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Lennox the Weasel

Proxian Empire

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[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1295567717' post='2587398']
I feel like I'm the only one here who wouldn't stop being friends with someone I'd known for years just because they thought it'd be funny to see my nation's alliance attacked in a text-based browser game.

I would have a hard time calling someone of such atrocious character a friend. The location or medium through which his (lack of) character became apparent first is totally besides the point.

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[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1295567717' post='2587398']
I feel like I'm the only one here who wouldn't stop being friends with someone I'd known for years just because they thought it'd be funny to see my nation's alliance attacked in a text-based browser game.

Personally I would find this utterly hilarious. However, I also laugh when I get tomahawked in sticks and stones.

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[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1295573605' post='2587505']
Lennox: 2011 CN Player of the Year.

The thing that gets me, is that if your hated for Polar is justified, then your support for Lennox is unjustified, or at least that's what I keep thinking every single time you leap out from your corner and express your desire to see Polar destroyed. Neither me nor my alliance in general are especially fans of the NpO, but you just seem to be rather obsessive recently, even if they did cost you your reputation and your number one spot in the alliance rankings.

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[quote name='SpoiL' timestamp='1295563592' post='2587296']
I'd just like to point out to the world that the bolded part is a load of crap. I, government or not, have no obligation to a foreign alliance to which I have not agreed to have. Accepting information is not a reason for war. Specifically and actively perpetrating spying can be. If I, as a member of an alliance, tell the GPA something about my alliance, GPA has no obligation to tell my alliance what I told them. If my alliance finds out, my alliance has no grounds to attack GPA.

What you described probably wouldn't provide grounds for war. But this situation did. Especially in a game with a very limited list of "acceptable CBs" or even CBs in general. Think about it, there's really not that many ways to piss off someone in this game that would drive a rational leader to war. Knowing about a spy in someone else's alliance and talking with them about said spying is grounds for war.

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[quote name='Ellis' timestamp='1295578536' post='2587593']
The thing that gets me, is that if your hated for Polar is justified, then your support for Lennox is unjustified, or at least that's what I keep thinking every single time you leap out from your corner and express your desire to see Polar destroyed. Neither me nor my alliance in general are especially fans of the NpO, but you just seem to be rather obsessive recently, even if they did cost you your reputation and your number one spot in the alliance rankings.
I find it funny that someone betrayed them.

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I am upset it happened this way, but WCE got its war, so yeah.

War is always good fun.


[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1295567717' post='2587398']
I feel like I'm the only one here who wouldn't stop being friends with someone I'd known for years just because they thought it'd be funny to see my nation's alliance attacked in a text-based browser game.

I actually do agree with you, which is why I prefer game balance rather than MK, TOP, and Umbrella all being on the same axis. It's just that Lennox got the obviously weaker side rolled for almost no reason.

Edited by Earogema
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[quote name='northstars' timestamp='1295558421' post='2587144']
I don't know if I should laugh at or cry about this post. Maybe CN is too much of an emotional stress for your life at the moment...
How long have you been playing CN? This is classic King Penchuk. :smug:

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The weasel gave this game prolonged life...to hell with him! It's been a year since the TOP-CnG affair and I was looking foward to seeing if we could go a full year and a half before the next big war! What were you thinking Lennox! All these hard working people are trying their hardest to make the game die, and you weaselman, have foiled all their plans! Let admin have mercy on your soul.

Now I'm looking at my calender and I'm hoping your stop by before 12/21/2012, because I'd like one more war before the world ends.

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War, schmar, we all know we're going to fight eachother, I'm glad we finally are.

But I have to agree with my pen chucking friend here.

Lennox, I used to consider you a friend. Yes, an untrustworthy trouble causing friend, but for the most part a friend. Dajobo is just about the nicest guy I've ever met in cybernations. Always happy to help, always willing to give people a second chance, never quick to judge or jump to aggressive actions. For you to choose him to be the patsy in this plan is just disgusting. He was hurt by how he was used, and everybody who knows him surely feels the same way. I'm just happy to see that Polaris sees Dajobo for the wonderful officer he truly is. Where others might have turned their back on him, we know better.

Edited by BraveNewWorld
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[quote name='zoskia' timestamp='1295557326' post='2587101']
There may be a day in which VE and Polaris are friends or not... it may happen or not.
But I know that there won't be a day in which Lennox will find his dignity again, nor a friend.
He's got a friend in me.


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