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Announcements from the SOS Brigade


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[quote name='TheListener' timestamp='1288481220' post='2497568']
I do still love you Locke, I was simply doing a little clarification. I really wish this could have been resolved behind close doors, instead of in this ridiculous public manner that it has.
Well, I'm only one man, and one man with limited IRC access. We could have had at least your part behind us now if I could be as active as I used to be. That said, I think the reason this discourse went public so quickly us because Tetris jumped the gun in cancelling. We were willing and trying to settle the issue before they went public, so Arrnea wanted our side as to our reasons out to counter uninformed opinions.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1288481483' post='2497572']
Finally done reading everything. Here's my take.

1)Duncan is right about the names and very confusing avatars/profiles. You weeaboos need to stick to one name only. At least publicly.

2)I don't see any problem with Elrich's actions at the beginning. You can't expect the entire alliance to come to a standstill because you're sleeping, I too would have done something. Mich-something, however, was definitely in the wrong from the start. Whoever approved of Mich's betrayal was also wrong (Soviet_Haruhi?).

3)Tetris and other allies shouldn't have been present in a discussion about a possible impeachment procedure and its aftermath. They're allied to the alliance and, thus, the legitimate group they must talk with is the government, not disgruntled members. They should have been informed by the SOS government that such a procedure was taking place.

4)Failing that, they should have informed the SOS govt of the talk that had just taken place. So yeah, I think it's legit to cancel on them. Anyway, it's always legit to cancel on an ally if you don't think you can trust them anymore.

5)Some parts are unnecessary and violently emo. Also, stop talking at the third person.
Just as a note, Soviet Haruhi is Elrich. Perhaps I'll make a comprehensive name list if I have time. :v:

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[quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1288481582' post='2497573']
Oh you.

Knowledge on what?
I believe it was explained earlier. While you had no legal obligation, as Tetris did, you had a moral one as friend of the alliance and several individuals in it, myself included. Not mention an obligation to your own alliance to inform them of what they were getting into.

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1288484025' post='2497610']
I believe it was explained earlier. While you had no legal obligation, as Tetris did, you had a moral one as friend of the alliance and several individuals in it, myself included. Not mention an obligation to your own alliance to inform them of what they were getting into.
You're forgetting one thing about the moral obligation, I have friends on both sides of this "conflict". I personally did not and still do not think that either side is right or correct in this, and think that Elrich really needed to be a lot more calm during the "debate" and that Arrnea overacted a bit much. As for informing the alliance, it was known (at least to the gov't) that one of the reasons NsO formed was due to this drama. Voodoo, Emperor at the time, knew the background behind the SOS drama, however he didn't really give a damned about it like I did. If you do not believe me, you can ask Voodoo himself. So yes, they knew what they were getting into.

While I'm sorry you (or others) feel hurt over this, at the time I believed the best thing for me to do was to not leak to either party what I knew, even if I admittedly had more knowledge from the "other" side.

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[quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1288485772' post='2497625']
You're forgetting one thing about the moral obligation, I have friends on both sides of this "conflict". I personally did not and still do not think that either side is right or correct in this, and think that Elrich really needed to be a lot more calm during the "debate" and that Arrnea overacted a bit much. As for informing the alliance, it was known (at least to the gov't) that one of the reasons NsO formed was due to this drama. Voodoo, Emperor at the time, knew the background behind the SOS drama, however he didn't really give a damned about it like I did. If you do not believe me, you can ask Voodoo himself. So yes, they knew what they were getting into.

While I'm sorry you (or others) feel hurt over this, at the time I believed the best thing for me to do was to not leak to either party what I knew, even if I admittedly had more knowledge from the "other" side.
Well, looks like someone forgot to tell Chim then. :v:

That said, after what you did, you lost a friend in me and the Brigade.

