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[quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1299308942' post='2653281']
I agree totally I think the Pandora's Box alliance in question should just swollow their pride and offer white peace and end the war.


Why doesn't the NpO ally in question just admit they have been defeated by a superior military alliance and surrender?

Edited by Stewie
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Allow me to think like the minority in my nation for a minute. I guess we do have more pride to give in this situation so it should only be fair that we give some of our pride to Rok, you know, to make us equal and all.

Ok, that was scary. Now back to the majority. We earned all of our pride and we will do what we have to to keep it.

Now to the point of this thread and asking questions and all. STA, what has been your view on the Superfriends bloc? Have your views changed with this war?

Edited by arch3004
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[quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1299322291' post='2653411']

Why doesn't the NpO ally in question just admit they have been defeated by a superior military alliance and surrender?

Firsty I'll be honest I always have and always will admire PC as a strong military alliance. Its a quality I certainly look up to.

As for the war well to be honest the way I look at it RoK is safe from PC's most dangerous upper teir now and all we have to do each day is dog pile PC's lower teir . I mean we must outnumber PC's lower teir nearly 3 to 1 so the longer the war goes on the more we will surge along nicely at the current rate. Trying to tell us a white peace is out of the question when we are all sitting around dog piling everyone in range seams silly to be fair.

I'll give you guys some credit sure but as for being defeated I think your dreaming there mate.

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[quote name='arch3004' timestamp='1299324021' post='2653419']
Now to the point of this thread and asking questions and all. STA, what has been your view on the Superfriends bloc? Have your views changed with this war?

Some members I like, some not so much. This war has not changed that opinion.

Edited by Tygaland
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[quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1299328949' post='2653445']
Firsty I'll be honest I always have and always will admire PC as a strong military alliance. Its a quality I certainly look up to.

As for the war well to be honest the way I look at it RoK is safe from PC's most dangerous upper teir now and all we have to do each day is dog pile PC's lower teir . I mean we must outnumber PC's lower teir nearly 3 to 1 so the longer the war goes on the more we will surge along nicely at the current rate. Trying to tell us a white peace is out of the question when we are all sitting around dog piling everyone in range seams silly to be fair.

I'll give you guys some credit sure but as for being defeated I think your dreaming there mate.

It just seems silly to me to not be able to have a nation above 40k NS and, soon, 5k infra. Also, glad you guys will be "surging along nicely." I wonder if your allies can say the same.

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[quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1299308942' post='2653281']
I agree totally I think the Pandora's Box alliance in question should just swollow their pride and offer white peace and end the war.

To be honest the NpO ally in question could be totally left behind today by all other members of that side and it would make no difference to their logistics or war screens. If NpO's other allys wanted to pull out while they grind it out i cant see a problem.

You're only being offered the terms you are now because of SF. They're not really that bad.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1299329733' post='2653453']
Some members I like, some not so much. This war has not changed that opinion.
I'm going to venture a wild guess and say you like RoK and don't like GOD.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1299336102' post='2653490']
You're only being offered the terms you are now because of SF. They're not really that bad.

Nope, The fact they are in SF has nothing to do with it get your facts straight Penk.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1299336102' post='2653490']
You're only being offered the terms you are now because of SF. They're not really that bad.

Or maybe they got offered what PC offered their other opponents? And saying "the terms are not really that bad" is kinda of an understatement. They only need to admit defeat and surrender and promise not to re-enter the conflict. But yet, that's too much for them.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1299343688' post='2653550']
Or maybe they got offered what PC offered their other opponents? And saying "the terms are not really that bad" is kinda of an understatement. They only need to admit defeat and surrender and promise not to re-enter the conflict. But yet, that's too much for them.
I think the problem is you don't understand the Ragnarok Culture. Surrender is simply not an option. Even if the entire alliance was at ZI and facing bill-lock you wouldn't see the members want a surrender. Hell theres a thread on the RoK forums now with dozens of replies and conversation about this and I can tell you now from the bottom up no one is willing to even consider using the word "surrender". Its the same reason why we entered this war in the first place rather then e-lawer our way out. We dont care about pixels, we only care about honor so using our pixels as a tool to sell out our honor will never work.

