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NSO Surrender


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[quote name='blueski' timestamp='1299048562' post='2649382']
Not anything personal to you or your alliance because so many others do this same thing, but it's foolish to repeatedly make claims that you'll never surrender. Even if you believe it yourself. The fact is that unless you are going to hang in for ~2 years you're just going to have to plan on it. There's no one available to come in and relieve you. If you stay in peace mode long enough most of your nations will be bill locked. If you come out and fight you'll get the same result, just quicker. Maybe you all really will hang in there for years, I don't know. But, when you do surrender you'll have to take back everything you said beforehand, while not having said it in the first place wouldn't have hurt your image or morale whatsoever.
More or less, I've been in perma war with NPO&Co for about the same amount of time, so it won't be my first rodeo if I end up fighting for a few years. But that's probably just me. To be fair, if (and that's a big if at this point as the war can go either way) if Invicta ends up surrendering, I possibly won't be. I'm committed to the long haul :P

[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1299048697' post='2649383']
We're minorly annoying to everybody we're fighting. :smug:
[i]*Learz tries to think of a witty reply
*Learz fails![/i]

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[quote name='Jake Liebenow' timestamp='1299014240' post='2648496']
Also, why do we keep getting the spies? Seriously, we're not NPO. We don't have our own version of Vox.
The great circuitry in the servers predict in their infinite streams of 1s and 0s that we're to be the next big thing.

[quote name='Greev' timestamp='1299036192' post='2649136']
I love all you with no life make fun of internet spelling and grammar and still play CN CN SUCKS NOW back in the day when I started in 06 and played till 09 its was decent then but please judge me and give me your worst as you can make fun of me fun of my post insult cuz at the end of the day i have a life like i said i quit CN cuz its gay nowz and if you all can read you would have saw that. So NSO your all retarded for letting me in GOONS OF DOOM thank you for all that comforting !@#$ you did. On a liter note MCXA I made MCCF anyone back in the day would know that. I was DEFIUS!!!! The guy making micro alliances and robbing people by having them donate to the alliance bank then got caught and quit and joind GGA! HAHHAAHHAA I AM MEGA SPY 9! WOOTZZZZZ MAKE FUN OF ME!!! LAWLS YOUR ALL RETARDED!

[i]"Oh yes .. Abuse me! Abuse me! I love it! Step on my balls, step on my balls! That's it, now spit in my eye and tell me I suck ... "[/i]

Guess everyones gotta get their rocks in their own way. :blink:

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[quote name='Greev' timestamp='1299036192' post='2649136']
I love all you with no life make fun of internet spelling and grammar and still play CN CN SUCKS NOW back in the day when I started in 06 and played till 09 its was decent then but please judge me and give me your worst as you can make fun of me fun of my post insult cuz at the end of the day i have a life like i said i quit CN cuz its gay nowz and if you all can read you would have saw that. So NSO your all retarded for letting me in GOONS OF DOOM thank you for all that comforting !@#$ you did. On a liter note MCXA I made MCCF anyone back in the day would know that. I was DEFIUS!!!! The guy making micro alliances and robbing people by having them donate to the alliance bank then got caught and quit and joind GGA! HAHHAAHHAA I AM MEGA SPY 9! WOOTZZZZZ MAKE FUN OF ME!!! LAWLS YOUR ALL RETARDED!

This is starting to read more and more like someone who's come off their meds and is tweaking. You may need to sit down for a bit. Time to let him be in his padded room, muttering to himself about he is Planet Bob.

[OOC]Did anyone else know Charlie Sheen played CN?[/OOC]

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I always suspected there was a mole... but this bright and promising young man. If we can' t trust him, in what can we trust now? This war has to pause till this incident has been fully researched and the responsible people have been punished.

I guess everyone is shacken and terrified by now...

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[quote name='Heya' timestamp='1299030540' post='2648980']
1/2 of NPO is going to need it too. Then again I'm sure you already have a plan considering you guys got whooped in the last Global War. Atleast GOONS has the balls to stand thier ground and fight against overwhelming sheer numbers instead of hiding in pus.. i mean hippie mode.

According to [url="https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ao8LX9Y0ZHL6dEV2cFA3d05jdGFhVWJsYW9qcWtaaEE&hl=en#gid=2"]this[/url], what ever it is, we have 38% in hippie on our front and NPO has 32%, Doomhouse&pals have 27% in peacemode. So leaving aside the fact that you are a victim of catchy slogans, what's your point?