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[quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1288485772' post='2497625'] [b]As for informing the alliance, it was known (at least to the gov't) that one of the reasons NsO formed was due to this drama.[/b] Voodoo, Emperor at the time, knew the background behind the SOS drama, however he didn't really give a damned about it like I did. If you do not believe me, you can ask Voodoo himself. [b]So yes, they knew what they were getting into. [/b]

I am more than happy I'm not allied to you anymore and never will be ever again.

Edited by Bernkastel
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[quote name='Bernkastel' timestamp='1288486599' post='2497630']
I am more than happy I'm not allied to you anymore and never will be ever again.

I believe I speak for all of your former allies that the feeling is mutual.

(to any former allies who think otherwise, you probably don't deserve to exist)

Edited by Sargun
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I have no idea what this is about but I saw TETRIS mentioned in the OP somewhere and they have far more credibility than SOS Brigade. I think I saw INT mentioned as well and they have more credibility than SOS Brigade. IMO SOS Brigade doesn't deserve either of these alliances as treaty partners.

Edited by SonOfHoward
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[quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1288485772' post='2497625']
You're forgetting one thing about the moral obligation, I have friends on both sides of this "conflict". I personally did not and still do not think that either side is right or correct in this, and think that Elrich really needed to be a lot more calm during the "debate" and that Arrnea overacted a bit much. As for informing the alliance, it was known (at least to the gov't) that one of the reasons NsO formed was due to this drama. Voodoo, Emperor at the time, knew the background behind the SOS drama, however he didn't really give a damned about it like I did. If you do not believe me, you can ask Voodoo himself. So yes, they knew what they were getting into.

While I'm sorry you (or others) feel hurt over this, at the time I believed the best thing for me to do was to not leak to either party what I knew, even if I admittedly had more knowledge from the "other" side.
Your duplicity in this affair disgusts me.

[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1288486999' post='2497635']
(to any former allies who think otherwise, you probably don't deserve to exist)
I would think that feeling would be mutual as well.

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[quote name='Bernkastel' timestamp='1288487292' post='2497642']
We aren't going anywhere.

Why does everyone think we're disbanding? We're not. Jeez. :v:
Jac's just being an ass, as per usual; nothing to write home about.

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[quote name='Michael von Prussia' timestamp='1288487808' post='2497650']
I would think that feeling would be mutual as well.

Key differences between SOS and CoJ:

SOS is full of <statement redacted>
CoJ is full of :wub: and cuddles
SOS leadership was so bad they had to form a splinter alliance
CoJ has been steadily growing and now has more NS than you guys
SOS chiefs silence those who go against them
I've railed against Schatt for over a year and now have a cushy government job, complete with dental
SOS is hated by everyone
CoJ is only hated by [b]mostly[/b] everyone

So while your insult may be true, it doesn't sting. All I have to do is look at you

ooc: I do love you guys but some people overreact (see: the sakura order, this thread, and the tetris one) and this is just IC stuff, so if you think I'm being personal I'm really just sticking to character. you know I love you locke :wub:

Edited by Sargun
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[quote name='Spaarlaamp' timestamp='1288488927' post='2497659']
Yeah I have to admit Sargun, no splinter alliance was formed when I raided you. :P

I've been raided by iFOK like three times and each time I came away with more money than I started. That's not to say you're bad at raiding but I get more compensation from my friends than I should, so if you're ever up for another session I'm going to be, uh, away for the next few days. :ph34r:

(sorry, off topic, just thought I'd lighten the mood in here)

@Locke: hey look you got the double meaning

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1288486301' post='2497628']
Well, looks like someone forgot to tell Chim then. :v:

That said, after what you did, you lost a friend in me and the Brigade.
Chimaera was not government until recently. :v:

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[quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1288495157' post='2497759']
Chimaera was not government until recently. :v:
For someone posting in a thread whose theme has been lack of communication between government members, I think failing to inform him would be quite the oversight on your part, don't you? :mellow:

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[quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1288495157' post='2497759']
Chimaera was not government until recently. :v:
Yes, and? This is the sort of thing I'd like to be informed about when coming back to power. It's kind of a big deal.

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