We will simply have to keep going till this can be resolved, I am more then happy to see this. In my opinion (as just a member)I'm also more then happy for all our other allys to surrender and pull out.

It's been a good war, and Ive met a lot of cool PC members along the way... when the time is right ill be happy to shake hands with a gentlemens agreement and part ways with a cease fire... till then the show must go on.

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[quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1299377398' post='2653984']
I think the problem is you don't understand the Ragnarok Culture. Surrender is simply not an option. Even if the entire alliance was at ZI and facing bill-lock you wouldn't see the members want a surrender. Hell theres a thread on the RoK forums now with dozens of replies and conversation about this and I can tell you now from the bottom up no one is willing to even consider using the word "surrender". Its the same reason why we entered this war in the first place rather then e-lawer our way out. We dont care about pixels, we only care about honor so using our pixels as a tool to sell out our honor will never work.

We will simply have to keep going till this can be resolved, I am more then happy to see this. In my opinion (as just a member)I'm also more then happy for all our other allys to surrender and pull out.

It's been a good war, and Ive met a lot of cool PC members along the way... when the time is right ill be happy to shake hands with a gentlemens agreement and part ways with a cease fire... till then the show must go on.

Refusing to surrender and thus trapping other alliances in a war with you is not honor. It's ego. Please do not confuse the two. Were it up to me, and were the RoK the only issue here, you'd be dealing with the situation on your own.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1299377801' post='2653986']
Refusing to surrender and thus trapping other alliances in a war with you is not honor. It's ego. Please do not confuse the two. Were it up to me, and were the RoK the only issue here, you'd be dealing with the situation on your own.

If it were up to me I'd prefer it if you guys peaced out too. PC is only fighting RoK anyway so it would only affect us if PC sent another AA onto us and that seams unlikely when we have several large allys ourselves not at war currently and open to counter.

I also don't mind if its ego pushing it... i never thought ego was a dirty word if it makes you stick to what you beleive in. Without that ego we would have snaked out of our obligations with NpO in the first place mind you... and well to be honest we'd be just another sad CN alliance.

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[quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1299379128' post='2654002']
If it were up to me I'd prefer it if you guys peaced out too. PC is only fighting RoK anyway so it would only affect us if PC sent another AA onto us and that seams unlikely when we have several large allys ourselves not at war currently and open to counter.

I also don't mind if its ego pushing it... i never thought ego was a dirty word if it makes you stick to what you beleive in. Without that ego we would have snaked out of our obligations with NpO in the first place mind you... and well to be honest we'd be just another sad CN alliance.

We can't peace out without Polaris. If you'd prefer they peace out, rather than fight because you don't feel like surrendering, I'd suggest you make that clear to them.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1299379643' post='2654010']
We can't peace out without Polaris. If you'd prefer they peace out, rather than fight because you don't feel like surrendering, I'd suggest you make that clear to them.

We have.

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[quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1299382531' post='2654043']
On a scale of 1-10 10 being the stupidest, what do you rate the logic that goes on in CN?

That's such a broad question. Every alliance acts differently and each faction makes their own choices, be they based on logic, war mongering or sheer emotion. There have been really smart things and really stupid things. These things can happen within the same alliance. STA has fought CSN twice and we though they were awesome both times. We were granted an instant white peace each time. And then they turn around and essentially guarantee that they are on a wide range of hit lists now. Does this make them stupid? There is evidence that they are not. And both are subjective. While I think aggressively attacking NPO was stupid, DH thinks it was smart. Who's to say which of us is right? I think I am, but I'm Pezstar, and I always think I'm right.

TL;DR: If you want an honest answer to that, you're going to have to narrow it down a bit. :P

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[quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1299382531' post='2654043']
On a scale of 1-10 10 being the stupidest, what do you rate the logic that goes on in CN?

Wait. There is logic in CN now? When did this happen?

You can boil CN down to a fairly simple formula for most larger alliances on the planet. Alliances treaty as many other alliances as they can in the hope of reaching critical mass to become the power bloc of the Cyberverse. Once this is achieved the power bloc then sets about making sure their position is secure. Usually by taking down smaller dissenters but eventually they run out of those so need to start creating some more action. Once they have thinned the herd a bit they then set about plotting a full-scale assault on the "other side" which usually involves a large spreadsheet and a copy of the treaty web to see which small alliance will give them the easiest in on a war to take down their competitors.