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[quote name='Greev' timestamp='1298993760' post='2648124']
Its true my post was bad because I will take all the beatings I can please ZI my nation I have tech for everyone! Also please people of planet BOB give me your worst insult me on a forum game which was cool in 06 and 07 then just gay. Most of you will never know the full expierence of the real CN and that I feel sorry. Until then have fun with alliances like MK,NSO,EXODUS, and all the other incapable retards this new CN has to offer this is my official resignation from a game I started 5 years ago. SO PLEASE INSULT ME MAKE FUN OF MY POST AND GIVE ME YOUR WORST AS I HAVE NO CARE!!!! Regarding the spy thing its true I helped out all of DOOMHOUSE quite well. Will they emit it? Prolly not but hey who would. I think its funny how I got into NSO did nothing and got promoted to almost a SITHMASTER but was stopped at Marauder and they left me to handle FINANCE PLEASE I did not even do nothing. People make me sick!

You seem bitter. Have you considered switching to decaf?

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[quote name='mikk206' timestamp='1299081237' post='2649620']
According to [url="https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ao8LX9Y0ZHL6dEV2cFA3d05jdGFhVWJsYW9qcWtaaEE&hl=en#gid=2"]this[/url], what ever it is, we have 38% in hippie on our front and NPO has 32%, Doomhouse&pals have 27% in peacemode. So leaving aside the fact that you are a victim of catchy slogans, what's your point?

Um....glancing at your avatar, your 'alliance name', and your sig....what's the difference between "we" and "NPO"? :mellow:

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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1299081784' post='2649627']
Um....glancing at your avatar, your 'alliance name', and your sig....what's the difference between "we" and "NPO"? :mellow:

[u]On our front[/u]. "We" as a coalition.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299035495' post='2649123']
Just about everytime someone says "Rectum" I pop up and say how unoriginal it is.

And “GOONs” isn’t? ;)

[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299035495' post='2649123']
None of our guys surrendered as far as I can tell.

Yeah, I’m not sure. I’m not scouring the thread, which would probably be futile anyhow since there isn’t any indication for many as to what alliance they resigned from. Regardless, my original point stands.

[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299035495' post='2649123']
True, you've held your own, but got cut in half when you (presumably) had the upper hand. Of course, there are a number of respectable responses to this fact, but then there's the responses in this thread (which have been far from respectable).

We got cut in half when 12 alliances declared and then largely focused on us, yes.

As for the upper hand, our side did (and does) have it (as you reluctantly admit). The GOONSpile did (and does) nothing to change that though.

[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299035495' post='2649123']
And if you didn't know that this fallout/criticisms/etc was going to occur, then I feel for you. Or feel you. Sensually. Mmm...
Er, I mean, back on topic! You should have expected it. I mean, what [i]did[/i] you expect? That'd we all pipe up and say "Jolly good show, old bean! You really put our knickers in a twist! We'll have to watch out for you sly dogs next time, eh? Good show, good show."

I’m not sure what you’re referring to. The criticism I was referring to, and that you were replying to, was of your side’s strategy by some on your side.

[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299035495' post='2649123']
And, let's see... what else... "That said, will you be laughing when Rectum Invictorum and company throws in the towel and surrenders after such grandstanding?" Again, rhetorical. But if it was an actual question, then yes, I will be. I've been laughing before, during, and will be after this war. But we won't be surrendering. So rest assured, our nukes will keep you warm for a long time to come :)

Poignant more than rhetorical. Either way, you’re not the only one that’s been laughing (granted we’ve been laughing for different reasons).

[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299073790' post='2649544']
To be fair, if ([b]and that's a big if at this point as the war can go either way[/b]) if Invicta ends up surrendering

You serious?

No, it can’t, and it won’t. You’re in denial, man. :(

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1299085981' post='2649693']
And “GOONs” isn’t? ;)
Actually, on that note someone was ranting a few weeks back about the difference between GOONs and GOONS. Which one is it? :P

[quote]We got cut in half when 12 alliances declared and then largely focused on us, yes.

As for the upper hand, our side did (and does) have it (as you reluctantly admit). The GOONSpile did (and does) nothing to change that though.[/quote]
Not necessarily (see below).

[quote]I’m not sure what you’re referring to. The criticism I was referring to, and that you were replying to, was of your side’s strategy by some on your side.[/quote]
Haven't heard anything about that, so I can't comment on it.

[quote]You serious?

No, it can’t, and it won’t. You’re in denial, man. :([/quote]
Bhahaha! You're side isn't telling you everything, probably because you'd get cold feet if you knew what was going on. None of my business how your coalition conducts its war, so don't mind me.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299086790' post='2649711']
Bhahaha! You're side isn't telling you everything, probably because you'd get cold feet if you knew what was going on. None of my business how your coalition conducts its war, so don't mind me.
This is such a laughable bluff I don't even have the words. This conflict was over before a single shot was fired, there is no magic come from behind victory in store for your side, there is only your inevitable defeat.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299086790' post='2649711']
Bhahaha! You're side isn't telling you everything, probably because you'd get cold feet if you knew what was going on. None of my business how your coalition conducts its war, so don't mind me.
[color="#0000FF"]That's right GOONS. We're playing some more cards. Soon, when you least expect it you will be devastated by NPO....oh, wait. Can we bring in TPF? Legion? NSO? Damn. I guess we got nothing left.

