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[quote name='grahamkeatley' timestamp='1290690336' post='2522984']
Of which, none were in Gov or roles of responsibility in TOOL when they left. But I would agree with Alfred, in the process of paying reps and rebuilding from the last war - many moved to passengers and this would be the fallout from that.


It had nothing to do with the last war GK... I didn't leave till all reps were paid. Most leaving had nothing to do with the reps, but everything to do with the leadership then. But I do agree... this current situation is fallout from the leadership you all had then ;)

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[quote name='JBone' timestamp='1290697594' post='2523025']
If wishing luck was indeed your true intent then you have my apologies.

Perhaps I allowed some of the [i]crappy[/i] comments prior to yours bleed over and taint your sentiment.

The "you're gonna need it" just sounded a bit snide.

.....at least I didn't type in blue. :P

It was snide, sir.

But not at TOOL.

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[quote name='Captain Mudfoot' timestamp='1290714291' post='2523199']
It had nothing to do with the last war GK... I didn't leave till all reps were paid. Most leaving had nothing to do with the reps, but everything to do with the leadership then. But I do agree... this current situation is fallout from the leadership you all had then ;)

Your leaving didnt. You had a foot out the door from long before that. My comment was in regards to the fallout in terms of leadership being left with too much on their shoulders. That has come about indirectly by the toll of paying reps and a slow rebuild process. You had your own personal issues, but I think you are wrong to fold that onto the "fallout" because I am of the opinion that your was limited to a small number of people in your particular circle.


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[quote name='grahamkeatley' timestamp='1290715523' post='2523208']
Your leaving didnt. You had a foot out the door from long before that. My comment was in regards to the fallout in terms of leadership being left with too much on their shoulders. That has come about indirectly by the toll of paying reps and a slow rebuild process. You had your own personal issues, but I think you are wrong to fold that onto the "fallout" because I am of the opinion that your was limited to a small number of people in your particular circle.

If you continue like this GK, I'm going to have to start thinking you miss me ;)

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1290709906' post='2523160']
Your entire post is assuming I hate PC for the PC-TPF issues back in the day. I wasn't around then and experienced the true love of TPF my own way. I've also consistently told TOOL to cancel on them since I merged my alliance into them way back in the day which is about when TPF slipped below them in relevance.

So yeah, my opinion is largely based off of stuff in the past, but who doesn't think that way? TPF haven't shown anyone they are willing to change and I'd be willing to bet that should they ever find power of some sort again they'd willingly abuse it once more.

TOOL has and always will be too good for them.

EDIT: This is now off topic so I'll just leave it at that.
I know a little of the problems you have with TPF Zoomie. The thing is though, that with TCK as Overlord, things have changed a lot. TCK is a big softy you know :P (Very different to Slayer and mhawk). I'm willing to bet that if you put TPF in a position of power again, they will be exactly the same as they are now. 500 tech sound good?

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[quote name='Salmia' timestamp='1290702200' post='2523058']
Or maybe it was your own idea. :o Here I was thinking I was relatively unimportant but great to know people actually hate me. It makes my ego swell up, now let me go back to being an unknown person and the world will be happy.

I :wub: MK too.
I legitimately don't know where you're getting the idea that people hate you. I don't think that anybody does.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1290730377' post='2523349']
I legitimately don't know where you're getting the idea that people hate you. I don't think that anybody does.

Missed my sarcasm there didn't you? Point to me is if you rather give me flak for my decision to leave TOOL go for it. I'd rather you take aim at me than TOOL. If you noticed the post I quoted, it indicated that me being in TOOL is a bad thing and at least a dislike for me and my actions.

I haven't actually done anything to be hated, at least not truly hated. Disliked for TOOL's path and actions perhaps.

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To hate Mia is like hating chocolate. Unless you're allergic, you have no excuse.

I'm very said to see Mia leave TOOL. Like quite a few people have pointed out, she's embodied the entire alliance for me since the day I met her. More than Bama, more than GK, more than any other lovely member that I've met from that alliance. However, I respect her way too much to regret her decision to leave. If she felt like it was the right thing to do, I don't doubt it.

Good luck Dakotans, I don't know you too well, but I've known you to be a loyal member of TOOL, so I don't doubt you will do the best of your abilities to lead the alliance.

And finally, there is no drama here. I know you all desperately want to nuke something, but you're not going to find a reason to in this topic, I promise that on my word as a Scorpion.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1290735457' post='2523400']
Keep kissing up, you might get something for it at some point.

[size="1"]Besides looking pathetic and desperate.[/size]
I've known Mia since a month into starting my journey on Planet Bob*. I'm not kissing up, I'm speaking from experience. The fact that someone in this world doesn't give a crap what alliance or bloc you're in/lead must really tick you off to attack someone being nice to a very good friend.

*That'd be about three years and four months at this point.

Edited by Lord Cyvole
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[quote name='Salmia' timestamp='1290734105' post='2523389']
Missed my sarcasm there didn't you? Point to me is if you rather give me flak for my decision to leave TOOL go for it. I'd rather you take aim at me than TOOL. If you noticed the post I quoted, it indicated that me being in TOOL is a bad thing and at least a dislike for me and my actions.

