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[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1290051010' post='2516441']
I find your attempts to avoid my critique quite charming. [img]http://i.somethingawful.com/forumsystem/emoticons/emot-allears.gif[/img]
I could care less about your critiques. Was just curious what all the baiting was for.

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[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1290051100' post='2516442']I could care less about your critiques. Was just curious what all the baiting was for.[/quote]You realize every post I have made in regards to TOP from the last two days has been in reply to a Paradoxian, right?

Edited by Fallen Fool
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[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1290051227' post='2516444']
You realize every post I have made in regards to TOP from the last two days has been in reply to a Paradoxian, right?
Doesn't change the fact it looks like your trying to bait people into something. I'm sure your looking to get a rise out of someone with those remarks. I'm not hating on you for it. Was just curious as to why. So, by all means, proceed.

Edit: My apologies, King of the Valar.

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[quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1289616516' post='2511556']
If you happen to have eyes, you can see this world is in serious decline. We've dropped to a population of merely 20,000, an atrociously low number of people. There has not been a major war since April of this year, and politics have not changed much since. The population of this world is incredibly centralized, with majority of new alliances washing out, and all older nations staying put with their established alliances, very few new alliances have been able to spring up and create a following. There is simply not enough people joining to fill up the ranks of the unestablished. The MDP web these days makes the MDP web of days long gone, that was thought to be horrible back then, look like a cobweb. The crutch of moralism rules the day of politics. Every issue is focused on the right/wrong of it, even when the "crime" is essentially victimless, or incredibly minor.

So, please explain to me what I've missed, and why this world is ruled by the content, and the bottom feeders have no desire to move up. There is no fire or desire in anyone, anymore. Everyone wants to be friends, and nobody wants to make enemies, aside from the NSO apparently. There was conflict back in the day between the rival factions of The Initiative and The League, with both wanting to rule and finding anyway they could to fight. This tradition was carried on by multiple blocs, but there is no rivalry anymore. The defeated are downtrodden, and the victors and smugly sitting contently.

Drop the moralism act. That was a tool used long ago. In case you have not realized, moralism is a crock of !@#$ made up by the defeated or the opportunistic. I've used it, who hasn't. I bear alot of burden for it, as I used it as a tool of war for months on a very public scale, successfully. But really, back then there was at least a reason to use it, forced disbandments, Permanent ZI's, never-ending alliance wars, etc. These days the moralists will come rushing out about 3 million dollars, and how asking for reps is wrong, and crap like that. WHO CARES. There's absolutely no reason to be crying like a baby over something that small, and if you really have an issue with it, fight them over it instead of waging a PR campaign and hiding behind the treaty web. It makes for a really dull day in the world.

Take a step back and look at yourself, and make adjustments. Ask yourself, "Have I made this world more entertaining, or have I assisted in the stagnation and increasing decline of the world?"

Do you have any ambition left?

I'm pretty tired of hearing this same lined repeated ad nauseum. Yes, alliances aren't ambitious anymore, generally speaking. I have no personal ambition nor the inclination to instill any greater ambition into my alliance. What I'm not doing is complaining about it, and what I don't understand is why you're complaining when the only notable thing your alliance has done since the Bipolar War is fall apart just a [i]little[/i] bit more. As far as I know you've been gone for almost the entirety of that period, so from where do you get the right to lecture the rest of us? The only people who truly have a right to complain about stagnation are the people who are actively stirring the pot, of which there are precious few, if any. If you're not, I'm not interested in hearing your !@#$%^&*.

"Moralism" in the sense that some people object to poor CBs or tech raids has been around for a very long time, and the notion that stagnation is a result of some alliances holding that sentiment is simply ridiculous. The Bipolar War, the single major war in the past year and a half, was made possible by the clash of two sides which you would probably describe as the "moralists" and whatever you call the other ones (amoralists?). Without \m/, PC, et al., there would have been no spark to set off the war. Without the Polar World Policeâ„¢, it would've simply been a tech raid, albeit a larger one than is par the course - nevertheless, a non-event in the grand scheme of things.

