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Best and Worst Military Alliances (2010 Edition)



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[quote name='uaciaut' timestamp='1283112605' post='2434877']
Enduring under overwhelming odds for short periods of time is not that impressive. What Fark and FAN did however is.
IRON spent the majority of time at war with Gre under forced conditions of peace forced by a much smaller alliance which kept falling apart. How is that impressive?
Everyone man and his dog assumed Gramlins with SG keeping others away were going to grind IRON to dust. Falling apart was due to the propaganda battle. Forget how it ended and remember how it began. You are also playing down the war on that front. Ask MK if that 2.5 month all nuclear front wasnt a savage front. To come out of that and get out of a wet paper bag would have been impressive. Beating Gramlins militarily and politically was a masterpiece.

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1283113372' post='2434896']
The fact that IRON has received any votes at all is utterly astounding.

They faced and beat the oppressive Gramlins*!

*Ignore that Gramlins was falling apart and not even a shadow of it's former self.

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[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1283113310' post='2434893']
Difficult to judge. However i believe IRON, TOP and DAWN deserve credit for their military prowess against overwhelming odds. Because i had to pick one i chose TOP.

The only alliance I've faced in battle this year is MHA and I'm going to name them the worst fighter solely based on my own experience.
DAWN's military prowess? Like their 150k NS nation having a 20m warchest? Pretty amazing.

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1283113372' post='2434896']
The fact that IRON has received any votes at all is utterly astounding.
They bashed your mates and kicked you about the place for months all the while you were screaming for help.

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Hahahaha, [i]IRON[/i] did that? We ignored them for the entire war.

[quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1283113557' post='2434901']
They faced and beat the oppressive Gramlins*!

*Ignore that Gramlins was falling apart and not even a shadow of it's former self.
And that they stayed in peace mode until Gre destroyed itself. An incredible feat!

Edited by Sandwich Controversy
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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1283113372' post='2434896']
The fact that IRON has received any votes at all is utterly astounding.
[/quote]*The underdog turns out to be the most powerful alliance*

"All alliances who get themselves stomped must be great alliances in the making"


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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1283113695' post='2434904']
And that they stayed in peace mode until Gre destroyed itself. An incredible feat!
If you thought that was going to be the outcome from the start then you abandoned an ally to its fate...again.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1283113372' post='2434896']
The fact that IRON has received any votes at all is utterly astounding.
Like I said, biased polls. No offence to MK, yes they are one of the best military alliances but Umbrella is better as the stats prove.

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1283113372' post='2434896']
The fact that IRON has received any votes at all is utterly astounding.

Do you think MK would have done better in similar circumstances? Although i do consider MK to be a strong alliance, i do not count them as being the best.
In my opinion IRON deserves an honourable mention if only for their ability to take down a top-heavy alliance such a Gramlins after fighting against the odds against several alliances.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1283111960' post='2434857']
What did NPO do militarily this year to deserve your vote?

NPO wouldn't really have to do anything(i.e. enter a war) to be the best. The poll didn't ask who was the most effective, or had been the most active recently. Simply: "Who has the best military?"

Since you have ask:
* NPO paid off the harshest reparations in the history of the game, and became a top-tiered alliance again.
* NPO is currently in the #2 spot in score, nation strength, and members. All behind MHA, who is not on that part on the list.
* NPO has the most nukes at 4,197.
* NPO has the more Manhattan Projects, Strategic Defense Initiatives, Hidden Nuclear Missle Silos and Pentagons than any other alliance.
* NPO #3 with the most Weapons Research Complexes, only due to the lack of technology from reparations.
* NPO has a rigorous system of admitting new nations.
* NPO has a magnificent bank. Arguably one of the best in the game, if not [i]the[/i] best.

It's a pretty impressive record for the past 4 months. That is what they have done to deserve my vote. Either way, it's an accomplishment to be proud of.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1283113768' post='2434906']
If you thought that was going to be the outcome from the start then you abandoned an ally to its fate...again.
I didn't. I thought they'd come to their senses and end it in a week or two. Even so, paperless.

[quote name='Swanfield' timestamp='1283113800' post='2434910']
Like I said, biased polls. No offence to MK, yes they are one of the best military alliances but Umbrella is better as the stats prove.
Stats ain't !@#$. MHA is #1 and has a lot of big nations, godliest military empire for sure.

[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1283113803' post='2434911']
Do you think MK would have done better in similar circumstances? Although i do consider MK to be a strong alliance, i do not count them as being the best.
In my opinion IRON deserves an honourable mention if only for their ability to take down a top-heavy alliance such a Gramlins after fighting against the odds against several alliances.
We could very easily defeat any alliance that is undergoing political turmoil by staying in peace mode the whole time. Yes.

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Are we seriously so under the radar that we don't even get mentioned on this list?

Hell, you even forgot Argent. Please don't make military polls ever again.

E: The lack of NADC on the worst list is also beyond my comprehension.

Edited by lonewolfe2015
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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1283113658' post='2434903']
They bashed your mates and kicked you about the place for months all the while you were screaming for help.
No. IRON did almost no damage to anyone after the second round of war and were barely engaged with their opponents. Alliances were being pulled off IRON throughout the war.

