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Notice of Condemnation - From the High Priest of Moralism


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[b][size="5"]From the Desk of His Grace, High Priest Tygaland[/b][/size]

It is with the full backing of the Church of Tygaism, the Church of Moralism and the Court of Honour (Cyberverse) that I condemn the recent attack upon the New Pacific Order by the barbarian hordes from Doomhouse.

For many years, in my various roles keeping order in the Cyberverse, I have always stood for what is right on our planet. Today, a great evil has spread its wings and cast shadows across the lands. Today I invite all who value what is good in the Cyberverse to fight this evil in all its forms.

Rid our wonderful planet of the vermin that now seeks to destroy it.

The children of the Cyberverse are all Tygaists at heart. Our planet needs you, go forth, my children, and fight for what is true and right.

Crown Prince Mishka,
High Priest of Moralism, Grand Arbiter of Honour and founder of the Church of Tygaism. [/center]

Edited by Tygaland
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Your moralist crusades have brought us to the place where we are. All who follow Tyga will perish inevitably. You don't realize that literally, EVERYTHING MUST DIE. If you wish to provide boredom and peace to planet Bob, you will seal your fate with your nemesis. War and fun are a virus, and this entire planet will be plagued.

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1295930310' post='2598321']
I feel like this is the place to note that you told me I should attack NPO earlier today.

My child, I asked why you hadn't, I did not tell you to do so. Your barbarian friends were asking me why we did not give you the key to their gate and I asked in return why such barbarians did not simply kick their door down.

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[quote name='Crowdog' timestamp='1295930465' post='2598333']
Your moralist crusades have brought us to the place where we are. All who follow Tyga will perish inevitably. You don't realize that literally, EVERYTHING MUST DIE. If you wish to provide boredom and peace to planet Bob, you will seal your fate with your nemesis. War and fun are a virus, and this entire planet will be plagued.

My child, the crusades of the Church of Moralism do not preclude war. Not long ago your leader, Archon, came to the Church seeking guidance. It was at the Church that Archon had a vision. A visionof a better world. He became the figurehead of the crusade that became known as Karma. Sadly, his mind was tainted by the barbarian hordes over time and the planet has now descended into darkness.

The Church sees light at the end of the darkness and redemption for Archon should he once again return to the Church and rediscover his calling.

Edited by Tygaland
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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1295930929' post='2598394']
Allarchonu commands you be purged for your heresy. If he wills it it shall be done. Infidels.

Children of the Church of Moralism do not fear death. Dying for their faith is rewarded in Hostess Heaven. Archon will return to the Church, so it is written.

Edited by Tygaland
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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1295930847' post='2598382']
My child, the crusades of the Church of Moralism do not preclude war. Not long ago your leader, Archon, came to the Church seeking guidance. It was at the Church that Archon had a vision. A visionof a better world. He became the figurehead of the crusade that became known as Karma. Sadly, his mind was tainted by the barbarian hordes over time and the planet has now descended into darkness.

The Church sees light at the end of the darkness and redemption for Archon should he once again return to the Church and rediscover his calling.

His name is Archon, not Anakin. Don't get your hopes up. We are the menace, we are the hegemony, we are the virus.

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[quote name='Crowdog' timestamp='1295931259' post='2598439']
His name is Archon, not Anakin. Don't get your hopes up. We are the menace, we are the hegemony, we are the virus.

You are misguided souls who have wandered off the path to redemption. The Church is always open to assist you and your barbarian friends back onto the right path. Embrace moralism.

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I don't know, I'd [i]hate[/i] to preach to the choir but this really isn't what I fought in Vox for. I knew during the Karma War that the alliances had to make a stand because they were almost forced to to uphold a new idea most will buy into. Eventually, the very same alliances who held onto moralism remember (CnG we roll together and reroll together) eventually got lost in the shuffle with each passing war. With each passing day it became apparent that those who wanted revenge were going to get it in one way or another. And those who rode the NPO coattails to only ride the coattails of whose dominant now, Sparta et al. are being used for the purpose of those who want to seize complete and total power.

I'm not crying but this really isn't what Vox Populi set out to do and although I know many of these attacking alliances didn't care about Vox don't realize why Vox was originally created, to put an end to things like this. It seems like we almost fought for nothing and our efforts are all in vain. It's very easy to be Sparta but I don't think it's right and I don't at all like it. I think we'll be fighting for something a little more here t his war, something we fought for long ago that got lost.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1295929969' post='2598271']

[b][size="5"]From the Desk of His Grace, High Priest Tygaland[/b][/size]

For once I completely agree with your kind, for as much as I dislike NPO this is not how the problem should be dealt with....

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[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1295933216' post='2598750']
Says the man who invented preempting.

My good fellow, as I said to another barbarian not so long ago. The crusades of the Church of Moralism can be as bloody as any battle between barbarian hordes. The difference being that the Church fights for the greater good. I see good inside you, Xiphosis. Alas, it is clouded by twisted rage. The Church can help you let go of this rage and embrace the inner goodness.

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