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An Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1289924102' post='2514705']
Half lies? Again, don't just make accusations. Back it up with proof. So far the only thing that has been proven wrong about the OP is that 3 people were banned from the NPO forums and not 2.

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94719&view=findpost&p=2514683. And in case you didn't realise no I nor anyone else can prove a negative.

However its kind of funny how you don't ask your MK friends to provide proof for said editing as well.

Edited by silentkiller
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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1289924088' post='2514703']
So you agree that Arcades is making !@#$ up? Duly noted.

[quote]AKA you have no idea what you are talking about and will wait for someone else in your alliance to come and bail you out for your statements. It's ok bro, I have been there before.[/quote]

Forgot where I was for a second. Thanks for reminding me guys.

To Seerow: Perhaps a better first step to getting masked on our forum as a diplomat would have been to contact a higher-up, personally, perhaps one whom you had known in the past, to assure that your presence would not cause any friction. Personally I have no dog in the hunt, as I wasn't a Pacifican when you did whatever it was that you did, however whatever you did is a matter of perception. To you, it's nothing to get panties in a bunch over. To someone else, it might very well be, and I do believe this is where we find ourselves.

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[quote name='Arcades057' timestamp='1289924616' post='2514718']
To Seerow: Perhaps a better first step to getting masked on our forum as a diplomat would have been to contact a higher-up, personally, perhaps one whom you had known in the past, to assure that your presence would not cause any friction. Personally I have no dog in the hunt, as I wasn't a Pacifican when you did whatever it was that you did, however whatever you did is a matter of perception. To you, it's nothing to get panties in a bunch over. To someone else, it might very well be, and I do believe this is where we find ourselves.

Perhaps. But upon requesting my mask, had there been a problem, I could have been contacted via PM on the NPO forums or here, or via IRC (I've been on coldfront pretty reliably the last week or so, compared to usual), and we could have hashed things out. Similarly after I was masked, if people had trouble, it could have been addressed in the embassy, rather than demasking me without any given reason. The way things were handled is a pretty clear diplomatic insult, which is what provoked the Kingdom to respond in kind.

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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1289924598' post='2514717']
It's never too late.
Excellent. Shall we start the bidding at 100 million? Per envoy, of course.

[quote name='Arcades057' timestamp='1289924616' post='2514718']To Seerow: Perhaps a better first step to getting masked on our forum as a diplomat would have been to contact a higher-up, personally, perhaps one whom you had known in the past, to assure that your presence would not cause any friction. Personally I have no dog in the hunt, as I wasn't a Pacifican when you did whatever it was that you did, however whatever you did is a matter of perception. To you, it's nothing to get panties in a bunch over. To someone else, it might very well be, and I do believe this is where we find ourselves.[/quote]
Don't you think it's a reasonable assumption to make on our part that this kind of discussion might have already taken place in the multiple days before they were masked at all? Surely the true masterminds of CN [i]talk[/i] to one another from time to time?

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1289924596' post='2514716']
http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94719&view=findpost&p=2514683. And in case you didn't realise no I nor anyone else can prove a negative.

However its kind of funny how you don't ask your MK friends to provide proof for said editing as well.

So the NPO denies stripping the content from at least a page's worth of posts?

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1289924102' post='2514705']
Half lies? Again, don't just make accusations. Back it up with proof. So far the only thing that has been proven wrong about the OP is that 3 people were banned from the NPO forums and not 2.

And that you had no idea that cager actually owned up to it.

Edited by Charles Stuart
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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289924816' post='2514719']
Perhaps. But upon requesting my mask, had there been a problem, I could have been contacted via PM on the NPO forums or here, or via IRC (I've been on coldfront pretty reliably the last week or so, compared to usual), and we could have hashed things out. Similarly after I was masked, if people had trouble, it could have been addressed in the embassy, rather than demasking me without any given reason. The way things were handled is a pretty clear diplomatic insult, which is what provoked the Kingdom to respond in kind.

Well for my part as a diplomat with Pacifica I offer you my apologies for the way things have turned out for you personally. I hope we can resolve them in a positive way.

(I still can't seem to get the whole evil thing down this morning, sorry)

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1289924596' post='2514716']
http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94719&view=findpost&p=2514683. And in case you didn't realise no I nor anyone else can prove a negative.

