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We the individual nations of the Confederation Of Righteous Nations in order to provide security for all members, personal liberty, and promote a friendly, cordial atmosphere for its members hereby establish this charter for CORN.

Article 1: Admission
Nations that wish to join CORN. must not be involved in any wars or sending/receiving aid from any nation at war they must then fill out an application on the alliance forum, once accepted they must then set their Alliance Affiliation to Confederation Of Righteous Nations. Several factors determine whether a nation is accepted or not. One factor of paramount importance is the agreement to uphold the moral code on which CORN. stands.

Article 2: Ranks

students of the corn academy

Members of the alliance

member that can hold government position

(Promotion of rank will not be determined by nation strength but rather on their ability and dedication to CORN)

Article 3:Government Structure:

-Prime Minister. (Elected by Members of CORN)

-Minister of Internal Affairs. (Appointed by P.M.)
-Minister of Economics. (Appointed by P.M.)
-Minister of Foreign Affairs. (Appointed by P.M.)
-Minister of Defense. (Appointed by P.M.)

-Deputy Minister of IA. (Appointed by respective Minister)
-Deputy Minister of Economics. (Appointed by respective Minister)
-Deputy Minister of FA. (Appointed by respective Minister)
-Deputy Minister of Defense. (Appointed by respective Minister)

-Supreme Council: Herr Schmidt/Alexander Napoleon/TBA (Indefinite position)

-Professor of CORN Academy. (Appointed by Supreme Council to ensure constitutional teaching)

-Prime Minister
The Prime Minister is elected by The members of corn every 5 months and will be considered the leader of the alliance ,The PM is in charge of overseeing day by day activities of the alliance.
*has the power to deny membership into the alliance

Article 4:Amendment of the Charter:
Process of amending the Charter: Note this is a diagram of an unchallenged amendment
Prime Minister proposes an amendment-
He discusses the amendment with his Ministers-
Ministers accept proposal via a vote (The PM is involved in this vote in order to avoid ties)-
Proposal is then sent to the Supreme Council to determine if it adheres to the spirit of the Charter-
Supreme Council deems Amendment legitimate/Puts it up for vote by the Patricians.
Patricians accept the proposed amendment by a two thirds majority. It becomes part of the Charter.

Article 5:Duties of Members of Government:

Prime Minister: General oversight regarding governmental functions. May appoint Ministers/remove Ministers at will. May fulfill the duties of any Minister if such a requirement arises.

-Minister of Internal Affairs. (Appointed by P.M.)
*in charge of moderating CORN's forum
*in charge of over seeing registration of new members and foreign diplomats
*in charge of recruiting
*in charge of mass-messaging of alliance members

-Minister of Economics. (Appointed by P.M.)
*in charge of tech deals and trades of alliances members
*in charge of alliances aid
*in charge of nations growth of all members

-Minister of Foreign Affairs. (Appointed by P.M.)
*in charge of embassy (both internal and external)
*in charge of finding new treaties and maintaining current treaties
*in charge of keeping the alliance informed of all foreign activity on OWF

-Minister of Defense. (Appointed by P.M.)
*in charge of monitoring for any rogue or spy attacks
*notify the PM and MoFA if attacks are from an alliance
*in charge of dealing with ghosts/non aligned rouges anyway they see fit

Professor of CORN Academy: the professor is in charge of educating/training members whom are new to the game and the teaching of CORNs core values.

Supreme Council: Ensuring that CORN remains bound to it's constitutional beginning. May remove PM or individual Ministers if unconstitutional activity arises via a 2/3rds vote of the Council. If the sitting PM resigns or is impeached, the Council may install a temporary PM for a two week period, or if in time of war, until the war has ended and the threat of another war is not significant (This shall be determined by the Council). May only remove PM (or Ministers) for unconstitutional activity. Even if it is clear that the sitting PM (or one of his Ministers) are not sufficiently doing their duties, the Council may ONLY remove a PM or Minister for unconstitutional activity.

Article 5:Impeachment of Government persons:

Prime Minister: He may be impeached for two reasons. (1):Unconstitutional activity. (2):Insufficiently performing his duties.

Regarding situation (1), the Supreme Council shall determine whether or not his conduct is unconstitutional, and whether he is impeached for his conduct shall be determined by a 2/3rds vote of the Council.

Regarding situation (2), if it is deemed by a Patrician (Or higher) that the current Prime Minister is not performing his duties in a satisfactory manner, then a vote may be drawn up on whether or not to impeach him. Howbeit, there must be a given, legitimate reason for his impeachment e.g. Selling classified CORN information, contemplating a war that is not in the best interest of CORN etc. The actual process will take no more than 24 hours to complete, this time begins once the Supreme Council has posted a poll regarding this issue. The Patrician that is requesting an impeachment MUST first send a personal message to the Supreme Council to state his intention and voice his reason(s) for the impeachment. If the Council sanctions his request, the Council will take over the responsibility of informing members (patricians and higher) of the impending impeachment and shall commence with the actual polling of members. Once the process has begun, the Supreme Council shall then temporarily take over the responsibilities of the office of Prime Minister and the acting PM will have no power. This is to ensure that a sitting Prime Minister, expecting that the impeachment will end badly for him, does not attempt to cause damage to CORN before he leaves office.

