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A Few Announcements from The Brotherhood

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The alliances of Cat Land, Sajasabie, and the Brotherhood of Steel have agreed on peace.

1. Cat Land will peace out on all wars with RED
2. Brotherhood of Steel will pay 75 million dollars in the form of 3/100 tech deals (can be payed by an outside source)[/quote]

I'd like to thank everyone that supported us through this war. We could not have achieved this great victory without you guys!

Onto other news, there has been some controversy as to our protection of SWAT128 and the alliance of Cat Land. Let me state here right now:[b]We will be protecting Cat Land from all raiders. This includes people who attack him for being a rogue yet do not have a treaty with the alliance that was rogued upon.[/b] So as it stands we're protecting SWAT from everybody (until he attacks someone else) including RED and her treaty partners.

Have a Merry Raidmas,

Mr Damsky

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I thank Mr. Damsky and The Brotherhood of Steel coming to my aid during the war and for protecting me now. I would also like to thank those that sent me aid to keep my nation afloat. If I had the funds to help pay off these reps, I would. I hope The Order of the Sword is happy with the tech deals they are getting, because the way the peace talks went down was just plain wrong.

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[quote name='Poyplemonkeys' timestamp='1291734233' post='2532957']
So are Sajasabie giving you $36mil for 1200 tech? Or the other way round? I hope it's the former after all your bravado, it would be quite amusing.
I'm wondering the same thing, if I were to guess I think an outside source is paying the $36mil to Sajasabie (OTS maybe?) which they will use to rebuild and pay them tech for it later doing single slot deals.

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1291743108' post='2533020']
Quit complaining.

$36 million in tech deals that will be profitable... I've seen worse reparation arrangements. :awesome:
[color="#0000FF"]A 3k NS nation has to pay 1200 tech in damages for a few days worth of war? I really doubt he could have done that much harm to warrant being under terms for four months. Does that not seem a little excessive to you? But then again, I suppose excessive terms are acceptable if it prevents anyone from doing anything. We wouldn't want that happening now would we? Welcome to my list, Sajasabie.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1291747645' post='2533069'][color="#0000FF"]A 3k NS nation has to pay 1200 tech in damages for a few days worth of war? I really doubt he could have done that much harm to warrant being under terms for four months. Does that not seem a little excessive to you?[/color][/quote]
From what I see here, a 3k NS nation is being made to do tech deals at a rate that would be profitable for them (3/100).
This is exactly what he [b]should[/b] be doing to build his nation, this just saves him the trouble of finding buyers. :awesome:

Now, if his alliance had been forced to collectively hand over 6/7ths of their tech without compensation, that would have been unreasonable.

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1291747788' post='2533070']
From what I see here, a 3k NS nation is being made to do tech deals at a rate that would be profitable for them (3/100).
This is exactly what he [b]should[/b] be doing to build his nation, this just saves him the trouble of finding buyers. :awesome:
[color="#0000FF"]So because he is a small nation he should be a tech farm? Is that what you're saying? Tell me, why can't Damsky do what he wants with his nation? Is there some law out there dictating that everyone should be buying infra and hording tech because that's what they're supposed to be doing? And you wonder why nothing ever happens.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1291747933' post='2533073'][color="#0000FF"]So because he is a small nation he should be a tech farm? Is that what you're saying? Tell me, why can't Damsky do what he wants with his nation? Is there some law out there dictating that everyone should be buying infra and hording tech because that's what they're supposed to be doing? And you wonder why nothing ever happens.[/color][/quote]
No, because he is the loser in a war he should be bound to the terms he agreed to in order to end the war. Execution of said terms will actually benefit his nation, rather than [b]costing[/b] him in the long run. He [b]did[/b] agree to the terms, which was not something he was [b]compelled[/b] to do.

[quote name='Biazt' timestamp='1291748549' post='2533076']I'm with Rebel Virginia on this one. Pure extortion.[/quote]
Coming from GOONS this is !@#$@#$ hilarious. :rolleyes: Moral outrage when convenient.