Edited by Moridin
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[quote name='Moridin' timestamp='1290052967' post='2516473']
I'm pretty tired of hearing this same lined repeated ad nauseum. Yes, alliances aren't ambitious anymore, generally speaking. I have no personal ambition nor the inclination to instill any greater ambition into my alliance. What I'm not doing is complaining about it, and what I don't understand is why you're complaining when the only notable thing your alliance has done since the Bipolar War is fall apart just a [i]little[/i] bit more. As far as I know you've been gone for almost the entirety of that period, so from where do you get the right to lecture the rest of us? The only people who truly have a right to complain about stagnation are the people who are actively stirring the pot, of which there are precious few, if any. If you're not, I'm not interested in hearing your !@#$%^&*.

"Moralism" in the sense that some people object to poor CBs or tech raids has been around for a very long time, and the notion that stagnation is a result of some alliances holding that sentiment is simply ridiculous. The Bipolar War, the single major war in the past year and a half, was made possible by the clash of two sides which you would probably describe as the "moralists" and whatever you call the other ones (amoralists?). Without \m/, PC, et al., there would have been no spark to set off the war. Without the Polar World Policeâ„¢, it would've simply been a tech raid, albeit a larger one than is par the course - nevertheless, a non-event in the grand scheme of things.
\m/ has done it's fair share in the last 11 months to liven things up, just because a lot of what we tried back fired on us doesn't mean we haven't tried.

As to the present state of politics on BOB I will simple state that there are known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1290076040' post='2516600']
\m/ has done it's fair share in the last 11 months to liven things up, just because a lot of what we tried back fired on us doesn't mean we haven't tried.
Doing something for the sake of doing something isn't showing ambition. Oftentimes, waving your arms in the air looking for attention is far more nauseating for those involved that simply chilling out and actually sitting and waiting for the good stuff to come around.

Frankly, I don't know what everyone is so up in arms about. There's drama to be had if you want it.

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[quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1289616516' post='2511556']
If you happen to have eyes, you can see this world is in serious decline. We've dropped to a population of merely 20,000, an atrociously low number of people. There has not been a major war since April of this year, and politics have not changed much since. The population of this world is incredibly centralized, with majority of new alliances washing out, and all older nations staying put with their established alliances, very few new alliances have been able to spring up and create a following. There is simply not enough people joining to fill up the ranks of the unestablished. The MDP web these days makes the MDP web of days long gone, that was thought to be horrible back then, look like a cobweb. The crutch of moralism rules the day of politics. Every issue is focused on the right/wrong of it, even when the "crime" is essentially victimless, or incredibly minor.

So, please explain to me what I've missed, and why this world is ruled by the content, and the bottom feeders have no desire to move up. There is no fire or desire in anyone, anymore. Everyone wants to be friends, and nobody wants to make enemies, aside from the NSO apparently. There was conflict back in the day between the rival factions of The Initiative and The League, with both wanting to rule and finding anyway they could to fight. This tradition was carried on by multiple blocs, but there is no rivalry anymore. The defeated are downtrodden, and the victors and smugly sitting contently.

Drop the moralism act. That was a tool used long ago. In case you have not realized, moralism is a crock of !@#$ made up by the defeated or the opportunistic. I've used it, who hasn't. I bear alot of burden for it, as I used it as a tool of war for months on a very public scale, successfully. But really, back then there was at least a reason to use it, forced disbandments, Permanent ZI's, never-ending alliance wars, etc. These days the moralists will come rushing out about 3 million dollars, and how asking for reps is wrong, and crap like that. WHO CARES. There's absolutely no reason to be crying like a baby over something that small, and if you really have an issue with it, fight them over it instead of waging a PR campaign and hiding behind the treaty web. It makes for a really dull day in the world.

Take a step back and look at yourself, and make adjustments. Ask yourself, "Have I made this world more entertaining, or have I assisted in the stagnation and increasing decline of the world?"

Do you have any ambition left?

Ha! If only you knew.

Might as well let the cat out of the bag now. It won't harm me since so few people pay attention enough to one post for it to come back and bite me in the ass.

[b][center][font="Georgia"][size="4"]I will unite the scattered clans under my banner and conquer all of Planet Bob. Every nation will carry my sigil or be crushed under the might of the Empire.[/size][/font]
That is, as soon as my nation recovers from it's current viral outbreak problem....


