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An Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1289941513' post='2515047']
Branimir - We are Pacifica's premier retirement spot. :smug:

If only we could have snagged JT.

[quote]So you will back my "NPO-MK luv board" idea?

I've definitely heard worse ideas.

Also, despite what lebubu said, you'd be amazed how many people in our alliance are happy to see you guys posting here actively. Quiet just doesn't suit the NPO well.

Edited by Seerow
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[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' timestamp='1289938385' post='2514980']
To be fair, I don't think the GPA commentary is being used to say that NPO is returning to its evil ways by most people. More so, we are pointing out that NPO went to war over the same issue in their history.

Except we didn't go to war over that single issue, so you are nitpicking a minor sentence within a CB and pretending it grants you some sort of moral high ground, implicitly slandering NPO.

Complaining about the other side's use of "ancient history" is even more amusing when you have to put a ridiculous spin on the "ancient history" you use.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1289941657' post='2515051']
So you will back my "NPO-MK luv board" idea?

I've been an advocate for MK-NPO luvlations for some time. You can imagine my dismay when I was demasked for reasons unbeknownst to me.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1289942075' post='2515060']
Excellent, my idea is getting traction.

Branimir--fixing problems since this afternoon.

A little over four years and you're finally becoming useful. Doesn't it feel awesome?

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289942131' post='2515061']
A little over four years and you're finally becoming useful. Doesn't it feel awesome?
Meh,...its not all what its made out to be,....

edit- missed "out"

Edited by Branimir
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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1289942194' post='2515063']
Meh,...its not all what its made out to be,....

Oh that's because you just started this afternoon.

When you hit up the bar tonight, and the bartender gives you your first drink on the house, and all the ladies after you, that's when you realize being useful is worth the effort.

Of course if that doesn't happen, yeah not quite what it's cracked up to be. I wouldn't know, never made the effort to become useful. But those are the images Archon dances in front of me when trying to make me do stuff.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1289941299' post='2515041']
As your prince lebubu said it nicely and honestly in your embassy, for which he has my respect 'coz there is no need for false pretenses;

I doubt more representatives shall be enough to bridge this gap to achieve an MADP.

Dude, I know you cant go without us :smug: , but either join again or let it go man,...just let it go. Move on.

Anyway, 8 active diplo mask as I counted. How many representatives MK needs, lol :P. I know we are awesome and you want to be around us,...maybe we should set up a NPO-MK luv board? Srsly.

Let it go. LET IT GO. I am the LANDSCAPER OF FRANCOGRAD. I put the RAD back in Francograd to be honest.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289942388' post='2515064']When you hit up the bar tonight, and the bartender gives you your first drink on the house, and all the ladies after you, that's when you realize being useful is worth the effort.[/quote]
I own the bar. I own the ladies. Actually I own my nation,....I know its ingenuous :smug:

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[quote name='lebubu' timestamp='1289940579' post='2515020']We've contacted an Imperial Officer regarding the situation, prior to posting this thread.[/quote]

I see a single chat log with Farrin, who is a Legate, but nothing with an IO. Perhaps I missed the post somewhere here?

[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1289940896' post='2515031']Does NPO general membership have the ability to modify posts or is that something that IOs only have permissions for? Im just curious because the modification of posts made by MK members in the embassy was also an issue here.

While it is pretty late in the thread and many may have chosen to harp on just one subject here, I want to reiterate that there are, in fact, two issues at hand and modifying the posts of MK diplomats is one of them.[/quote]

No, they do not have permissions. I did indeed not discuss this point as I am still catching up on things from the last day or so and I dislike posting without proper knowledge and information. :)

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1289942633' post='2515069']
I own the bar. I own the ladies. Actually I own my nation,....I know its ingenuous :smug:

Your nation has women as property? How obscene. Then again, I guess the babies that you eat as a delicacy must come from somewhere... no woman whom you don't own would freely give it up. So it makes sense I suppose.

Owning your own bars is indeed an industrious way to get free drinks, but I find letting the populous handle such things results in much higher efficiency.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289942827' post='2515072']Owning your own bars is indeed an industrious way to get free drinks, but I find letting the populous handle such things results in much higher efficiency.[/quote]
Well,...sometimes its a drag. When I am too tired, I let my trusted trained super intelligent monkeys do it for me. They are my secret weapon,...or rather were until I didn't now mentioned them

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Amusing, MK whining about someone mistreating them on their forums. Apparently, it's only OK when they do it.

I seem to remember a certain member of the community having his name changed against his will to Furry and various users of the forums logging in to find that they'd been called "fine gentlemen." You reap what you sow, MK. If you don't want people messing with you on their forums, don't mess with them on yours.

Edit: Good call on pulling and expelling diplomats. If you can't get along, there's no point in making things worse. Hopefully this doesn't go to a war, but if it does, it will be on the level of the "Yo Momma War" that TIO almost started.

Edited by Duncan King
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[quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1289939446' post='2515002']
Don't take it personally Stumps it was constructive criticism. [b]We are actually quite enjoying our corner where etiquette and manners are still common place, it is actually quite refreshing.[/b] Our community enjoys itself without the need to feed off the drama of this snake pit. Admittedly it can be fun to pop your head in once in a while in the same way that glimpsing through a trashy tabloid paper can be whimsically comical. Moreover we have bigger priorities than creating useless tittle tattle for the entertainment of the peasants. Like I said each to there own, enjoy! :)
Excuse me while I dig up some material from Worst War Ever...


