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An Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' timestamp='1289938385' post='2514980']
To be fair, I don't think the GPA commentary is being used to say that NPO is returning to its evil ways by most people. More so, we are pointing out that NPO went to war over the same issue in their history.
[color="#0000FF"]I still fail to see the point of it considering that since Karma the NPO has done nothing like that. In fact, if kicking two diplomats they dislike is all that you have to moan about them for, I think you need to find something else to complain about. Really, all I see going on here is MK and other people who dislike the NPO using this to try and sling poo at them. Granted, they won't act on it, but it doesn't make it any less pathetic.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1289938758' post='2514987']
[color="#0000FF"]I still fail to see the point of it considering that since Karma the NPO has done nothing like that. In fact, if kicking two diplomats they dislike is all that you have to moan about them for, I think you need to find something else to complain about. Really, all I see going on here is MK and other people who dislike the NPO using this to try and sling poo at them. Granted, they won't act on it, but it doesn't make it any less pathetic.[/color]
I think most people are just pointing it out as irony not as an actual attempt to slander NPO. There is a difference between trying to dirty their image with it and poking fun with it.

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[quote name='BDRocks' timestamp='1289889724' post='2514240']
To piggyback on this. It is because of our set of ideals no war was started over this unlike NPO would have.

who cares what the npo would have done? youre not the npo man..

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[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' timestamp='1289938385' post='2514980']
When was the last time IRON did... well anything? Seriously, you complain about our attempts to make things interesting as you sit in the corner and do... nothing.

To be fair, no one has told IRON what to do yet.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1289938625' post='2514984']
Actually, first 8 pages is a big circle jerk of MK posters and their supportive fan club. I am not complaining about that, you had your fun and it was an entertaining read. At least for me. But I believe first NPO post was on the 6 or 7 page, and previous to that like two or three characters spoke negatively about this announcement.

So yeah, you made the thread in not just one way, detractors don't really come much into picture.

Id recommend rereading those first pages again. After reading this I went back myself out of curiosity to see what they looked like, because I didn't think there was a lot of circlejerking going on.

First page there were 7 posts from people who were not MK/friends, on the second page, that number was closer to 15. A large portion of the posts were people making disparaging comments (things like "aww they kicked each other out of their clubhouse!") or "who cares?", that then got responded to and so on.

It's not like we had 8 straight pages of "Hail MK!" before any real discussion started, even if it did take that long for NPO itself to show up on the scene.

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[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' timestamp='1289938828' post='2514989']
I think most people are just pointing it out as irony not as an actual attempt to slander NPO. There is a difference between trying to dirty their image with it and poking fun with it.
[color="#0000FF"]I think most people already know the NPO did wrong before Karma. I see no irony in people not using some of the CBs they did. I'm still not sure what the point of this is, however. Oh well.[/color]

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Seerow and Tamerlane are not banned on our forums. Their mask was temporarily revoked until which time we could inform our Emperor of their request and proceed from there so that the situation that unfortunately happened with VE/Sethb months ago would not be repeated here with MK.

I suppose a late night complaint thread is much more beneficial than simply contacting an Imperial Officer in efforts to remedy the situation.

I also seem to find it mildly amusing that our actions from near 3 years ago are being used as an example for something but the actions of Seerow / Tamerlane are 'in the past' and should be forgotten.

Also, the Mushroom Kingdom embassy is not closed on our forums and I personally will welcome those with actual class to visit for discussion or tea.

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[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' timestamp='1289938385' post='2514980']
When was the last time IRON did... well anything? Seriously, you complain about our attempts to make things interesting as you sit in the corner and do... nothing.

To be fair, I don't think the GPA commentary is being used to say that NPO is returning to its evil ways by most people. More so, we are pointing out that NPO went to war over the same issue in their history.

Don't take it personally Stumps it was constructive criticism. We are actually quite enjoying our corner where etiquette and manners are still common place, it is actually quite refreshing. Our community enjoys itself without the need to feed off the drama of this snake pit. Admittedly it can be fun to pop your head in once in a while in the same way that glimpsing through a trashy tabloid paper can be whimsically comical. Moreover we have bigger priorities than creating useless tittle tattle for the entertainment of the peasants. Like I said each to there own, enjoy! :)

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[quote name='Jasmines Jewels' timestamp='1289939361' post='2515000']

Also, the Mushroom Kingdom embassy is not closed on our forums and I personally will welcome those with actual class to visit for discussion or tea.

I'll be right over.

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[quote name='Farrin Xies' timestamp='1289939669' post='2515006']
Because when I think of someone with class, I think of Cager first... :P

Most do. Would you care to do some landscaping with me on Francograd?.

