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GOON spy orders


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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1285171740' post='2461029']
But letting your allies help with "every rogue" proves GOONS doesnt like to fight as much as their allies, they wouldnt like you if you choose to fight your own rogues from time to time? What type of friendship is that? :P

I'll try to use simple words for you to understand. Heck, I'll even give you a fictionnal (it means "not true") situation.

Here's the deal: someone secretly aids Methrage. GOONS find out and spy on the culprit (it means "the guy who is accused of a crime"). Turns out, he actually did it!

Later, somewhere in a back channel...

<GOONS gov> so, someone aided Methrage again
<MK gov> can we help roll him?
<Umbrella gov> can we help roll him?
<PC gov> can we help roll him?
<GOD gov> can we help roll him?
<GOONS gov> jeez guys, of course you can

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1285172442' post='2461044']
I'll try to use simple words for you to understand. Heck, I'll even give you a fictionnal (it means "not true") situation.

Here's the deal: someone secretly aids Methrage. GOONS find out and spy on the culprit (it means "the guy who is accused of a crime"). Turns out, he actually did it!

Later, somewhere in a back channel...

<GOONS gov> so, someone aided Methrage again
<MK gov> can we help roll him?
<Umbrella gov> can we help roll him?
<PC gov> can we help roll him?
<GOD gov> can we help roll him?

You're probably missing FOK :P

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[quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1285172343' post='2461041']
I know that the Legion is terribly incompetent when it comes to war, but are you aware of a concept known as declaration ranges? ([OOC]PS- They aren't 200% to 50% like they were back in GWIII, not sure if you guys have updated anything since then or not[/OOC])[/quote]

I know all there is to know about war, im not some small new nation thats just been born into this world. Indeed they would need help for this massive nation otherwise they would get crippled. Lets mention that 8 man "rogue alliance" which was mainly filled by allies and myself which was mainly filled by allies again, them and me werent massive nations and GOONS had enough to take most the slots.

All im saying is GOONS arent the fight hungry alliance it makes itself out to be, since they would rather let their allies do their dirty work

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1285173125' post='2461054']
I know all there is to know about war, im not some small new nation thats just been born into this world. Indeed they would need help for this massive nation otherwise they would get crippled. Lets mention that 8 man "rogue alliance" which was mainly filled by allies and myself which was mainly filled by allies again, them and me werent massive nations and GOONS had enough to take most the slots.

All im saying is GOONS arent the fight hungry alliance it makes itself out to be, since they would rather let their allies do their dirty work

All we're saying is: You're wrong.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1285173125' post='2461054']All im saying is GOONS arent the fight hungry alliance it makes itself out to be, since they would rather let their allies do their dirty work[/quote]
All im saying is that your dum and shuould stop posting wrong things about wrong things

(everyone else is saying it to)

e: wow johnny :<

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I truly do not understand what it is that GOONS did to half the Cyberverse in order to have people literally sitting in their threads, lambasting them for doing something about people knowingly and purposefully aiding a nation they are at war with. Since the creation of the planet, this has been exactly what every alliance has done. Let's go through the facts.

-GOONS states that aiding Methrage is an act of war.
-GOONS makes it clear that doing so will result in either attacks or at least 90M in reps.
-People aid Methrage.
-Folks get all up in arms about GOONS sticking to their word.

I mean, really, folks. What in the world is wrong with everyone? You can't really say that the reps amount is excessive at this point, because it isn't deterring anyone from doing it. So what is it?

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1285173125' post='2461054']
I know all there is to know about war, im not some small new nation thats just been born into this world. Indeed they would need help for this massive nation otherwise they would get crippled. Lets mention that 8 man "rogue alliance" which was mainly filled by allies and myself which was mainly filled by allies again, them and me werent massive nations and GOONS had enough to take most the slots.

All im saying is GOONS arent the fight hungry alliance it makes itself out to be, since they would rather let their allies do their dirty work

It's like you really [b]don't[/b] know how to fight.

