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VE war 2


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[quote name='GeorgeWBush' timestamp='1290859504' post='2524554']

[code]dear Georgewbush of ISAF
The VE has ordered you to pay us $1,000 in blackmail money or we will continue the attacks on your pathetic nation, We will use force if you do not pay up within 5 days.

Sethb of VE[/code]
This looks legit.

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GeorgeWBush, I'm working to get my alliance to support you in your cause. Umbrella fully believes in defending the oppressed and vanquishing evil (VE is definitely evil). If I'm successful, which I will be, you will have this nuclear arsenal at your disposal (http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=Umbrella). VE's time has come. o/

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1290858912' post='2524549']
You misunderstand me, I'm not against your war, I like it. You made me laugh for 1.36 seconds. Good luck on your campaign to rid Bob of fascists/VE. :rolleyes::awesome::awesome::awesome:
It's facists, remember?

[quote name='ImperialCubanacan' timestamp='1290863302' post='2524595']
I hope YOU burn. (This in no way reflects the view of NoR)
Why not? :(

[quote name='sethb' timestamp='1290881364' post='2524676']
Hahahaha, what the hell?
You deny it? [IMG]http://imgur.com/xonVD.gif[/IMG]

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[quote name='Kazeki' timestamp='1290893565' post='2524791']
The coalition will be managed in #bce - anyone who wants to participate in destroying VE should join to coordinate attacks. VE members will be kick/banned. Everyone else may join.
What about Viridians who have seen the light? I think Bob Janova said he could get behind this earlier.

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1290874643' post='2524632']
eh what?

Sorry Dubya, no nukes fer ya. I am afraid you are about to find out how slow and grindingly mundane low NS warfare is.

True, but I do miss it so during the Holidays.


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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1290894966' post='2524808']
As head fascist, I find your cause to be unfortunate.

Also, please do not misinterpret, the amount requested was not 1000 monetary units, but rather 1000 lbs of soresina fortucello provolone. I am deeply, deeply sorry for the confusion.
Aha, now I understand. 1000 lbs of Soresina Fortucello Provelone is unheard of. I for one will not stand by and watch this ruthless extortion.

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:(( V.E. :((

We cannot stand for this fascism. You attacked his, as he says, natilon, and we will not allow this to happen. How DARE you demand the appalling total of $1,000 from him? It's almost unbelievable. His evidence is irrefutable, and your tyranny blinds me with rage.

What do we have here?

1, extortion
2, a PB beatdown
3, the good guys nowhere to be found

THIS is what happens when people stop caring. For those reasons:
[/center][center][b]Europa Hereby Declares a State of War with the Viridian Entente [/b][/center][center][b]
[/b][/center][center][b]Not really. Burn this kid, VE. Burn him good. [/b][/center][center][b]
[/b][/center][center](Edit: Grammar. The fascism of VE made it hard for me to spell)[/center] Edited by Ernesto Che Guevara
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