Have I mentioned lately that I hate Invicta members? Why do you lot feel such a compelling need to say such stupid things?[/color]

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1299087552' post='2649727']
This is such a laughable bluff I don't even have the words. This conflict was over before a single shot was fired, there is no magic come from behind victory in store for your side, there is only your inevitable defeat.
Whatever lets you sleep at night, hun.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1299089669' post='2649739']
[color="#0000FF"]That's right GOONS. We're playing some more cards. Soon, when you least expect it you will be devastated by NPO....oh, wait. Can we bring in TPF? Legion? NSO? Damn. I guess we got nothing left.

Have I mentioned lately that I hate Invicta members? Why do you lot feel such a compelling need to say such stupid things?[/color]
My word, you don't know when to give up. I didn't respond to your first bait out of respect of NSO, but seriously, you need to take your attitude and go away. Yes, I [i]know[/i] you don't like a certain protectorate we have. Yes, I [i]know[/i] you like the attention you get by doing this. Regardless, you don't know what you're talking about, for good reason. That being said, I'm now going to politely ignore your petty call-outs and move on. I suggest you do the same.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299086790' post='2649711']
Actually, on that note someone was ranting a few weeks back about the difference between GOONs and GOONS. Which one is it? :P

I'll bite. Our alliance acronym, obviously, is GOONS. A single member is a Goon, while multiple are Goons.

[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299086790' post='2649711']
Haven't heard anything about that, so I can't comment on it.

See: Some in NSO

[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299086790' post='2649711']
Not necessarily (see below).


Bhahaha! You're side isn't telling you everything, probably because you'd get cold feet if you knew what was going on. None of my business how your coalition conducts its war, so don't mind me.

Given the level of access and involvement I enjoy within my coalition (hint: it's about as high as it gets), I'm going to go ahead and say with a great deal of confidence that nothing is being withheld from me (by some of my closest allies no less).

And given that your side has played all its cards - and short of a great deal of alliances reentering in spite of clauses preventing it or a great deal of neutral or uninvolved parties jumping in - I too am going to call your bluff.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299091342' post='2649761']
My word, you don't know when to give up. I didn't respond to your first bait out of respect of NSO, but seriously, you need to take your attitude and go away. Yes, I [i]know[/i] you don't like a certain protectorate we have. Yes, I [i]know[/i] you like the attention you get by doing this. Regardless, you don't know what you're talking about, for good reason. That being said, I'm now going to politely ignore your petty call-outs and move on. I suggest you do the same.

He's not calling you out because of your AA. He's calling you out because what you're claiming ("Invicta can win this!") is completely and utterly stupid. The best you can do is draw out this conflict in hopes we'll get bored first. That's what you're doing right now. I'll let you on a secret though: it's not working.

PS: it's GOONS. Always has been. Some retards on your side started using GOONs to annoy GOONS and a few others thought it was oh so clever. But it's GOONS.

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1299091598' post='2649767']
I'll bite. Our alliance acronym, obviously, is GOONS. A single member is a Goon, while multiple are Goons.
I'll keep that in mind. It was always annoying releasing shift to get the small S :P

See: Some in NSO[/quote]
If you mean RV and his friends, then yeah, probably. There are those few on our side that don't like some of the coalition partners, and are simply trying to cause trouble. They are ignored for precisely that reason, so there is no effect on anything.

[quote]Given the level of access and involvement I enjoy within my coalition (hint: it's about as high as it gets), I'm going to go ahead and say with a great deal of confidence that nothing is being withheld from me (by some of my closest allies no less).

And given that your side has played all its cards - and short of a great deal of alliances reentering in spite of clauses preventing it or a great deal of neutral or uninvolved parties jumping in - I too am going to call your bluff.[/quote]
Welp, this is going to be one of those things where we simply let time run out and see who's right. But if y'all honestly believe that "This conflict was over before a single shot was fired", as Sardonic put it, you are either delusional or being lied to.

Edit for potato: SOrry, but you're slightly wrong. Actually, all wrong. But that's been beaten to death already, so no need to repeat. I'll just say that we will (all) find out eventually.

Edited by Learz
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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299091941' post='2649777']
Welp, this is going to be one of those things where we simply let time run out and see who's right. But if y'all honestly believe that "This conflict was over before a single shot was fired", as Sardonic put it, you are either delusional or being lied to.

It should tell you something if [i]only[/i] Invicta is convinced it had and has a chance (most others on your side have long ago resigned themselves to the inevitable, even if they promise it will take months of war first).