I haven't actually done anything to be hated, at least not truly hated. Disliked for TOOL's path and actions perhaps.
TOOL is lucky you're gone. It isn't because you're particularly loathsome, just incompetent.

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1290578642' post='2521907']
[url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=The+Phoenix+Federation"]Ditching this treaty would be a great step forward[/url]

Really? Little ol us? Didn't know PC still cared (obsessed much?) by the by.. Tell Twist he needs to PM more.. I might even drop by to update my recipe thread ;)

A sad day Mia.. We will miss your sweet and fun personality in TOOL's embassy.. feel free to stop by IRON's though ;)

oo/ TOOL *by your side always*

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[quote name='deathcat' timestamp='1290754179' post='2523673']
Really? Little ol us? Didn't know PC still cared (obsessed much?) by the by.. Tell Twist he needs to PM more.. I might even drop by to update my recipe thread ;)

A sad day Mia.. We will miss your sweet and fun personality in TOOL's embassy.. feel free to stop by IRON's though ;)

oo/ TOOL *by your side always*

You know you can't get rid of me. :) I'll still be around TPF's forums same as ever.

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[quote name='Salmia' timestamp='1290754741' post='2523681']
You know you can't get rid of me. :) I'll still be around TPF's forums same as ever.

Cool.. I'll oil those rusty hinges.. (hint hint IRON) :P

As I said.. TOOL.. We will stand by you as you work to right the ship and get her sailing again ;)


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[quote name='deathcat' timestamp='1290754179' post='2523673']
Really? Little ol us? Didn't know PC still cared (obsessed much?) by the by.. Tell Twist he needs to PM more.. I might even drop by to update my recipe thread ;)

Christ, he's said it once before so I'll save him the repeat; He doesn't dislike you because he's PC. He dislikes you because he used to be allied to you, and you're worthless.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1290756125' post='2523702']
Christ, he's said it once before so I'll save him the repeat; He doesn't dislike you because he's PC. He dislikes you because he used to be allied to you, and you're worthless.

cool your jets.. I know who Z is/was.. I was just having fun with his comment.. ;)

I will, as is my privilge of having an opinion of equal weight to yours, cordially disagree with your assessment and give you mine..


My opinion's value = to your opinion's value. It's not up for debate, its just a fact.. all opinions are in fact worthless to those of opposing views.. Difference may be though.. I respect your opinion.. and that of those of dissenting views of my alliance or just myself ;)

I am glad that you don't lack in self-confidence.. It's a valuable commodity and in short supply in some alliances.. just not yours.

Either way, TOOL will choose its own path and we will be here as long as they deem us friends.. Treaty or no ;)


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[quote name='deathcat' timestamp='1290757659' post='2523720']
cool your jets.. I know who Z is/was.. I was just having fun with his comment.. ;)

The way I figure it; if even I'm getting tired of seeing an accusation and it's not even at me, the guy it's at must be [i]really[/i] tired of it. But yeah, the joke flew over my head.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1290757887' post='2523724']
The way I figure it; if even I'm getting tired of seeing an accusation and it's not even at me, the guy it's at must be [i]really[/i] tired of it. But yeah, the joke flew over my head.

WOW.. OVER?? but its sooooooooooooo big :P J/k No worries.. anyone who knows me knows I'm never disparaging. ;)

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[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1290756125' post='2523702']
Christ, he's said it once before so I'll save him the repeat; He doesn't dislike you because he's PC. He dislikes you because he used to be allied to you, and you're worthless.

Xiph, you are wrong on this point, I believe. When you quote or paraphrase someone, please at least try and get their sentiment correct because you seem to be suggesting here that his dislike stems from being in TOOL and being a TPF ally? Zoom stated quite clearly that his dislike for TPF stems from BEFORE being in TOOL. He states that he brought the dislike with him into TOOL and he is right in stating that he had always encouraged us to cancel with TPF. But his animosity was present from before.

I dont fully recall the history of DefCon though, so maybe it was caused from being allied to TPF through DefCon. But Zoom never stated that aspect, so how you can paraphrase that meaning is beyond me. I just wanted to clear that up. Especially seeing as you were repeating for him.

[quote name='Captain Mudfoot' timestamp='1290717361' post='2523221']
If you continue like this GK, I'm going to have to start thinking you miss me ;)

CM - I do miss you. Things may have gone awry at the end, but you are missed. You know me, straight forward and honest at the expense of feelings. =P I dont mean to paint a bad light or anything, just replying to what I saw posted. You are missed, and you will always be as far as I am concerned both alliance-wise and personally. May not have much chance any more to converse to convey that. And for that I apologise.


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[quote]Xiph, you are wrong on this point, I believe. When you quote or paraphrase someone, please at least try and get their sentiment correct because you seem to be suggesting here that his dislike stems from being in TOOL and being a TPF ally?[/quote]

No. I was referring to his time in DefCon, not TOOL.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1290669477' post='2522880']
I just popped in to say congratulations to TOOL for getting rid of Mia. Convincing her it was her own idea is a nice touch.

I hate to use clichéd terms but for want of better words congratulations on wondering into the darkness and falling off the cliff at the end of accuracy.

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