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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1282110015' post='2421239']
Penkala, what are you on about? Pez used extensive diplomacy. It's the only reason they're not wiping the floor with the whole of \m/ at the moment.

This situation is exactly the opposite of the situation between RoK and NSO. Here, diplomacy was used and war was averted. Stop being delusional.

[s]You are absolutely delusional. About the same amount of diplomacy was used here as was used by RoK. "Don't do X." *X happens* "Is he a member? No? K." *attacks*. With RoK, the question just changed from "is he a member" to "is this ordered by your government" and the scale increased appropriately (i.e. the alliance was punished for the alliance's actions, since it was an alliance action). Then war happened.[/s]

-We didn't attack MM for anything that had to do with GGA. At all. Saying that we did is not semantics. It's an outright lie.

Really? Because I see a DoW on GGA, followed by 2 DoWs on him. It looks an awful lot like a response to me. He said he would attack you, so you pre-empted him? Is this a policy your alliance generally follows? That doesn't seem very smart to me. Especially at that NS level, damage is negligible, you could have just let him attack you first to make sure you'd have no problems.

[quote]Penkala, the vuvuzela of the Cyberverse. No information or facts will stop the incessant droning.[/quote]
[quote]if only you'd extract your head from your rectum and open your eyes.[/quote]

*sigh* You're full of disappointments for me today Tyga. I hoped for better than a couple of ad hominems from you. Especially when I'm being quite fair in my assessments here based on the facts I had been provided (including from a member of your alliance) pointed to you attacking in retaliation for raiding GGA. (No, I'm not going to 'read the thread' for all of the info. I got info from a couple of people, including one of your members.) My assumptions, while apparently incorrect in this instance, were quite reasonable. You said you'd do something, then it appeared you did it. Logically, I would suspect the reason for the attack is attacking GGA (since that is what you said would cause the attack). Nowhere in the last several pages that I read was it laid out clearly what happened.

[quote]1. The wars between the STA and \m/ were not as a result of this announcement. It was due to MM threatening to go rogue and incorrect information given to the STA by \m/'s MoFA.

2. \m/'s attacks on GGA preceded this announcement and, as can be gleaned from the announcement, the policy was not to be applied retrospectively. No war on \m/ resulted from this policy.

Fair enough.

3. I'm not aware we had anything to do with RoK or their actions. [/quote]

Pezstar offered mediation in that conflict and was turned down, and complained about that.

[quote]You seeing the difference yet? Probably not, I'm guessing. [/quote]

Yes, I now see the difference.

Now if you're done acting like a nine year old, I would like to wish you good luck on the MM situation. He can be pretty unreasonable at times. I still feel there were better ways to handle this attacktorate for you, and I applaud \m/ for being the bigger man and not escalating this further. Also, attacktorates are a stupid idea, and I could have told you guys that one too. Maybe I should be \m/'s viceroy seeing as you have a knack for getting into trouble with the wrong people (hint: Please don't piss off people who are generally friendly to you. Piss off NPO or IRON or something.)

Edited by Penkala
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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1282111741' post='2421272']
You are absolutely delusional. About the same amount of diplomacy was used here as was used by RoK. "Don't do X." *X happens* "Is he a member? No? K." *attacks*. With RoK, the question just changed from "is he a member" to "is this ordered by your government" and the scale increased appropriately (i.e. the alliance was punished for the alliance's actions, since it was an alliance action). Then war happened.
WHAT DID I SAY! Go back to your bridge you have nothing of value and nothing of fact good bye now

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1282111741' post='2421272']
You are absolutely delusional. About the same amount of diplomacy was used here as was used by RoK. "Don't do X." *X happens* "Is he a member? No? K." *attacks*. With RoK, the question just changed from "is he a member" to "is this ordered by your government" and the scale increased appropriately (i.e. the alliance was punished for the alliance's actions, since it was an alliance action). Then war happened.

Facts be gone!


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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1282112035' post='2421275']
Facts be gone!


Read my edit. I was responding to posts as I read them. Classy, though.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1282112035' post='2421275']
Facts be gone!

