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Homefront Declaration of Existence

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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1299504084' post='2655387']
Since MK failed to declare war on us, it became our right to decide when the war legally started.

I thought that dismantling your nations was a fairly clear statement of war. But I guess I overestimated your intelligence

Also, CD:

~EtErNaL tEcH fArM~

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[quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1299514822' post='2655479']
"You can only re-enter if someone DoW's NSO"


[i]much later...[/i]

"we're coming back in"

"But nobody DoW'd NSO"

"I know, but that's what makes it OK to re-enter"

You missed the part when NSO recognised hostilities as an [i]equivilent[/i] to a DoW.
But it's okay reading what you want and not what is there :lol1:

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[quote name='Xavii' timestamp='1299501262' post='2655357']
We see this as breach of terms and will act accordingly regardless of how CD & friends wants to spin it.

Cool, But the thing is even if it is a breech the ones who signed the terms have to punish CD for it. If the signatorys think its a breech then they go to war (or so I assume. not sure what the terms says about violations) I wont be surprised if the ones who CD surrendered to (sorry too lazy to check out who it was, CD = insignificant) will attack in 2-3 days tops (depending on if they are still mobilized or not)

Edited by The Trail
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[quote name='SpiderJerusalem' timestamp='1299518685' post='2655528']
Should be plenty of them in your own alliance when we are finished with you
I didn't realize this war would just be one big game of red rover. Come over SpiderJerusalem :awesome:

Edited by Pyroman
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I got this yo.

Regardless of whether MK's attacks on WC counted as a DoW, no one from Umbrella actually attacked NSO until after CD peaced out. Thus, the de facto state of war between Umbrella and NSO allowed for CD's entry into the war. Obviously, since CD is more suited to fighting MK rather than Umbrella they declared on them since even Doomhouse acknowledges that by attacking one of them you attack all.

Goddamn, I should get paid to do this !@#$. :smug:

Edited by Sulmar
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[quote name='SpiderJerusalem' timestamp='1299520701' post='2655545']
It's more a game of Roshambo, and we're wearing steel tipped boots, a jockstrap and goes first

Good luck
I hadn't realized I was talking to a blatherskite who doesn't know how to play rock-paper-scissors.

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[quote name='Sulmar' timestamp='1299520943' post='2655550']
I got this yo.

Regardless of whether MK's attacks on WC counted as a DoW, no one from Umbrella actually attacked NSO until after CD peaced out. Thus, the de facto state of war between Umbrella and NSO allowed for CD's entry into the war. Obviously, [b]since CD is more suited to fighting MK rather than Umbrella they declared on them since even Doomhouse acknowledges that by attacking one of them you attack all.[/b]

Goddamn, I should get paid to do this !@#$. :smug:

Thank you for invalidating your own argument. If you agree to this logic, then your attack on GOONS was in fact an attack on us all, therefore making it impossible for CD to counter attack without breaking terms

Again, thanks!

[quote name='Pyroman' timestamp='1299521199' post='2655555']
I hadn't realized I was talking to a blatherskite who doesn't know how to play rock-paper-scissors.

The option of RPS is given to opponents that we don't want to dismantle, burn up and salt the ground where they stood

Edited by SpiderJerusalem
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[quote name='The Trail' timestamp='1299518921' post='2655530']
Cool, But the thing is even if it is a breech the ones who signed the terms have to punish CD for it. If the signatorys think its a breech then they go to war (or so I assume. not sure what the terms says about violations) I wont be surprised if the ones who CD surrendered to (sorry too lazy to check out who it was, CD = insignificant) will attack in 2-3 days tops (depending on if they are still mobilized or not)

Umbrella DID sign the surrender terms. And they see it as a breach, as Xavii and Roq pointed out. We'll see about the others.

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[quote name='SpiderJerusalem' timestamp='1299521485' post='2655560']
The option of RPS is given to opponents that we don't want to dismantle, burn up and salt the ground where they stood
Well met sir. Any response I could think of seemed pathetic, I look forward to doing this again in future threads.

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[quote name='SpiderJerusalem' timestamp='1299521485' post='2655560']
Thank you for invalidating your own argument. If you agree to this logic, then your attack on GOONS was in fact an attack on us all, therefore making it impossible for CD to counter attack without breaking terms

Again, thanks!

Darn, foiled again! You make me sad with your logic in CN. :(

Take two, just because DH thinks that attacking one of them is attacking all of them, that doesn't make it so. With Umbrella attacking NSO after CD peace terms we had a de facto DoW blah blah blah. CD was now allowed to enter the war, but the terms did not state that they had to attack the same alliance who attacked after terms, so CD went after MK.

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[quote name='Pyroman' timestamp='1299521896' post='2655565']
Well met sir. Any response I could think of seemed pathetic, [b]I look forward to doing this again in future threads.[/b]

Vice versa ;)

[quote name='Sulmar' timestamp='1299522048' post='2655570']
Darn, foiled again! You make me sad with your logic in CN. :(

Take two, just because DH thinks that attacking one of them is attacking all of them, that doesn't make it so. With Umbrella attacking NSO after CD peace terms we had a de facto DoW blah blah blah. CD was now allowed to enter the war, but the terms did not state that they had to attack the same alliance who attacked after terms, so CD went after MK.