However its kind of funny how you don't ask your MK friends to provide proof for said editing as well.

It is because I have seen it happen before. Ask your comrades about what happened surrounding the joint radio station we were running and how some in your gov made it impossible for that collaboration to ever succeed.

I am sure they will tell you that we were vile people who put on vile shows. But instead of bringing up to Moo, bros, myself and hawk who were in charge of the station, they ambushed us in a Q&A thread with it and also wouldn't allow NPO DJ's to being the staff. I know the kind of games that get played. I've been around the block a few times.

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1289924596' post='2514716']
http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94719&view=findpost&p=2514683. And in case you didn't realise no I nor anyone else can prove a negative.

However its kind of funny how you don't ask your MK friends to provide proof for said editing as well.

Sorry, I had missed that reply.

[quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1289925040' post='2514723']
And that you had no idea that cager actually owned up to it.

Owned up to what? Something that happened off world that has no bearing on Bob at all? Sorry, I don't intertwine cultures like that. I keep my civilizations separate.

Edited by AirMe
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[quote name='Arcades057' timestamp='1289925428' post='2514728']
I'll just wait here, holding my breath, for that apology from you and that iFOK guy... :smug:

There will be no apology from me. Because, like I said, I do not cross one world with another.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1289924871' post='2514721']
Excellent. Shall we start the bidding at 100 million? Per envoy, of course.

100m per envoy? Have you forgotten who you are talking to? We are Pacifica, the world's greatest provider of reparations, regardless what those upstarts at TOP might think. You are insulting our ability by providing such a figure.

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[quote name='MNNorthStars' timestamp='1289888146' post='2514193']
Frank, open communication is the only thing keeping this world from tearing itself apart. I expected more from one of bob's most storied institutions.

This is, I hope, intended in a very dry fashion, else you are deeply guilty of melodrama.

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1289925370' post='2514727']
Sorry, I had missed that reply.

Owned up to what? Something that happened off world that has no bearing on Bob at all? Sorry, I don't intertwine cultures like that. I keep my civilizations separate.

I don't see MK complaining about that decision. Why are you?

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1289919780' post='2514605']
It's almost as though you really are a watered down attempt at an NPO clone! Who would've thought.

Awww poor baby. No wonder you were kicked out of the STA embassy, you bring nothing of value.

As for the "NPO clone" pun, we're a NPO colony on brown not a clone. But clearly you were mistaken.

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[quote name='Stormsend' timestamp='1289924016' post='2514699']
The NPO forums and threads contained therein are the property of the NPO because the alliance and management of said forum are conceptualized by the NPO. To seek to deal physical damage or otherwise would constitute vandalism of the aforementioned property.
It wasn't the forums. Unless it was the forums too, I guess. But it was also other stuff.

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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1289925631' post='2514732']
100m per envoy? Have you forgotten who you are talking to? We are Pacifica, the world's greatest provider of reparations, regardless what those upstarts at TOP might think. You are insulting our ability by providing such a figure.

Good point. We'll start the bidding at 3500 tech each, and proceed from there. Seems much more reasonable. :awesome:

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1289925671' post='2514736']
I don't see MK complaining about that decision. Why are you?

Because I am not a robot or a puppet and I think with my own brain? Plus, last I checked, I haven't been an MK member in over a year and a half.

I am pretty sure Archon doesn't have his hand up my rear making my mouth move. Though, I do hear some meowing coming from the corner.......

EDIT: I need to stop multitasking. MK wasn't complaining about it and they were not the ones who brought it up. Arcades was the one that brought the off world incident up and indicated it had something to do with this whole event which you and others have suggested it doesn't.

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[quote name='Joe Stupid' timestamp='1289925718' post='2514738']
Get tech man, and lots of it.
I didn't specify what I was asking 100 million of. :smug:

[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1289925716' post='2514737']Awww poor baby. No wonder you were kicked out of the STA embassy, you bring nothing of value.[/quote]
I bring enough for you to spend your precious time on me. That's more than enough for my puny ego.

[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1289925716' post='2514737']As for the "NPO clone" pun, we're a NPO colony on brown not a clone. But clearly you were mistaken.[/quote]
You'll have to excuse my ignorance. What exactly is the difference between the two?

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