Oh dear Tyga your wonderful words of wisdom are boundless may the Admin that be smile upon you with heavenly grace and smite the nay sayers in the junk, cause lets be honest about 85% of all this talk is worthless and no one wants to hear about what the facts are. What is simply stated here(the OP) is easy to read and understand. Now shut your mouth when you talking to Tyga, Boy!

Edited by Boomhower
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[quote name='Boomhower' timestamp='1282113375' post='2421299']
all this talk is worthless and no one wants to hear about what the facts are.

You are ridiculous and doing a disservice to your alliance. Please stop talking.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1282113569' post='2421303']
You are ridiculous and doing a disservice to your alliance. Please stop talking.

Ah the goldfish syndrome I previously mentioned in action. Try blurbing before making that circuit of the bowl.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1282113569' post='2421303']
You are ridiculous and doing a disservice to your alliance. Please stop talking.

The same could be said for you. Only thing is, yours is true.


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[quote name='SpectreTehDestroyer' timestamp='1282113947' post='2421311']
The same could be said for you. Only thing is, yours is true.


Yes I'm ridiculous because I listened to both sides of an argument and made a rational decision (and later corrected myself and admitted I was improperly informed (by one of your members, so don't blame me!)). But he is not ridiculous despite his 'gung-ho' mentality, refusal to even hear the other side out, sucking up to Tyga, and hypocrisy ("Is all you have childish insults?" *2 posts later, he makes blatant childish insults like "stop crying"*).

You sure got that one spot on, pal! Could I have some of whatever they're giving you guys over at STA? It must be good stuff.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1282111741' post='2421272']
(hint: Please don't piss off people who are generally friendly to you. Piss off NPO or IRON or something.)
It's ok Penky, perhaps one day you will be able to do something of consequence yourself, rather than crying out for others to do it for you.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1282111055' post='2421264']
Missing the point it seems. The point was not to stop \m/ from raiding but to get rid of the "attacktorate". I really need to get a shortcut key set up for this because I'm getting tired of having to repeat it.
What part of my sentence made you think I was implying you were stopping \m/ from raiding? I realize people are misunderstanding your actions all over the place, but you should really at least try to read individual posts before making assumptions.

You ended the "attacktorate", therefore making GGA an open target, as opposed to the sole domain of \m/. As I said, I don't see why only \m/ raiding was any worse than every alliance in CN raiding the AA.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1282157518' post='2421835']
What part of my sentence made you think I was implying you were stopping \m/ from raiding? I realize people are misunderstanding your actions all over the place, but you should really at least try to read individual posts before making assumptions.

You ended the "attacktorate", therefore making GGA an open target, as opposed to the sole domain of \m/. As I said, I don't see why only \m/ raiding was any worse than every alliance in CN raiding the AA.

So, you just reiterate your misunderstanding? The idea as you said yet still seem to miss at the same time, was to end "attacktorates" not raiding. One alliance raiding 5 nations is no better or worse than 10 alliances raiding them. However, the practice of fencing off an alliance affiliation for exclusive raiding [i]is[/i] worse than the standard raiding practices, hence what we did.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1282173001' post='2422154']
So, you just reiterate your misunderstanding? The idea as you said yet still seem to miss at the same time, was to end "attacktorates" not raiding. One alliance raiding 5 nations is no better or worse than 10 alliances raiding them. However, the practice of fencing off an alliance affiliation for exclusive raiding [i]is[/i] worse than the standard raiding practices, hence what we did.
And my point from the beginning was that I don't see what makes it so terrible if one alliance claims the right to raid an AA exclusively.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1282180174' post='2422331']
And my point from the beginning was that I don't see what makes it so terrible if one alliance claims the right to raid an AA exclusively.

Well I expect that's why he is the leader of an alliance he created from scratch and you are not. He understands these things and you don't.

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I do find some of the posts here funny, you are mostly mindless drones are you not, if \M/ had gone to war you would have made silly remarks about them for fighting this war, but because they backed down, you make silly remarks for them backing down.

So this is how it goes.

