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[quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1281978295' post='2418007']
It probably would have helped had you read the update to the OP.

It appears he doesn't respect your authority to grant or deny permission. Good luck with your diplomatic efforts.

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[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1281982736' post='2418069']
\m/ what's next ? take sovereignty over red or purple.
I would suggest Purple, but our God King Stumpy might take offense.

But no seriously, purple. It'd be way more fun than GGA.

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[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1281982736' post='2418069']
\m/ what's next ? take sovereignty over red or purple. You're a joke and will get rolled for this stupidity and will disband just like your predecessor.

James Empire
Sith Marauder of War
True Sith
Man, I sure hope so, damn pesky \m/, owai :blink:

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[quote name='JimKongIl' timestamp='1281983342' post='2418085']
It appears he doesn't respect your authority to grant or deny permission. Good luck with your diplomatic efforts.
Speaking of diplomacy
[quote]The World Task Force does not engage in CN Forum politics. [/quote]

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1281959325' post='2417816']
[i][url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=4627"]Nation Created: 3/16/2006 9:35:05 PM (1,614 days old)[/url][/i]

Joined GGA the day he landed on Planet Bob and never left. Probably the only sad part about this.

Didn't the seniority get retroactively set to nation age at some point?

And the poor guy...he was probably only a few more months from getting his MP.

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[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1281986023' post='2418131']
Didn't the seniority get retroactively set to nation age at some point?

And the poor guy...he was probably only a few more months from getting his MP.

This is GGA we're talking about, he was a few [i]years[/i] from getting his MP.

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I'd be interested to see what would happen if this sort of thing became more common. As someone who doesn't tech raid I don't really care one way or the other who is allowed to tech raid a certain AA, but judging by some of the posts here not all tech raiders seem to like this idea.

[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1281986023' post='2418131']
Didn't the seniority get retroactively set to nation age at some point?

And the poor guy...he was probably only a few more months from getting his MP.

OOC: Seniority was introduced in about mid-2007 if I remember right, so seniority was set to nation age then.

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All GGA nations have been messaged with an offer to change their AA to Celestial Being Applicant. While we will not help in their current wars that occurred before the change we expect that no new wars will be launched on them once the change has occurred or they will be met with retaliation. Once the wars expire we will be giving them aid so they can get back on their feet and decide where to go from there.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1281943053' post='2417702']
Also you being the tough guy on IRC demanding I threaten you, so cute. Which by the way, I'm not kidding, I [i]will[/i] pee in your cheerios.

Anyway, this thread is really making my head hurt. I take my leave.

Don't pee in his bowl of cheerios... he'll have to throw half away.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1281983815' post='2418093']
Speaking of diplomacy


You are correct. WTF member are not supposed to even post on the OWF. My comments reflect my opinion not WTF's. I have offered my resignation to WTF and have changed my AA to None.

Do you still care to discuss this now that you have no rank to pull on me?

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1281995709' post='2418286']
All GGA nations have been messaged with an offer to change their AA to Celestial Being Applicant. While we will not help in their current wars that occurred before the change we expect that no new wars will be launched on them once the change has occurred or they will be met with retaliation. Once the wars expire we will be giving them aid so they can get back on their feet and decide where to go from there.

Why you gotta buzzkill brah?

Also please get into my range so I can pay you back for that tech raid a few years ago :P

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1281945865' post='2417729']
Oh, the irony.

Although, of course, raiding GAA is still a dick move. I realise why you're doing this, and if it was just a quiet raid on GGA without the OWF announcement I couldn't care less. But you're making a big deal out of the raiding of a few inactive GGA members who probably haven't even read their PMs now that they are no longer protected by a treaty. So while your issue is with the leaders, the people you are raiding are just the members. If you had beef with the GGA leadership when they were still a functioning alliance, [b]you should have done something about it then.[/b]

Come now, that would require balls. The nations residing on GGA now are inactive members or members who stay for whatever sentimental value there is, there is no government or protection anymore so \m/ is free to be the big bad bully on the block now. Still though, it's something out of the norm, so I like it.

Have fun raiding guys.

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