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[b][size=5]The Charter of Africa[/size][/b][/center]


Africa is founded on the principles of blessing the rains. The sovereign nations of Africa acknowledge that it would require more than one-hundred (100) men to cease the alliance from interfering in conflicts in which Africa feels its interests may lie.

[b]Article I: Totos, the Rights of Totos, and the Council of Totos[/b]

Each member-nation of Africa is known as a ‘Toto,’ and shall be referred to as a ‘Toto’ throughout the rest of this document.

Every Toto is given one vote in all alliance decisions, including charter amendments and approval of new Totos. The only governing body of the alliance is the membership, henceforth known as the Council of Totos, or simply the Council. Decisions will be executed following a vote that passes with a simple majority (>50%), unless otherwise specified in Africa’s charter.

Administrative privileges will be retained for the time being by the Africa founders, until a vote by the Council of Totos re-establishes administrative privileges.

[b]Article II: Membership Applications[/b]

Africa does not have an open recruiting policy. In order to join Africa, an applicant must inform the Council of their intent to join, and then endure a screening process lasting as long as the Council deems necessary. During this probationary period, the prospective Toto will better learn Africa’s culture, and the Council will better learn the applicant.

Under special circumstances, and following a vote requiring a simple majority, the Council may permit the applicant to join the Africa alliance affiliation until they are either rejected from or accepted to the alliance.

After every Toto of the Council is satisfied with the probationary period, an official vote will be taken by the Council, lasting at least 48 hours or until every Toto has voted. The vote must pass by a 2/3 majority for the applicant to be accepted as a Toto.

[b]Article III: Blessing the Rains[/b]

Africa is a direct democracy, in which all official members belong to the Council of Totos. There is no defined individual leader, and the forum administrative privileges are to be retained by the founders until otherwise decided by the alliance.

All decisions that affect Africa will be subject to a vote by the Council, requiring a simple majority, and will stand for no more than 48 hours, unless otherwise stipulated in this charter. If every member has voted or declared their intention not to vote before the 48 hour period elapses, the vote will be considered complete.

Every Toto is afforded one vote in alliance decisions. Members abstaining from the democratic process will be considered to have removed themselves from the voting pool.

[b]Article IV: Secret Codes[/b]

Any secret plan must have a secret code.
The more complex it is, the better.
Everyone already knows pig latin.
Phrases like, ‘Code Blue’ are cool.

[b]Article V: Diplomats[/b]

Africa will welcome diplomats to its boards and allow them limited access to public boards and special diplomatic forums. Access for diplomats beyond these forums will be subject to a normal vote by the Council. [/quote]

Our forums are located at [url]http://s4.zetaboards.com/Africa/[/url]
Our public IRC channel is #Africa

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCca5mPMp9A]The Official Africa Anthem[/url]

[i]Zbaldwin[/i], Toto
[i]Moridin[/i], Toto

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1280811721' post='2399187']
I like you guys, but.....argh....

Way to go with your "too many alliances" rant. Now everyone and his dog wants to make one.

I think they're doing it just to spite me. Might just be my ego though.

Shouldn't your flag have some combination of black, red, and green in it? Blue doesn't really strike me as African.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1280811855' post='2399194']
I think they're doing it just to spite me. Might just be my ego though.

Shouldn't your flag have some combination of black, red, and green in it? Blue doesn't really strike me as African.

It's Klein Blue.

This is a Toto-themed alliance. Any relation to the (OOC) Continent (/OOC) is coincidental. The shape on the flag was inspired by Toto's album artwork.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1280811855' post='2399194']
I think they're doing it just to spite me. Might just be my ego though.[/quote]

Some might be. Others probably aren't.

This one is probably in the "might be" category. :P

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