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[quote name='Jasmines Jewels' timestamp='1289939361' post='2515000']
Seerow and Tamerlane are not banned on our forums. Their mask was temporarily revoked until which time we could inform our Emperor of their request and proceed from there so that the situation that unfortunately happened with VE/Sethb months ago would not be repeated here with MK.

I suppose a late night complaint thread is much more beneficial than simply contacting an Imperial Officer in efforts to remedy the situation.

I also seem to find it mildly amusing that our actions from near 3 years ago are being used as an example for something but the actions of Seerow / Tamerlane are 'in the past' and should be forgotten.

Also, the Mushroom Kingdom embassy is not closed on our forums and I personally will welcome those with actual class to visit for discussion or tea.
The NPO doesn't do diplomacy with you.
[i]You[/i] do diplomacy with the [i]NPO[/i].

Edit: wording

Edited by ktarthan
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[quote name='Jasmines Jewels' timestamp='1289939361' post='2515000']
I suppose a late night complaint thread is much more beneficial than simply contacting an Imperial Officer in efforts to remedy the situation.

We've contacted an Imperial Officer regarding the situation, prior to posting this thread.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1289940689' post='2515023']
I think that NPO-MK diplomatic relations are more then covered with representatives. I counted 8 active MK diplo masks on our boards.

Thats enough if you ask me :smug:

It hasn't been enough as we have not gotten any closer to signing our MADP. Expect more envoys.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1289940689' post='2515023']
I think that NPO-MK diplomatic relations are more then covered with representatives. I counted 8 active MK diplo masks on our boards.

Thats enough if you ask me :smug:

Now to unban me and Lord of Destruction........who knows, perhaps I could end up as your diplomatic representative. Wouldn't that be FUN?

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[quote name='Jasmines Jewels' timestamp='1289939361' post='2515000']
Seerow and Tamerlane are not banned on our forums. Their mask was temporarily revoked until which time we could inform our Emperor of their request and proceed from there so that the situation that unfortunately happened with VE/Sethb months ago would not be repeated here with MK.

I suppose a late night complaint thread is much more beneficial than simply contacting an Imperial Officer in efforts to remedy the situation.

I also seem to find it mildly amusing that our actions from near 3 years ago are being used as an example for something but the actions of Seerow / Tamerlane are 'in the past' and should be forgotten.

Also, the Mushroom Kingdom embassy is not closed on our forums and I personally will welcome those with actual class to visit for discussion or tea.

Does NPO general membership have the ability to modify posts or is that something that IOs only have permissions for? Im just curious because the modification of posts made by MK members in the embassy was also an issue here.

While it is pretty late in the thread and many may have chosen to harp on just one subject here, I want to reiterate that there are, in fact, two issues at hand and modifying the posts of MK diplomats is one of them.

Edited by tamerlane
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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289920894' post='2514623']
AirMe didn't you know? There are three possible outcomes for any event:

1) Nothing happens. Insert lots of "Do something about it" statements from smug individuals.
2) Reparations paid. Insert cries of extortion from those paying.
2) War. Insert lots of "Becoming the monster" statements from people getting rolled.

There is no middle ground. There is no room for countermeasures that aren't straight up war. Anything else is just a blatant PR grab to cover up one of the above 3 scenarios that have occurred within the last few weeks.

You're finally beginning to realise what Pacifica had to deal with all that time they were on top, aren't you? The perception of your position becomes more important then the reality. Maybe you should ask MHA how they dodge all criticism while being number one in the sanctioned list, they seem to be really good at it. ^_^

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[quote name='Scorbolt' timestamp='1289940843' post='2515028']It hasn't been enough as we have not gotten any closer to signing our MADP. Expect more envoys.[/quote]
As your prince lebubu said it nicely and honestly in your embassy, for which he has my respect 'coz there is no need for false pretenses;
[quote]You're not liked... at all. By anyone in MK. Your achievements are respected but due to our history, we'll likely be rivals forever I'm afraid. [/quote]
I doubt more representatives shall be enough to bridge this gap to achieve an MADP.

[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1289940872' post='2515030']
Now to unban me and Lord of Destruction........who knows, perhaps I could end up as your diplomatic representative. Wouldn't that be FUN?
Dude, I know you cant go without us :smug: , but either join again or let it go man,...just let it go. Move on.

Anyway, 8 active diplo mask as I counted. How many representatives MK needs, lol :P. I know we are awesome and you want to be around us,...maybe we should set up a NPO-MK luv board? Srsly.

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[quote name='Mirreille' timestamp='1289941289' post='2515040']
You're finally beginning to realise what Pacifica had to deal with all that time they were on top, aren't you? The perception of your position becomes more important then the reality. Maybe you should ask MHA how they dodge all criticism while being number one in the sanctioned list, they seem to be really good at it. ^_^

By doing literally nothing.

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