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The GM's Court

Executive Minister

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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1301168770' post='2677335']
Can I ask a question/make a request?

Can we cut the inactivity date from 25 days to something more appropriate like 15 days.
My reasoning is simple, having large expanses of empire like Greater Pacifica or the GNED or others just sit for ages and not post except once every 24th day is a bunch of horsecrap, it prevents rerolls or new players from coming in to play the game. The counter argument to this is "simply reroll in Africa or in Antarctica" well I have news for you fellows and girls, Africa is almost full up(give or take pieces of the Sahara which is absolutely useless) and Antarctica is mostly protectorate of the HAE or others and its useless chunks of ice anyway.

Just my two cents as someone who just left and now feels the itch to get back in because I enjoy the bickering of it all...

IG=IC. Stick to IG rules as much as possible, it is CNrp for a reason.

My .02

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IAT has been in lock because a war severely limits what he can exactly RP for his coming story line and he's seeing how that goes, he would have played a larger role in the Aussie crisis had we still had saved stats and posted in support of the UFEs actions during it. Vektor has posted several times in the past few weeks in several diplomatic threads. You've got plenty of other people like Minilla Island who are far less active than them. It seems quite strange that you would solely single out the people that YOU want land from.

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Once again Triyun, I picked people who I know to be active at least on IRC to talk to and ask to about land... I don't know about you but I have never seen Minilla Island active on IRC but I have seen IAT, JED, Martens and others online and I have asked them. God knows how many times I've asked VZ about Poland and he always says he will think about it which basically means "No" at least in my experience. Come on man, what is wrong with the idea of asking people to loosen up their empires? Why do they need so much?

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1301246373' post='2678330']
Can someone rule on "The Underground" yet? Apparently its been in voting for a few weeks now.

BTW its barely been a week. :unsure:

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I agree with granite. The lock system needs changed. Don't give the IC bullcrap, not every little IC thing is in CNRP. For example, I can still have a highway system and a railroad system even if I don't have the IG wonders.

If you're going to be gone more than a month, then just give up your land. Lord, it's just a chunk of pixels. If it really matters to you then take a step outside.

Also, one should not have more than two locks in a row without posting at least for two weeks. Can't get on for 48 days? Then just leave for a while.

If you have a vast empire, great, but you really don't need all that land. Have some heart and give a bit up. :/

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1301264354' post='2678518']
If you have a vast empire, great, but you really don't need all that land. Have some heart and give a bit up. :/
That wouldn't be realistic at all. RL nations don't just 'have hearts and give a bit of their land up'.

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1301264658' post='2678526']
That wouldn't be realistic at all. RL nations don't just 'have hearts and give a bit of their land up'.
I was talking OoCly dotCom. ICly, anything could happen. Civil war? Peaceful Secession? Loss of control? It all happens IRL. A huge empire usually collapses when it grows too big.

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[b]Requesting two spyrolls against supercheese (Nation of Pihana in CNRP); one to infiltrate a mortar team in and launch an barrage; second to escape successfully. Thanks.[/b]


Edit: In regards to this [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=100398&view=findpost&p=2678608]post[/url].

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1301270464' post='2678614']
[b]Requesting two spyrolls against supercheese (Nation of Pihana in CNRP); one to infiltrate a mortar team in and launch an barrage; second to escape successfully. Thanks.[/b]


Edit: In regards to this [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=100398&view=findpost&p=2678608]post[/url].

90% Odds. 0-10 is a fail, 11-100 is an win. You have an pair of wins.


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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1301368116' post='2679630']

Requesting a spy roll for the Green Gang to steal the Imperial Regalia of Japan, two if the first failed.


Assuming 70% odds, you have two wins at 0-30 fail, 31-70 win

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[quote name='Sir Keshav IV' timestamp='1301378578' post='2679743']

Requesting for a ruling in regards to this thread. As Woo requested for cochin only to take a ruling should be fine.


It seems basically a problem due to the vagaries of time zones, the CN game time and the Indian Standard Time. From what I have seen Yawoo has claimed the land roughly 5 hours before official wipe time, a period during which if eze had responded Yawoo's claim would have been negated due to the 25 day rule. At this point of posting, the 25 day mark is well past, so Yawoo's claim would stand.

