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[quote name='Haquertal' timestamp='1285785951' post='2468522']
Please point me to these posts. Thanks in advance.


[quote name='Biazt' timestamp='1285777884' post='2468401']
"He told me to" is now a valid CB as long as it's declared on GOONS. The double standards continue :smug:

I do seem to recall Rebel Virginia trying to goad us into attacking him a few times, if we DoW on NSO for that should we expect the same support from the moralists?
Hidden behind sarcasm and mindlessly dropping the smug emote, but it's crying all the same. There are probably much better examples throughout the thread, but I can't be bothered to read it.

Long story short, you [i]literally[/i] asked for this, so why do you now complain?

My guess is that you didn't expect it, and you just wanted to shoot off big words to pretend you're the tough guy in the world, when the reality is that your alliance rides the coattails of other alliances' success, and you can't even handle an 11 man AA by yourself. It's beyond pathetic.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1285786569' post='2468527']
Long story short, you [i]literally[/i] asked for this, so why do you now complain?
If you can show me a post that has any member of GOONS saying "I want The Ninjas, specifically, as a whole, to drop their treaty with VE and attack all of GOONS" then I will eat my shorts.

Edit: PS we still aren't complaining. This is fun.

Edited by ktarthan
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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1285786809' post='2468528']
If you can show me a post that has any member of GOONS saying "I want The Ninjas, specifically, as a whole, to drop their treaty with VE and attack all of GOONS" then I will eat my shorts.
That's a straw man, claiming I must find that exact phrase/that exact meaning. Each and every time one of you mindlessly cries "herp derp do something about it :smug:" is sufficient to answer your query. Because this is The Ninjas doing something about it.

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[quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1285787073' post='2468535']
Oh, absolutely. Tell your allies to either DoW or to back off so we can continue dancing. :ph34r:
[/quote]You guys claim this is a raid, so why do our allies need to DoW you?

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1285787184' post='2468537']
That's a straw man, claiming I must find that exact phrase/that exact meaning. Each and every time one of you mindlessly cries "herp derp do something about it :smug:" is sufficient to answer your query. Because this is The Ninjas doing something about it.
Okay fine, then find something that means the same thing as that. It [i]does[/i] have to be the exact meaning as you used the word [i]literally[/i]. You even italicized it for emphasis. Or was this, in fact, not literally what we asked for?

Edited by ktarthan
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1285770778' post='2468289']
[color="#0000FF"]Ninjas have existed for months now. Don't act like they came into being for the simple purpose of hitting GOONS. They had been quite content to sit quietly and peacefully, until GOONS got the idea in its head to go harass and threaten the Ninjas because of the opinions held by some of its members. You may say "but it was only joking, besides that's not a CB on my precious GOONS!", but the fact remains GOONS brought this on themselves. They thought they could ruffle some of Ninja's feathers for a quick laugh, as they do with so many other alliances. They messed with wrong alliance.[/color]
I didn't say any of that. My point was that this treaty would have stopped existing after this attack no matter what because VE wouldn't have supported the attack and thus it has nothing to do with the GOONS relationship.

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[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1285787213' post='2468539']
You guys claim this is a raid, so why do our allies need to DoW you?
Oh, the e-lawyering. Have a little fun with this instead of the ongoign political crap. 4.5 years drained me of it, just chill and DoW.

[quote name='der_ko' timestamp='1285787293' post='2468540']
Do something about it! :smug:

You really know how to make a girl smile. :ehm:

Edited by Ejayrazz
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[quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1285787073' post='2468535']
Oh, absolutely. Tell your allies to either DoW or to back off so we can continue dancing. :ph34r:
I already told you that I tried, but now they're just glaring feverishly into the distance and not recognizing my presence. They get like this sometimes, so you might have to wait a bit for the meds to kick in!

[quote name='Heinlander' timestamp='1285787426' post='2468542']
I want the Ninjas, specifically, as a whole, to drop their treaty with VE and attack all of GOONS.
You just want me to eat my shorts. :((

Edited by ktarthan
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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1285787648' post='2468549']
I already told you that I tried, but now they're just glaring feverishly into the distance and not recognizing my presence. They get like this sometimes, so you might have to wait a bit for the meds to kick in!
[/quote]MK might be like that [i]because[/i] the meds kicked in, however.

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1285787437' post='2468543']
Okay fine, then find something that means the same thing as that. It [i]does[i] have to be the exact meaning as you used the word [i]literally[/i]. You even italicized it for emphasis. Or was this, in fact, not literally what we asked for?
[/quote]The words "Literal" and "Specific" have entirely different meanings, and you are confusing them.