(OOC: And I get a damn internet connection. Argh. Once that is secured, I'm putting my real plan into action. I make no joke about this. I came here 2 years ago to win. That is still the case and I'm not afraid of 'being the bad guy'. I've spent the entire time studying PB and experimenting in consideration of making it happen. It's very close now. Of course, to those who think I'm blowing smoke, good, keep thinking it. The unsuspecting are the best targets.

Also, good to see you Starfox.)

*waves hand. something smells like jedi.*

You will forget this post ever existed. Go back to your dull meaningless existence.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1290076040' post='2516600']
\m/ has done it's fair share in the last 11 months to liven things up, just because a lot of what we tried back fired on us doesn't mean we haven't tried.
Maybe you should stop hunting [s]wabbits[/s] rabbits and start going for the lions.

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I don't consider moralism a tactic. Some of you might have used it as such in the past, and as a true moralist I'm glad to see so many admitting it now. I've been saying all along that so many of you are partisan hacks and that the sincerity and integrity of everything you say should be looked at with suspicion.

But I agree with the OP that there is little for moralists to be outraged about these days. There are injustices but they are not on the scale of the past. There are little cliques of thugs, but one isn't running the world anymore. But if you think politics is dying around here, you can't blame us. We'll cause a stir when there is something to cause a stir about. You anti-moralists are the ones that need to cause problems.

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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1290201861' post='2517629']
I don't consider moralism a tactic. Some of you might have used it as such in the past, and as a true moralist I'm glad to see so many admitting it now. I've been saying all along that so many of you are partisan hacks and that the sincerity and integrity of everything you say should be looked at with suspicion.

But I agree with the OP that there is little for moralists to be outraged about these days. There are injustices but they are not on the scale of the past. There are little cliques of thugs, but one isn't running the world anymore. But if you think politics is dying around here, you can't blame us. We'll cause a stir when there is something to cause a stir about. You anti-moralists are the ones that need to cause problems.
What I have noticed is it always seems to be worse when the wrongs are being done to you, rather than by you.
The cries of injustice get louder from those who are not used to it, but they were strangely silent when they were the ones doing it.

People and alliances change, but it does not seem like this "moralist" faction changed because they truly believe it, but because they don't like it when it is done to them.

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1290205630' post='2517678']
People and alliances change, but it does not seem like this "moralist" faction changed because they truly believe it, but because they don't like it when it is done to them.
The last two major wars were driven by morals or used morality as a cornerstone argument to wage war. The seeds of what has grown today on planet Bob were planted back then by people who now complain about the use of morality. The moralists came out on top in the last two wars. What message does this send? It tells people that people who use the moral argument can win based on that alone. The unsure or flip flop alliances tend to go with the moral side if there is no all powerful, ruthless and well organised core. Polar and Karma are 100% responsible for the state of politics today. I play the moral card because it trumps almost every other card in the deck as the last 2 years have demonstrated.

I think you hit the nail on the head, the moralists dont like it when the moral card is played against them

[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1290201861' post='2517629']
I don't consider moralism a tactic. Some of you might have used it as such in the past, and as a true moralist I'm glad to see so many admitting it now. I've been saying all along that so many of you are partisan hacks and that the sincerity and integrity of everything you say should be looked at with suspicion.

A true moralist :lol1:

[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1289890513' post='2514269']
Shame this didn't lead to bloodshed.

Edited by Alterego
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This world was more violent when our sister nation Eudaimonia was active, but still less violent than it was before that. The history of Planet Bob has been a slow march towards peace and prosperity. I fought hard for peace back home and I'm happy that the fight isn't needed as much here.

Don't complain about the lack of war, world leaders. Allow your citizens to rejoice in its end.

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1290205630' post='2517678']
What I have noticed is it always seems to be worse when the wrongs are being done to you, rather than by you.
The cries of injustice get louder from those who are not used to it, but they were strangely silent when they were the ones doing it.

People and alliances change, but it does not seem like this "moralist" faction changed because they truly believe it, but because they don't like it when it is done to them.

That's exactly my point. They were never moralists; they were hacks. And now they don't care when their side does the same things as the Hegemony, because it's their side. They have neither the courage nor the integrity to stick to any real principles. And one can witness this in reverse as well: former supporters of the Hegemony now using moralism as a tactic because it supports their side.