\M/ = GGA is ours
STA = NpO can we protect GGA from the big bad \M/
NpO = Well yes honey, do not forget a smile
STA = We will protect you GGA, with our make up and bra's
GGA = nothing there dead ?
\M/ = STA get a life you bunch of toothless tigers
NpO = DO NOT talk to her like that
\M/ = Sorry NpO we did not know she was your uuuummmm female dog.
STA = YAY we did it again.

that's pretty much all that's happened here

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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1282182214' post='2422388']
I do find some of the posts here funny, you are mostly mindless drones are you not, if \M/ had gone to war you would have made silly remarks about them for fighting this war, but because they backed down, you make silly remarks for them backing down.

So this is how it goes.

\M/ = GGA is ours
STA = NpO can we protect GGA from the big bad \M/
NpO = Well yes honey, do not forget a smile
STA = We will protect you GGA, with our make up and bra's
GGA = nothing there dead ?
\M/ = STA get a life you bunch of toothless tigers
NpO = DO NOT talk to her like that
\M/ = Sorry NpO we did not know she was your uuuummmm female dog.
STA = YAY we did it again.

that's pretty much all that's happened here
Good to see you are still so narrow minded.

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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1282182214' post='2422388']

As before, Dajobo pointed out that we did not ask NpO to do anything, we TOLD them what we were going to do and that was that. Now in the talks, Pezstar was outnumbered so she brought in her allies. Fair enough right? \m/'s tactic of outnumbering a person will not work on us. We are definitely smarter than that.

And toothless? I do believe we bit two of their nations who decided to play with us.

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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1282182214' post='2422388']
So this is how it goes.

\M/ = GGA is ours
STA = NpO can we protect GGA from the big bad \M/
NpO = Well yes honey, do not forget a smile
STA = We will protect you GGA, with our make up and bra's
GGA = nothing there dead ?
\M/ = STA get a life you bunch of toothless tigers
NpO = DO NOT talk to her like that
\M/ = Sorry NpO we did not know she was your uuuummmm female dog.
STA = YAY we did it again.

that's pretty much all that's happened here

Let's try this again.

[quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1282171152' post='2422102']
STA never ask our permission to do anything, we are allied because we trust each other. In this particular case I was the one contacted and I can tell you it was exactly as stated by STA. They informed us what they are doing. No asking, no checking numbers or any of that garbage, just straight informing their allies what they were doing. You would need to be a very stupid leader to think STA aren't independent thinkers with strong leadership.

Once again to make it clearer.

[quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1282171152' post='2422102']
STA never ask our permission to do anything

Edited by Regolith
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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1282182214' post='2422388']
I do find some of the posts here funny, you are mostly mindless drones are you not, if \M/ had gone to war you would have made silly remarks about them for fighting this war, but because they backed down, you make silly remarks for them backing down.

So this is how it goes.

\M/ = GGA is ours
STA = NpO can we protect GGA from the big bad \M/
NpO = Well yes honey, do not forget a smile
STA = We will protect you GGA, with our make up and bra's
GGA = nothing there dead ?
\M/ = STA get a life you bunch of toothless tigers
NpO = DO NOT talk to her like that
\M/ = Sorry NpO we did not know she was your uuuummmm female dog.
STA = YAY we did it again.

that's pretty much all that's happened here
Tyga and STA are pretty much their own people. They do not answer to Polar.

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[quote name='Boomhower' timestamp='1282182376' post='2422394']
Good to see you are still so narrow minded.

narrow minded = Lacking tolerance, breadth of view, or sympathy; petty. So am I all four or just one ?, I mean how can I have tolerance, breadth of view or sympathy for STA acting just the same way as Valhalla had with the backing of NPO ?, petty yeah I could go along with that one, but hay sometimes you just have to agree to the truth, how ever hard that might be for STA.

narrow minded is a person who does not want to hear the other side of the argument. [b]But in our postmodern world people accuse anyone who has firm beliefs of being narrow minded[/b].

[quote name='Jacob Reiffenstein' timestamp='1282182403' post='2422396']
Utter nonsense. <_<

Well its not like you would agree, I know its hard for you to admit the truth but try sometime, who knows you might like it

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