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GCU merges in LSF


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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1290178461' post='2517384']
Please do not take offense to this question, as you know I have the utmost respect for you: What part are you playing in this issue? I realize that you're attempting to get peace for the GCU nations, but being the alliance leader of The International, how do you fit in to an issue regarding alliances outside of your own?
No offense taken genosse ;), I just wanted to stress that our efforts are being conducted with utmost respect for GOONS. To be frank GCU is no concern of mine, however LSF are. They are our allies and it is there welfare which is of the paramount importance for us.

Edited by Cataduanes
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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1290170762' post='2517332']
come on man it is GOONS. it was even stated something about raids later on. plus, it appears their gov barely talks to one another. i mean CMF here started off implying GCU were rogues, then pulled this out.

I didn't start this off I was catching up on the facts. As for the raid part I am clearing up the protocol need to LSF to have this come to a manageable end. As for pulling "this" out... would you have me pull something else out? I gave road map to a solution.

[quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1290172345' post='2517342']
The entire thing is odd. All I see is GOONS attacking them. And then LSF and this annoucement, says they cleared it with GOONS. GOONS claims they do not know anything about it, then LSF seems to clearly try to protect GOONS from making themselves look like idiots by ending this in public and taking it private. Then you see GOONS continue to claim they have no idea what is going on but, they want it public. Then INT comes in with logs and shows that LFS is indeed correct and it is GOONS that is confused. Maybe GOONS should take some time and talk to each other to figure out what is going on and then share with the rest of us. Since they have made it clear several times they want this open for the public.

You have some funny assumptions there.

:(( GOONS :((

[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1290172379' post='2517343']
They're not rogues. Let's put that to bed right now. This is simply a case of someone that shouldn't have been in any government anywhere making a decision that basically threw his entire alliance to the wolves.

As for the discussion that took place with Biazt, we haven't heard from him in a while. I haven't seen him on IRC lately, and nothing was posted within our government section. Besides, as a GOONS council member, he doesn't have the credentials to make a decision on behalf of the entire GOONS alliance on his own, and I'm pretty sure he knows this. He stepped down from a high enough position to do this (as did I) due to responsibilities outside of alliance business. Something seems pretty damn fishy here. I may be wrong, but it certainly wouldn't be my first time.

Well said.

[quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1290176763' post='2517370']
Well I can assure you that for our part there is no fishy motive at play, I am happy to discuss the situation with someone with more credentials and resolve the situation in a suitably amicable fashion ;)

This is what we are looking for. We do not respond well to public declarations telling us how something is to go down. Yes, this is a public matter since it has been declared in a public fashion.

I have no issue with being wrong or having to try and save face. If we are wrong on this we are wrong on this and it will be worked out as Government sees fit. Now, you have three past government officials including myself from GOONS in this thread wondering "What gives?"

[quote]Something seems pretty damn fishy here. I may be wrong, but it certainly wouldn't be my first time.[/quote]

Point for the TL:DR

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[quote name='ChimpMasterFlash' timestamp='1290179005' post='2517392']

This is what we are looking for. We do not respond well to public declarations telling us how something is to go down. Yes, this is a public matter since it has been declared in a public fashion.

I have no issue with being wrong or having to try and save face. If we are wrong on this we are wrong on this and it will be worked out as Government sees fit. Now, you have three past government officials including myself from GOONS in this thread wondering "What gives?"
Then you and I see eye to eye ;). If there has been a miscommunication that has led to confusion on both sides then i am confident that between us it can be clarified and resolved, an amicable solution in which everyone is happy is what The International would like to achieve.

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[quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1290178793' post='2517390']
No offense taken genosse ;), I just wanted to stress that our efforts are being conducted with utmost respect for GOONS. To be frank GCU is no concern of mine, however LSF are. They are our allies and it is there welfare which is of the paramount importance for us.

Ah, okay...gotcha. I was confused by what you had invested in this situation. It's clear to me, now. Anyway, I have faith in our (your and GOONS') ability to resolve this.

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[quote name='Burnsey' timestamp='1290181754' post='2517416']
Rogues or whatever aside, why in the name of god would LSF want such a retarded alliance fold into them?

I believe I have answered to that already, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94831&view=findpost&p=2517284"]here[/url]. But let me add that, when people willingly come to rest under the shadow of your sovereignty, abandoning them in the face of adversity is abandoning your proper sovereignty. So the answer to your question would be : because LSF is sovereign.

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[quote name='Burnsey' timestamp='1290181754' post='2517416']
Rogues or whatever aside, why in the name of god would LSF want such a retarded alliance fold into them?

I wouldn't blame the entire alliance, really....not sure how they go about picking their alliance leaders, but who in the world would have foreseen this kind of thing happening?

If Sardonic tried something like this, we'd feed him to Tyga.

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[quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1290157831' post='2517260']

Request lock. If anyone still has issues, they can find us on IRC. As I said, we never wanted this public.

[quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1290159461' post='2517264']
There's a PR war on Digiterra and LSF does not want to be part of it. We have friends on all sides. We want to keep it this way.

So, yeah, request lock.
It doesn't work like that.

[quote name='Kevin McDonald' timestamp='1290162577' post='2517289']
[b]Requesting a lock is like requesting time be turned back to 18 months ago (or so) when you [i]could[/i] request a lock.[/b] As it stands, if you are taking in people being pursued by GOONS you should probably, you know, speak with GOONS. They tend to be fairly accomodating in these things, but not when you try to take advantage of, or liberties with, them.
This is correct, at least the bolded part.

[quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1290163276' post='2517292']
I repeat that, [i]there has been a discussion with GOONS gov.[/i], and that these people shall no longer be pursued, from the moment they join LSF.

I'll edit the OP and thank Biazt.

Now, if topics can't be locked any more, that's unfortunate.
It's been like that for two years.

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It seems there's some discussion about me in this thread. Unfortunately I was away for OOC reasons and wasn't able to get to this thread until now.

As my esteemed leader said, the agreement with GCU/LSF stands. It was a simple case of miscommunication and a few GOONS in this thread getting riled about about losing their tech raids. Peacing out with any nation changing AAs after wars expire is standard procedure in GOONS and should not have surprised any members, informed or not.

Ephix, there is no one making that argument, I remain GOONS gov and take responsibility for my actions.


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The GCU is no more. They decided they like the LSF's low-key, non-dramatic, Libertarian Socialist approach and dissolved in order to enjoy the benefits of a direct democratic society with seasoned pros.

What's telling of the instigators in this thread is that they clearly didn't know what they were even talking about because this was handled in such a quiet fashion, and they lost some easy tech to an alliance they consider inferior. Butthurt, really.

And we even took the courtesy of announcing this in public, so there can hardly be a case for "shame" on the part of the LSF. Triky did a good job of tying this up and making a pretty standard announcement and, naturally, some eager national leaders didn't get the memo before their emotions got them.

Personally, I'm happy to see the former GCU members being given a second chance to be productive members of the LSF, and CN in general. Meanwhile, some of you drama queens will simply have to drum up trouble elsewhere.

I commend all involved parties involved in the discussion for their efforts in maintaining peace, and I once again welcome the former GCU with open arms.

[I]¡Libertad o Muerte![/I]

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