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[quote name='King Hassan' timestamp='1284053320' post='2447780']
An attack on UPN is and attack on all the CDT alliances so if more "rogues" are willing to "have fun", I beg them to go for it, just for the sake of knowing who will hunt who. :nuke:

Wow, you're pretty scary!

Anyway Destro, good luck on your possibly righteous crusade.

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[quote name='King Hassan' timestamp='1284053320' post='2447780']
An attack on UPN is and attack on all the CDT alliances so if more "rogues" are willing to "have fun", I beg them to go for it, just for the sake of knowing who will hunt who. :nuke:

UPN has activated CDT! Be very afraid! You're like a carbon copy of VA, UPN.

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[quote name='SWAT128' timestamp='1284043840' post='2447659']
I wonder how UPN felt when Maroon refused to sanction me...

Also sanctions are a double-edged sword. They make hurt a nation by taking away trades, but they also hurt the nations that are trading with the sanctioned nation. I do not believe sanctions are necessary when dealing with something as simple as a rogue and should only be used in extreme cases.
Inclined to agree. Who in their right mind doesnt get secret trades..ESPECIALLY uranium before going rogue? as far as cutting off aid good luck with that. theres always, pink, yellow and some of the smaller spheres where its nearly impossible to get someone sanctioned and the ever faithful grey team

[quote]An attack on UPN is and attack on all the CDT alliances so if more "rogues" are willing to "have fun", I beg them to go for it, just for the sake of knowing who will hunt who.[/quote]
And again UPN lets their allies burn for them..three times in a row absolutely pathetic. fight your own fights..lose a few stats

As an aside i bet Destro makes Wolfpack disband :v:

Edited by wickedj
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[quote name='SWAT128' timestamp='1284043840' post='2447659']
Also sanctions are a double-edged sword. They make hurt a nation by taking away trades, but they also hurt the nations that are trading with the sanctioned nation. I do not believe sanctions are necessary when dealing with something as simple as a rogue and should only be used in extreme cases.

You and grahamkeatley would get along quite well :awesome:

I agree for the most part, although I wouldn't want someone going randomly choosing who they nuke. Plus long-term non-nuclear roguery might deserve sanction just so they don't run people out of Robertian politics. (Only in absolute extreme cases like Freudenschade or RUKUNU or some bandit like that. :P)

On the other hand, some of the worst reasoning for sanctions I've seen are ghosting (I know GK had a major spazz when Karl I sanctioned someone for ghosting TGE) and one-off non-nuclear roguery (like Rooman33 has done occasionally on Green).

To everyone involved in this, I hope they have fun and keep it clean. No "ZOMG YOU <censored> <censored> YOU TRASHED MY <censored> PIXELS" or anything like that.

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[quote name='KagetheSecond' timestamp='1283914476' post='2446122']
So uh... I don't get the talk about UPN meddling with maroon. Explanation please?
The history is long on this one Kage. It started back with SPAM and when maroon actually started pulling together. There was friction from the start. Not only that but their were some other issues that I wont go in to here either. But never the less USN chose UPN over their home sphere every time it was truly a shame. Not only that but there was a time when you couldnt tell USN from CSN they were that close now you cant even put them in the same room together with out a GUARD.

[quote name='King Hassan' timestamp='1284053320' post='2447780']
An attack on UPN is and attack on all the CDT alliances so if more "rogues" are willing to "have fun", I beg them to go for it, just for the sake of knowing who will hunt who. :nuke:
Is that a promise or just a howling hot wind comming from over there.

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UPN has not activated anything: I don't think they need to.

And if you need a promise, I can promise that WolfPack will always defend its allies and honor its obligations, like we have always done and will always do.

wickedj, if it was serious, I advice you not to bet anything on that. If it was an attempt of humor then I advice you to try harder next time :smug:

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Destro, I am disappoint.

As a member of the alliance that "Wouldn't enter the retributive war" I find myself to thinking you're acting off plate. After the lot of you left USN all you guys accomplished was making USN thoroughly annoyed with you. The sad part of this is, I used to enjoy talking with you guys like you were some kind of idols. I understood soon after that you're all just drama llamas. You nearly killed off an alliance because of [i]ONE AC MEMBER[/i]. The only reason it still exists is because of Cora and USN's inherent friendship with Altheus and CDT.

You guys made USN and most of us modern USN'ers the way we are, no one else.


[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1284059709' post='2447873']
And again UPN lets their allies burn for them..three times in a row absolutely pathetic. fight your own fights..lose a few stats[/quote]
CDT is a bloc, whether or not allies get involved is up to the other alliances. I thought a member of the New Hegemony knew such things.

Edited by Dexomega
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[quote name='Dexomega' timestamp='1284068667' post='2448033']
Destro, I am disappoint.

As a member of the alliance that "Wouldn't enter the retributive war" I find myself to thinking you're acting off plate. After the lot of you left USN all you guys accomplished was making USN thoroughly annoyed with you. The sad part of this is, I used to enjoy talking with you guys like you were some kind of idols. I understood soon after that you're all just drama llamas. You nearly killed off an alliance because of [i]ONE AC MEMBER[/i]. The only reason it still exists is because of Cora and USN's inherent friendship with Altheus and CDT.