Since I have to spell it out slowly for you:

Every time you say "Do something about it" you are literally asking for somebody to "do something about it." The Ninjas answered the call and "did something about it."

Unless, of course, you're just shouting off the phrase so you can feel a false sense of superiority like some schoolyard bully, but GOONS isn't an alliance like that, right? Right?

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1285739097' post='2467888']
Yes, and MK, Umbrella, and PC have about 160 nations in the 30-70K NS range. Strange how they would be able to get more declarations in a short period of time!

What next? GOONS is going to say they don’t need WRC's because they have MK, Umbrella, and PC.

Take it from one who knows how this works. MK, Umbrella, and PC could give a rats ass about GOONS. The only reason they are helping you with every little war that comes your way is to keep you healthy to fight for a cause of theirs when the time comes. If GOONS was to fight one of these wars they start by talking smack on their own, and lost their mid-tier NS your allies would have no use for you.
Have fun Ejay, may you and the rest of the Ninjas experience the joy that only an elevated casualty count can bring.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1285787720' post='2468552']
Every time you say "Do something about it" you are literally asking for somebody to "do something about it." The Ninjas answered the call and "did something about it."
Fair enough; now that you've explained what you mean by "this", then sure, we asked for this. And we like it.

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[quote name='ironchef' timestamp='1285787726' post='2468553']
What next? GOONS is going to say they don’t need WRC's because they have MK, Umbrella, and PC.

Take it from one who knows how this works. MK, Umbrella, and PC could give a rats ass about GOONS. The only reason they are helping you with every little war that comes your way is to keep you healthy to fight for a cause of theirs when the time comes. If GOONS was to fight one of these wars they start by talking smack on their own, and lost their mid-tier NS your allies would have no use for you.
Have fun Ejay, may you and the rest of the Ninjas experience the joy that only an elevated casualty count can bring.
It's almost as if your saying MK/Umb/PC are NPO and co and GOONS are GGA.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1285766292' post='2468227']
Oh okay, if it's only your allies' ODP partner, it's perfectly fine to declare war on them with tenuous at best reasons.

GOONS is arguing about declaring war for tenuous reasons? GOONS declares wars for tenuous reasons pretty much every day.

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[quote name='ironchef' timestamp='1285787726' post='2468553']
What next? GOONS is going to say they don’t need WRC's because they have MK, Umbrella, and PC.

Take it from one who knows how this works. MK, Umbrella, and PC could give a rats ass about GOONS. The only reason they are helping you with every little war that comes your way is to keep you healthy to fight for a cause of theirs when the time comes. If GOONS was to fight one of these wars they start by talking smack on their own, and lost their mid-tier NS your allies would have no use for you.
Have fun Ejay, may you and the rest of the Ninjas experience the joy that only an elevated casualty count can bring.

Just can't stop laughing at this post. Talk more about things you know about. How many wars does Umbrella go around picking? Do you seriously think we are friends with GOONS just so they can be our meat shields? Don't let your bitter realizations about your previous alliance make you think thats the normal state of affairs for the rest of us.

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[quote name='Lord Caspian' timestamp='1285787779' post='2468554']
I love how GOONS are pretty much loving this, Ninjas are loving this, and the rest of Bob is throwing a fit when they're not involved.

Nthing this.

Next people who attack, please be around 20k NS so I can actually fight :(

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[quote name='ironchef' timestamp='1285787726' post='2468553']
What next? GOONS is going to say they don’t need WRC's because they have MK, Umbrella, and PC.
Absolutely. Because pointing out that more nations can declare more wars is the same as saying we don't need a proper military. [i]Good one[/i].

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1285788520' post='2468570']
Absolutely. Because pointing out that more nations can declare more wars is the same as saying we don't need a proper military. [i]Good one[/i].
Uhhhhh, no. That was an allusion to the time a vocal GGA member said they didn't need WRCs because they had NPO. It's a joke about the way you guys ride coattails.

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[quote name='mrcalkin' timestamp='1285788329' post='2468566']
Just can't stop laughing at this post. Talk more about things you know about. How many wars does Umbrella go around picking? Do you seriously think we are friends with GOONS just so they can be our meat shields? Don't let your bitter realizations about your previous alliance make you think thats the normal state of affairs for the rest of us.

No bitter here, all sunshine and roses for me :) And trust me I'm not the only one that can see what is going on with GOONS and their "bring it because we have big friends" mentality. Sorry that me pointing it out may have poked your soft spot.

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