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1291748773' post='2533077']
No, because he is the loser in a war he should be bound to the terms he agreed to in order to end the war. Execution of said terms will actually benefit his nation, rather than [b]costing[/b] him in the long run. He [b]did[/b] agree to the terms, which was not something he was [b]compelled[/b] to do.
[color="#0000FF"]I'm not saying it was extortion. I'm just saying that they are excessive. Yes, he is bound as he did agree, but it does not change the whole ridiculous mindset you fellows have going. If Damksy were interested in building and growing his nation he could have done so in the many months he was in FAR and in VE. We were not too far apart in NS when we were both in FAIL, and he was in a micro-AA only a month or so more than I. Furthermore, he didn't get rolled in a war either. What I am saying is, he had plenty of chances to grow if he really wanted to, so this rubbish about how forcing him out of commission is "good" for him, as if you fellows know what is best, is absolutely ridiculous.

And this mindset of the boring is everywhere. If someone brings something to the public you shout nonsense about private channels, and try to show that person a "better way." You people so arrogantly believe that your way of doing things is the only way, and that by making someone as dull and uninteresting as your lot you will somehow be helping them. I wouldn't be surprised if you think that if Damsky quits attacking people, builds up his nation to 20k infra (which is absurd for anyone to have that much) and spends his days trying to find people to sell him tech, he'll be just as successful as you are. And more importantly, he'll have you to thank for it!

From everything to politics to discourse to nation management people like you feel the need to point out that you way of doing things is the only way, and any other way is unacceptable. So you decide, once you win, to step in and force them to do what you expect, and you justify it under the guise of "helping." I could not care less about Damsky accepting the terms. You're still completely ridiculous. And boring too.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1291749686' post='2533094']-snip-[/quote]
The victors have a right to impose upon the defeated whatever terms they can get the defeated to agree to. That's the simple truth of warfare in CN.

Edit: Also, I'm not a proponent of "private channels ftw" being the response to reveals.

Edit 2: I'm also not saying that growing his nation is the way he should definitely play the game, merely pointing out that these terms are far less crippling than some people are making them out to be in that they basically cost his nation nothing and will leave him with more cash than he started with, as opposed to less (which is what demanding say, $90,000,000 in cash reparations would do).

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1291748773' post='2533077']
Coming from GOONS this is !@#$@#$ hilarious. :rolleyes: Moral outrage when convenient.

Aren't you the brilliant observer that had the audacity to claim that [i]I[/i] had an issue recognizing sarcasm? Good lord, son...look in a damn mirror.

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1291750080' post='2533099']
The victors have a right to impose upon the defeated whatever terms they can get the defeated to agree to. That's the simple truth of warfare in CN.
[color="#0000FF"]My issue is not with that. It's the justification. If Sajawhatsabi just came out and say that want tech and Damsky has to pay I'd have no complaint, but their attempts at justifying it by stating that they're "helping" him grow is absurd and ridiculous. I will call them on that.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1291749686' post='2533094']
[color="#0000FF"]I wouldn't be surprised if you think that if Damsky quits attacking people, builds up his nation to 20k infra (which is absurd for anyone to have that much) and spends his days trying to find people to sell him tech, he'll be just as successful as you are. And more importantly, he'll have you to thank for it!

Arrnea, this is why you and the rest of SOS are pathetic. I had a hard time trying to think of a professional and coherent way of putting it. (Thank you RV)

Damsky, good luck with your missions. May the Brotherhood last forever!

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1291747645' post='2533069']
[color="#0000FF"]A 3k NS nation has to pay 1200 tech in damages for a few days worth of war?[/color]

Technically me and my alliance would have to pay 36 million dollars.

That being said, OTS is sending the money (and getting the tech back). So that coupled with the fact we mopped the floor with Sajasabie, I'm going to have to chalk this one up as a win.

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