Considering that the request that the claim be negated was made not by Eze, who is for all appearances quite inactive, the claim by Yawoo stands. Considering Keshav's request, I suggest that we give 12 more hours of grace period for Eze to request for Yawoo's claims to be negated, a request which would be then adjudicated. I am not saying that if Eze requests within 12 hours he would automatically get the land back and Yawoo's claim be negated, but that Eze will get a chance to argue his position and give his reasons.

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I'm just going to point out that the entire point of the inactivity rule was to strictly follow in-game times: 20 days, then wipe. 25 days, then wipe. With that in mind, it used to be that the days were counted by server time as well, which would be CST (GMT - 6).

That point can be disregarded because it's 5:30 and I really don't feel like hunting down posts in the past, but I am very opposed to a seemingly arbitrary 12-hour grace period. No player before has been given a 12-hour grace period, and there is no reason to give one that flies with precedent, or agrees with any rule we have. Cochin, you yourself admit that "the 25 day mark is well past" - so this is not a question of whether someone is inactive. We already have enough trouble with people who are barely active but post every two weeks, but at least they post within the time period. Are we going to start allowing people to be wiped and then post so that they can get their land back?

I know you said "a chance to argue his position", but at the same time I can't help but feel that this can only lead to bad things.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1301394857' post='2679834']
I'm just going to point out that the entire point of the inactivity rule was to strictly follow in-game times: 20 days, then wipe. 25 days, then wipe. With that in mind, it used to be that the days were counted by server time as well, which would be CST (GMT - 6).

That point can be disregarded because it's 5:30 and I really don't feel like hunting down posts in the past, but I am very opposed to a seemingly arbitrary 12-hour grace period. No player before has been given a 12-hour grace period, and there is no reason to give one that flies with precedent, or agrees with any rule we have. Cochin, you yourself admit that "the 25 day mark is well past" - so this is not a question of whether someone is inactive. We already have enough trouble with people who are barely active but post every two weeks, but at least they post within the time period. Are we going to start allowing people to be wiped and then post so that they can get their land back?

I know you said "a chance to argue his position", but at the same time I can't help but feel that this can only lead to bad things.

As I said for all intents and purposes Yawoo's claim stands. I gave this grace period only because Yawoo posted it [b]before [/b]the official 25 day mark elapsed and Keshav posted an objection. Again the grace period is a one off thing only given on my discretion considering the situations of this particular case. On hindsight I believe it would be unnecessary to give a grace period for Ezequiel.

[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1301397413' post='2679847']
I do believe in the past we have allowed ooc posts within the proper forums to stand as a reset of the inactivity line, as such the 25 days haven't yet passed.

Pending confirmation on earlier rulings where an OOC post have been used as a measure of activity to prevent wipe, I would consider Ezequiel to be inactive. I am unaware of a case where a person's OOC post in Fantasy RP has sufficed to reset inactivity line and if said cases are linked to me and if I find the said cases to be valid I would agree to considering last activity to be on 08 March 2011, 1837. Till such links are given my present ruling, ie declaring Ezequiel's nation as having gone inactive and confirming Yawoo's claim as valid would stand.

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What incorrect ruling are you referencing?

I am against this 12 hour grace period - whether Yawoo tried to claim Spain 5 or 12 hours early (sorry, i've just skimmed the posts in here), its still pretty close to being in IC anarchy, so Yawoo would be justified IC.

Now that I think about this more, I believe Keshav asked me something about being inactive on the 12:00am of the 24th/25th day or 12:00am of the 25th/26th day. I told him to be safe, it would be best to go with the latter... however, if this contradicts what happens IG, then color me derpy.

Edited by Executive Minister
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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1301397413' post='2679847']
I do believe in the past we have allowed ooc posts within the proper forums to stand as a reset of the inactivity line, as such the 25 days haven't yet passed.

I have never heard of that happening ever and would like to see your proof of this.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1301429708' post='2680090']
I have never heard of that happening ever and would like to see your proof of this.

Drop the ego, I've dropped the issue as it wasn't through a gm ruling but rather between players individually.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1301429782' post='2680092']
Drop the ego, I've dropped the issue as it wasn't through a gm ruling but rather between players individually.

What ego? I said I had never seen it happened before and I wanted proof that it had. And, no, you haven't dropped it - if you had, you would have posted here that you had. If you had said so in IRC, then I wouldn't have seen it.

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