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STA January Press Conference


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[quote name='WalkerNinja' timestamp='1294460845' post='2568147']
I was a little hostile in here, and for that I apologize. It's not normally my m.o. But like LF said, a lively debate is fun and I got what I came for.

I'm cool with it. I think your anger at us is misplaced, but you are certainly entitled to feel how you want to. I enjoy a good debate as well. :)

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[quote name='Lord Fingolfin' timestamp='1294460491' post='2568140']
Oh, no, I'm not saying it is at all. I don't blame STA for that, I don't really blame the STA for much of anything regarding this whole affair especially since it has come to light that NpO approached MK first, I put the blame squarely on Grub. I'm simply trying to counter Tyga's argument that we're clearly delusional retards who pulled the pre-emptive strike out of our ass and ran with it without thinking. Feel free to PM me with those logs if you ever find them, I'd be interested to see if someone dropped the ball and you actually did state you would activate the treaty. But with this I'm going to be departing from this thread, TOP has made its opinions more than clear, as has STA. Thanks for the discussion, I always enjoy a bit of lively debate.

I didn't say anything of the sort. I merely countered the circular nonsense posted here claiming STA is solely responsible for TOP and IRON's attack on C&G. Apparently because when we said no when asked to whether we were OK with you attacking our ally were didn't go on to tell you that such an attack would enact our treaty with MK. I thought this was obvious and was the topic of my only response to your post. Instead, TOP went on a third-hand conversation involving Grub to side-step actually talking to the STA about it and went ahead with the war anyway.

I've never touched on the reason you decided to attack MK and C&G as it is not really relevant to anything at all. My only issue is that STA seems to be being blamed quite a bit by TOP for what was really the result of their own stupidity. One, you plan to hit a non-combatant alliance/bloc in a forum where allies of that non-combatant are present. Then ask the allies of the non-combatant are ok with their ally being jumped. When told no you assume it is no but we won't help them when you do. You then complain when the non-combatant's allies inform their ally of the possiblr attack and then complain again when your attack triggers defensive treaties between certain alliances and the non-combatant being targeted.

To top it all off, once the dust settles you embark on a campaign whereby you blame the allies of the non-combatant for your naivete throught the whole saga. I'm not sure I said you were "delusional retards who pulled the pre-emptive strike out of [your] ass", I did say that you made a lot of stupid assumptions and did not really make a lot of effort to makes sure what you were told was correct with regards to STA's position at the time.

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[quote name='WalkerNinja' timestamp='1294460845' post='2568147']
I was a little hostile in here, and for that I apologize. It's not normally my m.o. But like LF said, a lively debate is fun and I got what I came for.

No problem here.

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[quote name='lebubu' timestamp='1294254377' post='2564566']
We would've done the world a favour. It's no secret that I support the destruction of a few Orders.

I doubt you have what it takes to pull the trigger, son. Do it.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1294447433' post='2567872']
Add to this that MK actually resents us over this for a "half-arsed" commitment when we did assist them with their war with TOP/IRON (we didn't have many nations to fight TOP as they were top heavy NS-wise) the STA were damned no matter what we did and didn't do.
You won't find many in MK that hold that against you.

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1294468478' post='2568346']
You won't find many in MK that hold that against you.

I'm not sure to what extent that feeling is held in MK but I have had it expressed to me a few times. :P

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[quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1294471808' post='2568423']
Is it true you requested assistance from Mushroom Kingdom in The biPolar War?

I wasn't present but to my knowledge we did request MK's assistance but they declined via the non-chaining clause in the treaty which is fair enough. If I have got that wrong I'm sure Pez oe someone else will be along to correct me. When the request for assistance from MK came to us the non-chaining clause was not applicable due to the fact they were attacked outright and not at war via another treaty at the time.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1294468662' post='2568354']
I'm not sure to what extent that feeling is held in MK but I have had it expressed to me a few times. :P
FWIW, I don't recall ever hearing that as a cause for dislike of STA. As you could probably tell, much more comes from the NSO trade circle situation specifically (as it was brought up earlier in the topic). Most the rest comes from just an accumulation of different smaller situations.

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1294475793' post='2568469']
If invited, would STA join:


Nope, we don't do blocs. Frostbite was a special, if short-lived, exception.

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1294475793' post='2568469']
If invited, would STA join:


I know maybe two of them, perhaps i'm out of the loop - who are they?

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1294472299' post='2568429']
I wasn't present but to my knowledge we did request MK's assistance but they declined via the non-chaining clause in the treaty which is fair enough. If I have got that wrong I'm sure Pez oe someone else will be along to correct me. When the request for assistance from MK came to us the non-chaining clause was not applicable due to the fact they were attacked outright and not at war via another treaty at the time.

Yeah, this is pretty much it. We discussed the situation with MK in advance and were aware they'd be activating the non-chaining clause, and we weren't upset about it. The clauses exist for a reason, and that one was a pretty big reason.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1294249301' post='2564477']
The head chef at my nation's executive estate failed to exercise proper handwashing practices when cutting chicken, and now I have salmonella poisoning. I feel too icky to play politics right now.

If that job is still open, I'm looking for a moonlighting job! ;)

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1294458128' post='2568084']
Actually it more portrays our attitude towards people declaring AA's their private raiding ground.

6 nations on a dead AA, you guys still need to find that since of humor, it's loss might be greater than the missing agenda.

Edited by Merrie Melodies
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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1294509507' post='2568677']
6 nations on a dead AA, you guys still need to find that since of humor, it's loss might be greater than the missing agenda.

Ha, we thought it was very funny. You were too busy seething at us moarlists to notice I guess. If anyone needs a sense of humor it's you guys. You expect and demand that we limit ourselves so you can be free to do whatever you want. The irony there is just killer.

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