If gradually losing NS a war for months on end because their friends were refusing to accept that they had lost is the benchmark for military prowess then we should be shaking in fear when we think of most of the (obviously superior) alliances on these lists.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1283113640' post='2434902']
DAWN's military prowess? Like their 150k NS nation having a 20m warchest? Pretty amazing.

Even if that is true, then a single nation does not equal the fighting strength/spirit of the whole alliance.
I'm pretty sure that MK had quite a few nations with small/ barely existent warchests.

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[quote name='Swanfield' timestamp='1283113800' post='2434910']
Like I said, biased polls. No offence to MK, yes they are one of the best military alliances but Umbrella is better as the stats prove.

Stats don't make an alliance a military prowess... Organization, knowledge of turtling and staggering, overall knowledge of what government type is best for wartime, what order to launch your attacks in (with regards to CMs, Aircraft, etc.) and also to ensure that military wonders are bought in a timely manner, warchests, etc. etc. These are ALL factors to consider when choosing an alliance that is the best or worst.

Also, discrediting IRON and DAWN on a true military victory against Gramlins is truly pathetic, no joke. I personally saw them crush Gramlins bit by bit, they planned it perfectly and had near perfect staggers. Some of you guys are really ignorant of the facts and very inexperienced in CN as I can see. Oh well.

Edited by Batallion
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[quote name='Horatio Longworth' timestamp='1283113868' post='2434912']
NPO wouldn't really have to do anything(i.e. enter a war) to be the best. The poll didn't ask who was the most effective, or had been the most active recently. Simply: "Who has the best military?"

Since you have ask:
* NPO paid off the harshest reparations in the history of the game, and became a top-tiered alliance again.
* NPO is currently in the #2 spot in score, nation strength, and members. All behind MHA, who is not on that part on the list.
* NPO has the most nukes at 4,197.
* NPO has the more Manhattan Projects, Strategic Defense Initiatives, Hidden Nuclear Missle Silos and Pentagons than any other alliance.
* NPO #3 with the most Weapons Research Complexes, only due to the lack of technology from reparations.
* NPO has a rigorous system of admitting new nations.
[b]* NPO has a magnificent bank. Arguably one of the best in the game, if not [i]the[/i] best. [/b]

It's a pretty impressive record for the past 4 months. That is what they have done to deserve my vote. Either way, it's an accomplishment to be proud of.
[/quote]Best bank.
Best aid trains.
Best underdog bonus.

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1283113987' post='2434913']
Stats ain't !@#$. MHA is #1 and has a lot of big nations, godliest military empire for sure.

You pretty damn know what I mean.

Average Wonders per nation
Average NS
Average WRC per nation
Average tech per nation

Umbrella trumps MK in every single stat I pointed out above and a lot more.

The only reason MHA is "#1" alliance is because of the massive fluff of low NS nations they have accumulated over the years.

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[quote name='Batallion' timestamp='1283114092' post='2434920']
Stats don't make an alliance a military prowess... Organization, knowledge of turtling and staggering, overall knowledge of what government type is best for wartime, what order to launch your attacks in (with regards to CMs, Aircraft, etc.) and also to ensure that military wonders are bought in a timely manner, warchests, etc. etc. These are ALL factors to consider when choosing an alliance that is the best or worst. Also, discrediting IRON and DAWN on a true military victory against Gramlins is truly pathetic, no joke. I personally saw them crush Gramlins bit by bit, they planned it perfectly and had near perfect staggers. Some of you guys are really ignorant of the facts and very inexperienced in CN as I can see. Oh well.

You're a fool if you are trying to argue against Umbrella being the best military force on Bob. Ask anyone who has ever fought against or alongside of them, the best you can do is make a claim that MK and Umbrella are equals because of their various alliance types and styles. But saying anyone is better than Umbrella... :lol1:

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[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1283114076' post='2434919']
Even if that is true, then a single nation does not equal the fighting strength/spirit of the whole alliance.
I'm pretty sure that MK had quite a few nations with small/ barely existent warchests.
Not really, no. :smug:

DAWN started the war at 80+k avg and ended it with about 12k. Golan1st started at 150k and within a few weeks had a tiny, tiny nation. It was probably the most disastrous military performance from a so-called "elite" alliance I've ever seen. Our upper tier (actually the whole alliance tbh!) was a paragon of excellence.

Edited by Sandwich Controversy
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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1283114056' post='2434917']
Are we seriously so under the radar that we don't even get mentioned on this list?

Hell, you even forgot Argent. Please don't make military polls ever again.

E: The lack of NADC on the worst list is also beyond my comprehension.

As mentioned in the OP, Asgaard has never really fought and shown themselves as great fighters, so no one really knows you guys well enough. Also, Argent performed very poorly last war, I didn't add them in for great reason.

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1283114214' post='2434923']
You're a fool if you are trying to argue against Umbrella being the best military force on Bob. Ask anyone who has ever fought against or alongside of them, the best you can do is make a claim that MK and Umbrella are equals because of their various alliance types and styles. But saying anyone is better than Umbrella... :lol1:

If they can't do a triple break off flank attack then they aren't the best.

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