UOKMB hit 8 GOONS. So they let 16 others hit those targets so that all defensive slots were used up by different people, allowing 24 people to beat down 8, instead of an 8vs8 free-for-all.

But please, continue calling us weak.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1285173246' post='2461057']
All im saying is that your dum and shuould stop posting wrong things about wrong things

(everyone else is saying it to)

e: wow johnny :<

I say what i see and if what ive recently seen makes what i say look "dumb" then the facts are "dumb"

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1285173345' post='2461058']
I truly do not understand what it is that GOONS did to half the Cyberverse in order to have people literally sitting in their threads, lambasting them for doing something about people knowingly and purposefully aiding a nation they are at war with. Since the creation of the planet, this has been exactly what every alliance has done. Let's go through the facts.

-GOONS states that aiding Methrage is an act of war.
-GOONS makes it clear that doing so will result in either attacks or at least 90M in reps.
-People aid Methrage.
-Folks get all up in arms about GOONS sticking to their word.

I mean, really, folks. What in the world is wrong with everyone? You can't really say that the reps amount is excessive at this point, because it isn't deterring anyone from doing it. So what is it?
[/quote]Because :(( GONS :((

that's why

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1285173449' post='2461061']
I say what i see and if what ive recently seen makes what i say look "dumb" then the facts are "dumb"

Is this the kind of logic you used when deciding to secret aid Methrage?

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1285173345' post='2461058']
I truly do not understand what it is that GOONS did to half the Cyberverse in order to have people literally sitting in their threads, lambasting them for doing something about people knowingly and purposefully aiding a nation they are at war with. Since the creation of the planet, this has been exactly what every alliance has done. Let's go through the facts.

-GOONS states that aiding Methrage is an act of war.
-GOONS makes it clear that doing so will result in either attacks or at least 90M in reps.
-People aid Methrage.
-Folks get all up in arms about GOONS sticking to their word.

I mean, really, folks. What in the world is wrong with everyone? You can't really say that the reps amount is excessive at this point, because it isn't deterring anyone from doing it. So what is it?
It's really quite baffling when you stop to think about it. We keep getting flack when we take action against people aiding nations we're at war with. Inbetween all the "it's extortion" complaints, people keep doing it. And then act indignant when we do something about it.

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[quote name='Haquertal' timestamp='1285173359' post='2461059']
It's like you really [b]don't[/b] know how to fight.

UOKMB hit 8 GOONS. So they let 16 others hit those targets so that all defensive slots were used up by different people, allowing 24 people to beat down 8, instead of an 8vs8 free-for-all.

But please, continue calling us weak.[/quote]

I didnt mention weak but i will go with your self-label, what you basically said there is that GOONS wasnt able to counter attack a handful of rogues, not even once!

[quote name='Haquertal' timestamp='1285173506' post='2461063']
Is this the kind of logic you used when deciding to secret aid Methrage?

Ive already answered this many times, if you cannot remember stuff then please dont comment.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285173693' post='2461065']
It's really quite baffling when you stop to think about it. We keep getting flack when we take action against people aiding nations we're at war with. Inbetween all the "it's extortion" complaints, people keep doing it. And then act indignant when we do something about it.

It's not even the reactions of the offenders who get me. They're going to act indignant because they're pissed they got caught. It's everyone's fault but theirs. I don't even remember the first one right now because I'm running on three hours of sleep, but The Rebel got all pissed off at STA, and this fool here declared war because he got caught. How dare you catch me! Rawr!! That's to be expected though, because clearly the folks who are sending aid are lacking at least a little something in the logic department.

It's the reaction of the Cyberverse as a whole. I'm making a list, so that someday, when someone sends aid to a nation their alliance is at war with, it can be pointed out that they approve of aiding nations at war. It's absurd. If it was anyone other than GOONS, there would be hails.