Rinse and repeat.

There is no real logic to it as it is only power for power's sake. There is nothing to win other than the paranoia of being top dog. The difference is in how the power grab is marketed. The NPO and their friends and enablers had no problem with being "evil", they thrived on it. The current power bloc marketed themselves as the opposite, the bringers of the new fair and oppression-free world. The problem is that, whether this was their real intention or not (my belief is it was never their intention) there was no way they were going to allow this kumbayah world to grant the NPO and their smaller group of friends an opportunity to grow and exert any influence on the planet. No matter how insignificant that influence may have been. As an example of the paranoia, two treaties spooked the current power bloc into action.

So, in essence, the power blocs always end up the same because their goals and fears are the same. Nothing will ever change that. So, as long as the planet turns we'll have the same formula repeating with the characters playing opposite roles from time to time. Those of us in the middle of it all get yanked from side to side and war to war as a result of that formula.

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[quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1299382531' post='2654043']
On a scale of 1-10 10 being the stupidest, what do you rate the logic that goes on in CN?
12, people in CN reguarly devide by zero and multiply by pie to reach conclusions

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[quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1299377398' post='2653984']
I think the problem is you don't understand the Ragnarok Culture. Surrender is simply not an option. Even if the entire alliance was at ZI and facing bill-lock you wouldn't see the members want a surrender. Hell theres a thread on the RoK forums now with dozens of replies and conversation about this and I can tell you now from the bottom up no one is willing to even consider using the word "surrender". Its the same reason why we entered this war in the first place rather then e-lawer our way out. We dont care about pixels, we only care about honor so using our pixels as a tool to sell out our honor will never work.

We will simply have to keep going till this can be resolved, I am more then happy to see this. In my opinion (as just a member)I'm also more then happy for all our other allys to surrender and pull out.

It's been a good war, and Ive met a lot of cool PC members along the way... when the time is right ill be happy to shake hands with a gentlemens agreement and part ways with a cease fire... till then the show must go on.
I think its a bit odd on getting hung up on the word surrender. Even if you "shake hands and part ways" it doesn't change the fact that you lost and got pummeled by Poison Clan in the process.

Edit: Don't get me wrong. If your having fun then keep on going. I'm cool with this lasting a few more months. :P

Edited by Feanor Noldorin
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[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1299401889' post='2654266']
I think its a bit odd on getting hung up on the word surrender. Even if you "shake hands and part ways" it doesn't change the fact that you lost and got pummeled by Poison Clan in the process.

Edit: Don't get me wrong. If your having fun then keep on going. I'm cool with this lasting a few more months. :P

You say that we have lost? We are out of reach of their most dangerous nations now... why should we surrender, when if this continues longer it will be Ragnarok that benefits. Surely if we had got pummeled, this war dragging out would be detremental to RoK's health. Well it isn't... it's bad for PC.

No surrender. I'm quite happy for this to last a few more months too. ;)

To hell and back, together guys.

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[quote name='welshgazza1992' timestamp='1299405759' post='2654275']
You say that we have lost? We are out of reach of their most dangerous nations now... why should we surrender, when if this continues longer it will be Ragnarok that benefits. Surely if we had got pummeled, this war dragging out would be detremental to RoK's health. Well it isn't... it's bad for PC.

No surrender. I'm quite happy for this to last a few more months too. ;)

To hell and back, together guys.

Ragnarok are fools then.

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[quote name='welshgazza1992' timestamp='1299405759' post='2654275']
You say that we have lost? We are out of reach of their most dangerous nations now... why should we surrender, [b]when if this continues longer it will be Ragnarok that benefits[/b]. Surely if we had got pummeled, this war dragging out would be detremental to RoK's health. Well it isn't... it's bad for PC.

No surrender. I'm quite happy for this to last a few more months too. ;)

To hell and back, together guys.
Nobody appears to be benefiting from misplaced bravado of RoK at the moment.

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