You can't blame moralists for any perceived stagnation because there are hardly any real ones out there.

[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1290206578' post='2517696']
A true moralist :lol1:

You're confusing moralism with pacifism. It's not a common mistake. You should feel ashamed for making it.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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I play this game to entertain myself, when it stops being entertaining I'll either, make it fun or I'll move on. Star Fox if you want the game to be interesting make it interesting, you have complete control over your enjoyment of this game, if you want war go to war, if you want peace be at peace, if you want a major war do something to cause it.

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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1289890513' post='2514269']
Shame this didn't lead to bloodshed.

[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1290201861' post='2517629']
I don't consider moralism a tactic. Some of you might have used it as such in the past, and as a true moralist I'm glad to see so many admitting it now. I've been saying all along that so many of you are partisan hacks and that the sincerity and integrity of everything you say should be looked at with suspicion.

[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1290215250' post='2517836']
You're confusing moralism with pacifism. It's not a common mistake. You should feel ashamed for making it.
Hoping to see a war for no other reason but your own gratification is immoral. You are a "partisan hack" like the rest of them, moral when it suits you or when its tactically beneficial.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1290253165' post='2518141']
Hoping to see a war for no other reason but your own gratification is immoral. [/quote]

I never gave reasons why I wanted to see that war. You are just assuming it was for my own personal satisfaction.

In the future, I recommend you do not base your arguments on ignorance.

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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1290288273' post='2518419']
I never gave reasons why I wanted to see that war. You are just assuming it was for my own personal satisfaction.

In the future, I recommend you do not base your arguments on ignorance.
So what is your motive for hoping to see a war between two large alliances based on a crappy CB if its not your own satisfaction? Enlighten me oh moral pretender.

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[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1289922236' post='2514657']
Oh look. Starfox has returned after leaving the Cyberverse [b]again[/b].

Seriously Starfox give it a rest. You've been making pretty much the exact same !@#$@#$ wall of text every few months since the end of Karma. It didn't cause change then and it won't cause change now. Likely because you, like me, are utterly irrelevant.

Cry me a river.
I've been making this same wall of text? I don't know who you guys keep getting me confused with. Anyway, I'm only irrelevant as long as I keep myself irrelevant. That's never been a very good insult, either.

[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1290040936' post='2516270']
If you ever actually find the courage to call Grub that to his face, tell him I coined the phrase while describing your alliance. I'm quite certain he'll find it [i]hilarious[/i].

I misinterpret nothing. I merely offer commentary on your current sad state of existence. :)
Honestly, I don't think anyone in this entire world is afraid to call that to Grub's face.

[quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1290043508' post='2516314']
Starfox, come back to Bob.
I have no desire to, other than to be one of those old ass wrestlers who show up on wrestling from time to time.

[quote name='Moridin' timestamp='1290052967' post='2516473']
I'm pretty tired of hearing this same lined repeated ad nauseum. Yes, alliances aren't ambitious anymore, generally speaking. I have no personal ambition nor the inclination to instill any greater ambition into my alliance. What I'm not doing is complaining about it, and what I don't understand is why you're complaining when the only notable thing your alliance has done since the Bipolar War is fall apart just a [i]little[/i] bit more. As far as I know you've been gone for almost the entirety of that period, so from where do you get the right to lecture the rest of us? The only people who truly have a right to complain about stagnation are the people who are actively stirring the pot, of which there are precious few, if any. If you're not, I'm not interested in hearing your !@#$%^&*.

"Moralism" in the sense that some people object to poor CBs or tech raids has been around for a very long time, and the notion that stagnation is a result of some alliances holding that sentiment is simply ridiculous. The Bipolar War, the single major war in the past year and a half, was made possible by the clash of two sides which you would probably describe as the "moralists" and whatever you call the other ones (amoralists?). Without \m/, PC, et al., there would have been no spark to set off the war. Without the Polar World Policeâ„¢, it would've simply been a tech raid, albeit a larger one than is par the course - nevertheless, a non-event in the grand scheme of things.
Honestly, can you name anyone actively attempting to stir the pot who is in a prime position?

We have a right to complain.

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