So, NSO can decide when it recognize an attack as a war, but DH can't?

I thought that the entire meaning of the oh so famous Moldavi Doctrine was that it's any alliance's right to decide over these matters themselves?

So, the case here is that we first recognized your attack on GOONS as an attack on the entire DH. Then after this you delayed your response to after CD was out of terms. To use the good old pre-school logic: We did it first, so we are right. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2sdGmbLNwY]Therefore, according to NSO logic, your attack on GOONS was an attack on us all.[/url]

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Wow this was a dumb move, I see this ending really bad for your alliance when the war ends. Not only did you broke terms but you were the only alliance who NSO had in reserve, we can now easily pile on NSO without repercussion. :awesome:

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[quote name='Timmehhh' timestamp='1299524860' post='2655631']
Wow this was a dumb move, I see this ending really bad for your alliance when the war ends. Not only did you broke terms but you were the only alliance who NSO had in reserve, we can now easily pile on NSO without repercussion. :awesome:
Bring it. I look forward to teaching low tier FOKers how to fight.

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The fingerpointing in this thread is actually pretty funny.

The ONLY reason CD is back in this war is because MK and Umb decided to hit a few nations in NSO's mid ranges that cycled out of PM onto a few goons targets. Had MK or Umb decided to post a DoW when they claim they initially considered themselves at war rather than expecting people to mindread, guess what....CD would still be out of the war....had MK and Umb decided to not engage targets they were not at war with officially...guess what...CD would still be out of the war. Had MK and Umb just decided to post a blanket DOW on everyone a month ago the first time this issue arose...you guess it...CD would still be out of the war.

But instead here we are 6 weeks later still arguing over what does and does not constitute an act of war, who gets to define it, when it starts, and various other mind numbing e-lawyer hot topics, which all could have been easily avoided with a simple one line post by those declaring war saying they are actually declaring war. IF you decide to you want to be "edgy" and declare on anyone and everyone whenever you want without telling anyone, expect grey areas like this to be popping up.

[quote name='potato' timestamp='1299521493' post='2655561']
Umbrella DID sign the surrender terms. And they see it as a breach, as Xavii and Roq pointed out.

Which makes it even worse than. What you are saying here, and Roq is so proudly trumpeting, is that he signed terms with an alliance allied to someone engaged on the front Umb was fighting.....allowed a term in the surrender document that will give that alliance the right to declare on anyone who hit their treaty partners down the line....and then went out and started attacking a treaty partner of the that alliance with whom they have never been at war with up to that point.

So Umb was dumb enough to start attacking NSO with full knowledge of the terms CD had, and still did not take the 10 seconds to post a DoW, thus allowing CD's re-entry into the conflict through the same terms they drafted to keep them out. I appreciate the fact they keep pointing this out for everyone.

Edited by The Crimson King
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[quote name='The Crimson King' timestamp='1299526132' post='2655651']
The fingerpointing in this thread is actually pretty funny.

The ONLY reason CD is back in this war is because MK and Umb decided to hit a few nations in NSO's mid ranges that cycled out of PM onto a few goons targets. Had MK or Umb decided to post a DoW when they did it, guess what....CD would still be out of the war....had MK and Umb decided to not engage targets they were not at war with officially...guess what...CD would still be out of the war. Had MK and Umb just decided to post a blanket DOW on everyone a month ago the first time this issue arose...you guess it...CD would still be out of the war.

But instead here we are 6 weeks later still arguing over what does and does not constitute an act of war, who gets to define it, when it starts, and various other mind numbing e-lawyer hot topics, which all could have been easily avoided with a simple one line post by those declaring war saying they are actually declaring war. IF you decide to you want to be "edgy" and declare on anyone and everyone whenever you want without telling anyone, expect grey areas like this to be popping up.

Which makes it even worse than. What you are saying here, and Roq is so proudly trumpeting, is that he signed terms with an alliance allied to someone engaged on the front Umb was fighting.....allowed a term in the surrender document that will give that alliance the right to declare on anyone who hit their treaty partners down the line....and then went out and started attacking a treaty partner of the that alliance with whom they have never been at war with up to that point.

So Umb was dumb enough to start attacking NSO with full knowledge of the terms CD had, and still did not take the 10 seconds to post a DoW, thus allowing CD's re-entry into the conflict through the same terms they drafted to keep them out. I appreciate the fact they keep pointing this out for everyone.

No. What I said is that Umbrella signed those terms. In good faith. And certainly didn't expect CD (or anyone else for that matter) to try and wiggle their way into a war using the worst e-lawyering ever. But feel free to misread everything: I don't want to be the one to stop you from extrapolating.

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1299526585' post='2655662']
No. What I said is that Umbrella signed those terms. In good faith. And certainly didn't expect CD (or anyone else for that matter) to try and wiggle their way into a war using the worst e-lawyering ever. But feel free to misread everything: I don't want to be the one to stop you from extrapolating.

Then they shouldn't have agreed to the term that allows them to reenter if an ally is declared on.

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