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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1289943065' post='2515077']
Amusing, MK whining about someone mistreating them on their forums. Apparently, it's only OK when they do it.

I seem to remember a certain member of the community having his name changed against his will to Furry and various users of the forums logging in to find that they'd been called "fine gentlemen." You reap what you sow, MK. If you don't want people messing with out on their forums, don't mess with them on yours.
Were it all in good fun, that would be fine. Our sense of humour is offbeat but nevertheless extant, and people come to our forums fully aware of what goes on in our public forum. Most take it as it was meant. This was modification and deletion of posts in an embassy, which we, as a rule, don't do, unless it's something like obscene photos that aren't beneath spoiler tags or something along those lines.

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[quote name='Jasmines Jewels' timestamp='1289942807' post='2515071']
I see a single chat log with Farrin, who is a Legate, but nothing with an IO. Perhaps I missed the post somewhere here?
In the course of my discussion with Farrin, bakamitai gave him authority on the subject and declared such in #mushroom. Farrin also suggested in the course of our interaction that he had confirmed NPO's position with his higher ups.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289925740' post='2514740']
Good point. We'll start the bidding at 3500 tech each, and proceed from there. Seems much more reasonable. :awesome:
Whew, that's only half of what the Kingdom extorted from me earlier this year. You [i]are[/i] becoming more reasonable!

[quote name='Jasmines Jewels' timestamp='1289939361' post='2515000']
Seerow and Tamerlane are not banned on our forums. Their mask was temporarily revoked until which time we could inform our Emperor of their request and proceed from there so that the situation that unfortunately happened with VE/Sethb months ago would not be repeated here with MK.

I suppose a late night complaint thread is much more beneficial than simply contacting an Imperial Officer in efforts to remedy the situation.

I also seem to find it mildly amusing that our actions from near 3 years ago are being used as an example for something but the actions of Seerow / Tamerlane are 'in the past' and should be forgotten.

Also, the Mushroom Kingdom embassy is not closed on our forums and I personally will welcome those with actual class to visit for discussion or tea.
Remarkable. I for one am deeply insulted and offended that MK would deport our diplomats from the Castle Hall with such little provocation. Not only do they seek to wrest the mantle of Most Evil Hegemonyâ„¢ from us, now they're stealing our patent embassy over-reaction move? Stop copying our PR blunders :mad:

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Ahh how interesting; so MK is going to take the "Not as bad as NPO" line of argumentation and PR and run with it for whatever its worth I take it? But I think it was that one earlier poster in the 5th or 6th page said before NPO posters arrived to the scene: "Wow you're losing the PR war already?"

But I do love seeing you guys milk this argument for whatever it's worth. :smug:

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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1289943065' post='2515077']
Hopefully this doesn't go to a war, but if it does, it will be on the level of the "Yo Momma War" that TIO almost started.

Ball's in NPO's court. :smug:

I'd wager my nation's finest hookers and blow though that it won't in fact go to war.

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[quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1289939446' post='2515002']
Don't take it personally Stumps it was constructive criticism. We are actually quite enjoying our corner where etiquette and manners are still common place, it is actually quite refreshing. Our community enjoys itself without the need to feed off the drama of this snake pit. Admittedly it can be fun to pop your head in once in a while in the same way that glimpsing through a trashy tabloid paper can be whimsically comical. Moreover we have bigger priorities than creating useless tittle tattle for the entertainment of the peasants. Like I said each to there own, enjoy! :)

[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1289943077' post='2515078']
Excuse me while I dig up some material from Worst War Ever...


You see Ardus, sometimes we find it necessary to interact with the hoi polloi, but truly we like to insulate ourselves from the riffraff. If you ever find the urge to distance yourselves from these proletarians and discus the finer points of Proust or the impact of Warhol on contemporary art over a chilled glass of Courvoisier coupled with a relaxing Louixs cigar, you know what side of the web to go to. :smug:


Edited by Lord Curzon
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[quote name='Poyplemonkeys' timestamp='1289916394' post='2514566']
It's clear from the behaviour from both sides of this issue, and previous to it, that the breakdown in this relationship is indeed a [b]major[/b] issue and not the breakdown of something that barely existed in the first place. Tabloid sensationalism at it's worst.

I think this is all smoke and mirrors.

We better prepare ourselves for the merger of MK into NPO. This is the obvious reason why they no longer need mutual embassies and ambassadors. The love is strong in this one.

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[quote name='Farrin Xies' timestamp='1289913227' post='2514541']
Sure bros, they left under the best of circumstances. Clearly, we gave them Outcast tags when they left because, well gosh darnit, they just looked like they needed that tag there.

I was NPO at one point (Look for the account herbyderb, it might still be around unless Koona deleted it)

My bros account on the NPO forums has been banned for over 4 years.

My bros2 account is not banned.

I wonder why?

NPO seems to hold grudges, why not against people who committed such grievous offenses against the Order, such as I did?

I am sorry for what I did. Is that why my bros2 account is not banned?

Then why are seerow and tamerlane restricted from viewing your forums? They are repentant.

It is not as if Seerow and Tamerlane are flaunting it in the face of the Order.

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