Ministers: In the case that a Minister has been impeached, the sitting Prime Minister has 96 hours to appoint a replacement (during this time he shall be required to fulfill the duties of the impeached Minister). If by the end of 96 hours a replacement has not been selected, one shall be selected by the Supreme Council. Excluding the Minister of War, in which case there shall be 48 hours to appoint a replacement. In time of war this shall be shortened to 12 hours

Once a Prime Minister has been impeached, he shall leave office immediately and be replaced by a temporary PM until an election can take place and a new Prime Minister is elected. Howbeit, even after a new PM is elected, the temporary PM shall finish his 2 week term, or as also stated in Article 4, if CORN is in a state of war (or is under a significant threat) the temporary Prime Minister shall continue to fulfill the duties of Prime Minister until such threats to the security of CORN have abated.

Article 6:Code Of Conduct:

Members agree not to engage in unethical activity as described herein. Please note that these rules are effective everywhere. IRC, anywhere on the forums, via PM either on the forums or in game etc.

Members agree that they shall not:

Use profanity, e.g. swearing, "cussing" etc.
Post/discuss adult content/behavior.
Make any racist/sexist remarks.
Be rude to anyone for any reason, even if you feel it is deserved, there is no excuse.
Disobey the directives of CORN's leadership.
Attempt to harm CORN in any way, including by presenting a bad image of CORN via bad behavior on your part/trying to deceive people on what CORN is/stands for.

Article 7:Tech Raiding, War, and Peace Policy

War Policy:Only the Prime Minister or Minister of Defense possess the ability to officially begin the process of voting on preemptive military action against a hostile foreign power. War with said power must be approved by a majority vote of all Ministers to proceed. However, if a state of emergency is declared by both the Prime Minister and the Minister Of Defense, a majority vote of the available Ministers will allow the proposed military action to proceed.

Peace Policy:Terms regarding peace shall be discussed by the Prime Minister and the Minister Of Foreign Affairs. Whether or not the terms are accepted shall be determined by a majority vote of the Ministers, but only after the Supreme Court has ruled in it's favor by a majority vote.

Tech Raiding Policy:Tech raiding by a member nation of CORN shall in no circumstance be tolerated. Said nation shall be seriously reprimanded or removed entirely from CORN if such an act is committed, and may even be the recipient of a ZI action.

The Shadow Accord hence forth known as TSA and The Confederation Of Righteous Nations hence forth known as CORN have seen fit to sign this protectorate treaty, TSA the protector and CORN the protected.
Article I: Sovereignty

In the signing of this treaty, it must be clear that both alliances and their members will remain sovereign.
The only exception to this rule is foreign affairs, which will be jointly managed by the foreign affairs divisions of TSA and CORN respectively.

Article II: Protection

At anytime the Confederation Of Righteous Nations comes under attack The Shadow Accord agrees to aid CORN both militarily and economically. In the event that TSA is attacked CORN may aid in their defense militarily or economically, however, it is not required, though it is encouraged.

Article III: Advisory

At TSA's discretion they may appoint an adviser to CORN. Said adviser will have full access to the CORN forums and may help as they see fit so long as they do not violate the spirit or word of the CORN or TSA constitution.

Article IV: Non-aggression

It is agreed, that in the signing of this treaty, all forms of in-game aggression between TSA and CORN are deemed illegal. This includes, but necessarily limited to, sanctions, declarations of war, aiding nations at war with either alliance or any act of espionage.

Article V: Termination

At anytime either undersigned alliance may request to withdraw from this treaty. A forty eight hour notification must be given, in which time the treaty will remain in effect.

[i]Signed for TSA[/i]

The Emperor - E.Grievous

The Consul Vizier - Outsiders
The Consul Commander - General Milienius

The Senator of Foreign Affairs - Gamefreak666
The Senator of Internal Affairs - Stoopid Ace
The Senator of Finance - Thomasf2k8

Aide - Shadow Lurker
Aide - ConRed
Aide - Wilfried

Head of Graphics and Communications - Mido

[i]Signed for CORN[/i]

PM - Herr Schmidt
MoFA - Alexander Napoleon
MoIA - Zeek20
MoD - julius ceaser[/quote]

CORN's forum; http://corn.cnalliance.org/
CORN's irc; #corn

Edited by Alexander Napoleon
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