You guys made USN and most of us modern USN'ers the way we are, no one else.


I tried, I really did, but you and many others should have realized USN was dying when everybody was leaving out of frustration. Half the government and a bunch of the best members left. The Karma war began and nobody was going to wait for an election when history was being made. This post-mortem USN had it's fate sealed when they failed to honor CA during the Karma War. Everyone who stayed in USN is complicit in that.
This is all said and done though. It's history. I'm not bitter about it anymore, I just made sure to write some names down for future reference.
And again UPN lets their allies burn for them..three times in a row absolutely pathetic. fight your own fights..lose a few stats

As an aside i bet Destro makes Wolfpack disband :v: [/quote]

lol UPN already has pretty bad PR, I don't think they will want to damage it any further by asking them for help against me

Edited by thedestro
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[quote name='thedestro' timestamp='1284069232' post='2448042']
The Karma war began and nobody was going to wait for an election when history was being made. This post-mortem USN had it's fate sealed [b]when they failed to honor CA[/b] during the Karma War. Everyone who stayed in USN is complicit in that.
They refused to enter Karma on a non-chaining MDOAP to join the winning side when they had other non-chaining MDOAPs that would have put them on the losing side. All their treaties were non-chaining, if they'd entered on some of them the others would have been in conflict.

Yes, they refused to bandwagon. This is not a badge of dishonour like you and some others seem to think it is.

[quote name='Thunder Strike' timestamp='1284088732' post='2448431']
Poor ODN, yet again they are going to have to sacrifice pixels to deal with a rogue for UPN.
Ummm... what?


Don't see any ODN there.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1284093001' post='2448545']
Ummm... what?


Don't see any ODN there.

*sighs* I was hoping the meaning of the comment would be obvious enough that I wouldn't have to explain it. But you just had to prove me wrong.
It's a reference to UPN requiring ODN's help when SWAT128 went rogue on them and a dig at the likelihood of them asking for assistance with thedestro.

See, that wasn't too complicated.

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[quote name='Thunder Strike' timestamp='1284093423' post='2448560']
*sighs* I was hoping the meaning of the comment would be obvious enough that I wouldn't have to explain it. But you just had to prove me wrong.
It's a reference to UPN requiring ODN's help when SWAT128 went rogue on them and a dig at the likelihood of them asking for assistance with thedestro.

See, that wasn't too complicated.
Well, they've already filled his slots. It's going to be tricky for ODN to help now. ;)

That was MY point.

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[quote name='King Hassan' timestamp='1284053320' post='2447780']
An attack on UPN is and attack on all the CDT alliances so if more "rogues" are willing to "have fun", I beg them to go for it, just for the sake of knowing who will hunt who. :nuke:

King Hassan, you're on my list :wub: Not sure when I'll do it, but I'll let you know.

[quote name='Goose' timestamp='1283998587' post='2447249']
Dear UPN,

I'd like to bring it to your attention that someone finally asked me to sanction thedestro.

Too bad the Old man sanctioned you, but he's senile... he probably doesn't know what this is all about :P

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[quote name='Leigon' timestamp='1283915993' post='2446162']
Please unleash Freelancer, The Brain. Just for this topic. I do so love those UPN - Freelancer spats.

[i]* Freelancer Blushes *[/i]

The CNS saw this the other day, I'm sure someone will be along shortly to address your request.

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[quote name='Leigon' timestamp='1283915993' post='2446162']
Please unleash Freelancer, The Brain. Just for this topic. I do so love those UPN - Freelancer spats.

And trying to get destro sanctioned on Maroon, and with that attitude too, really couldn't work. Have fun trying to get him to zero tech UPN. I doubt you'll get him anywhere near there unless he's got a lot less tech than I think though. But maybe you'll at least understand why he's turtling at the moment when the war ends in about 3-4 month.

Freelancer's commentary and expertise on UPN, and its leadership would be best left for when their long overdue curb-stomping begins. I'm sure he would not forget what he had to do to save the Brain.

OOC: The man is too busy raining doom and gloom over here, and chasing government conspiracies in real life. Good luck getting him on here to play with those who have nothing better to do with all their free time than sit at a computer.

Last thing we heard, he's back to the basics of living life, and enjoying it to the best of his ability.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1284094274' post='2448582']
Well, they've already filled his slots. It's going to be tricky for ODN to help now. ;)

That was MY point.

Hi. Believe it or not, it takes more than one round of war to take down a 150,000 NS nation. Especially with the way UPN handles rogues (bordering on completely unacceptable). It is quite likely that UPN will be calling on an ally in the future because they're really pretty incompetent. That was TS's point.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1284472705' post='2453523']
Hi. Believe it or not, it takes more than one round of war to take down a 150,000 NS nation. Especially with the way UPN handles rogues (bordering on completely unacceptable). It is quite likely that UPN will be calling on an ally in the future because they're really pretty incompetent. That was TS's point.
Normally, it's hardest finding volunteers when the rogue is still huge. Once you get down to the midranges, you have a large pool of nations who are looking for a fight, and the trickiest part is usually making sure nobody screws a stagger.

That said, if UPN want to call on an ally, I'm in range. :v:

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