(As potato points out, the best you can hope for is that we all get bored first and grant you white peace, but I definitely wouldn't count on it.)

Edited by SirWilliam
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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299091342' post='2649761']
My word, you don't know when to give up. I didn't respond to your first bait out of respect of NSO, but seriously, you need to take your attitude and go away. Yes, I [i]know[/i] you don't like a certain protectorate we have. Yes, I [i]know[/i] you like the attention you get by doing this. Regardless, you don't know what you're talking about, for good reason. That being said, I'm now going to politely ignore your petty call-outs and move on. I suggest you do the same.
[color="#0000FF"]You're right, I don't know when to give up. But why should I when I'm completely right? Why am I calling you out? Because your comments and your claims are absolutely idiotic, and unfortunately we're on the same side of this war. Quite frankly, I have no desire to be lumped in with people such as yourself. No need or desire for attention on my part. I just think the things that you are saying are stupid.

As for our side being able to triumph. Please, cut the bluffs. There may have been a place for them at the start of this war, when things were still in the air, but at this point, with the war pretty much being decided, they only make those doing the boasting look ridiculous. And yes, I know that was a run on sentence, and I know I am not supposed to start sentences with conjunctions. Do something about.[/color]

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1299094257' post='2649813']
It should tell you something if [i]only[/i] Invicta is convinced it had and has a chance (most others on your side have long ago resigned themselves to the inevitable, even if they promise it will take months of war first).

(As potato points out, the best you can hope for is that we all get bored first and grant you white peace, but I definitely wouldn't count on it.)
Sorry, but there seems to be a disconnect with what you're saying and what we know. Again, we'll just have to wait.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1299095237' post='2649825']
[color="#0000FF"]And yes, I know that was a run on sentence, and I know I am not supposed to start sentences with conjunctions. Do something about.[/color]
(Not going to respond to you except to say that you can start sentences with (most) conjunctions. It's common literary practice now.)

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1299087552' post='2649727']
This is such a laughable bluff I don't even have the words. This conflict was over before a single shot was fired, there is no magic come from behind victory in store for your side, there is only your inevitable defeat.
Do you believe in magic? :awesome:
Bad puns aside, win or lose, NSO intends to stick out in the long haul for our allies, the same as our opponents would. [i]I should hope everyone on our side intends to do the same.[/i]

Edit: deleted mysterious b that appeared in the text.

Edited by Varianz
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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1299091804' post='2649771']
PS: it's GOONS. Always has been. Some retards on your side started using GOONs to annoy GOONS and a few others thought it was oh so clever. But it's GOONS.

Heh, I thought that GOONs was just some common mis-capitalization that some of us and GOONs alike have fun with pointing out and punning with. I didn't think it was an [i]actual[/i] annoyance.

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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1299096374' post='2649846']
Do you believe in magic? :awesome:
Bad puns aside, win or lose, NSO intends to stick out in the long haul for our allies, the same as our opponents would. [i]I should hope everyone on our side intends to do the same.[/i]

Edit: deleted mysterious b that appeared in the text.

I'm with you Varianz!!!

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[quote name='Greev' timestamp='1299036192' post='2649136']
I love all you with no life make fun of internet spelling and grammar and still play CN CN SUCKS NOW back in the day when I started in 06 and played till 09 its was decent then but please judge me and give me your worst as you can make fun of me fun of my post insult cuz at the end of the day i have a life like i said i quit CN cuz its gay nowz and if you all can read you would have saw that. So NSO your all retarded for letting me in GOONS OF DOOM thank you for all that comforting !@#$ you did. On a liter note MCXA I made MCCF anyone back in the day would know that. I was DEFIUS!!!! The guy making micro alliances and robbing people by having them donate to the alliance bank then got caught and quit and joind GGA! HAHHAAHHAA I AM MEGA SPY 9! WOOTZZZZZ MAKE FUN OF ME!!! LAWLS YOUR ALL RETARDED!

This post would have been so much easier to read without all the punctuation. Could you oblige an old man and edit your post.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299091941' post='2649777']
Edit for potato: SOrry, but you're slightly wrong. Actually, all wrong. But that's been beaten to death already, so no need to repeat. I'll just say that we will (all) find out eventually.

When all is said and done, I just hope you're not going to try to wiggle yourself out of this with a "just jk lol u kno war its all bluff" card.

[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1299097901' post='2649861']
Heh, I thought that GOONs was just some common mis-capitalization that some of us and GOONs alike have fun with pointing out and punning with. I didn't think it was an [i]actual[/i] annoyance.

I don't really know how GOONS feel about your side's [i]witty[/i] mis-capitalization of their name but I certainly doubt it's an actual annoyance. More of a "Oh wow! They're still doing this?" facepalming type of thing.

Edited by potato
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