many billions from this coalition did you want again? But once the aid flow stops, you'll jump right back on NPO again, muttering the same "Oh well they didn't learn their lesson!" bull!@#$.

Nobody buys it. You broke the conventions, now you have to live with nobody trusting you to not break them again. This is precisely why we have such conventions in the first place. It's not for your enemy's benefit, it's for your own.
Okay so.

1) Karma stipulated that NPO was free from attack forever and ever amen.
2) GOONS was one of the victors of Karma

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[quote name='Kyaris' timestamp='1300426688' post='2668794']
I can use we when I'm translating the original post in this thread for you, even though I'm not a GOONS representative. Go back and read it if you don't believe me.

What are you even talking about? Billions from what coalition? We've demanded what, 300 million in reps so far, total, from like 3 surrendered alliances? We're not in this for the reps. We don't even want reps from NPO. You just sound desperate and insane now. You're just so desperate to sound relevant on the world stage that you're just making things up now.
You mean you haven't heard the latest demands from GOONS? Here are the latest figures:

NSO 100m
300m Invicta
400m TPF
80m ASU
50m Avalon
2 billion from Legion
and 80m from 64Digits

On top of 400m from CoJ (They're never going to write that play) and 300m extracted so far, that comes to....

3.71 billion.

Yes, you clearly aren't in it for the money.

GG, noob.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300427247' post='2668800']
You mean you haven't heard the latest demands from GOONS? Here are the latest figures:

NSO 100m
300m Invicta
400m TPF
80m ASU
50m Avalon
2 billion from Legion
and 80m from 64Digits

On top of 400m from CoJ (They're never going to write that play) and 300m extracted so far, that comes to....

3.71 billion.

Yes, you clearly aren't in it for the money.

GG, noob.

It's not like we don't give them other options. :smug:

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300427247' post='2668800']
NSO 100m
Excuse me, NSO's number is 100m + 30 days annexation of RV, else 300m.

Also all of those numbers are negotiable, obviously, and I don't appreciate you leaking anything you can get your grubby mitts on in an attempt to gain sympathy.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300427247' post='2668800']
3.71 billion.
That's still less than the aid we've received from our allies in the last month. Big deal.

Edit: Not that the aid is by any means a small deal. Seriously love you MK and Umb. :wub:

Edited by ktarthan
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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300427386' post='2668802']
Excuse me, NSO's number is 100m + 30 days annexation of RV, else 300m.

Also all of those numbers are negotiable, obviously, and I don't appreciate you leaking anything you can get your grubby mitts on in an attempt to gain sympathy.

Why not make NSO's 0 and just have them give us RV.

And what do you expect of HoT he has diarrhea of the mouth.

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1300426871' post='2668797']
Okay so.

1) Karma stipulated that NPO was free from attack forever and ever amen.
2) GOONS was one of the victors of Karma
None of the reasons for this war are valid, the primary three selling points were the following:

a) "We don't like you"
b) "NPO is evil, look at all the crap they did before Karma, they need to be put down"
c) "Preemptive strike as part of the VE war, nothing else to see here folks"

(c) is proven false by the fact that you are making such absurd demands from this side.

(a) is not nor will it ever be valid

Therefore you fall back on (b), but NPO already paid for their sins in Karma. So, you are essentially going back on the terms from Karma. Maybe not GOONS specifically, but Umb and MK were there and MK even signed off on the terms.

So yes, this war is going back on Pacifica's terms from Karma.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300427581' post='2668806']
None of the reasons for this war are valid, the primary three selling points were the following:

a) "We don't like you"
b) "NPO is evil, look at all the crap they did before Karma, they need to be put down"
c) "Preemptive strike as part of the VE war, nothing else to see here folks"

(c) is proven false by the fact that you are making such absurd demands from this side.

(a) is not nor will it ever be valid

Therefore you fall back on (b), but NPO already paid for their sins in Karma. So, you are essentially going back on the terms from Karma. Maybe not GOONS specifically, but Umb and MK were there and MK even signed off on the terms.

So yes, this war is going back on Pacifica's terms from Karma.

Okay so the answer to "When has GOONS ever gone back on a peace agreement?" is never. Thanks for clearing that up.

Edit: spelling

Edited by ktarthan
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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300427247' post='2668800']
NSO 100m
300m Invicta
400m TPF
80m ASU
50m Avalon
2 billion from Legion
and 80m from 64Digits[/quote]
Whoever came up with those numbers is an idiot.

Most of them aren't divisible by 3.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300427247' post='2668800']
You mean you haven't heard the latest demands from GOONS? Here are the latest figures:

NSO 100m
300m Invicta
400m TPF
80m ASU
50m Avalon
2 billion from Legion
and 80m from 64Digits

On top of 400m from CoJ (They're never going to write that play) and 300m extracted so far, that comes to....

3.71 billion.

Yes, you clearly aren't in it for the money.

GG, noob.

The 2 billion from Legion has everything to do with how they're fighting (read: not fighting) the war and you know it.

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[quote name='Kyaris' timestamp='1300427909' post='2668810']
The 2 billion from Legion has everything to do with how they're fighting (read: not fighting) the war and you know it.
More because their upper tier is pretty much unscathed, and can easily pay such amounts within a reasonable time-frame.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300427386' post='2668802']
Excuse me, NSO's number is 100m + 30 days annexation of RV, else 300m.

Also all of those numbers are negotiable, obviously, and I don't appreciate you leaking anything you can get your grubby mitts on in an attempt to gain sympathy.
Well, the assumption was that everyone in leadership on your side knows by now, and it was posted in our gov comms channels, so, uh, yeah. What did you expect from demanding such ridiculous numbers? People to be quiet, or else you'll raise the numbers even higher? I like to let the public keep up with what's going on, especially when it's so disgusting as this. (Apologies to my allies for my inability to hold the contents of my stomach upon reading the terms.)

GOONS, such a pathetic tale. At least thank you for confirming them as accurate. Let me just fix my personal tally to 3.91 billion, since I doubt NSO is going to participate in those extra stipulations.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300428010' post='2668812']
Well, the assumption was that everyone in leadership on your side knows by now, and it was posted in our gov comms channels, so, uh, yeah. What did you expect from demanding such ridiculous numbers? People to be quiet, or else you'll raise the numbers even higher? I like to let the public keep up with what's going on, especially when it's so disgusting as this. (Apologies to my allies for my inability to hold the contents of my stomach upon reading the terms.)

GOONS, such a pathetic tale. At least thank you for confirming them as accurate. Let me just fix my personal tally to 3.91 billion, since I doubt NSO is going to participate in those extra stipulations.

Do you really not think before you type?

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300428010' post='2668812']
Well, the assumption was that everyone in leadership on your side knows by now, and it was posted in our gov comms channels, so, uh, yeah. What did you expect from demanding such ridiculous numbers? People to be quiet, or else you'll raise the numbers even higher? I like to let the public keep up with what's going on, especially when it's so disgusting as this. (Apologies to my allies for my inability to hold the contents of my stomach upon reading the terms.)

GOONS, such a pathetic tale. At least thank you for confirming them as accurate. Let me just fix my personal tally to 3.91 billion, since I doubt NSO is going to participate in those extra stipulations.
honestly guys, you are literally asking these alliances to move [i]billions[/i].

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