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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282012039' post='2418555']
Orly? Jeez I'd love to see where I was crying. Although I am rather happy I could make you drop your AA in a single post. Just a shame you're to big to raid.

No one is too big to raid. The only question is do you have the NS and the pair of adamantium gonads. ;)

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282015547' post='2418599']
Nation Strength: 159,642.059 (My nation strength is: 21,676.906)
I'd love to be able to raid you, but my math seems fine.

So you were just speaking for you personally, not as the founder of \m/ and Director of \m/land Security?

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1282016257' post='2418609']
I'm not entirely sure what you're aiming to prove here.

Most likely that \m/ has nations of sufficient NS to raid him...but presumably you have something else you want to use your 100k+ NS nations for besides relieving boredom...just a thought.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1282016492' post='2418614']
Most likely that \m/ has nations of sufficient NS to raid him...but presumably you have something else you want to use your 100k+ NS nations for besides relieving boredom...just a thought.
If they want to raid him they are more than free to.

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1282016257' post='2418609']
I'm not entirely sure what you're aiming to prove here.

I am just responding to the \m/ founder's statement that he would love to raid me.

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[quote name='JimKongIl' timestamp='1282017023' post='2418627']
I am just responding to the \m/ founder's statement that he would love to raid me.
And I would love to, beyond a doubt. Sell off your infra, land and tech so we can tangle.

Edited by Merrie Melodies
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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282017147' post='2418631']
And I would love to, beyond a doubt. Sell off your infra, land and tech so we can tangle.

With my attitude I'm sure one day I'll be small enough for you to raid me.

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[quote name='Lukapaka' timestamp='1282016976' post='2418626']
I wonder if \m/ will actually declare on someone for raiding w/o their permission, or if this was just a big stage to announce they're raiding a disband AA.

I haven't asked permission yet, and I'm raiding a GGA nation as we speak. I'm waiting for my response. I'm hoping it isn't something lame like, "Oh you are a member of an ally..."

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1282007569' post='2418464']
It shouldn't even rate as a poor show. I'm a member of PC, I raid, but I don't brag about it all over the OWF. Well actually I have in the pass when I used to run the FORA, but that was then and not now. This showing is more of a ddongchim sort of showing. You see those nation leaders who got their start teaching ESL in South Korea know the dreaded horror called ddongchim. That is where a South Korean school boy jams their finger into your unsuspecting rectum when you are walking down the hall to get a rile out of you.

Seriously, it is the most disconcerting experience ever for the leaders of Planet Bob. One moment you are walking to the copier to print out 40 copies of a DoW for smashing some alliance up and the next moment you have a chortling 8 year old South Korean boy trying to impale you via your rectum. Mind you, I should point out that even in Korea it is considered the norm that you wear pants. So there is no actual penetration, but the mere attempt is always a huge surprise.

So yeah, this entire thing screams, "I'm an 8 year old South Korean Academy brat trying to shove my finger in the entire rectum of planet bob."

Funny thing is.. every single time a kid tried to ddongchim me he ended up with his nose in the corner for an hour.

Just saying \m/.. Don't expect me to fight for you clowns when you piss someone else off at you over these types of juvenile antics. I'll flat out refuse any order to go to war to protect you ding a lings from the consequences of your ddongchiming.
Lol awesome post

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1282057792' post='2419626']
How unfortunate that no GGA nations are in range. This is childish attention-seeking and classless bullying all rolled into one, and I hope some well connected alliance calls you on it.

Guess you haven't been paying attention but STA already called them out on it and they backed down like a bunch of cowards. It was hilarious to watch.

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You're correct, I've not been paying attention due to not being in the office for a few days. Nice to see another Frostbite alliance standing up for decency (that's two out of three now, when's your moralist streak coming out :awesome: ) and no surprise to see \m/ back down.

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