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[quote name='DragonsPhyre' timestamp='1285164894' post='2460933']
No, it's still an act of war. Just on a smaller scale (nation, rather than alliance). Nations on None don't have any less protection from violations of sovereignty than nations sitting on an AA do. The only difference is that the allied nation has friends guaranteed to be willing to fight alongside it.

This is an enjoyable thread so far, though.
[color="#0000FF"]Oh, I agree that it is an act of war, against the unaligned nation that is, for the same reasons I do not agree with tech raiding. But still, the fact remains, however inconvenient it is, that GOONS can spy on any unaligned nation they'd like without consequence as that nation has no protection. I am merely stating the obvious truth.[/color]

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1285173449' post='2461061']
I say what i see and if what ive recently seen makes what i say look "dumb" then the facts are "dumb"

This is statement is pure win, congratulations, you win. I can't compete with this level of awesomeness. If only I was Rebel Virginia.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1285173937' post='2461068']
Ive already answered this many times, if you cannot remember stuff then please dont comment.

And we continue mentioning how our friend asked us to jump in, and why, and so on and so forth, but you continue to bring it up.

If you cannot remember stuff, then please don't comment.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1285174015' post='2461070']
It's not even the reactions of the offenders who get me. They're going to act indignant because they're pissed they got caught. It's everyone's fault but theirs. I don't even remember the first one right now because I'm running on three hours of sleep, but The Rebel got all pissed off at STA, and this fool here declared war because he got caught.[/quote]

Umm excuse me, i wasnt pissed of at being "suspected/caught/held hands up" i was pissed off at not being talked to before hand.

[quote name='Haquertal' timestamp='1285174244' post='2461074']
And we continue mentioning how our friend asked us to jump in, and why, and so on and so forth, but you continue to bring it up.

If you cannot remember stuff, then please don't comment.[/quote]

Oh i can remember, have a good memory infact, im just commenting on the irony of some GOONS saying their alliance love to fight and membership bored of there being none, so when a handful come at once theres no GOONS jumping into fight, its your allies.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1285173125' post='2461054']
since they would rather let their allies do their dirty work
[color="#0000FF"]JimKongIl is about 25k larger than Umar. JimKongIl is also 100k NS larger than the next highest GOON. I am not sure if the next highest GOON could even hit Jim, but if it could, it wouldn't do much good. It'd basically just be throwing a perfectly good nation at something to accomplish nothing. I may not be GOONS biggest fan, but even I can see the logic in this. They aren't cowards. They aren't running to their allies to deal with Methrage or any of the other rogues which they can hit. In fact, once Jim is in range of the rest of GOONS, about a 100k NS from now or a bit less, I'm sure they will be able to handle him quite nicely. Really, I'm not sure what the fuss is about and I'm usually a critic of GOONS. But quite frankly Methrage and his supporters are so ridiculously in the wrong and stupid here that not even I can argue on their behalf.[/color]

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1285174415' post='2461076']
Umm excuse me, i wasnt pissed of at being "suspected/caught/held hands up" i was pissed off at not being talked to before hand.

Oh noes, they invaded on your sovereignty when you could've gotten your alliance rolled for secret aiding a nuclear rogue.

You're the pinnacle of awesome, my good sir.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1285174603' post='2461079']
[color="#0000FF"]But quite frankly Methrage and his supporters are so ridiculously in the wrong and stupid here that not even I can argue on their behalf.[/color]

End of thread.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1285174015' post='2461070']
It's not even the reactions of the offenders who get me. They're going to act indignant because they're pissed they got caught. It's everyone's fault but theirs. I don't even remember the first one right now because I'm running on three hours of sleep, but The Rebel got all pissed off at STA, and this fool here declared war because he got caught. How dare you catch me! Rawr!! That's to be expected though, because clearly the folks who are sending aid are lacking at least a little something in the logic department.

No, he said he would declare on GOONS if he was spied on again. I think he's just keeping his word.

Good luck nuking GOONS Jim.

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